TAKE 2: Death by 50’s

GLOOM FACTOR: it was a beautiful weekend morning!

PAX: Little Miss Piggy, Nimbus, Stats, Swinger, Kermit, 3rd Degree, NumbTucks, Mr. Opus, CheezeWiz, Carrot, MicDrop, Topper, Pocahontas, Old Hickory, TVGuide, Ulysses, Typo+ (QIC)

Pre-Party: 3rd Degree, Nimbus, Staples, MicDrop, Stats, Kermit all enjoyed going PP while doing Bearway to Heaven, CrawlBear Hill, and Dancing Bear Pyramind.


Circle up for Disclaimer, WarmUps:

12x Squats

15x SSH

Head to Kermit and LMP’s trucks: Bigguns from Kermit and Teeny Ones from LMP (does that say more about each?).  Grab your Coupon and Mosey up to the PlayGround.  It’s time to have a little fun with your Coupon.



ALL EXERCISES HAVE 50 REPS.  Each round consists of Legs, Upper Body, and Core.  Run to first Soccer goal and back after each round.

ROUND 1: Squats, Curls, American Hammers (for AH: each side ½ unless you are using coupon, then each side is 1)

ROUND 2: LUNGE (Each leg is 1), Overhead Press, LBC (no coupon, drop legs to right side and do 25, repeat on left side)

ROUND 3: Step-ups (Each leg is 1), Pull-ups, Knees-to-Elbow


FINAL TASK:  Mosey back to trucks to return Coupons.




Circle up, counted off, name-o-rama.


MOLESKIN: keep these folks in your prayers please:

  • Ulysses son Tucker has Juvenile arthritis.
  • MicDrops’s wife, Allison, headed to doctor to confirm potential arthritis, or potentially Lupus.
  • Carrot daughter has Angelman syndrome and had eye surgery last week.
  • Swinger wife and mom both have health issues.


What a treat it is to lead you guys.  You sharpen me and keep me going.  Thank you!




III Pillars – 06.25.19 – “Bicentennial’s Favorite”

8 PAX hit up the hill of all hills on a mini-field trip at III Pillars. All lived to talk about it.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Bicentennial Man, Boone’s Farm, DFrost, En Fuego, Esso (The Fort), Hipster, Pumpkin Spice


After a quick disclaimer and an apology to Bicentennial Man, PAX we led on a medium mosey over to the parking garage entrance across from Mt. Covenant and convened for a COP, all IC:

  • SSH x 15
  • WMH x 16
  • LBAC F/R x 15
  • Merkins x 10

Gathered the PAX for a nice mosey all the way up to Covenant in hopes of getting a glimpse of downtown, but YHC didn’t really have a good enough idea of where the best sight lines were. No matter as we were as the top and that’s all that was needed.

Pair off for a some downhill relays on Mt. Covenant. P1 performs AMRAP Merkins while P2 runs to first lightpole and back. Flapjack, then RnR with 2nd, 3rd, and 4th lightpoles and squats, flutter kicks, and burpees, respectively. Plank and wait for six.

All in, and it was time to descend. P1 SSH while P2 bear crawls to 1st lightpole. Upon reaching destination, P1 runs to spot and begins bear crawl while P2 stays for SSH. Continue this “leap frog” all the way down to last pole.

With everybody at the last lightpole, lock arms for synchronized Lt. Dans all the way to sidewalk, then Indian Run back to launch for Mary.

  • Jane Fondas R/L
  • Alabama Prom Dates
  • WWIs
  • American Hammers
  • J-Lo’s
  • Crunchy Frogs
  • Bird Dogs



Welcome to Esso from The Fort. The moment he identified himself as a Clemson graduate, I knew he was a HIM. Glad to have a fellow Tiger in the mix, even if only briefly.

YHC attempted to use a bit of reverse psychology on the PAX as they started downhill, but I believe all would argue that the uphill portion was still just as painful in spite of it. Many were suspicious of a Crawl Bear up the hill but were relieved to see that hasn’t made it out yet.



  • 7/2 – 4:13 Strong Signing Day
  • 7/4 – Convergence at Bicentennial Mall – 0530-0630
  • 7/4 – Team Job 4th of July Blowout – 1600-2000
  • 7/26 – Nightpath – Percy Warner Park – 1900 until finished
  • 8/17 – Yuck Ruck – Details TBD
  • 9/14 – F3 Nashville 5th Anniversary at Stonewall

PA out.


