Apocalypse Recovery

AO: handsomizer
Q: Natural Ice
PAX: Freakonomics, Frasier, Rocket Mortgage
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Spring is sneaking up – leggings are optional

WARMUP: SSH until Rocket Mortgage joined us, Arm Circles, and Imperial Walkers, and a .88 mile mosey around the park.

THE THANG: Mega Apocalypses

Pax Performed each set of exercises in a pyramid format, starting with 10 reps of each exercise and decreasing by 1 each round until combining sets 2 and 1 at the end.

Each set Pax held Al Gore tree hugger pose waiting for 6 – Once the whole set was done we ran the big stair route.

Mega Apocalypse 1

2 count Iron mikes

Mega Apocalypse Deux

Lt Dan
Star jumps
Carolina Dry Docks

MOLESKINE: Mumble Chatter was intentionally high as we caught up on each others lives.

Caffe Natty, in an effort to not wake up his house hold grinding beans, stumbled upon the a secret blend of 1/3 Good Citizen and 2/3 The Well coffee for a perfect blend of acidity and boldness.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Future Hunger Games in the works and upcoming greenmachine insanity.

COT: Lifted up Freakonomics article submission and everyones families