Solid Fundamentals

AO: devilsden
Q: McAfee
PAX: Skeet
FNGs: None
Conditions: well below freezing

Warm Up: Farmer’s Carry all the weights to the playground.

The Thang:

Simple, straightforward work; EMOM rounds of 45 seconds, PAX switching between active/dynamic movements and static/isometric exercises.

Round 1:
Weighted Merkins
People’s Chair

Round 2:
Kettlebell/Plate Swings

Round 3:
Squat Thrusters
Dip pause

After 2 cycles it was time to cool down with Farmer’s Carries and Rifle Carries to return the weights.

This Q was about fundamentals, about doing the basics frequently and with exceptional form. No matter what age, experience, or fitness level, PAX can always benefit from going back to the fundamentals.

As in the Q so in life; we will continue to persevere at Devil’s Den until, in God’s timing, the seed of F3 we’ve planted continues to grow and mature into a full fledged region. This is the way.