20s in 20 – 1/2/20

Pax: Crablegs, Defrost, High Flyer, Pumpkin Spice, and Trapper Keeper (QIC)

Gloom Factor: Not to cold and pre rain.

Disclaimer was given and off the PAX went with a little mosie around the side loop of the park and ended up at the back parking lot where we met back up with Crablegs after a parking tag exchange with his M.

Warm up:
SSHs x 20 IC
Squats x 20 IC
Good Mornings x 10 OYO
High Knees x 20 IC
Butt Kickers x 20 IC
Air Presses x 20 IC

PAX hung around the back parking lot for some 20s in 20. Same concept as 7s but augmented it to 20. The 2 exercises alternated between merkins/big boy sit ups. The starting point was at the first median where PAX started with merkins then traveled to 3rd light post to perform big boy sit ups. PAX hung around there for a majority of the time traveling betweens those to points. Work related, Pumpkin Spice had to cut out early. Indifference to time QIC shortened the last 2 rounds back to the 2nd light post so that we could complete and get back for stretching.

Total of 190 merkins and 190 big boy sit ups.

PAX headed back to shovel flag area and spent the last 3 minutes with a Crablegs inspired stretching session.

COT:                                                    Prayed for a friend of mine who has cancer. Please keep the him and his family in your prayers. Last name is Karrich.

Always a pleasure                  ~Trapper Keeper

Metal Monday

Metal Monday

Gloom Factor:  Windy and chilly but warm enough for Motley Crue, AC/DC, and Van Halen.
Pre-Party:  Non-existent
PAX in Attendance:  Creeper, Huggy, Type O, Professor X (Respect), Barney Fyffe, Old Hickory,
Warm Up:  Disclaimer, Side Straddle Hops, Arm Circles, Mosey with Butt Kicks, Politicians with Bear Crawl back to starting point

My Playlist has commercials. Some called it Ghetto. My answer = more Motley Crue.

Thang 1

Mosey to the Pain Shack. Coupon Pyramid. 2 exercises for 2 rounds.

Round 1 (10 reps each exercise – start at 10 reps and work your way down to 1 rep):

  • Merkins
  • Squats

Round 2 (10 reps each exercise – start at 1 rep and work your way up to 10 reps):

  • Squat Thrusters
  • Swings

Thang 2

Mosey back to starting point.
Parking lot line pyramid. 2 rounds – start at 1 rep and work your way up to 10 reps.

Round 1

    • Squats
    • Merkins
    • 2 lunge walk steps to next parking line

Round 2

  • Burpees
  • 2 broad jumps to next parking line

Parking Lot Letdowns

1 suicide run and 1 minute of “Loaded Beasts” to end the morning

Number Off/Name-a-rama/COT
Prayer Requests

  • Prayers for LMP and his wife
  • Prayer for Barney’s family – Pat
  • Prayer for Staples Mom and family


  • Continue to look ways to serve as a group (financially and time) in our community

Basic F3 Training

Temp 50’s 

Prep-Party- Q’d by Mr. 3rd Degree, Nimbus 1500, Soccer Mom, Staples, & Creeper

Pre-Thang –
1/2 mile mosey start, stretches, 30 Tempo Merkins focusing on form with encouragement and form review between each 10, 1/4 mi lap. Circle up. 30 slow and focused Imperial Walkers. 50 LBCs, Supermans. 1/4 mile lap. Chin-up hang as long as possible, knee tuck hang as long as possible. 1/2 mile mosey.

The Forge 

14 PAX Staples, Professor X, FNG (Twinkie), Stats, 3rd Degree, Nimbus 1500, Creeper, SexEd, Tebow, Old Hickory, Huggie, Tom Petty, Soccer Mom,  & YHC KermiT.

