5.4 Kilometers in European 3.35 miles in American – Stonewall

8 HIM came out to a chilly start of a beautiful Saturday morning.

PAX:  FoxTrotTalksALot, BlueMule, BigStick, Edible Arrangements, Life Champ, Boy Band, Deep Dish, & yours truly TheJeweler

Conditions:   A pleasant 34 degrees and partly cloudy

Warm Up: To kick things off we moseyed from the parking for a 3/4 mile trot down Lealand, rt. on Battlefield , rt on Granny White & left onto Gale to the grassy knoll just up from the dog park.  Along the way, we did high knees, butt kicks, karaoke, and ballerina skips.

#Disclaimer followed by 15 x SSH, 10 x Good Mornings, 10 x WMHs, 15 x Air Presses, 10 x BACs, 10 x Reverse BACs.

The in an effort to kill 3 Fs with one stone, the PAX was instructed to pick a member of the group and learn one interesting fact and one ideal or principle that the other lives by throughout the workout.  PAX will be quizzed after the circle of trust and any forgotten details will result in a 50 merkin penalty for the group.

We started with a 400m sprint from the knoll down Gale Ln to the stop sign at Belmont Blvd.  PAX waited in push-up position until all in.  5 x Merkins in cadence.  Big Stick didn’t recovery correctly so PAX did an additional 5 Merkins – lesson learned!

Hop over to Christ The King field.

6 x Roll Back Burpees (From standing position you roll on your back, then in one motion you roll forwards thrusting your feet behind you ending in a push-up, then jump back up to the sky as you would to finish a regular burpee)            6 x Burpee Jacks (A burpee ending in a jumping jack)                                                      6 x Burpee Rolls (Drop to a pushup roll to one side & then jump up to finish the burpee… that’s one).                                                                                                                           6 x Half Burpees (Requested by BigStick… basically don’t jump at the end)

PAX was then instructed to grab some fence for 25 leg raises.

After demonstrating the Merkin, LBC, Burpee, & Scissor Kicks we kicked off:  2 x 400m Circuits (no breaks):  Sprint ~100m across the field 10 Merkins, 100m back 10 LBCs, 100m Sprint 10 Burpees, 100m Sprint 10 Scissor Kicks & 10 Cross Overs.

After Deep Dish proved that the white man still can’t jump in his glorious attempt to dunk a soccer ball, we moseyed indian run style back to the Stonewall playground.  For some partner work: 1 does Pull-ups while the partner does lunges.  Pull-ups 10 x 8 x 6 x 4 x 2 cut down (switch out each set).

At this point the Q had other plans but Deep Dish really wanted to introduce the boys to Tabatta Jeweler style, so Q called an audible.  We moseyed over to the parking lot entrance on Clayton street with enough time for 2 songs Rocky & Uptown Funk.

1 Round = One 4 min song like so: Sprint 20 sec – 10 sec rest, 20 sec SSH, 10 sec rest, Sprint 20 sec, 10 sec rest, 20 sec Merkins, 10 sec rest, 20 sec sprint, 10 sec rest, 20 sec LBCs, 10 sec rest, 20 sec sprint, 10 sec rest, 20 sec lunges.

FYI: 10 songs are on the playlist… Soon!      Image result for mel gibson soon gif

Not much time left so we moseyed over to the tennis court.  Line up on one side in high plank.  5 merkins, side crawl (in high plank position) to the centerline 4 merkins, side crawl to center of courts 3 merkins, rotate 180 degrees, side crawl to the centerline 2 merkins, & finish on the other side with 1 merkin.  Mosey back to the parking lot.

MARY:  25 Flutter kicks in cadence… TIME!


  • Forgive me if I get this wrong… but Boy Band mentioned that a family member was recently diagnosed with cancer.   Prayers for the entire family and medical staff.

POST COT QUIZ: The PAX was asked to learn something interesting about another HIM & something that person lives by or ascribes to.  I’ll just highlight a few:    Edible Arrangements has 3 kids – who knew?!  Deep Dish lives by the principle of “Always be the first to apologize”.  My favorite of the day came from FoxTrot, “The Optimist Creed”.  Here’s the link to read it: https://www.optimist.org/creed

All 8 PAX attended coffee and mumble chatter with a brief appearance from Baggervance post 14 mile run with a cowboy.

