Elevens and Economics

AO: handsomizer
Q: Detective Pikachu
PAX: Freakonomics, Frasier
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Slightly chilly

WARMUP: 1 mile run around The Stadium, followed by stretches

THE THANG: Elevens on the Gated Hill to the southwest of StartEx. Merkins and WW1s. Mosey back to StartEx for Mary. Too many Jane Fondas.

MOLESKIN: good economics education from Freakonomics. You had to be there

ANNOUNCEMENTS: QIC is now under contract on a house. We’ll be leaving Nashville in August for the Upstate of SC.

Find your adventure

AO: handsomizer
Q: G-string (Eli Kresta)
PAX: Natural Ice, Rocket Mortgage, Freakonomics, Red Skull, Spinal Tap, Black Lung
FNGs: None
Rainy and chilly. Perfect for a beatdown… in the parking deck.

– Motivator X6
– Inchworms
– Mosey to the parking deck
– BACs
– Back-BACs
– Overhead Claps
– 20 burpee buy in (hero style)

Split into two teams
Thang 1:
Rotate through the following exercises
– Pullups on the ledge
– endorphins with the sandbag
– Bear-crawl up the incline and back

Thang 2:
Complete the reps as a team
– 150 perfect merkins
– 200 sandbag rows
– 250 air squats

– 25 big-boys
– 25 LBCs
– 25 slow leg raises
– 45 second hollow hold

“The most extraordinary thing in the world is an ordinary man and an ordinary woman and their ordinary children.” -GK Chesterton
Looking back on my life, my twenties were full of adventures (travel, missionary work, moves, etc.), but now that I’m thirty, I am married with a child. There is a lot less obvious adventure in the day-to-day operations now. HOWEVER, it fills my heart just as much as the adventures did in my twenties.

How do we view adventure? How do we see the extraordinary in our daily lives? Do we see our roles as husbands and fathers as truly heroic, and do we treat them as such?

Biscuit run tomorrow

Friend of PAX has lost multiple children in the last 12 months. Prayers for him.

Apocalypse Recovery

AO: handsomizer
Q: Natural Ice
PAX: Freakonomics, Frasier, Rocket Mortgage
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Spring is sneaking up – leggings are optional

WARMUP: SSH until Rocket Mortgage joined us, Arm Circles, and Imperial Walkers, and a .88 mile mosey around the park.

THE THANG: Mega Apocalypses

Pax Performed each set of exercises in a pyramid format, starting with 10 reps of each exercise and decreasing by 1 each round until combining sets 2 and 1 at the end.

Each set Pax held Al Gore tree hugger pose waiting for 6 – Once the whole set was done we ran the big stair route.

Mega Apocalypse 1

2 count Iron mikes

Mega Apocalypse Deux

Lt Dan
Star jumps
Carolina Dry Docks

MOLESKINE: Mumble Chatter was intentionally high as we caught up on each others lives.

Caffe Natty, in an effort to not wake up his house hold grinding beans, stumbled upon the a secret blend of 1/3 Good Citizen and 2/3 The Well coffee for a perfect blend of acidity and boldness.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Future Hunger Games in the works and upcoming greenmachine insanity.

COT: Lifted up Freakonomics article submission and everyones families

Out Of This World

AO: handsomizer
Q: Grape
PAX: Freakonomics, Black Lung, Carabiner, Z Pack, Green Acres
FNGs: 1 Green Acres
CONDITIONS: wet and wild

15 Seal claps
15 OH Press
Mosey to bottom of stairs

THE THANG: bearway to heaven

In groups of two, run the stairs and do 86 reps each of the following exercises

Carolina Dry Docks
O Squats
Elbows to knees
Take off (sprint back to startex)

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Leanpax is over!

COT: prayers for health of friends and family and for boundaries and boldness in relationships

Titan Up

AO: titan
Q: Goose
PAX: Black Lung, Sherlock, Right Said, Focker, DintyMoore, Pep, greyalbum, Good Morning America, Freakonomics, Natural Ice, CubCadet, Crawlspace, Waterboy, Wolfpack, Tim the Toolman, Mansport
FNGs: 1 Mansport

WARMUP: Forward Fold, Willie Mays, Cherry Pickers, Repeat


200 squats, run a lap after 25 reps

Lunge to the Parthenon

Adora: 250 incline merkins while partner runs lap around parthenon

Circle of Mary


-Welcome  FNG Mansport from the UK

-Tuesday Brewsday at 12 south taproom at 430

-Prayers for Nancy

– Drake concert tonight at Bridgestone

Heavy Dora + Futbol

AO: titan
Q: Detective Pikachu
PAX: Salpal, Freakonomics, Tim the Toolman, Black Lung, CubCadet, Spinal Tap, Natural Ice, preacherman, Good Morning America, bluemule, Avalanche
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Slightly chilly

WARMUP: Grabbed coupons and mosey to oval track

Round 1: Heavy Dora
100 block bench presses
100 curls
100 block squats

Intermission: Indigenous Peoples Run around oval track until everyone had gone. Sprinted back to blocks