Medic – Kanye, Social Club Misfits, Judah & The Lion, Twenty One Pilots

Warm Up – 

SSH’s IC 30x

IT Stretch

Toy Soldiers 10x


The Thang – 

-Basic Training-

10 Burpees

25 Merkins

10 Burpees

25 WWI

10 Burpees

20 Alabama Prom Dates

10 Burpees

50 Sumo Squats

10 Burpees

Bear Crawl ~40 Yards

Crawl Bear Back

Rinse and Repeat

High Plank was the wait on the six position

1 true audible called. 1/4 mile lap after round 2

We were able to get in 3 full rounds. It was hard, it was wet, but we all came out stronger. It’s fun to get out in the country and run around and use equipment, or coupons, or partner work.


This routine was designed to show you that you don’t actually need any of that to get a good work out in. Just need the drive to push your self and about a 7 foot open square space…


Thanks as always for allowing me to lead. You are a phenomenal group of men and I’m blessed to be a part of it.

CoT- Staples is moving his mom into memory care today. Please keep them in your prayers.

Soccer Mom and LMP are continual prayer request.

Announcements- Old Hickory mentioned an extracurricular run in mid January at Fall Creek Falls SP. Check Slack for Deets.

Peace Out


Christmas Sub-Q

13 HIM got better this morning in warm temps for late December. Too Tall was too tired to make his Q, so YHC stepped up to recycle a previous workout.

PAX: Prevac (NoVac today), Floppy Disk, PSL, Paul Blart, OchoCinco, School Girl, Dupree, Grisham, Tampa Libra, Movin’ On Up, Yard Sale, Dilly Dilly, Ludwig van Oshkosh (QIC)

Short mosey over to Crievewood Baptist for WOR.

20 SSH
10 WMH
10 Good Mornings
10 LBAC – reverse
10 Seal Claps with Butt Kickers
10 Double Time Hillbillies with a nod to Movin’ On Up

Line up at bottom of hill in parking lot of Crievewood.

Round 1 – Lt. Dan to the top, then 20 good form squats at the top. Mosey back down, plank for the 6.
Round 2 – Broad Jump to the top, then 20 squats.
Round 3 – Lt. Danger to the top, 20 squats.

Mosey to the rails for a pyramid of rows and merkins.

1 row, 1 merkin, 2 rows, 2 merkins, etc… All the way up to 10, and all the way back down to 1. WWI for the 6.

MC was riveting during the pyramid. Consisted only of plans for Christmas and nothing else.

Mosey to pavilion.
With a partner, P1 runs a suicide, while P2 performs called exercise until P1 returns. Flapjack.

Round 1 & 2 – SSH
Round 3 & 4 – Mountain Climbers
Round 5 – Gorilla Humpers

Mosey to bus loop for a bear crawl to first speed bump, crawl bear to next speed bump, then run back to parking lot for Merry.


20 Flutter Kicks
2 Good Mornings

Merry Christmas to all. Have a safe and blessed holiday with your family and loved ones. Make some memories.

Changing the Guard

Temp 37ish – Lovely morning for a thorough beat down.

Prep-Party- Q’d by Mr. 3rd Degree. Attendees MURSA, Nimbus 1500, NumbTucks, and YHC KermiT.

Pre-Party on Saturdays are basically morphing into it’s own RUCK AO.

Thang – 

20x – Curls

20x – Skull Crushers

20x – Russian Twist

20x – Squat

Mosey appx. .75 miles

RR for 3 miles.

We were able to get in 4 rotations of this routine. Running from the H.S. to the Elementary school.

3D got us back with an entire minuter and a half before NumbTucks had to start his Q….

The Forge 

17 PAX Staples, Professor X, Little Miss Piggy, Stats, 3rd Degree, Nimbus 150, Show Me, NumbTucks, MURSA (PreVac), Creeper, Huggy, Glen Gary, Tebow, Soccer Mom, Hot Dish,  & KermiT.

Medic – Hodge Podge mashup of everything from Colter Wall, Dub Step, & Holy Night by Celine Dion.

Warm Up – 

LBAC – 15x Forward and Reverse

Raise the Roof – 15x

Seal Claps – 15x

Quick Lap to the field

The Thang – 

Death by Sevens

PAX group up in 4’s. Corners are found appx 40 – 50 yds apart. PAX execute a particular exercise at each corner for one full rotation around the square. MoT from corner to corner is Mosey and Sprint

Round 1 – 7 Bupees (Total 28)

Round 2 – 14 Merkins (Total 56)

Round 3 – 21 Flutter Kicks (Total 84)

Round 4 – 28 Squats (Total 112)

After PAX completed the routine NumbTucks took a moment to hand off his responsibility of site Q for the Forge to YHC KermiT.

