Bears & Burpees


Gloom Factor: Clear skies and cold enough for 2 layers except for Tebow

Pre-Party: Stats.  May have been Han Solo because he didn’t tell me if anyone else joined him or not.

PAX in Attendance: Pocahontas, Humpty, Deliverance, Staples, Best Balls, Professor X (Respect), Barney,  Sex Ed, Tebow, Nimbus 1500, FNG (Weed Whacker), FNG (Land Shark), FNG (Baby Shark), MicDrop, Huggy, Creeper,  Numb Tucks, Typo Positive, Bieber, Numb Tucks, and Stats

Warm Up:  Lap around football field back to parking lot. Disclaimer, 10 “L” Reaches (5 each side), 10 Dwarf Kicks (5 each side), and 10 1 Legged Toe Touches (5 per side)

Thang 1
4 trees as markers and each represent a set + repetitions (4 sets – 10, 20, 30, 40 reps) – “Deconstruction of a Burpee” exercises with Sideway Bear Crawls as MOT in between sets.

10 Burpees
20 Burps
30 Double Knees
40 Merkins

At end of exercises, parking lot “Box Bear Crawls.”  Bear Crawl using parking space as a “square,”  MOT Bear Crawl to next parking space until reach other end of parking lot.  3 total squares on the way up and on the way back – 6 total “Box Bear Crawls.”

Thang 2

Rinse and repeat Thang 1, but in descending order with Sideway Bear Crawls still MOT.

40 Merkins
30 Double Knees
20 Burps
10 Burpees

Thang 4
Parking lot partner work Bear Crawls aka “Awkward Bear Crawls if Partner Stops Suddenly.”  Partner 1 assumes Bear Crawl position while Partner 2 provides resistance while grabbing the shoe heels of Partner 1 while they do Bear Crawls to the 1/2 way point of the parking lot (light pole).  Partner 2 does his best to look straight down and not straight ahead because hard to have that visual so early in the morning.

Thang 5
Parking lot “Stationary Bear Crawls” in parking space (10 total – 3 sets) Bear Crawl to next parking space, repeat until reach other end of parking lot.  Rinse and repeat on way back.

Thang 6

Cool down w quick mosey and “Loaded Beasts” ( 1 minute)

Number Off/Name-a-rama/COT – 3 new FNG’s – Weed Whacker, Land Shark, and Baby Shark
Prayer Requests
Continued prayers for LMP’s wife
Ironclad signups – encourage everyone to step up to the challenge, Yardwork for