Round 2: 50 reps of each instead of 100

Finale: Futbol. Took absolutely forever for anyone to score, but once the floodgates were open, Q’s team lost.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Final stretch of leanpax. Hang in there. Prayers for Salpal and M as M is finishing her PhD and they’re expecting 2.1. Prayers for my M as she passed her closed doctoral defense and will prep for open defense and start the job hunt

Garage of Wonders

AO: handsomizer
Q: Detective Pikachu
PAX: Spinal Tap, Rocket Mortgage, Freakonomics, Plumber
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Foggy, mildly chilly

WARMUP: Circuitous mosey to the top of the stairs. Stretches, BACs, Seal Claps

THE THANG: Garage of Wonders
Mosey between floors, with 100 reps of an exercise at every floor.
1: Merkins
2: WW1s
3: Squats
4: Single leg deadlifts
There are 7? total landings (we skipped some)
10 reps of each exercise at the top and mosey back to StartEx

ANNOUNCEMENTS: The Hunger Games tomorrow night at Natural Ice’s place. Firefox is bringing the games.

COT: Pray for my wife, as her doctoral defense is this coming Tuesday. Pray she prepares well and remembers what she prepares.

Oh, oh, it’s MAGIC

AO: titan
Q: Vector
PAX: Black Lung, Chunks, Detective Pikachu, DintyMoore, Firefox, Freakonomics, Good Morning America, greyalbum, hambone, Natural Ice, Pep, preacherman, Right Said, Salpal, Spinal Tap, Tim the Toolman, 15-Love
FNGs: 1 15-Love
As is often the case with a Vector Q, the workout planning involves weeks of theme playlist curating and then a frantic 24 hours of “crap, how do I create a workout to match my super cool playlist?” So, in that spirit:

While many may try to use instant supplements or crazy muscle building ideas to get swole, you can’t rely on magic to get fit. So in honor of Harry Houdini, born 150 years ago in 1874, I present a different kind of magic to get y’all in shape.

CONDITIONS: Damp yet perfect

WARMUP: Mosey around the parking lot to the far side of the Parthenon. Willy Mayes Hayes x 10, LBAC x 10, Seal claps x 10, Overhead Press x 10, Reverse LBAC x 10, and Good Mornings x 10 OHO

MAGIC #1 – 150 reps of each exercise and a run around the Parthenon between each:
M – Merkins
A – Alabama Prom Dates
G – Gorilla Humpers (which I had to example multiple times . . . hmm)
I – Iron Mikes
C – Carolina Dry Docks
(Fair amount of mumbling that each leg should not count only 1/2 on these exercises . . . I did not waiver).

MAGIC #2: 150 reps but no running in between due to time
M: Mountain Climbers
A: Ass Kickers
G: Great Form Squats
I: Incline Merkins
C: Crunches (Little Baby)

Ended at time – welcomed FNG 15-Love a recently married tennis fan EH’d by Detective Pikachu.

PRAYERS: To Grey Album on impending adoption and associated stress, friend Yuri and family facing pancreatic cancer, and others I forgot (apologies!)

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Hunger Games this weekend, Hike/Ruck with 2.0s to give M’s a break – see Slack for deets.

Honored to lead and that you all continue to tolerate my Q-uirkiness (see what I did there?) in leading . . . SYITG

Get Handsome the Fastest

AO: handsomizer
Q: Hair Band
PAX: Natural Ice, Spinal Tap, Freakonomics, Detective Pikachu, Frasier, Fudd
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: a riddle: a lactose intolerant person who had cheese 30 minutes ago

50 SSHs


Relay race:
2 teams

Round 1:
Both teams do burpees
1 person does 10 burpee buy in then runs the handicap ramp and back down the stairs (due to rain we moved to the parking garage)
Tag next person
First team to all in chooses next exercise
Rinse repeat

– #leanpax still going strong
– #hendersonville relaunch tomorrow 01/13 at 6am
– #brewsday meeting (leanpax approved) is on the horizon
– January 24th Night Moves in the Nations for #Atlantis
– brewruck Feb 17th after leanpax

– each man shared, prayers for family physical, mental, and emotional health. Prayers for work & research. Celebrating for DRer Fudd family, new grandchild born

Cold Air Don’t Care

AO: handsomizer
Q: Grape
PAX: Natural Ice, Black Lung, Freakonomics, Red Skull, Young and Restless, Plunger, Lube (F3 STL)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: cold, but not cold enough to wear sleeves

WARMUP: “Say Anything” run- pass the speaker and run to front with speaker over your head- we did a loop that was exactly 1 mile

THE THANG: Deck of Death- Hearts were Merkins, Spades were squats, Diamonds were dry docks, Clubs were WW1’s; Jack and Queen were 10’s, Kings and Aces were stair runs with a burpee

The Boss, Mr. Springsteen, serenades us as we completed 74 reps of each exercise and 8 total stair runs

MARY: 4 MoM dealers choice

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Brew ruck, lean pax, etc