Thanks brother, its an honor.

Thang 2 – 

Quick Transition Warm-Up. Fog of War was rolling in and the MC was on high level…. The following is what I definitely know we did, there was more, but the rest got lost in the fog.

Donna Summers 25x Each Leg

Bear Crawl Football field, with a slight variation. Everyone completes the entire length without standing up. As each PAX finishes they are to return to the next PAX that has not finished and finish with them. RR until all PAX have finished.

Indian Run mosey to school… Speed Bump 5x Balls to the Bus – 10x Burpees Audible – 1x Ball to the Bus

Thang 3 –

Bear Crawl Indian Wall Sit

All PAX wall sit as 1 PAX Bear Crawls the length of PAX. RR until all have Bear Crawled.


10 Burpees

50 WWI’s

Indian Run back to the field

Last Thang – Sally Merkins


Sled Push 25yds – Turn Around – Back 25yds

CoT – 

Continued prayer for LMP’s wife

Staples mom

Praise for keeping Soccer Mom and his family safe on their travels back.

Praise for 3D’s new job.


F3 Christmas party December 21st at Staples. Check Slack for deets

It’s always a pleasure to lead you fellas. I thank God for the opportunity.

Peace Out 


Ruck Carrossel

Conditions: Sweltering

6 PAX in Attendance: Nimbus (QiC), Numbtucks, 3rd Degree, Staples, Bieber & Kermit


    • 20x “8 Count” Man Makers (Cadence was scrapped immediately for the ol’ OYO model)
    • 20x Ruck Sit ups – Ruck to the sky
    • 20x Ruck Thrusters
    • 20x 4 Count Flutter Kicks IC

Heavy Ruck 1/2 Mile Lap – 3 Pairs, all with extra weight

    • Pair 1 – 60# Sandback w/Handles (Gonna feel this one in the forearm tomorrow…actually right now)
    • Pair 2 – 40# Sandbag w/Handles
    • Pair 3 – The Medic and my phone

THANG ONE: 6 Lifts for a minute per w/15 seconds between to rotate.

    • Reverse Merkin – 45# Ruck
    • Ruck Swings – 20ish# Ruck
    • Clean & Jerk – 60# Sandbag
    • Curls – 30# Ruck or Plate depending on when you got there
    • Rows or High Pull – 20# Ruck
    • Overhead Press – 40# Sandbag

Heavy Ruck 1/2 Mile Lap w/weight rotation between pairs

THANG 2: Pass the Sack

Round 1: 5 PAX wall sit on the ICY bridge with their ruck held out front, while PAX 6 bear crawled to the front of the line – Pass your Sack to the left and rotate bear crawler Indian style.

Round 2: 5 PAX wall sit with their ruck held above their head while PAX 6 bear crawled to the front of the line – Pass your Sack to the left and rotate bear crawler Indian style.

Heavy Ruck some random distance to get pair 3 a shot at the 60#, but we ran out of time…Done.


    • I think some moves from this morning might bleed over into the forge this week.
    • Bieber got his awesome new purple ruck this morning and it didn’t disappoint.
    • We learned a good bit about star wars time lines?
    • A decaf coffee option may be added to the que when Kermit is around.

Turkey Day Roundup

Temp was a balmy 34 degrees

Pre-Party- Q’d by Mr. 3rd Degree. Attendees wereYHC KermiT & Bieber. 3D led us through a quick 6 Underdoggies, 6 Merkins, & 6 Squats on the minute for 10 rounds.

The Pound

7 PAX Professor X, Numbtucks, Bieber, 3rd Degree, Old Hickory, Sparta, KermiT YHC, and TVG on the Donuteeria

Warm Up – 

Toy Soldiers


Raise the Roof

Reverse LBC’s

Thang 1-

PAX line up on parking lot line

PAX 1 hooks up the Ruck and chooses a mode of transportation to the second parking lot light. PAX then executes 10 Merkins. PAX then chooses a mode of transportation back.

