AO: atlantis
Q: SalPal
PAX: Firefox, Young Pawn, Toothless, Pole Dancer, Crawlspace, Right Said, sooner, Lunch Lady, Timber, Wolfpack, Sooie, The Merchant, Subway, Siri, Bareback, Chunks, Skidmark (lol)
FNGs: 1 Skidmark (lol)
Please comment the person I forgot and I’ll add. Running on 3 hours of sleep and as many cups of coffee.

CONDITIONS: 2 inches of water on every playable space at West Park

WARMUP: Quick circle of standard warmsups

THE THANG: 10 men took their shirts off, 9 left them on, played 7v7 ultimate with subs. Good times had by all.

MOLESKINE: Loved the energy and commitment to the game out there. Thanks for coming out guys.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: pain-train launch! may-you-pull-up ongoing. Comment if I missed any.

Siri’s dog
Lunch Lady and ongoing improvement in health + friend’s funeral this weekend
Right Said Crawlspace family recovering
Young Pawn and M on tough conversations
Intentions spoken and unspoken

Something about old dogs and new tricks.

AO: titan
Q: Michelin Man
PAX: Pep, Michelin Man, Natural Ice, Detective Pikachu, Spinal Tap, Firefox, Right Said, Crawlspace, Supernova, Papa Bear, caprate, Puzzlah, Good Morning America, Tim the Toolman, Salami, Kirkland
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: solid. no complaints. no jackets.

WARMUP: none





Crazy 8s

AO: bomber
Q: DintyMoore
PAX: Firefox, Vector, Cream Cheese, CubCadet, DintyMoore, Papa Bear, Pep, Tim the Toolman, Wet Wipes, sooner, porcelain
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Cool :sunglasses:

WARMUP: Jog around AO, SSHs, LBACs, Good Mornings, 20 each Mike Tyson Push-ups, Incline Merkins, Dips, Step-Ups

THE THANG: PAX chose playlist B for baseball walk up songs, then we ran to SP Elementary

Partner DORA
100 Hand Release Merkins
200 Reverse Lunges
300 Freddy Mercuries
200 American Hammers

Return to Start and complete 2:06 plank for #plankpril challenge

MOLESKINE: Ever grateful for this community that shows grace and understanding during tough times, even in small things, to help lift up vs. tear down.

HC to UFC 300 w/ Chunks in Hendersonville tomorrow evening.

COT: Always a pleasure to lead

Death March to the Danger Zone

AO: atlantis
Q: Three Stooges
PAX: SalPal, Cable News, Pole Dancer, Toothless, Firefox, Schnauzer, Hurl Mary
FNGs: None

Danger Zone – Side Straddle Hop to Kenny Loggins Danger Zone. Squat every time he sings “Danger Zone.”
Mosey to bigger parking lot.

Bataan Death March – Burpee Indian Run. PAX mosey in a line. Last man drops and does 5 burpees. They then run to catch the others, tapping the new last man for their burpees, and continue to the front of the line.
15 minutes came to 1.5 miles.

Mosey to Pizza Hut

Tabata exercise
2 sets: 1 min exercise/30 sec rest
Alabama Prom Dates

Plankpril 2 min plank

Finished with some Mary

Thank you all for a great VQ. We had a great turnout and I had a lot of fun. We keep working and getting stronger everyday. Tomorrow is going to continue to be better than it was today.

Plankpril – we’re at 2 minutes
Bring a Friend Under the Sea Day – May 2nd
The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny – May 9th
Show support at the new AOs if you can
pain-train(Fridays in Bellevue)
the-castle (Wednesdays & Saturdays in Hendersonville)
Chunks is having a UFC watch party with BBQ Saturday. See 2ndf for details.

Intentions were shared for friends and family members. Finished with an Our Father.


Freed (for all) to Lead

AO: bomber
Q: hambone , Chunks, CubCadet, Vector, Sherlock, Pep, Firefox, Tim the Toolman, Papa Bear, Puzzlah
PAX: Chunks, CubCadet, Vector, Sherlock, Pep, Firefox, Tim the Toolman, Papa Bear, Puzzlah
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Concerned about the AOQ, the pax decided to head out towards casa de Scouten at 5:30. The slight mosey is just what everyone needed to get the blood flowing. Upon arrival, the pax noticed that 1) the houses was dark and 2) it was quiet. Fearing death / an angry M, Chunks opted not to ring the doorbell and instead we moseyed back to the startex.

THE THANG: Ever the positive influence, hambone decided to get the men moving around and routed everyone to the front of the community center with a circle up and chat.

F3 is about leadership, and with all of the accomplished men in the pax, leadership was not hard to find. With a (roughly) 5 minutes per mini-Q, each man was to take his turn leading the crew. Y’know how people would make up stories at camp with a few sentences and pass to the next man? It was gonna be like that except with less maturity.

hambone decided that the men needed to head away from the AO and took his 5(ish) minutes to move a quiet side street. The men proceeded to do “threes” with burpees at each end.