Was an honor to lead you men this morning. SYITG,


You’ve had the rest, now have the West – AO Launch

8 PAX showed up for the *official* inaugural West Park AO Launch.

We took this opportunity to explore many of the features of the park, discuss names and marvel at a water tank that could have only been painted by Bob Ross himself. There was a disclaimer somewhere in there as well.

PAX:  Pumpkin Spice, Vector, Hi-Viz, Right Said, Crawlspace, Porcelain, Crablegs (YHC) and Cunning Linguist

Conditions:   High 20s, windy, excellent

Warm up got started with a trip around 75% of the 1 mile loop encircling the park. This gave us a 270 degree view of the water tank prior to landing near the playground area .

Warm-o-rama:  SSH, high knees, merkins, squats, WMH, LBACs, OHCs

Thang 1:

PAX Partnered up and got to a round of DORA.

The exercises were 100 Merkins, 200 Step ups and 300 LBACs (alt 15 forward and back).

The running target became progressively further with each round finding the PAX at a garbage can further and further away.

Thang 2:

PAX got the opportunity to spend time with a new take on an old favorite: The DIDI

3 Rounds of DIDIs as follows:

20 Picnic Table Dips

15 Incline Pushups

10 Decline Pushups

15 Irwins (Irwin -aka Steve Irwin – aka Down under: Inverted row underneath the swings with hands on swing or the chains)

We finished out the day with 2 hill sprints up the entrance to the park and a COT.


YHC is honored and proud to have the chance to help grow F3 Nashville with the launching of this AO. Looking forward to seeing more PAX out here on Thursdsay mornings and can’t wait to see where this goes.



Titan Games – Jan 23 2019

PAX:  Studio 42, Apgar, Blue Mule, Reville, Porcelain, Incognito (WL from F3 Lexington), Harvey Updike, Right Said, BnB, G-string, Bicentennial Man, Crablegs (YHC), Trapper Keeper, Brother at Law

Conditions:   Easily in Double Glove range


PAX started the brisk morning off with a mosey to the concert venue near West End Ave for a muddy WOR that included LBACs, Merkins, high knees, air presses and squats – not necessarily in that order. We picked partners and took a mosey to the first challenge of the day.

Part One:

PAX lined up at the base of the hill that approaches 31st ave and traveled up in the form of a Crawl Bear. Each PAX performed 2 merkins for every 5 hand moves up the mountain until they reached the top where 10 jump squats and a significant degree of mumble chatter awaited them.

Back down the hill with an alternating leg lunge for more mumble chatter and 10 burpees.

Part Two:

PAX moseyed to the ellipse on the back side of the parthenon, found the aforementioned partners and prepared for DORA.

100 Merkins – 150 squat press (squat w/ overhead press modification) – 200 LBCs (cadence style, so 1 LBC = 0.5 rep)


1 Minute of Mary found just enough time for 10 burpees to close out.


  • Prayers for my close friend whose wife had really terrible post-delivery course after their first child this week.
  • West Park AO launching this week
  • Q sheet open for February

Several PAX continued to get better mentally with Q source study at 3 bros.



Bomber 1-25-2019: Strange Happenings Afoot

22 HIM came out into the chilly gloom to make themselves better, and strange happenings ensued.

PAX:  ABC, Bad Boy, Bicentennial Man, Blue Mule, Brother-at-Law, CCR, Crawlspace, en fuego, Firefox,  Harvey Updyke, Hi_Viz, Hot Route, Pop-A-Lock, Porcelain, Pumpkin Spice, Ride Along, Right Said, Shadow, T-cell, Tiny Dancer, Trapper Keeper, Vector (QIC)

Conditions:   23 degrees, wind chill a balmy 13 (Ironclad credit, ka-ching)

Mosey to the upper parking lot and then down to Rec Center cul-de-sac for the

Warm-o-rama:  WMH x 12,  Cherry Pickers x 12, Good Mornings OYO x 15 (at which point, YHC was mocked for his “strenuous Good Morning Apocalypse” — oh, just you wait, my friends . . . ), LBAC x 15, Overhead Claps x 15, Reverse LBAC x 15, SSH x 20.

Partner up for first round, which was moderately successful given YHC crappy instructions to “look to your right” for your partner — most figured it out.

First Round:
DORA — 100 burpees, 200 merkins, 300 dips with partner run around Rec Center.   And then, strange things ensued . . . While attempting to start the patented Vector Cheesy Playlist (“Heat” themed, of course), we learned several important lessons:

  1.   Crappy bluetooth speakers don’t like the cold
  2.   T-cell REALLY likes the playlists, running back to his car for a cord (hmm, why  so persistent, you say?  You’ll see in a bit)
  3.   Hi-Viz is a true HIM, as his “partner,” YHC, spent more time with the audio than with his share of the exercises
  4.   The PAX is a little slow on the draw at 5:30am and 23 degrees, as it took a good 4 songs before realization of the “heat” theme to today’s audio enjoyment.