Remaining PAX execute AMRAP:



Sumo Squats

Donna Summers


Iron Mikes

Variable Planks

Thang 2-

Flag Football

Sparta & Numbtucks switched off on QB as Team Dope (YHC, Bieber, and PX) squared off against Team Downtown Brown Frown (3D, Old Hickory, Sparta & Numbtucks)

Im pretty sure the the final score was 14-7 with Team Dope failing to catch two balls thrown in the basket on the second drive. Also the fact that 3D only had one flag on their first score, YHC would have for sure had him down if the flag would have been present…

(Next year mark your calendars, Turkey Bowl)

Post-Party (Actually Thang 3)

10 on 10 (Burpees)

3Ds idea, no body else was onboard but we did it anyways and felt better for it.

CoT – 

LMP and his wife Tarah

Staples mom

Soccer Mom travels


Sparta is racing next weekend for an event to support arthritis if I’m not mistaken. He will post deets in Slack

Have a happy Thanksgiving fellas, and thank you for allowing me to lead!


BearBridge & the Ab Ripper (DR Q for F3Austin’s “The Bridge”)

Conditions: Perfect!

5 PAX in Attendance: Nimbus (QiC), Alright Alright Alright (Maybe “Just Ah’ight” per Rump Roast), Aaaayyyy, Rump Roast & Spam

Warmorama/Disclaimer: Did a couple arm circles and some leg stretching…not big on warmups…

Thang One: Bear Square Sequence (Starting Point, Base of the Bridge)

Between Each 50 Steps, Execute One Bear Square Sequence

    • Rocky Log Carries – 50 Hops
    • Duck Walk – 50 Steps (Waddles?)
    • Crab Walk – 50 Steps
    • Crawl Bear – 50 Steps
    • Canary Crawl – 50 Steps

Quick Mosey to the Row Rails for 50 Rows, Mosey back to the down slope and resume Bear Square Sequences.

    • Hand Stand Walk (with Bridge Rail Assistance) – 25 on each side
    • Bear Crawl the rest of the way down, DONE!

Thang Two: Bear Brawl Suicides (TM F3Nolensville)

Partner 1 = Crawler (Driver) / Partner 2 = Brawler (Resistance) – Swap Roles at Each Stop.

    • 2 Cars Out and Back
    • 4 Cars Out and Back
    • 6 Cars Out and Back

Thang Three: Ab Ripper HIIT – One Min On, 10 Sec Rest

    • Switches
    • Plank
    • Floating Starfish
    • Push Planks
    • Reverse Crunches
    • Dwarf Kickers
    • Standing Oblique Crunches
    • Wine Mixer
    • World War One’s
    • Beast Planks
    • Side Crunches

Perfectly timed finish!



  • Lots of new moves, thanks for letting me share some F3 Nolensville creations, and “Bearing” with me!
  • Thanksgiving Day workout, 7am Start Time at Zilker Park.
  • Per Coffeteria conversation, Friday’s workout will be a Ruck Workout!  See you there.

Cheers to a 113 Years of Life

PAX: Moneyshot, Cowboy (Respect), Crablegs, Pumpkin Spice, Silver Medal, TK, En Fuego (QIC)

Conditions: Beyond pleasant, with a gorgeous sunrise

7 PAX came out for a party at the pillars, celebrating both the upcoming 40th of one of IIIP’s most esteemed HIM, Silver Medal, as well as YHC’s dad, born on this day in 1946, 73 years ago.

