FeelTheBerns V-2024-Q

AO: greenmachine
Q: FeelTheBerns
PAX: Cowboy, Deep State, Topanga, Focker, Movin On Up, Grape, Betty Ford, FeelTheBerns, Rocket Mortgage, Haggis
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Extreme fog, miserable rain, balmy 60 degrees, no moneyshot

WARMUP: SSH, Black Friday/Good Mournings OYO, WMH OYO

The Pax were led down a dark alley to a secluded parking garage, where they were assigned a partner, and proceeded to complete
– 50 Burps
– 150 Ceiling Touches
– 250 WW1s
– 100 Ceiling Touches
– Completed individually while your partner orbited the lower-level of the garage, forward lap and Bernie Lap

The event concluded with a ring of fire to 180 ‘merican’s.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Many, please see Slack. Focker provided an update on Nancy, who we hold in all of our prayers.

SHOUTOUTS: Focker provided navigational support, and supplied the Spirit, while Grape supplied the tunage. We are deeply appreciative for their support of my Qs.

RESULTS: I, and several other PAX, had the DOMS for the following 2 days, including in my feet. a Bottom 5 Q, living up the originally promised misery.