Some Like It Hot – The Power Station
Burn the House Down – AJR
The Heat is On – Glenn Frey
Hot, Hot, Hot – The Cure
Hot in Herre – Nelly
Blister in the Sun – Violent Femmes
Walking on Sunshine – Katrina and the Waves
Hot Stuff – Donna Summer

Second Round:
After plank work, mosey to playground for “7”s”
Pull-ups (regular on the odds, wide on the evens) and squats

Because we “had enough time,” PAX performed 100 jump squats, perhaps in part for mocking my Good Mornings . . . and that’s when we discovered T-cell’s unabashed love for Donna Summer/Disco.  In what could be described by some as “feeling the spirit,” our friendly neighborhood Volunteer shook his groove thang.  A sight that the PAX won’t quickly forget . . .

Mosey to parking lot for quick Mary of flutter kicks x 20 and Crunchy Happy Frogs x 20 (led by T-cell, so we could stop his boogie fever).  Time called.


  • Bicentennial Man – 6th man.  Learned “C” stands for “Clarence.” So all we need is a Roger to re-enact the classic scene from Airplane:
  • Prayers for ABC’s friend, Jennifer, in Texas, hospitalized with fevers of unknown origin.
  • Glad CCR could mosey over to his first Bomber post.  Hopefully all the high jinx won’t make it his last visit.
  • Plenty of Q spots open for February — opportunities for leadership (and if anyone wants to VQ, I’ll provide the playlist, free of charge).
  • West Park AO launch successful yesterday, led by Crablegs.  Try to make it out to keep momentum at a great AO site.
  • And finally, the last lesson learned — when trying to shut down your iPhone, don’t ignore the “Emergency Call” feature, as YHC accidentally let our friendly neighborhood 911 operator know we had finished our workout (hence the sudden 862-8600 follow up call).  I blame the trauma induced by T-cell’s gyrations . . . so disturbing, so mesmerizing.

Was an honor to lead you men this morning. SYITG,


1/18/19: Bomber Broad Jump Relay


A nearly 5-mile pre-party was enjoyed by YHC and Porcelain at an easy 8:02 pace. (There are plans to achieve a 6 mile pre-party in the same 40 minute time frame before a workout before too long) Shovel flags were then planted to prepare for the real action.


QIC: Pumpkin Spice

PAX: Badboy, Bicentennial Man, Crablegs, Crawlspace, Cunning Linguist, En Fuego, Firefox, Harvey Updike,  Hi-Viz, Lunchlady, Porcelain, Pop-a-lock, Preacher Man, Ride Along, Shadow, Silver Medal, T-cell,  Tiny Dancer, Trapper Keeper, Vector


After a brief disclaimer, the PAX moseyed and made their way to the top parking lot for some Warmorama. The exercises served as a foreshadowing of the impending Broad Jump Relay pain:

  • SSH x 30
  • Flutter Kicks x 10
  • Merkins x 10
  • Squats x 10
  • Plank Jacks x 10
  • Low Plank Jacks x 10
  • American Hammers x 10
  • High Knees x 10

The PAX then counted off to identify their parter-in-pain for the Main Event. We moseyed to the top of the main entrance hill for instructions.

One partner is at the top of the hill doing flutter kicks. The other partner runs down and around the traffic circle and then, once they reach the stone wall entrance, broad jumps the 50-or-so meters up the hill until they get back to their partner. They tag each other out with a 5 burpee handshake and trade places. After both partners have run the course, they burpee handshake and then rinse and repeat with the following sets of exercises at the top of the hill AMRAP:

  • Flutter Kicks (already done first)
  • Merkins
  • Squats
  • Plank Jacks (alternating 10 high and 10 low)
  • American Hammers

Hi-Viz closed out with a final 5 MOM while YHC made an early exit to get to work on time (We’ll call it a FIFO).