0530 arrives, we grab some 20lb (ruck plate) and 15lb (wrapped bricks) gifts and take off on our mosey, setting up shop for WOR at Carrier’s Circle.  Some military-infused concepts thrown in, total of 73 reps of warm-up:

  • SSH x 20
  • Prisoner Squats x 15
  • WMH x 15
  • High Knees March x 10
  • Scorpion Stretch (always a PAX pleaser) x 13

Head to the playground for the THANG:

Celebration #1 – Silver’s 40th.  Lots of exercises we could do in his honor, as the man literally crushes any thrown his way, but we opt for what YHC knows is one of Silver Medal’s favorites – the good ol Swerkin / Down Under combo.  Each PAX grabs a swing, performs 40 swerkins and 40 down unders.  Heart rate is up, party mood established, we head for…

Celebration #2 – YHC’s dad celebrating number 73.  YHC informs the PAX that Dad was a graduate of the Air Force Academy in 1968 and served 5 years thereafter – as such we have an Air Force-inspired party on our hands.  YHC was able to get a couple of Dad’s, ugh…”favorite” exercises during his time at the Academy – naturally lots of pull-ups, merkins and sit-ups.  Given that, we roll with the following, sprinkling in a couple other circuits as well:

  • AMRAP for 19 minutes and 46 seconds (year he was born) of the following (start with 10 reps of each, at the completion of each round rep count increases by 1)
    • Pull-ups
    • Merkins
    • Box Jumps
    • Burpees
    • WWIs

We had some birthday tunes playing in his honor – playlist inclusive of some George Jones, John Conlee & Conway Twitty.  Delightful music to AMRAP to, though apparently as YHC found later in the day our neighbors to the south at Jefferson Commons were not so appreciative of waking up to some Hello Darlin.

All in with 19:46 complete, YHC informs the PAX that the exercise Dad most fondly remembers is the constant running, especially when having to carry the M1 rifle overhead.  So we grab the coupons and partner up, where for the next 6 to 8 minutes (graduated in 68) Partner 1 will sprint down and back length of field (60 yards each way) while Partner 2 performs lap around the track with coupon overhead.  Upon lap completion, flapjack and then R&R.

Time called, mosey back for COT.  Prayers for Pumpkin and his M / pregnancy, health  / healing amongst the PAX, safe travels this week and time with family, special blessing and provision over the birthday boys.

Excellent work fellas – always appreciative of the opportunity to lead and thankful to spend my time in the gloom with each of you.

En Fuego

Nolensville’s CSAUP: Enter the Gauntlet

F3 Nolensville was started April 2018 with our first AO, Broken Wheel. A year and a half later, we’ve grown to a total of 6 AOs, including two new all running and all rucking AOs, Runegades and RuckU, and have welcomed dozens of new PAX. We continue to grow and sharpen each other in Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith.

Today, we rise to the challenge of F3 Nolensville’s semi annual CSAUP, the Gauntlet. This challenge consists of 4, mini AOs spread out across an 8- (or was it 9?) mile course designed by YHC. Ready for a little Tour de Nolensville? LET’S ENTER THE GAUNTLET!!!

Conditions: About 25 degrees and rising. This Gauntlet started later in the morning than the Spring Gauntlet by 30 minutes. That and the recent time change meant we were only in the dark during the first AO (mine), all of which was on the football field. By the time we took off, the sun was rising and we were just getting started.

18 PAX threw down, including: Barney Fievel (YHC), Huggy, Kwame, MicDrop, Typo+, Sex Ed, Pom Pom, Maniac (FNG, welcome), Ragdoll, 3rd Degree, Kermit, Staples, TV Guide, Cheese Whiz, Pancreas, Old Hickory, Jeeves (pre vac), and Hot Dish.

After a brisk trot around the parking lot and onto the football field, Disclaimers and Opening Remarks were made.

Warmorama consisted of ten SSH IC, 30 burpees, and two good mornings. If you weren’t warm before, you’re getting there now!

AO #1: The Forge

Led by Barney Fievel (YHC)

I am tickled pink in all the best places to report that several PAX remarked that my Q was the most difficult of the 4. The fact that it was also the first must have crushed some of you mentally. That is delightful and outstanding!

Merciless Dr Evil GIF

Bear Crawl 100 yards, goal line to goal line, crab walk back, and finally broad jump across a third time. I just don’t get why you people don’t like crab walking. Pancreas gets it. Amirite?!