Chunks took the men back to BBQ and proceed to honor DintyMoore with BOMBS. YHC then fired Chunks.

Firefox took us back to the community center and proceeded to lead us in some bench work. Ever jealous of FF’s athleticism, YHC fired FF.

Puzzlah allowed some stretching, but then immediately took us to the hill and threatened to run. Thanks fully it was limited to bear crawls and squats. Since YHC wasn’t wearing gloves, YHC fired Puzzlah.

Understanding that hambone was being biased towards the younger crowd, the reins were turned over to Tim the Toolman who ran us back to the playground for a round of 30, 25, 15, 10 on squats, dips, burpees, pull ups. Thanks, TM–you’re now fired.

Vector, taking early offense at being snubbed because of his advanced age, opted to make the pax run again and honor t-cell with some DIDS except with ridiculous rep counts. DIDS without t-cell? You’re fired, Vector.

CubCadet, Papa Bear, Pep, and Sherlock took us out with some Mary. Truth be told, YHC was a little bit afraid of handing the reigns over to CubCadet because of his propensity for difficult ab work. YHC was confirmed with the 50 IC flutterkicks (wtf). I also want it noted that we didn’t get to Sherlock who is younger and better looking than some of the guys that went first.

MOLESKINE: The mission of F3 is to plant, grow, and service small men’s workout groups for the invigoration of male community leadership. When unfavorable circumstances hit, we will always be prepared to lead. We are not perfect and no man is an island. When circumstances hit a brother, we will always step in and push forward.

5 * 9 is 45, so theoretically 9 men should have gotten their shot. With a late start, a quick trip through the neighborhood, and YHC hogging 5 minutes and 45 seconds, not every man got his full shot. That said, it should be acknowledged that I helped us avoid the 100+ burpee buy in from Pep

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Go enjoy Chunks’ meat next weekend.

COT: Prayers and celebration for the birth of a granddaughter for Papa Bear, and prayers for the health of our brothers.

Games with Dad – Bring your kids to workout, part 2

AO: the-knoll
Q: Wolfpack , Sooie, Ex-Pat, Pebbles
PAX: Aflac, El Capitan, Siri, Sooie, Ex-Pat, Wolfpack, morning star, Merchant, Firefox, Bumble bee (2.0), Awesome Axolotl (2.0), Link (2.0), Birdman (2.0), White Pony (2.0), Rubiks (2.0)
FNGs: 2 White Pony (2.0), Rubiks (2.0)
CONDITIONS: warm, overcast and delightful

WARMUP: (Wolfpack and Link)
I Spy With My Little Eye – Various stretches while Link called out different parts of the playground he spies (Top of a slide, a pole, a ladder). PAX has to run and touch that spot on the playground.

Part 1 – baseball practice (Pebbles)
Pax team up with a 2.0 for infield practice. 1 Pax does exercise while the other runs the bases. Switch between exercise and running for 2:30.
– First Base – Lunges
– Second Base – Carolina Dry Docks
– Short Stop – Burpees
– Third Base – Merkins
– Catcher – Squats

Part 2 (Ex-pat and Birdman)
2 min each circuit, 30 sec rest/explain and mosie to other area
1. London bridge – dad goes into bridge and kid army crawls under then dad comes down or not and kid continues to make circles
2. Leap Frog to next exercise
3. Slow hold tandem crunch – face each other feet together and hold hands, one moves to a low hold for 10 seconds and then switch. Keep going for all time
4. High skip to next exercise
5. Hold squat jumping jacks – dad holds a squat and kid does 15 jumping jacks and then switch
6. Bear crawl to next exercise
7. Stacked push ups – dad on ground, kids hands on back, dad does merkin then kid does one – go till fatigue
8. Ladder – take turns following each other through the ladder making up steps as you go

Mary (Sooie) – PAX choice

MOLESKINE: this was round 2 and we’ll continue this each month. Was great to see 2 new 2.0s!

– pre-hab continues at 5:15 before the workout
– Plankril is on!

COT: (Pebbles)
We have many roles as fathers. One of the most important is to teach our kids what’s right and wrong. However our delivery (tone, body language, etc) is just as important as our message. Sometimes we need to be firm and enforce consiwuiendes and other times our kids need complete mercy. May we consider this and have discernment.

Requests shared and prayers said.

