Labor Day Detention

74 degrees greeted the naughty nine PAX who correctly decided to labor on Labor Day.

PAX: Backlash, Yard Sale, Dine ‘n Dash, Floppy Disk, Bagger Vance, Vegemite, Boy Band, Reefer, Ludwig van OshKosh (QIC)

Mosey around the bus loop and backpedal for a bit behind the school and circle up in the pavilion.


20 SSH

10 Butt Kickers

10 High Knees

10 Good Mornings

10 WMH

10 Air Presses

10 Overhead Claps

10 LBAC, then reverse


YHC has been known to start some workouts with 10 burpees a minute for 10 minutes, but I decided to deconstruct the burpee a bit and vary it up with 10 merkins and 15 squats a min for 10 mins. The balance of the minute is used for recovery before starting again.

Every 2 rounds we varied the merkin from regular, to clerkins, diamond, one-legged and werkins. Somewhere during round 2 or 3 YHC realized he didn’t give a proper disclaimer and audibled one during the merkins. The very last set we did 15 jump squats for good measure as well.

Partner up for 4 rounds of more leg work going the length of the pavilion and back.

R1 – P1 squat side shuffle (the basketball defensive posture) — face same way each way. Meanwhile P2 doing planjax until P1 returns and then flapjack

R2 – P1 lunge down and reverse lunge back, P2 mountain climbers

R3 – P1 broad jump down and back, P2 SSH

R4 – P1 bear crawl down, crawl bear back, P2 SSH

Head to the rails for more upper body work

10 derkins with partner holding legs, then immediately flip over and do 10 rows with partner holding legs. Flapjack. 3 sets total.

Mosey back to parking lot.

I couldn’t decide between 7s or 11s based upon the time remaining, so I chose 9s because why not. Start with 8 burpees on one end and 1 squat on the other end. WW1s for the 6.


40 Flutter Kicks

5 burpees OYO


Good work today. Next Tuesday 9/11 is the all area convergence at the steps of Percy Warner Park. Big Bang and Funyuns leading that CSAUP.

A week from Friday (9/14) in the Seven Springs shopping center on OHB, Boy Band is launching a new AO in the parking garage behind The Well and other stores. They’ll likely be doing burpees in front of Orange Theory fitness trying to EH some Sad Clowns who pay way too much for zero accountability.

A tough mudder is coming up soon, I believe on 9/15. Calf Killer is looking to sell his spot to someone wanting to do it.

Many PAX enjoyed the lukewarm coffeeteria — compliments of CCR, who was MIA. Beggars can be choosers too.


The Hill Blast – Razor’s Last Stand

Weather was clear.
Foxtrot TAL -QIC
Pax – too many to name, but 21 in all. Notables Razor…aka Venus…

We began with a short mozy down to the amphitheatre. Did a double loop around the mini circle to catch up with Prevac. He’s going to Tuscany, Italy today with his wife. I’ve never been but hear amazing things about the area. I am looking forward to going one day soon.

Circle up for warmup
25 Ssh’s
10 slow count Merkins
15 Mountain climbers
10 Good mornings
10 Willy mays
15 Baby arm circles

The exercise portion begins:

5 Teams of 4
50 per person dips
50 per person merkins hand release
50 per person stadium jumps
50 per person squats with 1 one thousand second count at bottom
2 on team running the mini loop and back while others continue exercises.

First to finish must go to the wall and begin wall sits.

We finished and began to mozy to south edge of campus where we noticed Frougal McDougal administering mouth to mouth resuscitation to Razor…..I thought it was a little strange because later on someone told me he skinned his knee! :)) Hopefuly Razor returns soon!

Anyways, the group trekked on to the gravel road on the south edge and ran straight east towards the track. We stopped for 10 merkins at the top of the ridge.

Next team exercise  began on track-
2 on team running full lap (1/4 mile)
While each person must complete 100 Monkey humpers, 100 lunges , 100 Carolina dry docks head to ground individually

Most teams alternated until each crew had run 3 laps. Yard Sales team completed 4 while rest finished.

