BUFF-Burpee Ultimate Football Federation

Sunny and 80F.  Plenty of sweat to be had.

QIC: Porcelain.  Pax: Right Said, CCR, PA, Crab Legs, Dfrost, Black Lung, Reveille, brother-at-law, hi-viz, Twin Peaks, pop-a-lock, cumquat WL, Draago.

YHC had to make quickly sure that the football was not deflated before placing cones in the field prior to startex.  Moseyed up to kick it off at 530 with a quick disclaimer and mosey for 2 sets of 10 burpees prior to COP.  30-SSH, 20-WMH, 10-GMs, 10-low slow squats.

The thang: Burpee Ultimate Football Federation game.  counted off 1s, 2s to form teams.  15 burpees for everyone on team when they get scored on.  1 burpee for everyone on a team when they turn the ball over.  2s volun-told with QIC to be skins.  Had some rule clarification necessary beyond the ultimate frisbee comparison.  One became declaring slaps of someone holding the ball illegal as it was slippery enough already.  1s ended up winning 7-3, 2s had the high score for burpees.

Rushed Mary: 30-four count flutter kicks.

COT- pushthe12.  Right Said has hired two employees and is now a supervisor.  PA’s son Anders is getting a recurring medical problem fixed.  Dfrost’s wife, Martha is being induced to deliver their first baby Friday.  Sign up for meal train here https://mealtrain.com/0y8989

libeery on 23d on digital minimalism.  Cookout with Ms and 2.0s at Porcelain casa 20th at 6pm.

Crawl Heavy Sack Work

14 PAX on this mildly humid morning…not terrible though.

Pre-Party: There was one, but I don’t know who or what did what.

PAX: Stats, Staples, Kermit, Nimbus1500, ShowMe, Glengarry (FNG), ProfessorX, TVG, HotnReady, ToolMan, Barney, and more…


ShowMe Lap and some OYO stretching while I gave a Stats assisted disclaimer


Interval Training w/some new moves

    • Side Gorlillas 30 Sec.
    • Sit Thrus 30 Sec.
    • Switches 30 Sec.
    • Stationary Gorillas 30 Sec.
    • 5 Step Bear Crawl to 5 Step Crawl Bear 30 Sec.
    • Vertical Jumps
      • X2 then 60 Second Rest
    • The Square Sequence 1:30 (Not sure how to describe the hoppy, stationary bear thing we did, I guess you had to be there.  Couple sit thrus then advance in a square pattern doing the hoppy thing & sit thrus at every corner)


In my sack, there were 21 balls.  Each ball had a number and mode of transportation written on them.  There was one 5 ball (that we never found), with the rest numbered between 10 and 30.  The mode’s of transportation available were Bear Crawl, Crawl Bear, Right Leg Hop, Left Leg Hop, Broad Jump (which we never found…thank goodness) & Crab Walk.

Unfortunately, not all  PAX got their hands on my balls.  One at a time, they’d call an exercise, pull a ball from my sack and huck it as “far as possible”.  We’d then use the mode of transportation listed and once we made it to the ball, we’d do the exercise the thrower selected in the quality reflected on the ball.

We definitively found all the bear crawl balls.


Just to change it up, we took a break by running the 1/2 mile loop, then 3 there and backs with BearBrawls, then back to my Sack to finish up.


The mumble chatter was a little lite this morning.  I think it was a combination of not much time/ability and the fact that Numbtucks and 3rd Degree were absent…we coulda done better.



Keeping it Fresh

PAX: Umbrella, Toga, Boone’s Farm, Tiny Dancer, Flying Tomato, Egg Bowl (FNG), 8 Bit (guest star from Cherokee), Razorback, Penny Loafers, Olan Mills, Black Widow, Bedpan, Double Check, Life Champ, Offshore, Deck the Hollis

Conditions: 70 and Sunny

16 redwoods posted to get a little stronger and faster at the Racetrack.  Here’s how it went down:

Disclaimer then mosey around the main park loop and circle-up in the center for Warmarama= SSH, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Cotton Pickers, squat thrusts, scorpion stretch and inverted scorpion

Divide into two teams with Team 1 executing the ‘Cindy’ WOD for 10 minutes= 5 pull-ups, 10 merkins, 15 squats

Team 2 sprints half of the track EMOM

Flapjack then switch back to the same rotation for 5 minutes of Cindy and 5 minutes of sprints.  We had to cut this a bit short to work on some Mary.

Mosey to flag for Mary then COT.

Announcements:  0545 Ruck followed by breakfast at First Watch on Franklin Road (by Kroger) this Saturday!