The Buffalo – 06.28.2019

It was another dank day in the Bottoms for 7 East Nashville Hard Bodies.  Nothing better.

PAX: Hot Route (co-QIC); Pocket Chicken; Small Things; Ed Hoculis; Skill Craft (FNG); White Cloud; Brother at Law (co-QIC)

Disclaimer and WOR by Brother at Law

Mosey around the block.  Ed Hoculis pulls in late.  Big smile on his face knowing he missed Mosey.  Classic.

WOR: SSH x20; GM x10; WMH x10; Imperial Walkers x10; Warrior flow with LBAC and RLBAC x10.


Round 1 by Hot Route

7 cardio exercises.  30 seconds each exercise.  No breaks between sets except when we ran down into the bottoms between the second and third ones.  Supposed to get more intense each one.  Lots of self-regulation here.

  1. Jog in place
  2. SSH
  3. Heisman
  4. Heisman w/ shuffle
  5. High knees
  6. Butt kickers
  7. Mummy dance (not the Phish song Moma Dance, but close)

Brother at Law tags in for SLAD Sets, our newest lunge super sets.  EMOM: 5 reps static lunge; 5 reps lunge to knee raise; 5 reps stork lunge; 5 reps half step lunge; 5 reps curtsy lunge.  Switch legs every minute.  10 minutes total.  Legs were a wee bit jelly after this.

Run up the hill back to Community Center for some high plank and merkins OYO as we wait for the six.

Hot Route took us out with some MARY: high planks, ski jumpers; hip raise/hollow outs; american hammers.


Always a pleasure to lead and be lead with you guys.  Might be a real light crowd next week.  Please tell your friends.

Offered up intentions.  Listened to some nature.  Closed with Matthew 25: “I was a stranger and you invited me in.”

Bomber 6-28-2019: A Birthday “Party” for Firefox

[As Firefox does not yet have access to this site, YHC, Vector, has added his own blend of commentary to this BB]

15 PAX: Defrost, Duplex, Hi-Viz, T-Cell, Ride Along, Porcelain, Crablegs, Vector, Bad Boy, Lemon, Harvey Updyke, En Fuego, Crawlspace, Toothless, Firefox [who wants it on record that he was on time] on Q

Intro: Ride Along is back! [Hooray!] Not as humid as yesterday. Nice brisk mosey around McCabe up to parking lot and back down to the handicap parking area behind McCabe.

40 x SSH [You could see the concern on the faces of the PAX after we flew past 25 reps and kept on going. We queried if this was a birthday Q upon hitting 40 – answer was a resounding yes. We prayed that all future exercises weren’t going to 40 . . . ]
10 x WMH
10 x Good Mornings
10 x LABCs
10 x rLABCs
10 x Air Presses
10 count arm hold

No dice, no relays (maybe next time).

3 stations (playground, handicap parking lot, picnic benches). 3 groups. Each group rotates through the 3 stations and finishes up with a bear crawl around the traffic circle behind McCabe. Other complicated rules that ultimately boiled down to the following:

Round 1: 20 Squats, 20 Merkins, 20 Lunges/side, Bear Crawl
Round 2: 20 Jump Squats, 30 Merkins, 20 Dips, Bear Crawl
Round 3: 15 Pull-Ups, 10 Burpees, 30 Dips, Bear Crawl
Round 4: 10 Pull-Ups with Leg Raises [I mean, seriously?], 15 Burpees, 15 Derkins, Bear Crawl
Round 5: 15 Pull-Ups, 20 Merkins, 20 Derkins, Bear Crawl

20 Bulgarian Split Squats/side to finish up. [As if we weren’t already gassed . . . ]

20 x LBCs
15 x V-Ups [At this point Hi-Viz laid out the F-bomb to express his excitement about the proposed exercise]
15 x Flutter Kicks
20 count Hollow Body Hold

Lots of groaning, disgruntled mumblechatter, which is… good?
[Some examples:  “Worst. Birthday. Party. Ever,” “What, no cake?” and “Where’s my gift bag?”]


Swift and smooth recovery and rehab for Shadow after ACL surgery
Strength and perseverance for Ride Along through challenging times at work
Always a pleasure and honor to lead the Bomber crew for a morning!