With 4 minutes to go, we finished up with quick mozy back to parking lot.  Blue Mules grunts really helped me stay the course!!!
Finished with 90 seconds of Mary.
20 fast count Freddie Merks.
20 slow count J Lo’s!

Cowboy prayed for us. He gets me every time!

Schnitzel’s Birthday Q

QIC: Schnitzel

PAX: Iditarod, Grohl, Noble Virus, Scraps, Yosef

Weather: 75 and rain

Jog around parking lot

Good mornings
Willie mayes Hayes
Cherry pickers
Baby arm circles
Imperial walkers
Non-imperial walkers

35-4 count side straddle hops
35-4 count merkins
35-4 count mountain climbers turned into something (can’t remember)
35- cherry pickers
10 burpees

Partners-1 ran to the lightpost other planked. Down and back to light post and alternate. Worked our way up to 3 and then back down.
50 monkey humpers

Small loop slightly faster than mosey/stop 4 times
15 right leg lunges
15 squats
15 left leg lunges
15 squats
10 burpees

COP- give it away/red hot chili peppers- side straddle hops during verses, plank jack during give it away, and tree huggers during instrumental. We finished with tree huggers

One lap around parking lot and finished up

Fire CoT by Schnitzel

August 29, 2018 (Racetrack) – “You’re Doing It Wrong…” – Joey Freshwater VQ

12 HIM showed up at the Racetrack to get a little better today for a VQ by Joey Freshwater including one Willy Loman from NC (Marino) and an FNG… He did not disappoint.

PAX: Joey Freshwater (Co-QIC), Umbrella (Co), CAPSLOCK, Black Widow, Offshore, Calfkiller, Cinderella, Hambone, Tampa Libra, Razorback, Marino (WL), FNG Sitcom Mom

A muggy warm morning welcomed the PAX for Freshwater’s VQ. Umbrella proclaimed the disclaimer and the PAX moseyed up the hill to the parking garage lot to begin


10 x Good Morning
10 x WMH
20 x SSH
10 x BAC Forward
10 x BAC Reverse
10 x O/H Press
10 x Slow & Low Squat
10 x Tempo Merkin
10 x Imperial Walker

Joey Freshwater is introduced as Q and leads the group up six floors of the parking garage, across the top floor and back down to the first ramp on the first floor of garage


This is what I’d call the “You’re doing it wrong” workout because Umbrella provided constructive criticism on a movement in my first workout and I laughed my ass off afterward. AKA “The cherry popper”. Pretty much modeled after another one we did there.

Ramp One:

Sprint floor one ramp

30 merkins first corner

Lunges to second corner

30 WW1s second corner

High knees to third corner

30 jump squats third corner

Backward run to fourth corner

Wall sit fourth corner until rest of PAX gets to fourth corner

Rest count then proceed to next ramp

Ramp Two:

Sprint floor two ramp

30 burpees first corner

Bear crawl to second corner

30 flutter kicks second corner

Broad jump to third corner

30 air squats third corner

Backward run to fourth corner

Wall sit fourth corner until PAX gets to fourth corner

Rest count then proceed to next ramp

Ramp Three:

Sprint ramp three

30 merkins first corner

Power skips to second corner

30 elbow to knee sit-ups second corner

Side squat with turn to third corner

30 shoulder touches third corner

Butt kickers to fourth corner

Wall sit fourth corner until PAX gets to fourth corner



Mosey back to Racetrack lot for…

MARY (Umbrella):

High plank 30 seconds
Right arm up 30 seconds
High Plank 30 seconds
Left arm up 30 seconds
High plank 30 seconds

10 Merkins OYO

10 x Good Mornings

COT – Great job by Joey Freshwater on his VQ. He brought it today and PAX all worked hard and got better today. Reminders on 9/11 CSAUP as well as need for Q’s at Purple Cow and Racetrack in an effort to fill up calendar for September.

