QIC: Noble Virus
PAX: Noble Virus, Iditarod, Schnitzel, CDL, Aristotle, Yosef, Woodshed
Warmup lap around the square with a Mozy, cherry pickers and politicians.
7 merkins- 4 sets in honor of July 4th
17 burpees and 76 LBCs in honor of 1776.
Mozy to the parking garage
Bear crawl up the incline with 17 burpees in the middle
17 Star planks (opposite arm/leg reach)
76 Side Straddle Hops
Mozy to the courtyard
17 burpees
17 box jumps
76 American Hammers
Mozy back to the square
17 burpees
Circle of Fire
Modified Indian run, PAX in the back dropped and did 8 burpees to complete the set of 76. Remaining PAX lunged, bear crawled, broad jumped instead of running.

7/2/18 – The Purple Cow

Felt like a sauna as we got after it at The Purple Cow. 5 HIM got better in the heat and humidity this am.

PAX: Boone’s Farm, Ponzi, Offshore, FNG – Backlash (Jon Watson), Umbrella

QIC – Umbrella

Mosey to Granny White Park and to the tennis courts for:
SSH x 20
WMH x 10
GM x 10
BAC Forward x 10
O/H Press x 10
BAC Reverse x 10
Tempo Merkin x 10
Slow N Low Squat x 10


Mosey to pedestrian track around perimeter of Granny White Park. Mosey was continuous for two laps with stops for the following every ~200 – 400 meters:

Stop 1 – 5 burpees – continue mosey
Stop 2 – 5 burpees, 10 merkins, mosey
Stop 3 – 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 LBC’s, mosey
Stop 4 – 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 LBC’s, 20 CDD’s, mosey
Stop 5 – 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 LBC’s, 20 CDD’s, 25 squats, mosey
Stop 6 – 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 LBC’s, 20 CDD’s, 25 squats, 1 min high plank, mosey
Stop 7 – 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 LBC’s, 20 CDD’s, 25 squats, 1 min low plank, 35 American Hammers, mosey
Stop 8 – 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 LBC’s, 20 CDD’s, 25 squats, 1 min alternating arm planks, 35 hammers, 40 air presses, mosey back to parking lot at BMS for 10 Good Mornings to finish it off.

PAX performed valiantly. 2 laps of The Purple Cow completed exceeding 2.5 miles, T-Claps for FNG Backblast who was suffering from disk problems in back but toughed out the work for his first post.

Prior to closing out COT, we discussed a quote I keep on my desk that states the following:

“The finish line of comfort and the starting line of growth look an awful lot alike.” – Dan Klein

Whether we are looking to grow spiritually, in our marriage as husbands, as fathers, as leaders, or physically; we must push through discomfort to allow real growth and progress to take hold. The PAX of The Purple Cow got stronger today and pushed through the finish line of comfort. Challenge going forward was to determine what other area of our lives to we need to push through comfort to be the men God is calling us to be.

God Bless,


Poor Planning but Fun Times

  1. Nice sticky warm morning

PAX: 21 Pax: Nightcrawler, Sinestro, Kilmonger, Princess Aurora, Cowboy, Casual Friday, Blacklung, Donuts, Porcelain, Hambone, Bagger Vance, Brother-at-Law, Toga, Hot N Ready, Red Skull, Skid Mark, Pop-a-Lock, Dilly Dilly, Dr SmartT, Big Stick, and myself.

5:30 kickoff

Disclaimer given en route with a light mosey to some soft, padded, dewy grass.

Windmill x10, Good Morning x10, Imperial Walker x10, Willy Mays Hayes x10, LBAC x 10 each way, Merkins x10

Get After It:

Indian Run around the main building. PAX do 5 Merkins prior to beating feet to the front. Then stopped at the Ball Field for some Front, Back Go’s (Merkins, Flutter Kicks, Sprints on command), Tunnel of Love (low crawl under PAX), and Crowd Surfing. It was at this point Q realized he did not pace his exercises well enough and had 15 minutes to fill. Resorted to Plan B and pulled out the playing cards. Diamonds – Squats, Spades – Hillbilly Walkers, Hearts – Crab Legs, Clubs – Merkins, Ace – x35 dealer’s choice. Due to consistent shuffling of the deck, many many Merkins were performed.