Firefox (as transcribed by humble servant Vector)

The Buffalo – 6/21/19

Better late than never…..

A rousing Friday morning at The Buffalo is the best way to start off the weekend.  And this running of The Buffalo was no different.  Here is how things went down.

PAX: Hot Route; Small Things; Locusts and Honey; Dial Up; Hipster; and Brother at Law (QIC)

WOR: Jog around the block.  Get some good stretching in.  SPECIAL: Today was international yoga day.  So we did some downward facing dog and warrior flows to set the mood.  It was real nice.

THANG: Mosey down to the Pavilion for some bench work.  20 seconds on, 10 seconds off: Bulgarian Split Squat; Reverse that; dip; box jump.  Rinse and Repeat for four total super sets.

Mosey to the big hill.  Partner off.  P1 runs the hill up and back while P2 does some absolution plank work at the bottom: high plank, thruster (in), thruster out); one elbow down; second elbow down; plank jack; recover.  8 count.  Each partner runs the hill four times.

Mosey up to tennis courts for some Deck of Death.  Hearts are burpees; diamonds are mt. climbers; clubs are squats; spades are suicides (each leg of a suicide counts as one).  There was a wildly disproportionate number of spades drawn in the 12 or so minutes that we did this.  Lots and lots of suicide sprints.  Sorry!

Mosey to parking lot for the first performance of Bruce Springsteen’s “I’m Going Down”.  Everybody loved it and hated it all at once.  That’ll make another appearance for sure.

Little bit of Mary for good measure and we called it a day.

Prayers were offered up.  Announcements were made.  Hipster had the coffee.  It was a joy.  Thanks as always for turning out.

Partner Coupon Party – The Pound – 6/27/19

17 PAX: Kermit, Professor X, Staples, Barney, Numbtucks, Mufasa, Old Hickory, Sex Ed, Stats, Show Me, Inspector G, Swinger, Nimbus, Creeper, Cheese Whiz, Mic Drop, Tebow (QiC)

Pre-party led by Creeper

Line drill WARM UP (light pole to light pole):
SSHx10 IC, high knees
SSHx10 IC, walking knee to chest stretch
SSHx10 IC, high kicks
SSHx10 IC, bear crawl
SSHx10 IC, merkins x 10 oyo
then, lunge stretch

GET SOME (w/ partner & 1 coupon/pair):

Partner 1 – farmer carry (two light poles & back, switch arms at the turn)
Partner 2 – 100 WWII’s, 100 jump squats (total w/ partner)
(It was made fairly clear – I wouldn’t say very clear – after starting that dropping the coupon on the farmer carry would mean a 10 burpee bonus; 3 PAX were rewarded)

Partner 1 – kneeling to standing w/ coupon
Partner 2 – burpee broad jump down, crawl bear back (width of parking lot)
(3x each – audibled to half of the parking lot width on the 3rd set)

Partner 1 – Parking lot lap w/ coupon
Partner 2 – AMRAP clerkins
(1x each – time running short)

Partner 1 – AMRAP blockees
Partner 2 – parking lot lap
(1x each – time running shorter)

We finished with everyone together for AMRAP blockees w/ partner, alternating every 2 reps – 2 blockees then 2 reps worth of encouragement for your partner, as many rounds as possible. It was here that Old Hickory broke his coupon. Not enough evidence to charge as intentional on that. But, I think we all know if was an accident or not.  By the way, Kermit is down one coupon.

2nd F – climbing at Ascent in the boro Friday; meet at BW/Pound at 6p; see slack for details
1st F – nutrition challenge led by Numbtucks; Start with a plan this week to clean up your diet; failures result in penalties including burpees and $$ to the website fund; remember, even exercise takes a back seat to nutrition when it comes to overall fitness and health; great opportunity to join in with your F3 brothers for accountability and encouragement; see slack for details

Great work by all this morning.


Atlantis – 6.27.19 – “B.O.M.B.S. and Coyotes”

7 HIM escaped the fartsack and made the right decision on a moist, squishy, and beautiful Thursday morning.

PAX: Bicentennial Man, Crablegs, DFrost, En Fuego, T-Cell, Trapper Keeper

QIC: Cunning Linguist

YHC welcomed all at 0530 and, after a verbose and ever-so-linguistic disclaimer, led PAX on a mosey around the track and toward the lower parking lot, where we paused for the WOR.