CruelHall Leadership Lessons

26 PAX: Bagger Vance, PSL, Floppy D, Fox Trot, Big Stick, Dine-n-Dash, Yard Sale, Accounts Receivable, Lumberg, Calf Killer, CCR, Yumi, fox hole, Swamp Fox, The Strangler, Reefer, Black Lung, Skid Mark, umbrella, Donuts Pre-Vac

QIC: Dupree

A nice and cool 61 degrees greeted 26 PAX last Friday. Thinking that it would be good day for some encouraging partner work, and being inspired by Q’s reading for IronClad challenge, Q gave the disclaimer.

Taking the long loop around the bus loop, Q surprises PAX with a left turn into the new parking lot. FoxTrot and Big Stick stumble into finding us in circle and much mumblechatter begins with the arrival of FoxTrot who stood next to BV.


SSH xs 15
Willie Mays xs 15
Good Mornings xs15
Baby Arm circles xs15
Reverse xs 15
air press xs 15
Squats xs 15
Merkins xs 15

Count off 1’s and 2’s – 1’s look to your left, 2’s to your right and that is partner for the day. Each exercise is done together. Q quoted Andy Crouch from his book “Strong and Weak:”
Leadership begins the moment you care about others flourishing more than your own. Q was really moved by this statement this summer and let that wisdom guide our workout together.


Bear Crawl up the bus hill with partner. Once you get to the gate, jog back down to the bus hill.

Lunge up the bus hill with partner (these felt especially good after PSL’s beatdown at detention). Run back to the bus loop.

Burpee broadjump up the bus hill with partner. This one was a favorite of the PAX.

Then mosey to playground where we with our partner did three sets of 10 pullups, 20 rows, and 25 dips. Pre-Vac prevacced.

Line up under pavilion. With partner do 11’s – burpee/mountain merkin combination. That sucked.

Flutters xs 30
WWI’s on your own – 15
Good Mornings to close us out.

COT – Q school and 4 year F3 anniversary September 29th.

Q reminded PAX that some are faster, some are slower, some in great shape, some are just beginning, but we all need each other. Today we practiced caring more about the other than ourselves. For some of us that sped us up. For some of us that slowed us down. But we did it together. We all need people to walk with in life together. If we truly want to be leaders, care more about the flourishing of others than your own.

Always an honor to lead.

Run Forrest

QIC: Iditarod
PAX: Iditarod, Scraps, Grohl, CDL, Noble Virus, Air Wolf
2 Laps around Courthouse-Politicians, Side Shuffles ETC.
Good Mornings x 10
Willie Mays Hayes x 10
Daisy Pickers
BAC x 10
Hand claps x10
SSH x 10

The Thang
Mosey to the Presbyterian Church-Along the way made 3 stops
Burpees x 10
Alternating Shoulder taps x 20
Merkins x 30
Alabama ass kickers x 40

YHC informed the PAX they helped to spell out BAMA since this weekend kicks off college football.

Partnered up for three rounds of 3 different super sets.

Round 1

P1 Thruster Merkins on swing set x 10
P2 Squats till P1 completes
Then Flip flop
X 3 Sets

Round 2
P1 Dips x 20
P2 Lt Dans till P1 completes
Then Flip flop
X 3 Sets

Round 3
P1 Incline Merkins x 12
P2 Step ups till P1 Completes
X 3 Sets

Mosey Back
Halfway stop for 20 Squats

No time for Mary upon return.

COT and Prayer.

NMS: Nice to have Airwolf back with us. Keep working hard Gents that one was a tough one. Also CDL is running for him 5k if anyone interested. Good cause and memorial for an old friend of his. Hit him up if youre interested.

Westeros 27 AUG 2018: Sprinting and Merkins

Westeros 27 AUG 2018: Sprinting and Merkins

PAX: Blue Mule (Q), Crab Legs, Megatron, Studio 42, Da Vinci, Reveille, Vital Signs

7 PAX. Gloomy conditions. 0530, GO.

(Basically all we did was run and do merkins – this will be the easiest backblast ever).

