Basically iiiPillars at Middletooth

AO: middle-tooth
Q: Focker
PAX: Black Lung, Betty Ford, Pep, Two Face, Harbaugh, Cowboy, moneyshot, Zelenskyy, High School Musical (DR), Formica
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Various stretches while waiting on Black Lung

THE THANG: This workout was designed around praying at Yuri’s house. He is a dear friend of moneyshot who is undergoing surgery today for pancreatic cancer.
-Run one mile to his home. Every turn we did 10 burpees, 15 dry docks, 10 lunges.
-Had the chance to pray over this family and their home with time for reflection
-Run one mile back with turn workouts being 10 jump squats, 15 diamond push ups, 20 monkey humpers
-upon arrival back to startex, we did 10 ww1 and 10 prisoner squats, then 20, then 40, then 23.6. These sets were broken up by sprints. Total of 93.6 for average number of days in the summer

MOLESKINE: somehow we ran uphill both ways, full light during the whole workout.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: brewsday coming up! 2.0 workout this Saturday! Reach out to Grape.

COT: Opened up about how my first reaction to Yuri’s house being a mile away was thoughts of inconvenience/not ideal for this workout. The Lord used this to convict me of my selfishness and allowed me to reflect on the importance of physical places in our life. There is a reason we visit our old homes, have memorials where things have happened, and worship at buildings. Being somewhere holds power cause we are physical beings. moneyshot thanks for the chance to come into Yuri’s life and y’all’s friendship this morning