The Standard

AO: thestronghold
Q: Chunks
PAX: Dan and Dave, Salami, hambone, Schnauzer, Young and Restless, Hair Band, Pole Dancer, Dan Tanna, Shocker (Mark Holmes), toga, Skeet, Spinal Tap, Grape, Right Said, Natural Ice, caprate, Red Skull, C Sharp, Snapper, DreamCast, Old McDonald, Coon Skin, Slash, Pearl, Vera Wang, Big Country, Old G, Humble Boxer, The Raptor(Miami), Zorro, Speedway, Filet O Fish, Ten Pack,, Big Bird
FNGs: 1 Big Bird

WARMUP: No warm up. Gave a 5 min warning to do some stretching.


Circle up and partner up 1:1 F3 – 4:13
Welcome with Disclaimer and the standard: Push yourself

Then explain that during the workout the F3 & 4:13 men are to get to know each other with the F3 man prepared to give the 4:13 man a nickname at the end of the workout.

Right Said recited the Mission of F3.

Then we run in two lines with the F3 man on the left and his partner to his right. The partners sprint to the front as a team when I call out Front. We ran a mile around the campus, Train caused a little pivot to get the whole mile

At 1 mile we stopped and did a set of BOMBS starting at 5 and each exercise increasing the reps by 5 to 25 Squats. Then I talked briefly about how Mental Toughness is perishable. Just because you finished mental toughness week doesn’t mean it lasts forever, you must requalify every day.

Then we ran again following the same method I yelled Front and then stopped for another set of BOMBS starting at 5. Then talked briefly about 1 second decisions. Between now and the end of the 40 days they will have to make a lot of 1 second decisions. It only takes one of those to lose everything. You must gain control of your mind when all you want to do is quit. Cause at some point you will want to quit.

Ran back to start ex with a detour out onto foster ave and around the corner following the same method for a final set of BOMBS starting at 5. Then talked briefly on Performing without Motivation. Right now you have a purpose to finish the 40 days, but there will be times when you don’t have an easy goal like that and you have to Perform without Motivation, you just have to do it. Use these next 40 days to gain control of your mind and body. All these men here and the others that will take this journey with you want to see you succeed and win. But it’s not given without work. This program will push you, but will also support you. Take advantage of this opportunity, forget about your past and live in the present.

Circled up for the naming ceremony. The PAX did not disappoint with some good names this class.

We had and FNG that Red Skull named Big Bird.

Thanks to everyone that came out and the atlantis men.

Always an honor to lead you men.

Strength and Honor,

COT: C Sharp asked to lead the closing prayer in the ball of Man.

Simple workout

AO: westeros
Q: Pep
PAX: Vector, bluemule, Right Said, Young and Restless, Spinal Tap, DintyMoore, Natural Ice, Tim the Toolman, Sherlock, Hacker
FNGs: None
Cool fall morning

– run around school
– seal claps
– imperial walkers
– hillbillies
– Good mornings
– Willie mays Hayes


100 – pull ups
200 – windshield wipers
300 – fire hydrants

Upcoming chili cook off: if you want to volunteer contact Natural Ice or Wolfpack

Gratitude for right said’s surgery going well
Pep work
Dinty Moore: tough administrative situation at work

Only Wanna Be With You

AO: greenmachine
Q: Chunks
PAX: Cowboy, Grape, t-cell, Rocket Mortgage, FeelTheBerns, Young and Restless, NFT, Midwife, Natural Ice, Black Lung, Michelin Man, Legal Eagle, moneyshot, Focker, Fudd
FNGs: None

42 SSH

Round 1:
– Cinder Block Carry: One member carries the cinder block 50 yards and back.
– Bodyweight Exercise: Team does Jumping Jacks until the cinder block carrier returns.
– Switch and Repeat until each team member has carried the cinder block.
Round 2:
– Cinder Block Swings: One member performs 20 swings with the cinder block.
– Bodyweight Exercise: Team does Mountain Climbers until swings are done.
– Switch and Repeat until each team member has done swings.
Round 3:
– Cinder Block Curls: One member performs 20 curls with the cinder block.
– Bodyweight Exercise: Team does Plank Hold until curls are done.
– Switch and Repeat until each team member has done curls.
Round 4:
– Cinder Block Rows: One member performs 20 rows (10 each side) with the cinder block.
– Bodyweight Exercise: Team does Burpees until are rows done.
– Switch and Repeat until each team member has done rows.
Round 5:
– Cinder Block rifle carry: One member rifle carriers a block down and back..
– Bodyweight Exercise: Team does Merkins until the block carrier returns.
– Switch and Repeat until each team member has carried the block.