  • YHC was apparently utilizing more of a bunny hop technique rather than a true broad jump for the first round of the relays. Mumblechatter abounded, notably by one T-cell, and YHC’s form slowed down for the subsequent rounds with T-cell’s approval of broad jump execution. 
  • Later in the Relay, the broad jump for many PAX seemed to take on the form of what seemed to me more of a walking lunge — but, as evidenced by my bunny hop, who am I to say so. I’m no expert on technique.
  • Many questioned the sanity of YHC, finding the Relay to be of a particularly potent degree of pumpkin spiciness


  • Look out for an inaugural (formal) West Park AO Q from the one and only Crablegs this coming Thursday. Details to be posted on Slack.
  • Congratulations to Vector on taking the reigns as Bomber AO Q! The West Side’s most highly-attended AO could not be in better hands.

Cruel Hall (1/18/19)

Lower 40’s temps and wet pavement greeted the 17 PAX who chose to end the work week correctly.

Took the bus loop for a warmup lap with some backpedaling up the hill for good measure.


20 SSH

10 Slow ‘n Low Squats

10 LBAC (and reverse)

10 Seal Claps

10 Good Mornings

10 WMH

10 Tempo Merks


We did 3 rounds of BLIMPS in the parking lot (5 burpees, 10 lunges, 15 imperial walkers, 20 merkins, 25 planjax, 30 sqauts). After each round, PAX instructed to run the capri lap before starting the next round. WWI for the 6.

Partner up and head to the rails with a coupon. P1 performs 10 rows with block on chest while P2 holds his legs. Flapjack, and 3 sets total.

Up next, P1 takes off around the baseball field loop while P2 performs AMRAP of Shoulder Presses with the coupon until P1 gets back. Flapjack.

Round 2 – Curls

Round 3 – Squats

Various Mary exercises were instructed while the rest of the 6 came in.

Returned the coupons and headed back to the parking for 10 burpees.


Good work today by everyone. And welcome FNG Blue Devil, who went to UNC.


Shoot your 3pt Shot

PAX:  Vector, Pumpkin Spice, Bad Boy, HiViz, Porcelain, Cunning Linguist, Harvey Updike, Autotune (FNG), Right Said, Crawlspace, Crablegs, T-Cell

Temp: low 40s, damp and gloomy

12 PAX got the week started off right with a trip to Westeros. The original plan was scrapped when Vector’s Blue Devils schemed themselves open to break the hearts of Nole nation everywhere.  Thanks to this, we worked until Reddish in the face today.

Mosey to the back parking lot for WAR:

SSHx15, WMH x 12, Cherry Pickers x 12, LBAC x 15, Air Presses (air ball for Vector, but really for me) x 15, rLBAC x 15. We picked partners and were thankful for an even 12 PAX prior to mosey to the playground for some modified DORA.

DORA: 100 pullups, 150 merkins, 200 squats. The traveling partner would run to the steps of West End Middle School, bear crawl up the steps, 3 burpees at the top (3 at the top of the key, so to speak), and crawl bear down prior to returning to their partner. This was tough and many thanks to Bad Boy and others who helped ease the squat burden for struggling PAX (YHC included).

This was followed by a quick mosey back to those same steps for 7s: Jump squats at the bottom, burpees up top. PAX were given the opportunity to choose their means of traveling up the stairs. Most ran while Pumpkin Spice went with the crawl bear.

Next up was a mosey to the west edge of the park for an AYG hill spring to the shovel flag and a bit of Mary go round.

We wrapped up with the COT and the welcoming of FNG Autotune who was brought by Pumpkin Spice. He will now claim his ironclad credit and we will hope that Autotune returns.


-RSVP for Leadership luncheon

-4:13 strong starting back up. Incredible opportunity here.

-Be on the lookout for a more consistent F3 Presence at West Park on Thursday mornings, with a new AO coming quite soon. You could even HC for a workout this Thursday if you want. An official name will be chosen on this day.

Who doesn’t like lunges?

PAX: Umbrella, Joey Freshwater (Kotter), Black Widow, Boone’s Farm, Tampa Libra, Funyuns, Toga (QIC), Venus, Tiny Dancer, Double Check, Razorback, Offshore, Pop a lock

13 lucky contestants didn’t skip leg day at The Racetrack.  Here’s how it went down:

Quick disclaimer then mosey to parking lot beside the parking deck.  Warmup COP: SSH, imperial walkers, hillbillies, T-Ups, cotton pickers.  10 burpees for Tampa Libra being late.

Mosey to stairwell for a quick ascent to the top of the deck.  In honor of the great American songwriter Paula Abdul, we began “one step forward and two steps back”= run down the ramp, backpedal back up, complete 10 merkins, run down to the flat and lunge the flat to the next down ramp.  Repeato till the bottom floor then execute pole smokers till the six arrived.  Mosey to the wall outside Holler and Dash, dream of biscuits then execute 1 rd of DID (Incline merkins, dips, decline merkins), and complete 10 step-ups for each leg.