Mosey to area close to football field. Boring things like arm circles and stretches to warm up.

SPRINTS AND MERKINS: PHASE ONE: ELEVENS: Mosey to the football field. Team up. Portion of team sprints field, does merkins, then sprints back. Other portion does straddle hop until it’s their turn. Rinse and repeat for ~10 minutes. Plenty of sprints and merkins.

SPRINTS AND MERKINS: PHASE TWO: TELEPHONE POLE: Mosey to the playground. Stay teamed up. Portion of team runs to telephone pole, ~150 yards away. Other teammates stay and do merkins until it is their turn to run. That’s about two minutes doing merkins.

SPRINTS AND MERKINS: PHASE THREE: HILL SPRINTS: Mosey to hill near starting area. Sprint up the hill. Ten merkins. Mosey back to bottom of hill. Rinse and repeat four times. Perform fifth sprint, but sprint to start and do twenty merkins.

MARY: Flutterkicks for 60 seconds.

Simple. Effective. Basically 45 minutes of running and pushups.


Blue Mule

Studio 42’s Animal Kingdom

CONDITIONS: Cool and crisp, a glorious morning to be outside.

PAX:  T-Cell, Keep-the-Change, Princess Aurora, Hambone, Porcelain, Right Said, Preacher Man, Rocket League, Crablegs, Hawkeye, Lunch Lady, Lemon, Firefox, Hi-Viz, Vector, Silver Medal, Trapper-Keeper, Bad-Boy

QIC: Studio 42


WARM-UP/CoP:  Mosey to the airplane circle for a poorly lit warm-up

  • Side Straddle Hops
  • Little Baby Arm Circles
  • Squats
  • Seal Claps
  • Werewolves
  • Good Mornings


Animal Run (mosey’d the trail in between excercises)

  • Bear Crawl
  • Frog Hops (over your partner)
  • Duck Walk
  • Alligator Merkins
  • “Catch Me If You Can” w/ 10 Gorilla Humpers
  • Caterpillar (2 rows planking, facing each other, last 2 guys jump over plankers until they’re at the front)
  • Black Snake Run back to the parking lot



  • Crunch/Happy Frogs
  • Starfish Crunches
  • Werewolves (accompanied by some ridiculous howls…)



  • Grow Ruck, check it out
  • 4-year anniversary Q coming up on September 9th at Stonewall
  • Be praying for:
    1. Bad Boy and his wife and baby, that all goes well with the pregnancy
    2. The Luellen (sp?) family who just lost their 13 year old son to suicide
    3. That the Hawkeye family gets their Visas in time and he’s able to get that tooth taken care of!
    4. Hambone’s former co-worker that took his life and the loved ones he leaves behind
    5. Pushing back on the darkness around us
    6. Praise that Lunch Lady’s friend’s scan came back with good results!


What a day to workout guys, bring on more of this cool weather!  Glad to share the best part of the day with y’all.

Studio 42 out.

The Stronghold – 08.23.18 – “C is for Cookie”

24 PAX including 5 FNGs and 4 Willy Lomans from all over the country posted for the final workout of the year with the men of 4:13 Strong. These men are will start new jobs next week (6 out of 10 already started!), so YHC wanted to send them off with a special workout highlighting the Leadership Characteristics known as “the 5 C’s.”

QIC: Princess Aurora, Toga

PAX: CAPSLOCK, Red Skull, Jersey Money, Big Ticket, Bruh Bruh, Teddy, Fallout, Life Champ, Biscuit, Tool Time, Straight Pipe (FNG), PewPew (Louisville), Scuba Steve (Louisville), Olaf (Dallas), Flo Jo (Louisville), Cargo (FNG), Paradise (FNG), Naked & Afraid (FNG), Fungi (FNG), Casual Friday, Stranger, Joey Freshwater


Toga kicked things off with a masterfully presented disclaimer followed by a brief mosey and warm-o-rama consisting of:

  • Imperial Walkers
  • Hillbillies
  • Good Mornings
  • LBACs
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Scorpions

YHC took over for today’s lesson in the 5 C’s. PAX were divided into groups of three and we moseyed over to the baseball field to get started.

