2 PAX post in rain 12 FEB 2019 @ III Pillars

PAX:  Blue Mule (Q), En Fuego

Conditions:  Not ideal.  Rainy and cold.  Very rainy.  Did I say rainy?

Wet Warm Up:  Mosey for a few minutes, some with a 25# coupon.  Arm circles and seal claps and squats.

Soggy Calisthenics:  Pull ups, coupon thrusters, squat jumps.  20 seconds on, 10 seconds off.  After we did that until we were sick of it, then we did 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of the same exercises.

Deluge Buddy Drags:  Two laps around the ~1/4 mile track.  First lap switch roles every 20 steps.  Next leo switch every ten.  Tclaps to En Fuego — I think I weigh twice what he does and not a complaint out of him.

Life Lesson:  The life lesson here is obvious.  Sometimes the world throws rain at you.  And a lot of it.  And then sometimes life makes you run around with bricks and thrust them.  And sometimes you have to carry someone through it.  But, through faith, through fitness, through fellowship, and through preparation, these life obstacles can be overcome… And can make you smile.

Pleasure to be part of this community.

See you in the gloom.

Blue Mule OUT.