PAX circled up for a little something we like to call “Amber Waves of ‘Merkins”. PAX begin in the high plank position. One Pax begins routine by going down and holding the merkin position, signaling the PAX on his left to do the same in a waterfall. The original PAX, still holding the down position, can only rise back into the high plank position when the PAX on his right has gone into the lower merkin position. We did about 8 rounds of this and saw who among us isn’t above screwing over the guys to his left!

YHC was about to have us do something half baked involving push ups under the bleachers. Opted to have all PAX perform AMRAP pull ups once before moseying off the grounds. Well done, HIM. Onward!!

AO #2: Defiant

Led by Typo+

5 Yurpee buy in. The yurpee is a dastardly little exercise, invented by Dr. Yuri Speclanovichdevonovidch. Actually, I’m pretty sure Ragdoll, CheezWhiz or some sick combination of the two are what led to this little devil. Burpee with a clap merkin and two (count em two) jumping knee taps.

PAX broke into two groups and did parking lot burpees all the way down the front parking lot. Once there, mosey to your left, line up, and bear crawl to the concrete wall. Rinse and repeat one more round.

Mosey to PainGround. The frost on the swings caused us to disperse across the grounds, making comms difficult for the coming routine, but we pressed on:

Partner Up. P1 performs 8 burpees while P2 performs air squats. Switch. Continue as an Apocalypse routine (descending one rep each round). 5 Yurpee buy out. The fog of war seemed was thick on the pain grounds today. A sign that someone delivered a thorough thrashing! We thank you, Typo+!

Dumb And Dumber Television GIF

AO #3: Broken Wheel

Led by Sex Ed

The look of despair on the face of the PAX when the gate swung open revealing cinder blocks made me light up like a Christmas tree. Thank you for that gift, Sex Ed. PAX cusacked their coupons to the lower parking lot where we could ensure the jagged, rocky surface of the parking lot could cause additional pain while we performed the following routine. One minute of each of the following. Rinse and repeat for a total of 20 minutes.

      • Goblet squats
      • Mountain climbers
      • Coupon swings
      • T-merkins
      • Jump split squats
      • Coupon rows
      • Side lunges w/touch
      • Shoulder touches
      • Forward lunge w/twists
      • Push presses

This was a lot of fun! Pom Pom, my friend in town from F3 Johnson City, and I were across from each other in the circle. We made it a point to watch each other the entire time and not let the other stop movement or use poor form. The result is that I’m sore in places I didn’t know I had. Thank you, Pom Pom and thank you Sex Ed! This HIM has been stepping up and helping F3 Nolensville grow. TClaps, sir!

Back To The Future Love GIF

AO #4: The Forge (Final Round)

Led by Kermit

The bearded one has brought us a game of Station Tag! The PAX thank you and jump to the task eagerly and with a real whiz bang attitude! Actually, we looked like we were ready to lay on the couch for a few days but you didn’t seem to care much, as you explained the routine:

Pax formed 7 groups, 6 groups rotating at the following stations and a 7th group running a lap on the track. The group running on the track finishing a lap and taking the place of station 1 kicks off everyone’s rotation. The stations:

    1. Skaters
    2. Clap Merkins
    3. WWIs
    4. Flutter Kicks
    5. Floating Starfish
    6. Squat Jumps

The AO was concluded with 10 burpees. Felt like being hit in the face. One, last, time. Thanks for that Kermit! We are thankful for the beat down you have provided.

Tired Fuck My Life GIF by TV Land


YHC wanted to make it known that F3 Nolensville is a group of men that follow Jesus, first and foremost.


The highlight of coffeteria had to be when Little Miss Piggy came with a pot of coffee in hand. He had to miss the beat downs because him didn’t feel well and him just a little guy. Just kidding, buddy. We appreciate you!


  • Spring Hill’s F3 Dad’s Event
    • Today, Sunday November 10th
    • 3PM at Harvey Park
  • F3 Nashville Convergence
    • Tomorrow, Monday November 11th
    • 530AM at Franklin Road Academy
    • Old Hickory is an HC for this and I’m on the fence.

Until next time! The Gauntlet will return!!