413 last day. Wolverine and (Kingpin? Snoopy?) are already hard at work. Our remaining Marvel heroes begin work soon. Our pride, encouragement, and prayers will follow them. AO will be closed for a month. See Q signup sheet for future dates.

July 4th pig roast and fund raiser for Team Job on Smartt in The Shire…hit up slack for RSVPing

TN Can Ruck on 21 July

June 26 – Sir E – Honoring Zachary Tellier

Dilly Dilly, Spiderbite, Pope, Vegemite, CAPSLOCK, D’mish, Too Tall, Frugal McDougal, Big Stick, Yard Sale, Frogger, Edible, Bagger Vance, A-Fib, Skidmark, Umbrella, CCR, Floppy Disk, PSL, Razor

QIC: Umbrella

PAX moseyed to top of hill for:
SSH x 20
Good Morning x 10
WMH x 10
BAC Forward x 10
Shoulder Press x 10
BAC Reverse x 10
Tempo Merkins x 10
Slow & Low Squats x 10

10 Burpees
Run loop

10 Burpees
25 Merkins
Run loop

10 Burpees
25 Merkins
50 Lunges
Run Loop

10 Burpees
25 Merkins
50 Lunges
100 LBC’s
Run Loop

10 Burpees
25 Merkins
50 Lunges
100 LBC’s
150 Squats
Run Loop

If finished before the rest of PAX, help those that are struggling finish their last segment.

20 – AL Prom Dates
25 – Flutter Kicks
15 – Makhtar N’Diaye
1 minute Lanny Lou

Today we honored Sgt. Zachary D. Tellier, 31, of Charlotte was a combat infantryman with the 4th Squadron, 73rd Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, at Fort Bragg. He died Sept. 29, 2007 of wounds sustained while on a ground patrol in Afghanistan.

The previous April, Tellier’s unit was conducting a mounted patrol when one of its vehicles drove over and detonated a bomb, which set the vehicle on fire, according to a statement from the 82nd Airborne.

Tellier pulled two paratroopers out of the vehicle to safety, suffering severe burns to his hands. He was awarded the Bronze Star Medal with valor for his actions.

After he was burned, Tellier jumped up in the turret to return fire, said Sgt. Michael Layton, a member of Tellier’s unit. A lieutenant made Tellier get out of the vehicle because of his injuries, Layton said.

“Zachary Tellier has to be the biggest hero I’ve ever known or heard of, not just because of what he did, but because of his personality,” Layton said. “He came in the Army because he wanted to be around soldiers and serve his country, and he paid the ultimate sacrifice.”

Tellier is survived by his wife, Sara Tellier of Atlanta, Ga.; his father, David W. Tellier of Groton, Mass.; and his mother, Pamela Rodriguez, of Falmouth, Mass.

Thank you for the opportunity to lead you men this morning.

God Bless,


“Warren” at Slamberry

Record 12 Pax showed up for another Slamberry workout. 

PAX: Bagger, Grisham, Dilly Dilly, Tampa, Funyans, Big Bang, Ebola, Numtux, Edible (prevac), Donuts, Rosemary, and Greasetrap QIC. 

Started off with a short mosey and circle up for warmup. Fast paced warmup with lots of squats and shoulders to get everything warm. 

Explain exercises and proper form by Dilly Dilly to make sure no one got hurt. 10 reps of each exercise, low weight to get warm and then load the bars up and start the clock. 

For time: (25 min cap)

2 Rounds of the following:

Run 400m

20 overhead squats 95, 85, or 65 weight

20 push press 95,85, or 65 weight

20 KB swings 70 or 53 weight

Run 400m

16 Wall balls 20lb balls

16 box jumps 24″

16 lunges 80 or 60 sandbag

If you had doubts on how hard this would be, those doubts quickly left. The squats suck!

Last 5 min everyone grabbed 20 or 25lb of weight for the beach body. 