Mosey to stair well.  Attempt to beat previous time for PAX to ascend stairs, fail, and get better with 10 burpees.

Mosey to monkey bars back at the park.  Execute 6 pull-up pyramid then get in formation for old school football ground drills.  Mosey back to the flag.

COT and Joey FW took us out.


  • Prayers for those dealing with illness and loss
  • Warpath this Saturday
  • Leadership Lunch next Friday, 1/18.  See post and RSVP
  • We’re back at 4:13 next Thursday.  Get back out there to support these young men entering the program.
  • The Standard week 2 happens tomorrow!

NMM:  The Racetrack has a lot to offer.  You’ve got the parking deck, the park, and Umbrella’s tiny flag.  Everyone worked hard this morning, and it’s great to have Mr Freshwater back in the mix.

Stay Classy,


What my 4-year old has taught me about leadership

What my 4-year old has taught me about leadership

My wife and I have a very active 4-year old son. Anyone who has spent a lot of time with children knows they often don’t have a filter. At times this can be bad, but sometimes it is very thought-provoking. I’ve read many great articles over the years on leadership from high-profile CEO’s, High-ranking Military officers, and inspirational leaders. I have learned a lot from these various sources however, I am finding some of the core foundations of leadership can come right from our children.

Below are few candid comments that have been shared by my son over the last several months that have made me stop and reflect on leadership.

“It’s dark upstairs, will you hold my hand?”

As a leader, we sometimes lead our teams into the “unknown”. It can be a change within the organization, a big meeting we are preparing for, a customer-facing event that could go in many different directions, you name it. We need to instill the confidence and trust within our team to let them know it will be alright and we will be with them every step of the way. It’s important they know we are there for them and will we go at it together. Prior to being in leadership myself, I had the misconception that good leaders had all the answers. I now know from personal experience that isn’t always the case. Although, I often don’t have all the immediate answers I have found that people always appreciate the presence and support of knowing they aren’t facing a situation alone.

“Sometimes you win and sometimes you don’t, but it’s okay.”

Everyone in some capacity whether in sports, work, or your occasional Monopoly game is competitive (in my son’s case, any game involving hockey). We won’t win all the time, but it’s how we react to our losses that tell us a story about ourselves. I have found that in leadership it takes emotional intelligence to not have a bad attitude after a loss. It is important to quickly assess and analyze where we went wrong and learn from it.

“Sharing is Caring”

If there is one word that we say the most when we are with our son and other kids, it’s “share”. I love to learn. I want to read books and articles about leadership successes and how to replicate them, but I also enjoying reading about challenges and failures. In leadership (and personally), I feel it’s equally important that we share where we have had success and where we have struggled. I have found that I have learned more from conversations with others sharing experiences than any other avenue of learning.

In our four years with our son, we have had some humbling conversations. Sometimes it’s a laughable moment, sometimes not. I believe that leadership principles happen around us daily, however, it all depends on how we look at them. I am still learning every day on how to be a better leader. I look forward to all the additional things he will teach me as he grows.

-Michael Jobe (Bad Boy)

Right Said’s Soggy Birthday Q – Titan – 1/4/19



It was a soggy one this morning. Steady light rain fell on 18 PAX who braved the weather to improve themselves.



Blue Mule




Hot Route



Tiny Dancer



Hi Viz

Trapper Keeper

Cunning Linguist



Bicentennial Man

Harvey Updyke


QIC: Right Said


One Good Morning


Warm Up:

Mosey to Sylvan Park Paideia


LBAC forward and reverse

Air press

Cherry pickers

Mosey to Richland Park tennis courts


Pre-thang thang:

Group 1 bounds from one end of the tennis courts to the other while Group 2 does 5 burpees and then sprints to the end of the tennis courts. First team to finish wins. Bounders won.

The thang:

DORA 1-2-3

100 Merkins

200 Situps

300 Squats

Mosey back to McCabe Park


7 minutes of Mary in 5 minutes:

10 rep dealer’s choice ab routine.



Bad Boy’s 3rd F event is coming up

Warpath January 12th

Winter Ironclad has begun


Learnings: Tennis courts are not designed for water runoff. Situps in the rain on wet tennis courts make Dose coffee taste that much better.


-Right Said