F&$# the DMV: Don’t Let The Gov’ment Steal Your Joy

AO: westeros
Q: Detective Pikachu
PAX: Salpal, Grape, Spinal Tap, Pep, DintyMoore, Vector, Tim the Toolman, CubCadet
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Zero Dark Thirty

WARMUP: Mosey to Clay Pit. Shuffle-run between bases
Grapevine-run between bases

THE THANG: Kickball!
Pax got one pitch. Fouls were outs. Every 3 outs = 10 burpees. At 100 burpees, Pax switched to squat jumps

Winner: Team 2
Play of the Game: Salpal throwing out Toolman to prevent a tie
Man of the Match: Spinal Tap for his honesty when thrown out

ANNOUNCEMENTS: lots of 2nd F events coming up. I think every Friday for the rest of the month has a 2nd F event. 3rd F challenge for November coming soon.