20- V Ups w/weight

20- American hammers w/weight

20- Donut relaxing stretch

20- V Ups w/weight

20- Good Mornings

Great workout boys. If you haven’t experienced a Slamberry workout, what are you waiting for? No need to have weights, we have covered for up to 16 Pax. 

No thanks to Calfkiller making my workout exceptionally hard by showing up on my back porch late last night with two other guys carrying cigars and bourbon. For some reason I didn’t see them post this morning…

Logging In….

Hot and humid but a little bit of rain at beginning to cool us off.  Wolverine of the current 4:13 strong class stepped up to VQ with YHC.

Pax: Wolverine co-vq, Porcelain co-q, red skull, bagger Vance, PA, casual friday(FNG), kingpin aka snoopy(lifo?), reveille, toga, skid mark, pop-a-lock, sinestro, night crawler, venom, killmonger, hot and ready, vegemite, umbrella, donuts, dilly dilly

Warmarama: Wolverine led us off with a swift mosey down and up the stairs then to the softball field.  Disclaimer administered by Porcelain.  Wolverine cycled us through good mornings, merkins, squats, and a final round of good mornings.

The thang: Wolverine took charge in setting up the first exercise by calling for everyone to buddy up.  Set up a Dora variation with partner sprints to the outfield fence and back to the dugout bench where the exercises were 100 merkins, 100 step-ups (both legs = one rep, and 100 sit-ups.

Porcelain picked up a mosey back back to the basketball courts then established a last man up Indian run out and back.  It was a setup for log training.  Broke into a short and tall groups with 4:13 pax in charge.  Demonstrated lift with tall team on the first log aka telephone pole.  The team managed to get up to hip simply enough but struggled with 10 pax to shoulder so YHC called the short team on the log as well and repeated 8 reps of shoulder to overhead as a full workout before carefully crushing but not breaking toes on the down.  Foregoing further pain on the log for safety’s sake.

YHC set up 11’s on the basketball court with 10 burpees on the far end followed by 1 jump squat on the near end and continuing OYO.  Called 11’s short around 2/3’s through to keep time for Mary as I wanted to give more of the 4:13 pax time to lead.

Mary: Around the circle for 20 reps of abs decided on and cadence called by the 4:13 pax.  Wolverine led off with sit-ups.  Peter Parker’s were called by night crawler.  We all were feeling a little fog of war at that point so all was well with Venom finishing it off with squats.

Welcome Ed aka Casual Friday that is helping out our brothers in the evenings with a support group.

A little tailgate coffeeteria was had with PA, toga, red skull, pop-a-lock, venom, Wolverine, skid mark, vegemite, umbrella, and porcelain.

Reveille on Q next week for the last stronghold workout before this class graduates to take on different jobs around town many involving construction.  Come by to give them a great send off.  If you have never been in on a Reveille workout get ready for some pain.

Smokeboots 6/20/18

75 degrees and 1,000% humidity greeted the 6 PAX who posted for a 4.4 mile run this morning. Ideal conditions for endurance.

PAX: Floppy Disk, Edible Arrangements, Skid Mark, Too Tall, Donuts/D’Mish, Ludwig

Pace was roughly 7:40 a mile, but it felt like 7:15 in the heat and humidity.

Good work by all.

World Cup Conditioning

PAX: Funyuns, Skid Mark, Trojan, Canary, A-Fib, Offshore, Black Widow, Umbrella, Olan Mills

9 post for a muggy 72° start for the official launch of the Purple Cow.

Drop for a quick 5 burpees before we mosey over to the park.

Circle up in the middle of the soccer field for disclaimer and getting the party started.

Q: Olan

  • SSH x20
  • Good Mornings x10
  • Willie Mays Hays x10
  • Baby Arm Circle x10
  • Rev Baby Arm Circles x10
  • Merkins x10

Q: Umbrella

11’s – Single leg squats each leg + Burpees running the length of the soccer field. My guesstimate is that field is a long’ish 75yds… enough to hurt.