The few not on 30A for Spring Break

AO: westeros
Q: Pep
PAX: Wolfpack, Firefox, Sherlock, DintyMoore, Tim the Toolman, Blueprint, Breadsticks
FNGs: None
Conditions: Cold

– seal claps: 15
– overheard claps: 15
– imperial walkers: 15
– good mornings: oyo

The Thang:
– run: around the school drop off circle
– exercises
– burpees: 100
– alabama prom dates: 200
– fire hydrants: 300 (one each side)
– american hammers: 200
– hand release mericans: 100
– finish with a mary

– prayer for Breadsticks dad – surgery to remove toe due to diabetes
– game night tomorrow (Tuesday) at Firefox’s house

Bring Your Own Kid Workout at The Knoll

AO: the-knoll
Q: Wolfpack , morning star, Sooie
PAX: Ex-Pat, El Capitan, AAA, Three Stooges, Merchant, DB, Pebbles, Firefox, 2.0’s:  Big Red, Link, Bumblebee, Tonks, FishBiscuit, AwesomeAxolotl, Birdman (2.0), Wildflower (2.0)
FNGs: 2 Birdman (2.0), Wildflower (2.0)
CONDITIONS: Warm with a sprinkle

WARMUP: stretching and motivators led by Bumblebee and Morningstar

Thang1: 11’s
Burpees on one side, Big boy sit-ups on the other
Bunny hops one direction, Bear crawl the other

Thang 2: Old school movie time
Split up in pairs (Dads and 2.0)
One pax is the VCR
One pax is the Remote
Start opposite of one another. The VCR is doing the exercise while the Remote controls the speed. If the remote is running forward, VCR goes fast. If remote is running backwards, VCR goes slow. If remote pauses, the VCR holds the current position. Switch places for 60 seconds on/60 seconds rest.

Movies watched:
– Merkins
– Squats
– Big boy sit-ups

Thang 3: Infection!
2.0s were the infected and ran around tagging PAX to infect them. Three rounds with alternating movement types each round.
R1: Pax has to run backwards
R2: Pax has to run sideways
R3: Pax has to skip

Thang 3: Bear Tag Royal
All pax in Bear crawl. If you get your hand slapped your out and have to stand on the side and do your exercise of choice until the end (didn’t see any burpees?)

I believe FishBiscuit and AwesomeAxolotl were our champions!

MOLESKINE: Criss-cross-applesauce!

Thank you Morningstar for sharing a delightful message. A reminder to all 2.0s to encourage and share delight in every action. And a reminder to us dads to seek out and nourish that delight in our 2.0s.


COT: 1-2-3 Delight!

The One in the Rain

AO: bomber
Q: Wolfpack
PAX: Tim the Toolman, Crawlspace, DintyMoore, Firefox, Papa Bear, Pep, Right Said, Vector
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: You can only get wet once

WARMUP: Mosey to upper parking lot. BAC, BAC BACs, Imperial Walkers, WMH.


Thang 1:
Four Corners (Was going to do a triangle, but that parking lot was so perfectly square decided to go with that and add an extra set)

Perform the exercise and run to the next corner making your way around the square. 7 rounds in total.

R1: Burpees, 7 reps at each corner
R2: Flutter Kicks, 14 reps at each corner
R3: Merkins, 21 reps at each corner
R4: Squats, 28 reps at each corner
R5: Carolina Dry Docks, 21 reps at each corner
R6: WW1, 14 reps at each corner
R7: Iron Mikes, 7 reps at each corner.

Thang 2:
3 sets of Bear Crawls from the community center, up the stairs to the upper parking lot

20 seconds high plank
20 seconds low plank
15 seconds high plank
15 second low plank
10 seconds high plank
10 seconds low plank
5 seconds high plank
5 seconds low plank

It may have been uncomfortable to roll around in the wet and and bear crawl up a waterfall, but a reminder that it’s good to go out of our comfort zones and test ourselves from time to time. Great work Pax!

Bring your kid to workout day next Tuesday at the knoll. DM me if you have any questions.

Biscuit run tomorrow.

Murder mile March 28 at GreenMachine

COT: silent reflection for all prayers both said and unsaid.

Leap Day! (Almost)

AO: titan
Q: Grape
PAX: preacherman, Right Said, Crawlspace, Sherlock, Black Lung, Pep, Natural Ice, Firefox, greyalbum, Tim the Toolman, Spinal Tap, DintyMoore
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: warm and windy! Got done right before the showers

20 SSH
10 Good Mornings OYO
10 OH Claps
10 Seal Claps
10 Moroccan Night Clubs

THE THANG: In honor of my son’s 1st real birthday tomorrow (he’s turning 4…or 1…or something) we worked on our leaping ability with a jump-themed playlist

Stop at various points to do 20 crunchy frogs IC
At the ellipse, partner up for Dora

100 LBC’s
200 E2K (mountain climbers)
300 APD’s
4:00 Plank (1 minute at a time with 20 seconds of rest)

Mosey to hill

Frog jump up hill, run down
Run up hill, run back down
Obama up hill, run back down
Grapevine run to startex

MOLESKINE: those frog jumps really wrecked me. Hope you guys enjoyed the Mary themed Dora. Thanks for having me!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: biscuit run, plankpril

COT: Grey’s adoption, upcoming surgeries, selfish parenting