God Bless America (I got a copy in my truck)

AO: devilsden
Q: McAfee
PAX: Linus, Skeet, Woodchuck, Flash, Meat Sweats
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: beach weather (according to McAfee)

WARMUP: 3x Turkish getups each side after OYO streching

THE THANG: Squat Pyramid!! Two Times!!
1x Press 1x Clean 1x Squat 1x Renegade Row
up on Squats till we hit 5 reps, then back down.

Finished off with 100 KB Swings. Hoo lawd!

MOLESKINE: Did you know Jesus had a brother? How did the bible get put together? We’ve got 2 more Wednesdays with Woodchuck before he ships off for a while. Let’s enjoy them.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Half Marathon at 7:00 at Don Fox Park this Saturday!

COT: Beautiful words were spoken to lift up those in need in prayer; thankfulness and gratitude for the things we have in this life were expressed.

Just What The Doctor Ordered

AO: devilsden
Q: Flash
PAX: Woodchuck, Skeet, Linus, McAfee, @Meatsweats
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Almost but not quite Fall

WARMUP: OYO Stretching

THE THANG: KB Routine:
6 Overhead Presses per Arm
6 Pause Squats per Arm
8 Bent over Rows per Arm
12 KB Swings per Arm
12 sit-outs per side

MOLESKINE: Robert has a Chrysler not a Subaru, robots don’t lift the boxes, Saturn has 2 moons, world history has a bunch of dudes with weird names, insurance companies – are they actually the bad guys?, the American medical system is a racket, Ozempic 4 lyfe

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Need to find a KB workout for September


10 Reasons to Love America

AO: devilsden
Q: McAfee
PAX: Skeet, Linus, Flash, Woodchuck, RPJ
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Fall’s first sneak peak

WARMUP: 2 mins stretching

THE THANG: KB Routine du jour:
6 Overhead Presses per Arm
6 Pause Squats per Arm
8 Bent over Rows per Arm
12 KB Swings per Arm
12 sit-outs per side


Cooled down with some stretching and a personal favorite of mine, the Bill of Rights, also known as the first 10 Amendments of the Constitution. A higher or loftier expression of the non-negotiable elements of freedom is hard to find. God bless this beautiful experiment we have the rare opportunity to take part in.

MOLESKINE: 80 degrees is too warm for most, but all agree AC is EXPENSIVE.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 9-11 and 10 year anniversary convergences coming up in Nashville! Stay tuned for more details.

COT: praying for our dear friend Reveille, whose rock playlist we greatly enjoyed in his absence, and those who need comfort.

Indian Style

AO: devilsden
Q: Flash
PAX: McAfee, Reveille, Flash, Woodchuck
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Almost…cool…?

WARMUP: 6 Turkish get-ups

THE THANG: July Kettlebell Regimen x4. Finished with 5 minutes of burpee broad jumps until the clock hit 6:15AM

MOLESKINE: Mumble chatter: Home COVID tests are weird, Army fitness requirements even weirder, Flash has hair under his hat, Woodchuck new gig, McAfee did not remove shirt, Rev can’t sit Indian style, can you even say “Indian style” anymore?



Back to Basics

AO: devilsden
Q: McAfee
PAX: Woodchuck
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: mild summer morn

WARMUP: OYO stretching

THE THANG: July Kettlebell Regimen x5, but focus on form and mind-muscle connection.

Low, slow and grueling, our sweat a testament to the efficiency of simple exercises done consistently, this was a sleeper burner.


ANNOUNCEMENTS: praying for all our traveling friends, Linus’ business endeavors, and those who need healing.

COT: not all those who wander are lost


AO: devilsden
Q: McAfee
PAX: RPJ, Skeet, Woodchuck
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: cotton candy sunrise skies

WARMUP: Turkish get ups sloooooooooooowly x6


Tricep extensions
Sumo deadlifts
Lat rows
Glute bridge bench press


ANNOUNCEMENTS: quiet for now

COT: nothing in particular to pray for, we offered thanks and gratitude for our blessings and strength for those who struggle. Thank you to Woodchuck for a refined and elegant prayer as per usual.

4 Minutes of Rest

AO: devilsden
Q: Flash
PAX: Woodchuck, Skeet, McAfee, Linus
FNGs: None



4 Rounds:

1:00 – Side straddle hops
1:00 – Lunges
0:30 – Hand release merkins
0:30 – Big Boy sit-ups
0:30 – Hand release merkins
0:30 – Big Boy sit-ups
1:00 – Squats
1:00 – Mountain climbers
1:00 – Burpees
1:00 – Lunges
1:00 – Calf Raises
0:45 – Plank
1:15 – Rest

Finish: Burpees ‘til 6:15 (about 2.5 minutes)

Enjoyed the mumble chatter amidst the work. Enjoyed leading everyone!




5 by 4

AO: devilsden
Q: McAfee
PAX: Skeet, Reveille, Linus, Flash, #Clippy and Willy Loman from St. Petersburg #Crocs
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Below Freezing

WARMUP: Good mornings, WMHs, LBACs OYO

THE THANG: 5×4 = 25×100
For each 1 rep of exercise A, multiply the reps x4 for exercise B. Work from 1 up to 5 and then back down for a total of 25 of A, 100 of B

1: A = Merkins, B = Plank Jacks
2: A = Pull Ups, B = American Hammers
3: A = Squats, B = Dips
4: A = Big Boy Get Ups, B = Merkins

Final Round of Choose Your Own Mary to send us home

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Big plans for a 90 day #BuffPax challenge! Skeet is leading the charge to start a 90 day KB strength training regimen, McAfee is strongly encouraging PAX to take a look at diet and put as many grams of protein as possible on your plate! Rule of Thumb = 1g of protein for every lb of your ideal weight. So if you want to gain 5 lbs of muscle, take your current weight, add 5, that’s your daily protein intake goal in grams!


AO: devilsden
Q: Flash
PAX: McAfee, Skeet
FNGs: None


THE THANG: The number of electoral college votes to become President. The year Pham Hung comes to power in Champa and raids the Chinese-occupied territory of Tonkin. 2 + 7 + 0 = 9, square root of 9 is 3, 3 PAX at Devil’s Den.

Whatever it is, we did 270 burpees. 6 burpees EMOM for 45 rounds.

Simple, effective, tough.


Solid Fundamentals

AO: devilsden
Q: McAfee
PAX: Skeet
FNGs: None
Conditions: well below freezing

Warm Up: Farmer’s Carry all the weights to the playground.

The Thang:

Simple, straightforward work; EMOM rounds of 45 seconds, PAX switching between active/dynamic movements and static/isometric exercises.

Round 1:
Weighted Merkins
People’s Chair

Round 2:
Kettlebell/Plate Swings

Round 3:
Squat Thrusters
Dip pause

After 2 cycles it was time to cool down with Farmer’s Carries and Rifle Carries to return the weights.

This Q was about fundamentals, about doing the basics frequently and with exceptional form. No matter what age, experience, or fitness level, PAX can always benefit from going back to the fundamentals.

As in the Q so in life; we will continue to persevere at Devil’s Den until, in God’s timing, the seed of F3 we’ve planted continues to grow and mature into a full fledged region. This is the way.