40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40 … it’s a bday bash

Image result for kermit and miss piggy

Kermit and Little Miss Piggy pairing up for Bday Beatdown!  Who knew they were the same age and born within days of one another…it was destiny that they find one another.   Now time to work off that cake…

15 PAX joined together this morning to wish LMP and Kermit a happy bday!
Conditions: A  wonderful 26 degrees, and more importantly NO rain.

PAX who made it: Nimbus 1500, MicDrop, Numbtucks, Altidore, Sterno, Ragdoll, Creeper, Tebow, Gaylord Focker, Stats, Typo +, Show Me, TV Guide, Kermit (CoQ / VQ) and Little Miss Piggy (CoQ )

PreParty: led by Stats –dunno what they did but it was probably good , and i’m sure Creeper caught the last round of it again.

LMP led us off
Warm up:   Disclaimer this time, then light mosey around parking lot
On the line: dynamic stretches – toy soldiers, butt kicks, high knees 2x 20 yards
Circle up:  cherry pickers OYO, good mornings OYO, hip flexors kneeling OYO

Thang 1:              The Old Fart’s Core Needs Some Work
LMP feels like he’s getting a little soft in the middle, so he made core workout into a full on Thang.   40 of everything:
American Hammers with coupon
WWI with coupon
Split leg WWI with coupon
Nolan Ryan pull-through with coupon
Side Plank with leg raise (20 each side)
Plank with leg raise (20 each side)
Kneeling Halos with coupon (20 each direction)

Mosey over to parking lot — speed bump:  REAGANOMICS!!!
Remembering our ex-president who was born on Feb 6 just like LMP, and the Trickle-down economy of exercise:
trickle down from 10 to 1 reps of Jump squat holds (jump squats with an al gore for 10 sec  at end of each set)   — Q stopped us at 6 which = 40 reps !

Kermy took over at this point — Mosey back to starting point

Thang 2:              Fun with Sasquats
Pair up:  PAX1   does exercise while PAX2 travels to 40 yard mark and back; but throw in 10 SASQUATS!!! each time the partner returns
Exercises:  40 Burpees/MoT Sprint, 80 Iron Mikes/ MoT politicians, 120 Diamond Merkins / MoT Skank (stopped at 80 due to old man body not handling it and time )

Thang 3:               at the benches
Partners again:  PAX 1  does Climb squat x10 , while PAX 2 does Decline Merkin x10 — 4 rounds = 40!

Mosey back to the vehicles

Circle up and get a coupon. Hold that coupon out in front.  Let’s start by taking turns running around the inside of the circle and giving a little love tap (or shove) down on the other PAXs’ coupons. Done when last person gets around.
Now time for the comp!   Which old fart can hold em out the longest?  Kermit provided a $10 gift card for the winner!
Well age won over beauty this time baby!   Came down to two of the 40+ PAX, LMP and Creeper, but LMP could clearly see the spirit of Hulkamania burning in Creeper’s eyes and knew he could never hold out.  SO CREEPER TOOK THE PRIZE

CoT:  Numbers/Name-o-rama
Prayers for 3rd deg wife and new 2.0, soccer mom,

2ndF-  Thanks to Nimbus and Numbtucks for coming out on Friday for a the surprise bday bash for LMP and Cheezwiz!
1st F- opportunity to share with Tusculum Elementary by providing supplies; Sterno and Altidore will go get and PAX can donate through Venmo app

Red SOLO cup with beer for all to celebrate Kermits VQ !

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