TEAM 1 were the Winners 3 – 2.

Circled up for some P90X Yoga for 10 mins

5 Mins of Dealers Choice Mary

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 10 Year Anniversary Saturday

COT: Prayers for family and healing.

Always and honor to lead you men. SYITG!

Pistol Pete!

AO: detention
Q: Grape
PAX: Black Lung, Winona, EZ-Go, Pedialyte, Works for a Guy, Movin On Up, Mistah Mistah, Michael Freiburg, Deep State, Natural Ice, Matador
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: doesn’t get better than this in Nash


THE THANG: in honor of Pete Sampras’ first grand slam title on 9/9/1990, we did a bunch of running and burpees

S- 14 suicides
A- 90 Alabama prom dates
M- 64 merkins
P- 15 prison cell merkin burpees
R- 30 regular burpees
A- 40 ab thrusters
S- 45 SSH and 44 squats

5 MoM

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 9/11 and 9/14 convergences

COT: prayers for Mistah Mistah’s friend, for Natural Ice interview, for EZ-Go’s sick household


#cruelhall heads north

AO: handsomizer
Q: Donkey Hammer
PAX: Focker, Patty, Freakonomics, Cuban Missile, Michael Freiburg, Young and Restless, Mistah Mistah, caprate, Black Lung, Natural Ice, Old Maid, Red Skull, Globetrotter
FNGs: 1 Globetrotter
65 and pleasant

SSH, GM, WMH, IW, hillbillies
Thoracic rotations
High plank -> right/left foot forward with rotation
Prone snow angel
Prone scorpion
Down dog to up dog
Side lying shoulder rotation
Jane Fondas
Supine pigeon
Straight leg raises – R, L, B

Dips x 25

Tabata – 45 seconds on, 15 seconds off x 3 rounds
Elevated shoulder taps
Step ups
Mtn climbers
Lateral lunges

Dips x 25

11’s ( although we only had time for about 4 rounds)
Kick throughs at the top/atomic merkins at the bottom

Jog back to the start

What a great day to get out with the men on handsomizer. A few of the cruelhall made it out and it was a great time. Looking forward to you guys traveling south on October 4th for a visit. It was an honor to lead.

September 11th convergence at Capitol steps at 5:30am

10th Anniversary convergence September 14th at stonewall. Starts at 6am.

Half marathon training is ongoing. Nashville Half Marathon is October 26th. Join the nashville-half-marthaon channel if interested.

Congratulations Patty on your upcoming marriage. Wonderful news!

Welcome, @Globetrotter!

Proverbs 27:17
As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.

Let’s continue to be there for each other in pursuit of being the best version of ourselves

It was a great morning. Thank you for letting me join in.

100 8 Count Body Builder Finale

AO: thestronghold
Q: Natural Ice
PAX: Young and Restless, Ripcord, Dan and Dave, Dan Tanna, Shocker (Mark Holmes), Chunks, toga, Red Skull, Natural Ice, Longway, Fivepoints, Speedwalker, Skidmark, Baby Boy, Trajectory, Tempertantrum, Lightweight
FNGs: None

WARMUP: SSH, Merkins, Squats, Imperial Walkers, Arm Circles, WHaze, and a nice Mosey

THE THANG: Each of the men from 413 Strong, took turns sharing lessons learned over the last 7 weeks in the program and then lead the group in a set of five 8 count Body Builders. Red Skull kick us off and I closed out the set for a solid 50.

Pax took a mosey toward the startdex and repeated the format, this time the men shared Goals for the future with Red Skull closing out with a challenge to push through the next stage of the program.

MOLESKINE: Trust the Process, Set Realistic and Attainable Goals. Do not sell yourself short and Do Not Give Up

COT: Prayers for Health, Future Jobs, and Perseverance

I am thankful to have gotten to know this group of men and I am looking forward to catching up and hearing about their progress.


Bust a Move

AO: handsomizer
Q: Old Maid
PAX: Spinal Tap, Rocket Mortgage, Freakonomics, Strutter, caprate, Dragon Spark, Natural Ice, Cuban Missile, Old Maid, Young and Restless, Donkey Hammer, Patty
FNGs: None
Clear, blue, and 22

Good mornings OYO
Hamstring stretches
Willie Mays OYO

Non-stop fun paired with some glorious tunes.

