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AO: handsomizer
Q: Chunks
PAX: Grape, Red Skull, Blueliner, Spinal Tap, Natural Ice, Freakonomics, Salami, Old Maid, Cuban Missile, Frasier
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Nah, Lets’ get into it.

Divided PAX into two teams by counting off 1’s and 2’s. Didn’t think this would be that much of a struggle for the PAX, but it is Friday.

Each team grab a coupon and caboose is loose run passing the coupon to the back and sprint to the front.

Stopped at the back parking lot for the thang

I used the prompt “Create an F3 45 min workout where there are two teams and each team has 1 cinder block” to create the workout and I think it delivered

Station 1: Relay Run (5 minutes)
– Teams line up at the starting point.
– One member from each team runs to a designated point (50 yards) carrying the cinder block, drops the block, and runs back to tag the next team member.
– The next member runs to the block, picks it up, and returns to the start line.
Station 2: Block Exercises (10 minutes)
– Each team performs the following exercises with the cinder block. Teams rotate after each member completes their set.
1. Cinder Block Squats (10 reps per member)
2. Cinder Block Overhead Press (10 reps per member)
3. Cinder Block Curls (10 reps per member)
4. Cinder Block Tricep Extensions (10 reps per member)
Station 3: Team Circuit (10 minutes)
– One team member performs the exercise with the cinder block while the rest of the team does a bodyweight exercise. Rotate after each member completes their block exercise.
1. Cinder Block Thrusters (10 reps) – Rest of the team does Plank
2. Cinder Block Lunges (5 reps each leg) – Rest of the team does Mountain Climbers
3. Cinder Block Rows (10 reps each arm) – Rest of the team does Flutter Kicks
4. Cinder Block Russian Twists (20 reps) – Rest of the team does Burpees
Station 4: Block Carry Relay (10 minutes)
– Teams line up and each member takes turns carrying the cinder block around a 100-yard loop.
– While one member is running with the block, the rest of the team is doing continuous exercises:
1. Round 1: Merkins (Push-Ups)
2. Round 2: Squats
3. Round 3: Plank
4. Round 4: LBCs (Little Baby Crunches)

PAX did some laps with sprints between each station.

Made our way back to Startex with the coupons, but set them down and did another sprint to the finish.

Ended with about 3 mins of Mary
Always and honor to lead you men.
Happy Father’s Day to all the dads
Congrats to Frasier for a big week last week
Sign up for the 5k on July 27th at this illustrious AO.

Till next time. Strength and Honor