CCM is all around us

AO: greenmachine
Q: Focker
PAX: Works for a Guy, Good Morning America, Firefox, moneyshot, Cowboy, Betty Ford, Esposa, Grape, Canned Heat, Sherlock, Steak Knives, LB
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: hot, comparatively

WARMUP: various stretches while the PAX were educated about the start of CCM in the Jesus Movement of the 60s and 70s with even artists like Bob Dylan taking part in CCM’s early formation. Describing how CCM really encompasses lots of genres and not just soft rock/pop.

THE THANG: mosey to hill.
Every PAX takes turn running up (Bernie style) while group does various waiting exercises (squats, merkins, SSH, prom dates, heel lifts). Q took time to describe formative artist Keith Green as well as early CCM theme of adventure/excitement (as manifested by “Go West Young Man” by MWS and “Great Adventure” by SCC)
Mosey to football field
10 yard crab walk
10 Burpees
20 yard bear crawl
20 Squat jumps
30 yard lunges
30 WW1
40 yard broad jump
40 Flutter kicks
50 yard sprint
50 Merkins
Back down the ladder
Mosey back to start and dealer’s choice Mary

MOLESKINE: #mumblechatter consisted of “I haven’t heard this” Grape or “man I haven’t heard this since high school” Cowboy or just good ole silent adoration.
Genuinely thank yall for indulging me today. These are the formative songs of my youth (and current life TBH)


COT: prayers lifted for selflessness, Grape and his wife in time of uncertainty, and Cowboy and his best friend in his season of cancer