NMM:  Tiny Dancer said he was excited to get some upper body work this morning, and YHC is not overly sure he provided exactly that.., but who doesn’t need more sprints, right?  Razorback did express some criticism over the Q’s lack of originality in going back to the same rotation of Cindy and Sprints, but YHC never claimed to be fast or creative.  At least he and Umbrella provided Gatorade and Coffee!  Special welcome to Egg Bowl who passed YHC on numerous sprints and 8 Bit who nearly caught Tiny Dancer on their last sprint.

Always a privilege to lead!

Stay Classy,


Let’s try this one more time

PAX: Toga, Black Widow, Umbrella, Deck the Hollis, Penny Loafers, Offshore, Olan Mills (QIC)….6  more than when I led  this same workout a week ago. 


Mosey around front of BMS / Stem building and back to in front of gym


SSH, Willie, Good mornings, Bac, Bac-R


11’s on incline driveway – 10 burpees / 1 Jump squat

Over to picnic tables

10 – derkins, 15 – airkins, 20 – dips; x4

Over in front of STEM bldg – 50’ish yd sprints down – 10 WWIs, sprint back – 10 American Hammers x3 increasing by 6 reps each down/back.

7’s on incline driveway – 6 atomic merkins / 1 squats

20 Box jumps on tables

Mosey back to parking lot


Flutter kicks, J-Lo’s

CoT…Penny Loafer’s wife to have surgery next week and their daughter is off to her first spend the night camp (she’s a bit stressed about the idea). Deck the Hollis’s job transition is going good and he’s got a big meeting today.

Pleasure to lead you al this morning.

Ballin’ Cowboy Style @ Defiant 7/8/19

Pre-Party: YHC led Barney in some stretching…start off the week right!

7 PAX in attendance for the main event: BeerGoggles, DoubleBirds, Prof. X, SexEd (welcome back!), Barney Fievel, Old Hickory & 3rdDegree (Q)

Disclaimer/Warm’o’Rama: This is an off the cuff 3D extravaganza due to some WhiskeyKnee by Typo+ (seriously though, he strained his back…TAP)

  • OldHickory Lap at 5:30 around the front of the school back to the prop…he joined in right around kickoff


We played with Balls. Giant cement balls in front of school were the prop. We did Irkins with hands on the ball x 25, Derkins with feet on the ball x 25, Toes to Ball (on your 6) x 25, Alternating leg step ups (modify with knee to elbow) x 30 (15 each leg), Plank Variations with High (hands on Ball), Low (Decline position) and L and R side

Mosey around parking lot with variations of Mosey, Politician, L&R Karaoke

We have 2 Balls, so 2 rounds seemed appropriate…25 Irkins again with the last 5 EXPLODE to standing then fall back onto Ball with outstretched arms, 25 Ball-Hugger Derkins with ankles (or legs in Prof. X’s case) on the sides of the ball hugging it to keep body in Derkin position. 25 WWIIs with feet under Ball, then Leap Frog over the 8 balls in line with frog-hops between if needed. These Balls kick back with Double Birds getting Bum-rushed halfway through!

Enough of that…thanks for accommodating my spontaneity PAX!


Inspired by Tombstone and the book of Revelations, we did the full-price (no coupons…get it?!)

4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse: (patent pending)

4 Apocalypses of 4 exercises: Burpees, Floating Starfish (each side 1/2), Pull-ups, and IronMikes (each side 1/2)

Exercises A, B, C & D in progressive rounds like this: 10A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1A, 10B, 2C, 2D, 2A, 2B, 10C, 3D (the best round), 3A, 3B, 3C, 10D, 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, 9A, 5B, 5C, 5D, 5A, 9B, 6C, 6D, 6A, 6B, 9C, 7D, 7A, 7B, 7C, 9D, 8A, 8B, 8C, 8D and done…

Great way to get 55 reps of each exercise completed in a manageable way.

We moseyed back to the lot for CoT but got in a few plank variations on the Ball for good measure…6:15 already?!

CoT / Counterama / Namerama

What we learned:

  • Don’t drift with the culture and let laziness drag you into an undisciplined life. Plant a foot in the current and head upstream. Making the choice to get out of the FartSak and come post is step 1.
  • I enjoyed some coffeeteria 2nd F with Prof. X but had to drink solo…


  • Continue to keep health issues of multiple PAX in your T&P: Ulysses, Typo+, Carrot, MicDrop and others I’m sure…
  • Pray for Barney’s new job (started today) and for a possible opportunity for YHC
  • NightPath: free Ruck CSAUP July 27 with F3Franklin. Talk to 3D for more info.
  • F3Dads Camp in Tennessee in September!!! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/f3-dads-camp-runamuck-tickets-58879270483

Humbled with the opportunity to sharpen and be sharpened.