20 x SSH
20 x Overhead Press
15 x LBACs
15 x rLBACs
12 x WMH
15 x SnL Squats

YHC then had PAX count off in twos and then led the PAX on a mosey toward Pizza Hut (aka the gazebo area) where we started on The Thang:

50 x Burpees
100 x Overhead Press
150 x Merkins
200 x Big Boy Sit Ups
250 x Squats
Plank upon completion while waiting for others.

1s performed the exercise while 2s ran around the Bob Ross-painted water tank thingy, followed by 2s performing the exercise while 1s ran around the thingy until all exercises were completed.

As we had some time to spare and we love the gazebo, YHC then called out Coyote Uglys, keeping the same partners in place.

Coyote Uglys
Wheelbarrow position for 1s, while 2s hold ankles of 1s.
1s move (using only their hands) from ground to bench of picnic table and perform Merkin.
1s then move to tabletop and perform Merkin.
1s then move back to bench and perform another Merkin.
1s then move to ground and perform yet another Merkin.
In other words, 4 Merkins = 1 Rep.
At 5 Reps, PAX switched partners.

Upon completion, we were all thoroughly exhausted (and at least one of us was *this* close to a Merlot Splash), but thankfully, we had a very short distance to run to get to our starting point and add three minutes of Mary to our lives.

13 x Freddie Mercurys
13 x Alabama Prom Dates
13 x American Hammers

Reading of 2 Corinthians 4: 16
“Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.”

Always a pleasure to lead the HIM of F3 Nashville. I am reminded with each Q I take that these men are truly amazing, and I am, quite frankly, humbled to be a part of such a great group of “high speed, low drag” men!

* Prayers for DFrost as he is expecting his first 2.0 in two weeks!
* 7/4 – 4th of July Convergence at Bicentennial Mall. 0530-0630 – Don’t miss it!!
* 7/23 – Libeery at Fat Bottom Brewing in The Nations. Book is Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport. Reach out to Crablegs on Slack for more deets.


EMOM @ The Stronghold 27 July 2019

Temp: 73
Gloom Factor: Wet and Steamy

PAX: Boo, Paco, Lockbox, Stretch, Juice, T Rex, Big Country, Puddles, Notes, Right Said, Crawl Space, Life Champ, Hot Route, Hot n Ready, Red Skull, Porcelain, Brother @ Law, Toga, Change Order, Bagger Vance

0530:30 Disclaimer

Mosey to the tennis courts, yes, there used to be tennis courts at Stronghold and circle up for

SSH x 13 IC
Squats x 13 IC
Supermans x 13 IC
Scorpions x 13 IC
Iron Crosses x 13 IC



EMOM x 15’
5 Rows
10 Merkins
15 Squats

Break off into 1s and 2s for Indian Run to block pile. 1s go in front of STEM building to block pile, 2s go around back. Classic pincer mover from WWII.


EMOM x 15’
5 Block Swings
10 Block Thrusters
15 Low Merkin Plank Jax

Mary Up:
LBCs x 13 IC
5 Block Merkins
Flutter Kix x 13 IC
5 Block Merkins
Ola Dollies x 13 IC
5 Block Merkins
Flutter Kix


That was a real smoker. Literally, dudes had steam coming off them during and after the workout. Always a good sign, that and Lockbox retching off in the corner. Much better attitudes and better effort this week than last. Well done yall. YHC gave some unsolicited advice on those two things you can control, Attitude and Effort at the end…it was free advice but likely pretty good nonetheless. T Claps to T Rex for owning his bad attitude and lackluster effort last week as well as at Detention on Monday.

BH: Continue to pray for the wives of our brothers that are struggling with health issues.
Pray for Dupree’s church as they recover from an arsonist attack earlier this week.
Pray for the men at 413 as they interview and for signing day on 2 July.

BV, Out

Racetrack Warm-ups

The Racetrack warm-ups

PAX: Double Check, Deck the Hollis, Umbrella, Every Body Hurts (FNG – Athens, GA), Carrot (Knoxville F3/Japan), Penny Loafers, Dinger, Edible Arrangements, Black Widow, Offshore (QIC)

Here’s how it went down: Disclaimer was given and emphasis given surrounding the PAX observing light poles and their stubborn means of moving after @greasetrap’s confrontation last week.