1. Squats – Flower by Moby
2. Mosey to stairs- You Make My Dreams (Come True) by Hall & Oats (3:11)
3. Low Plank, Merkins, Side Planks, more
Merkins — I Love Rock N’ Roll by Joan Jett
4. Stair run (x3) – Watch Your Step by Ted Hawkins
5. Bear Crawls, Tricep Dips, Mosey to turf –
Bust a Move by Young MC
6. Circle Burp (Up Downs) – The Spark by
Kabin Crew
7. SSH, Mosey – Fire In My Soul – Tom
Staar Remix
8. Bicycle Crunches, WWls, American
Hammers — Gas Pedal Dave Audé Remix
9. Frog Jumps, Flying Nuns (Lunge walk with little baby arm circles) – Come and Get Your Love by Redbone
10. Merkins low and slow, Planks – End of the Line by Traveling Wilburys



– Convergence w/ Detention coming up soon
– Natural Ice is looking for 2ndf suggestions
– Something else I can’t remember

– Prayers for those training for half and full marathons
– Prayers for injuries and recovery

Trivia Time

AO: thestronghold
Q: Chunks
PAX: bluemule, Skeet, Decaf, Right Said, Red Skull, Dan Tanna, Natural Ice, Ripcord, Young and Restless, Lightweight, Speed Walker, Trajectory, Baby boy, Longway, Skid Mark, Temper Tantrum. Five Points
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Gave a 5 min warning to stretch, cause we had a lot to cover

5 rounds of Questions with running and burpees in between

Round 1 – F3 and 413 Values
Round 2 – Bible
Round 3 – Financial Literacy
Round 4 – Workplace
Round 5 – Requirements to graduate

Team Concrete was victorious.

On our way back to the Startex we stopped at the stop sign. I gave bluemule a 7 second head start and the rest of the PAX had to catch him or do burpees.

A couple of men caught him and gave up right at the end and didn’t finish strong. bluemule gave a rousing speech about not quitting when you see the finish line.

I always make a point to tell the 413 men at this point that I love them and am proud of them. Then implore them to keep working hard cause the next phase is the hardest.

Always honored to lead here.

This is a big week for the 4:13 men. Final run on tuesday, final workout on Thursday and Signing day on Friday.

Mark your calendars now and make it a point to come encourage these men this week. They will be fielding job offers and can always use a sounding board to make the best decision.

SYITG, Chunks



Handsomizer 8/16/24

AO: handsomizer
Q: Salami
PAX: Spinal Tap, Patty, Old Maid, Natural Ice, Rocket Mortgage, El Pollo Loco, Goofy, Wedding Singer
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: A touch cooler than lately

Motivators from 7
Mosey around the stadium
Butt kickers
High knees
Arrive back at grass
Jane fondas IC 10 each leg

10 merks
16 Freddie Mercurys
10 diamond merks
16 plank jacks
10 wide merks
16 mountain climbers

Run to side of stadium and back

10 drop n chops (squat, left knee up, squat, right knee up = 1 rep)
16 leg lifts
10 Peter Parkers
16 WWIs
10 squats
16 V-ups

Stair run

30 Moroccan night clubs IC
20 Supermans IC
20 AL prom dates IC
10 burpees

Run through parking lot and back
10 8ct body builders

2 mins of Mary


Wedding Singer F3 disc golf @ Crockett Park 0600 Saturday 8/17
Natural Ice wants more ideas for 2nd F shindigs
8/21/24 convergence at III Pillars

COT: Wedding Singer reminds us to be present for our kids/loved ones while they are around
Keep Blueliner in your thoughts and prayers, stop by if you can. Bring stogies

Tortoise & Hare, episode 4

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: Crawlspace, Right Said, Michelin Man, Hair Band, Chunks, Natural Ice, hambone, SalPal (retired), bluemule, Focker, Judy, Decaf, DintyMoore, Spammer (Charlotte), Speed Walker, Baby Boy, Light Weight, Five Points, Temper Tantrum, Unc, Skid Mark, Long Way, Trajectory
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Unbelievable beautiful mid-August morning – 68 degrees and a break in the humidity.

WARMUP: Standard pre-run warmup – SSH, HBWs, Squats, Leg Stretches, WMH OYO.

THE THANG: Find your Pace Partner and RUN!! Congrats to Judy and Focker for bringing their group in with a PR two weeks in a row! We had a total of 4 PRs this morning among the 4:13 Strong men. Thank you to my F3 brothers for such a strong showing and for being so encouraging.


ANNOUNCEMENTS: 9/11 Convergence, The Struggle on 11/1, Tennessee Tussle on 11/9

COT: Prayers for focus, strength and endurance.