  • Candor: being open and honest; frank

– P1 performs max Merkins, P2 performs max Jump Lunges, P3 rests and critiques form, doesn’t allow team members to slack. Call outs were encouraged.

  • Commitment: being dedicated to your group and to the mission

– P1 holds Air Chair, P2 performs SSH x 100, P3 performs 4ct FKs x 50. If P1 breaks Air Chair before others finish, add 20 to rep count. Rotate through.

  • Contentment: consistent attitude

– Suicides for 8′.

  • Courage: strength in the face of pain or fear

– Block Webb (1 Merkin, 2 Block Presses, 2 Merkins, 4 Block Presses…5 Merkins, 10 Block Presses, back down to 1). Finished with a nice surprise of 5 and 10 again.

  • Competence: the ability to do something successfully or efficiently

– Mary led by each of the PAX using proper cadence. We got through all of the 4:13 guys as well as some FNGs who all performed wonderfully in the moment.


It was great to have PewPew and his conference buddies in tow. F3 Louisville is doing big things, so big that they’re taking over Nashville apparently. As the FNGs return to their respective cities, I hope they will find a way to continue giving it away in their own communities.


  • Next 4:13 class begins in January, so no more The Stronghold for 2018. Talk to Red Skull to learn how you can continue to support them in other ways.
  • 4th Anniversary Convergence and Q School on 9/29 at Stonewall. BE THERE.
  • Ironclad is wrapping up in a week! Hope to patch you all!

PA out.


Round Three at The Skunk

8 brave souls ventured out to the Skunk this am.

Those in attendance were:


Money Shot

life Champ

Bagger Vance

Big Stick (aka Notorious ManBoy)

Razor (aka Venus)

T-Cell (aka Founding Father)

Foxtrot Talksalot

We began with a little mosey. Side shuffles, donkey kicks, knee highs, calf stretches carried us to the circle up behind JT Moore school.

20 SSH’s, 10 baby arm circles forward, backward.

The heavens then opened up quarter size rain drops as Venus shouted out an Andy Dufresne ‘Shawshank’ reference. We all began to open our arms and face the sky…..akin to the scene where Andy had just crawled thru 500 yards of poopoo to free himself

10 Good mornings, 10 willy May’s Hays

Them mosey around the little baby traffic circle in the back. Quick team huddle under the tree for a reprieve from the monsoon. Venus then apparently lost it in a pothole and went Ass over Tea Kettle! I turned around to see him back on his feet and moving. Thank god his day job doesn’t require hand eye coordination!!!

Mosey back up to the starting spot, with exercise breaks at the speed bumps.

10 mountain climbers, 10 dry docks, 10 dips, 10 plank jacks

The rain ended at this point

The Thang (as called in from corporate)

We began with 15 Burpee box jump overs then 50 hand release merkins, then broad jump 10 yards out and back.

Then 14 BBJO’s, then 50 goblet squirts with coupons  (called squirts because my shorts were completely soaked and my gas sounded like straight up diarrhea when I released….), followed by broad jumps.

Then 13 BBJO’s, then 50 leg ups while holding coupon over chest, then broad jumps.

This proceed for 30 minutes.

We circled up for Mary. 20 Freddy Merks, 20 J Los and the last 30 seconds in self guided Good Mornings!


T cell 8 50 GS
Foxtrot 7 5 LR
Life champ 10 50 HRM
Cowboy 9 50 HRM
Venus 8 50 GS
Big stick 7 22 LR
Money Shot 8 50 GS
BV 7 24 LR

See you animals tomorrow.