WAR: Mosey up to Hill Center parking lot: SSH x 20, Willie Mays x 10, Good monrings x 10, Imperial Walkers x 10, Baby Arm Circles x 10 both ways, Overhead Press x 10, 4 count Merkins x 10

Thang: Mosey to parking garage stairwell to partake in 7s (jump squats and Atomic Merkins), Mosey around Hill Center to find adequate handrails to complete Rows 3 sets x 15, Mosey to Uncle Julio’s outdoor seating area to find the walls to complete 3 sets of Irkins (10), Dirkins (15), Dips (20), Mosey then continued around the Hill Center and back to Racetrack parking lot to fined Mary.

Mary: Flutter Kicks x 30, LBCs x 20, American Hammers x 20, Low Plank for 1 min, Cherry Pickers x 30, ending with Good Mornings x 10.

4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse (correctly done) & more! @ BW

tombstone GIF

Pre-Party: Creeper , check that, YHC, led Staples, Kermit, Barney Fievel and eventually sleepy-eyed and full-bladdered Creeper for a Bridge and a Smidge BC/CB. Props to Kermit for his first BaaS CB Pole to Pole. Way to push those boundaries! We formed up and moseyed back to the lot after Creeper drained the pipe. A funny discussion about the awkwardness of kids that pulled their pants down to their ankles at the urinal when they were old enough to know better ensued.

15 PAX in attendance for the main event: Mufasa, ShowMe, Stats, BarneyFievel, Numbtucks, InspectorGadget, Staples, Creeper, ProfessorX(Respect), GaylordFocker, Mickey, Tebow, Kermit, eventually Tebow & 3rdDegree (Q, YHC)

Disclaimer given while we Mosey to the track:

  • 1/3 mile lap Indian run where PAX in the front carry and handoff Old Glory to the sprinting Indian


Inspired by the conditions, and Tombstone, we did the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse: (patent pending)

4 exercises with coupons: Blockees, Curls, Coupon Squats, and Flutterkicks with coupon held above body.

Exercises A, B, C & D in progressive rounds like this: 10A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1A, 10B, 2C, 2D, 2A, 2B, 10C, 3D (the best round), 3A, 3B, 3C, 10D, 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, 9A, 5B, 5C, 5D, 5A, 9B, 6C, 6D, 6A, 6B, 9C, 7D, 7A, 7B, 7C, 9D, 8A, 8B, 8C, 8D and done…

Great way to get 55 reps of each exercise completed in a manageable way. Thanks to some inquiring minds, 6 extra Blockees were awarded.

  • Another 1/3 mile lap Indian run


~10 minutes of Die of Death (Karma Cube…Craps…not sure yet what to call this still…) Q tossed die to random PAX and whatever exercise and rep was listed, we did. Sometimes we modified, and sometimes PAX tried to modify and bonus Planks were awarded. Eventually, 5 minutes in…we ran out of time.

CoT / Counterama (“15 Pax”, “How many” “30!”) / Namerama

What we learned:

  • We need to focus on first things first…what foundation are you standing on? You have to get right vertically (with the SkyQ and yourself) before you can get right horizontally with your M, 2.0s, Mammon, etc.
  • Pro-tip, don’t ask YHC while on Q “How many?!” because the number might double
  • Professor X has 2 more Xmen at home just waiting to be named…F3Dads anyone? Welcome FNGs Gambit and NightCrawler

PostParty: sleepy Creeper led 10:10:10 Pull-ups, IronMikes (each side 1/2) and proper-form Merkins

happy dumb and dumber GIF

Coffeteeria enjoyed by 5 PAX while 6 took off to enjoy some Nutrition 101 by Coach Tucker: some 2nd F and 3rd F took place


  • Thanks Barney and Kermit for the Coupons…thanks Stats for the coffeeteeria!
  • contact Kermit re: Ascent 2nd F climbing outing 6/28.
  • Numbtucks to host 3rdF talk on Dude’s Guide to Manhood 6/29 after the Forge.
  • NightPath: free Ruck CSAUP July 27 with F3Franklin. Talk to 3D for more info.
  • F3Dads Camp in Tennessee in September!!! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/f3-dads-camp-runamuck-tickets-58879270483

Humbled with the opportunity to sharpen and be sharpened.

– 3D