– 3D OUT!!!!

11 PAX @ Westeros sprint, burpee, and pull-up

Monday 08 July 2019 @ Westeros

PAX:   Blue Mule (QIC), Pumpkin Spice, Porcelain, Harvey, Ivan, Crablegs, BadBoy, CrawlSpace, RightSaid, TK

Gloom:  Basically zero.  Sunny and warm.

Very simple, but very effective.   I love to get back to basics.  And I love each and every one of you.

Warm-O-Rama:  Mosey, arm circles, squats, all the basic stuff.

First Thang:  Army Pull Ups:  Pair up.  Each PAX owes 100 pull ups where your knees touch your elbows.  One PAX does 10 while other partner does situps.   Flapjack until all PAX reach 100.

Second Thang:  Sprints/Burpees:  Sprint across parking lot, about 40 meters, then do 5 burpees.  Rinse and repeat 10 times.

Sprint back to shovel flag — about a quarter of a mile!

Mary:  Flutterkicks and Jane Fondas, then sprint back to the shovel flag again, about 40 more yards.

Spirited COT where all PAX commented on the amazing things we have to be thankful for.  Extra points for Porcelain and

Gentlemen, it was my absolute pleasure to lead you.



The Buffalo – 07.05.19 – “Wimbledon’t”

4 PAX shook off the firework haze to get served up a little bit of Wimbledon in some soupy conditions.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Brother-at-law, Magellan (FNG), Pocket Chicken (LIFO)


Brief mosey around the community center and into “The Cage” for a COP in the service box.

  • SSH x 15
  • SnL Squats x 10
  • WMH x 10
  • LBAC F x 10
  • Randys x 10
  • Overhead Presses x 10
  • LBAC R x 10

Nice and warm, it was time to bust out the McEnroe, a combination of the Daisy Chain and R.O.S.E.  Beginning at the net, PAX lateral shuffle to the baseline, jog forward to center service line, shuffle back to the net, jog forward to doubles sideline, shuffle to baseline, cross over to the next court, and repeat pattern on court 2, then on the other side of the net.

With the PAX familiarized to the Daisy Chain route, PAX perform the R.O.S.E: 5 reps each of Reverse Crunches, Overhead Squats, SSH, and E2K (ea side). Follow that with one run of the Daisy Chain and plank for six to complete one McEnroe. Repeat two more rounds, adding 5 reps to each exercise each round.

Slowsy over to and down the big driveway to an acceptable point for a half-Dora: Merkins x 50, LBCs x 100, and Squats x 150 with a run up to the stone gates at the entrance.

Back over at the crowd of picnic tables, PAX set up for a round of DIDs at 15, 10, 5. RnR. Then over to the swingset for Underdogs x 15 x 2.

Quick step over to the lot for Mary consisting of Flutters x 10 and Alabama Prom Dates x 10.



This was definitely a post-4th hangover workout as evidenced by the low numbers and general groaning and moaning (maybe that was just me?) during a relatively moderate workout.

Welcome to FNG Magellan, a driving EH from the previous day’s convergence. Having heard about F3 through someone he was helping move, he sought us out at Bicentennial after he saw a bunch of (obviously fit) men ascending and descending Capitol Hill. An Uber driver, music enthusiast, and former HR dude with a few moves under his belt, this guy’s been all over the map like our boy, Magellan!


  • TAPs
    • Prayers for Magellan’s friend, Glenn, who is battling cancer.
    • Safety for all traveling PAX and healing for the injured.
  • Announcements
    • July 20 – Potluck Cookout hosted by Porcelain
    • July 23 – Libeery at Fat Bottom Brewing- Crablegs will be leading the discussion on Cal Newport’s Digital Minimalism. Reading is not a prerequisite for attendance
    • July 27 – Nightpath – Night ruck CSAUP at Percy Warner.
    • August 17 – Yuck Ruck – Social Ruck/Community Service. Trash pickup followed by beer and fellowship at a local watering hole.
    • September 14 – F3 Nashville 5th Anniversary at Sevier Park – where it all began. Special guests from F3 Nation will be in town, so you don’t want to miss it. Mark your calendars as the goal is 100+ PAX in attendance. Be a part of F3 Nashville history!
    • October 19 – TNCANRUCK 002 – Social Ruck/Community Service. Ruck across Nashville stopping at select breweries and bars to pick up canned good donations and deliver them to Second Harvest. Last year’s event ended with 700 lbs of donations. This year’s goal is 1,000 lbs.

