F3 Nolensville was started April 2018 with our first AO, Broken Wheel. A year and a half later, we’ve grown to a total of 6 AOs, including two new all running and all rucking AOs, Runegades and RuckU, and have welcomed dozens of new PAX. We continue to grow and sharpen each other in Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith.
Today, we rise to the challenge of F3 Nolensville’s semi annual CSAUP, the Gauntlet. This challenge consists of 4, mini AOs spread out across an 8- (or was it 9?) mile course designed by YHC. Ready for a little Tour de Nolensville? LET’S ENTER THE GAUNTLET!!!
Conditions: About 25 degrees and rising. This Gauntlet started later in the morning than the Spring Gauntlet by 30 minutes. That and the recent time change meant we were only in the dark during the first AO (mine), all of which was on the football field. By the time we took off, the sun was rising and we were just getting started.
18 PAX threw down, including: Barney Fievel (YHC), Huggy, Kwame, MicDrop, Typo+, Sex Ed, Pom Pom, Maniac (FNG, welcome), Ragdoll, 3rd Degree, Kermit, Staples, TV Guide, Cheese Whiz, Pancreas, Old Hickory, Jeeves (pre vac), and Hot Dish.
After a brisk trot around the parking lot and onto the football field, Disclaimers and Opening Remarks were made.
Warmorama consisted of ten SSH IC, 30 burpees, and two good mornings. If you weren’t warm before, you’re getting there now!
AO #1: The Forge
Led by Barney Fievel (YHC)
I am tickled pink in all the best places to report that several PAX remarked that my Q was the most difficult of the 4. The fact that it was also the first must have crushed some of you mentally. That is delightful and outstanding!

Bear Crawl 100 yards, goal line to goal line, crab walk back, and finally broad jump across a third time. I just don’t get why you people don’t like crab walking. Pancreas gets it. Amirite?!
PAX circled up for a little something we like to call “Amber Waves of ‘Merkins”. PAX begin in the high plank position. One Pax begins routine by going down and holding the merkin position, signaling the PAX on his left to do the same in a waterfall. The original PAX, still holding the down position, can only rise back into the high plank position when the PAX on his right has gone into the lower merkin position. We did about 8 rounds of this and saw who among us isn’t above screwing over the guys to his left!
YHC was about to have us do something half baked involving push ups under the bleachers. Opted to have all PAX perform AMRAP pull ups once before moseying off the grounds. Well done, HIM. Onward!!
AO #2: Defiant
Led by Typo+
5 Yurpee buy in. The yurpee is a dastardly little exercise, invented by Dr. Yuri Speclanovichdevonovidch. Actually, I’m pretty sure Ragdoll, CheezWhiz or some sick combination of the two are what led to this little devil. Burpee with a clap merkin and two (count em two) jumping knee taps.
PAX broke into two groups and did parking lot burpees all the way down the front parking lot. Once there, mosey to your left, line up, and bear crawl to the concrete wall. Rinse and repeat one more round.
Mosey to PainGround. The frost on the swings caused us to disperse across the grounds, making comms difficult for the coming routine, but we pressed on:
Partner Up. P1 performs 8 burpees while P2 performs air squats. Switch. Continue as an Apocalypse routine (descending one rep each round). 5 Yurpee buy out. The fog of war seemed was thick on the pain grounds today. A sign that someone delivered a thorough thrashing! We thank you, Typo+!

AO #3: Broken Wheel
Led by Sex Ed
The look of despair on the face of the PAX when the gate swung open revealing cinder blocks made me light up like a Christmas tree. Thank you for that gift, Sex Ed. PAX cusacked their coupons to the lower parking lot where we could ensure the jagged, rocky surface of the parking lot could cause additional pain while we performed the following routine. One minute of each of the following. Rinse and repeat for a total of 20 minutes.
- Goblet squats
- Mountain climbers
- Coupon swings
- T-merkins
- Jump split squats
- Coupon rows
- Side lunges w/touch
- Shoulder touches
- Forward lunge w/twists
- Push presses
This was a lot of fun! Pom Pom, my friend in town from F3 Johnson City, and I were across from each other in the circle. We made it a point to watch each other the entire time and not let the other stop movement or use poor form. The result is that I’m sore in places I didn’t know I had. Thank you, Pom Pom and thank you Sex Ed! This HIM has been stepping up and helping F3 Nolensville grow. TClaps, sir!

AO #4: The Forge (Final Round)
Led by Kermit
The bearded one has brought us a game of Station Tag! The PAX thank you and jump to the task eagerly and with a real whiz bang attitude! Actually, we looked like we were ready to lay on the couch for a few days but you didn’t seem to care much, as you explained the routine:
Pax formed 7 groups, 6 groups rotating at the following stations and a 7th group running a lap on the track. The group running on the track finishing a lap and taking the place of station 1 kicks off everyone’s rotation. The stations:
- Skaters
- Clap Merkins
- WWIs
- Flutter Kicks
- Floating Starfish
- Squat Jumps
The AO was concluded with 10 burpees. Felt like being hit in the face. One, last, time. Thanks for that Kermit! We are thankful for the beat down you have provided.

YHC wanted to make it known that F3 Nolensville is a group of men that follow Jesus, first and foremost.
The highlight of coffeteria had to be when Little Miss Piggy came with a pot of coffee in hand. He had to miss the beat downs because him didn’t feel well and him just a little guy. Just kidding, buddy. We appreciate you!
- Spring Hill’s F3 Dad’s Event
- Today, Sunday November 10th
- 3PM at Harvey Park
- F3 Nashville Convergence
- Tomorrow, Monday November 11th
- 530AM at Franklin Road Academy
- Old Hickory is an HC for this and I’m on the fence.
Until next time! The Gauntlet will return!!