Q: Black Widow

Mosey to picnic tables for dips, arkins, Derkins (20/15/10) rinse and repeat

Mosey to basketball court for some 4 corners bear crawling the length and crawl bearing the width with merkins x10 at each corner.

Q: Offshore

Mosey to swings for swirkins x10 & rows x10 rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat.

Mosey to monkey bars for a few sets of pull-ups x5.

Q: Olan

Mosey back to the parking lot incorporating some side shuffle and backpedaling.

Flutter kick for the six. Wrapped up with some Alabama Prom Dates, J-Lo’s, WWI’s, High plank with some alternating arms and finally some Good Mornings.

Great launch guys. Looking to get some more b’wood dudes out there.

Brentwood Baptist has an upcoming adoption picnic if anyone is interested.

Smokeboots 6/13

PAX: Reveille, Afib, Skid Mark, Black Lung, Edible Arrangements, Too Tall, Frogger, Donuts/D’Mish, Dilly Dilly, Ludwig (Q)

A record 10 PAX (at least a record since I started posting two years ago) posted at smokeboots this morning for a nice muggy run through the shire. Apparently Reveille was unaware this was a running only workout. No matter.

During the first mile Donuts shared a great story about pranking his future sister-in-law at her bachelorette party. After the big hill 4 PAX continued on the 4.4 mile route, and the other 6 ventured off onto the 3.1 mile route.

We all eventually ended up back at CHE for COT/BOM.

Good work by all.

Back to the Future in The Boro

It’s October 25, 1985, 1:21am at the Twin Pines Mall in Hill Valley, CA. You are Marty McFly.
QIC: Aristotle (in his Flux Capacitor t-shirt)
PAX: CDL, Yosef, Grohl, Papa Juan, Noble Virus, Aristotle (multiple excused absences for the Churchmen attending SBC in Dallas this week)
Quick lap around Courthouse (or if you prefer, the ‘Clock Tower’)
SSH x 15 IC
WMH w/BAC x 10 IC
Imperial Walkers x 15 IC
Mtn Climbers x 15 IC
Bridge and stretch your core (back and abs)
“It’s the Libyans! Run for your life Marty!”
Brisk mosey away from the Clock Tower to well-lit City Hall courtyard……travelling back to November 5, 1955 in the process!!!
How do we get back to 1985? We need Doc Brown’s elements for what makes time travel possible:
1) Flux Capacitor  (Bear-muda Triangle, meeting at a point in the middle)
First bear-lap:
Merkins x10
WW1 x20
Burpee x10
Second bear-lap:
Merkins x20
LBC x55
Burpee x10
(Supposed to do a third lap, but recognizing PAX Bear Crawl fatigue, we modified)
2) 1.21 Giga-SQUATS
Partner up, do alternating squats until you add up to 121
Lap around the courtyard
Second round: one partner does 20 LBC, other one holds Treehugger. Do 120 combined LBC, and do the final LBC together for 121
Mosey down stairs to bottom of parking deck
3) 88 MPH – “When this baby hits 88 MPH, you’re gonna see some serious…..stuff”
Long sprint to the far end of the parking deck (probably around 88 yards of road, but where we’re going we don’t need….roads.)
Catch breath, then SSH x19
Long sprint back to starting position
Didn’t quite make 88 MPH, try a different way
Circle of MARY: Each PAX picks one ab exercise x15 reps (adds up to 90, which puts us past the required 88 and activates the time circuits to engage the Flux Capacitor and send us back…..TO THE FUTURE!)
CDL: Rosalitas
Grohl: Flutter Kicks
Papa Juan: Scissor Kicks
Yosef: Crunchy Frogs
Noble Virus: Freddie Mercury
Aristotle: WW1
AYG sprint to shorter side of parking deck
Slow mosey back to the Clock Tower
Circle of Merkins up to 5, holding plank
Finish with Merkins x10
We have returned to October 26, 1985!
COT: Sometimes we want to travel back in time to fix or change something, because we messed up or it didn’t go how we wanted it to. God is in control, there is a plan, and if we were to go back in time, we would mess it up even more anyway (even if we had a magic Delorean).