PA out.

III Pillars Turns One – We Party in Her Honor

PAX: Silver Medal, Lumbergh (Respect, and also LIFO), Pop-A-Lock, Moneyshot, DFrost, Princess Aurora, En Fuego

QIC: En Fuego

Conditions: Ideal for the muggy enthusiasts

YHC sent a pre-slack blast saying a party was going to be going down at III Pillars this week. Each PAX was encouraged to both RSVP and bring a gift in the form of a coupon. As 0530 approached, YHC disclaimed and thanked his fellow PAX for joining in the party festivities. Inquiring minds wanted to know what we were celebrating – YHC responded that was on a need to know basis, and you would know when you needed to know. With that, we gathered three coupons (one 30lb ruck plate and two 20lb ruck plates) amongst the 6 of us (Q fail #1 – more on that…) and began the mosey toward the soccer field. Circle up for WOR, knock out 12 reps of SSH, WMH, LBAC, Scorpion (a crowd favorite, or at least YHC’s) and GMs. During the GMs, YHC informs the PAX that on 6.12.18 III Pillars was officially born, and while a couple weeks late, today we were going to have a one-year birthday party in her honor. Also, during the WOR, Lumbergh arrives, and YHC immediately realizes we are a coupon short now with 7 PAX (Q-point, always arrive for the THANG with more gifts than needed to account for those PAX hitting snooze). YHC instructs the PAX to head to the playground and knock out sets of 6 pull-ups, 12 merkins and 18 squats while YHC heads back to the lot to grab an extra coupon. One 15lb set of bricks coupon and two rounds of the 6.12.18 combo later, YHC returns and we proceed for the party.


Partner up and head to the end of the soccer field – with each pairing needing one coupon. Coupon Shuttle Runs with a variety of 10-20-30s awaited us. Details:

  • Partner 1 would commence coupon run to the 20 yard line; perform 10 reps of the assigned exercise, run back to Partner 2
  • While Partner 1 is completing the shuttle run, Partner 2 performs rotation of 6-12-18s until Partner 1 returns, alternating between two exercises
  • Partner 1 and Partner 2 flapjack; and this process would continue to the 40 yard line and then the 60 yard line, with rep increases to 20 and 30, respectively

The exercises:

P – Plank-pull-throughs (with other Partner performing rotating sets of merkins and LBCs of 6, 12, and 18 reps)

I – Iron Mikes (other Partner knocking out APDs and flutters)

L – Leg Raises holding plate (other Partner knocking out squats and lunges)

L – Leg Squats (in the interest of time, combine with the Arm Presses below so effectively doing squat thrusters); other partner doing reverse burpees along with another exercise that has fallen victim to the delayed BB)

A – Arm Presses

R – Run back carrying the coupons, as time is officially up for this 45 minute throwdown. Close it out with COT and then some coffeeteria.

Job well done men. Great to be able to celebrate the first 365 days of III Pillars and looking forward to more of all things F3 over the next 365. Always an honor to lead, and I’m appreciative to live out the gloom with each of you.

En Fuego

Smyrna Smackdown

Smyrna Crew bringing the fireworks… 

The Fourth of July was another great opportunity for the PAX to recognize how blessed they are to be living in the United States of America.  And despite many of us having to rudely interrupt that celebration by having to return to work yesterday, at least we quickly moved into the weekend so as not to interrupt our festivities too much. The Smyrna Crew brought some more fireworks to The Forge, to light the PAX up.

PAX in attendance:  ManScape (FNG), Oh Ship, Double Bird, Nimbus 1500, 3rd deg,  Barney Fievel, Swinger, Topper, Pocahontas, TV Guide, Numbtucks, Ragdoll, Playboy, (CoQ) Cheezwhiz, Stats, (CoQ Mr. Opus, and (CoQ) Little Miss Piggy  (17 PAX)

Conditions — too hot and humid — oh where are those crisp November mornings?

Pre-Party: Numbtucks and Barney did a 1.2 mile run over to the AO.
3rd Deg, TVG, and Nimbus 1500 ran to BW AO, did 30 copenhagens, and then 3x6min per mile pace laps with 1.5 minute recovery b/w laps, then run back to forge. Stats saved them by picking them in car for the last .5 mile to get back in time!


Warm-up/Disclaimer/BattlePlan:   WMH OYO, LBAC IC forward and reverse x 10 each — that’s it, let’s get going — jog to the soccer field… OH WAIT , crap, turn around…

Pick up the Coupons from LMP’s truck.  1 per PAZ.

