Oh, oh, it’s MAGIC

AO: titan
Q: Vector
PAX: Black Lung, Chunks, Detective Pikachu, DintyMoore, Firefox, Freakonomics, Good Morning America, greyalbum, hambone, Natural Ice, Pep, preacherman, Right Said, Salpal, Spinal Tap, Tim the Toolman, 15-Love
FNGs: 1 15-Love
As is often the case with a Vector Q, the workout planning involves weeks of theme playlist curating and then a frantic 24 hours of “crap, how do I create a workout to match my super cool playlist?” So, in that spirit:

While many may try to use instant supplements or crazy muscle building ideas to get swole, you can’t rely on magic to get fit. So in honor of Harry Houdini, born 150 years ago in 1874, I present a different kind of magic to get y’all in shape.

CONDITIONS: Damp yet perfect

WARMUP: Mosey around the parking lot to the far side of the Parthenon. Willy Mayes Hayes x 10, LBAC x 10, Seal claps x 10, Overhead Press x 10, Reverse LBAC x 10, and Good Mornings x 10 OHO

MAGIC #1 – 150 reps of each exercise and a run around the Parthenon between each:
M – Merkins
A – Alabama Prom Dates
G – Gorilla Humpers (which I had to example multiple times . . . hmm)
I – Iron Mikes
C – Carolina Dry Docks
(Fair amount of mumbling that each leg should not count only 1/2 on these exercises . . . I did not waiver).

MAGIC #2: 150 reps but no running in between due to time
M: Mountain Climbers
A: Ass Kickers
G: Great Form Squats
I: Incline Merkins
C: Crunches (Little Baby)

Ended at time – welcomed FNG 15-Love a recently married tennis fan EH’d by Detective Pikachu.

PRAYERS: To Grey Album on impending adoption and associated stress, friend Yuri and family facing pancreatic cancer, and others I forgot (apologies!)

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Hunger Games this weekend, Hike/Ruck with 2.0s to give M’s a break – see Slack for deets.

Honored to lead and that you all continue to tolerate my Q-uirkiness (see what I did there?) in leading . . . SYITG