Mosey: Carry those coupons on a jog to the middle school soccer field.

Mr. Opus’ Thang:             12 Rep Countdown

PAX all in a line on soccer field.  Do 12 Merkins, lunge 20 yards then 12 Carolina Dry Docks.  Politician back.  Rinse and repeat decreasing by a rep all the way down.

Cheezwhiz’s Thang:            Tabata Twosomes 

First set:   PAX did 20 sec underdogs or pull ups (ha, that’s a joke– everyone went to underdogs) – 10 sec rest – then 20 sec of jump squats – then rest x entire song
Second set:  PAX did 20 sec Copenhagens- 10sec rest – then 20 sec of box jumps (START AT THE TOP!) – then 10sec rest  x entire song

This is where 3rd Deg really put in the extra effort — more or less in the jaws with his mumble chatter, but i guess he did enjoy some extra prom date thrusting at the top of his copenhagens   “EXPLODE!”

Mosey to the soccer field and find a battle buddy, and each PAX grab a coupon.

Little Miss Piggy’s Thang:                    243 

Independence Day marks the anniversary of when the 13 colonies originally ratified the Declaration of Independence in 1776.   That makes our country now 243 years old– so let’s celebrate with 243 reps of hard work on our core.

50 reps (25 each partner) of Leg Throws, 50 reps (25 each partner) of Sky Kicks, 50 reps of American Hammers with coupon, 50 reps of Plank with partner hand slaps, and finally 43 reps of WWI with coupons.

Position for leg throws and Sky kicks:   PAX 1: lay on back and hold ankles of PAX 2 standing behind their head (NO…NOT OVER THEIR HEAD… I do not want to look up your shorts nor do we need anyone’s ball sweat dropping like Chinese water torture on our face).  Leg throws –PAX 1 raises straight legs up to PAX 2 who then throws the legs toward the ground.  Sky kicks: PAX 1 keeping leg straight up toward sky, lifts butt off ground.

Mosey:  Jog it back to start area with the coupon in hand.   Deposit coupon in truck and plank till the six arrives.   Great job everyone!

CoT/Numbers/Names  — 17 PAX, 1 FNG named today (he works for the city and is an arborist — thus, ManScape, of course !)
Praise LMP’s mother-in-law recovering so well from mastectomy
– Soccer Mom still needs prayer coverage
– Nimbus: daughter tasted positive for Lime’s disease and starting treatment, praise she is not feeling too bad, but prayer it works out well without any adverse effects


-Using new Nolensville sign up sheet for Q / Coffeeteria sign ups (3rd deg really likes the new color scheme and look of Numbtucks’ design on this spreadsheet – you guys should really check it out,  oh yeah, and sign up for stuff!)
-challenge: nobody Q more than 1 time this month! Get some people more active!

Post-party:  a few us had penalty burpees to do for the challenges that we were/are apart of…  and Cheezwhiz is trying to avoid his for each day that he missed during the running streak challenge.    Yep, called ya out.

Coffeeteria enjoyed too

—Little Miss Piggy, Cheezwhiz, Mr. Opus


Patriot Games in Nolensville

PAX: NumbTucks (QIC), Ragdoll, Tebow, Nimbus 1500, Mickey Mouse, Mic Drop, Double Bird, Tweety (FNG), Swinger, TV Guide, Hush Puppy, Staples.

12 men all gathered in Nolensville to celebrate the 4th of July with a beatdown taken from F3 Chicago known as the Patriot Games. Here is how it went down:

In light of the Declaration of Independence being signed in 1776 everything we attempted reflected this number:

We all began with a 1776 yard run (1.01) miles. (I had to make a point that only 12 came because people were bellyaching about our 4th of July beatdown being at 5:30am rather than 6am…babies) Okay enough complaining by me onto the next routine:

We performed the following routines with a partner splitting the exercises unless noted otherwise:
100 Merkins, 100 LBCs, 100 Squats, 100 Mountian Climbers, 100 American Hammers, 100 Shoulder Taps, 100 Flutter Kicks, 100 Calf Raises, 100 Dips, 100 Step Ups, 100 Under Dogs, 100 second bar hang (each), 100 Carolina Drydocks, 100 Leg Scissors…
That equals 1600 how will we get to 1776 glad you asked

We bear crawled/crawl beared 100 yards then performed 76 burpees with partner … and that equals 1776 ladies and gentlemen.

We closed the day by reading a “Daybreak Prayer” from a book I have and then gave away a special pass for all who are on the nutrition plan that came to the workout. Have a great day gentlemen!