4 Square Partay…..

24 PAX in Attendance : Nimbus 1500, Staples, TVG, 3rd Degree, Old Hickory, Show Me, Ulysses, Topper, Double Bird, Tebow, Piccolo, Barney, Spartan (HTH????), Mr. Opus, Numb Tucks aka “Onion”, FNG “Freud”, Hush Puppy, FNG “Guack”, Manscape, (TH???), Mic Drop, IGeezy, Mu-dadgum-Fasa…, Professor X,  YHC Kermit on Q.


Led by 3D…. we started off with a Bear Crawl, 1 MILE… after the Bear Crawl, we Crawl Beared back, but we increased it to 2.5 miles. It was pretty easy. Most of us were feeling pretty good, so after that we did some sidewinders up and down the bleachers. MOT, Hand Stand… Prof X beat us all, even though N-15 was able to complete it with one hand, P-X still won… go figure. We did a quick mosey to under the bleachers where we completed 10 pull ups, however, we did them without using our arms. 3D over achieved and did 15, as usual. Since we didn’t do enough BC’s and CB’s on the front end we decided to Bear Brawl the remaining time. At that point, my arm actually fell off, I was still able to beat 3D, but N-15 beat both of us, he actually completed the entire routine blind folded and drunk…. story of my life.

In reality we actually did

Bear Crawl – Crawl Bears 10-20-30-40-50

(3D and Numbtucks smelled like onions)

Side Winders on the Bleachers

10 Pull-ups

Bear Brawl 10-20-30-40-50

Nobody was actually drunk… I think.

Attendees were 3D, N-15, YHC (KermiT), P-X for an undisclosed amount of time….

Medic: A variation of several PAX request. Great playlist fellas, except that no one could actually hear it unless you were in the middle of the field and I got stuck listening to frikkin ABBA,… thanks Tebow…

6:00a.m. starts with a quick intro, the fine print details.

WarmUps :


SSH’s IC 20x (3D and Numbtucks kept sniffing each other)

Thang (4 Square)….

4 Square is pretty basic…..

But for real.

It was super complicated…. and to complicate it even further, my dadgum instructions didn’t print. So we were stuck with two print off’s, when I needed 4……

Even though we were low on instructions Old Hickory, TV Geezy, Mic Drop, & KermiT CoQ’d/Team Lead each group.

So the 4 Square was very similar to the previous 4 Square pictured below. However the MoT was Sprints to midfield, and (Numbtucks stunk) the CoQ/Team Lead could audible MoT at any given time. Also qty’s changed for the following:

WWI 25x

Summers 50x

Starfish 25x

American Hammer 50x

Abyss Merkin 50x or 25x (Depends on whether or not you were in fragrant range of 3D or Numb Tucks…)

Bench Press 40x (3D had an awful stench)

Flutter Kicks 50x

Baby Crunches 75x

Side Dips 25x

Dwarf Kicks 25x

It was pretty cordial. Just ask Freud. —-Merlot anyone?—-

We wrapped it up and sealed it with a quick lap around the track with some good ol’ fashion GM OYO, Tebow Stretches, Cherry Pickers (or maybe that was at the beginning), and some Willie’s. (Numb Tucks and 3D both were found in a remote location, both very stenchie…)

Post Party – 

Led by no one-

Take my frikkin coupons back to Big Blue.

There were a lot, and several PAX helped.

Other News-

NumbTucks Stinks

3D Stinks

T-Claps to Mr. Opus for pulling two FNG’s Guack & Freud. Good job bro!!!!!

  • 2nd F opportunity:

Netflix meal train, check Slack for deets.

  • 3rd F opportunity:

Double Bird’s son baptized this week, praise, glory, and honor to Jesus.

LMP blood work, again, check slack for the debts on the bone marrow biopsy.

Meghann Porter and her two daughters.

Thanks gents, I had a great time leading HIM’s

Peace out!


The Standard 028

Pax: Dilly Dilly, Foosball, Funyuns, Tortoise, Savannah (Welcome)

QIC: Tiny Dentist

Honoring: Apollo 11


Shoulder stretches, good mornings, upper back stretches, 50 SSH


Pax split up in to two teams of 3 (teams of 3 in honor of the 3-man Apollo crews)

One PAX of each team would ruck run a 400 while the other two team members of each team would complete different exercises for a round as follows (teams would rotate to a different exercise with the completion of each ruck run until all team members completed a round of each exercise):

Round 1:

Team One: tire flips, 40 yard bear crawl

Team Two: pull-ups, battle rope (alternating single-arm reps); PAX would alternate back and forth when 20 reps on the battle rope were achieved

Round Two:

Team One switched stations with Team 2 and rinsed and repeated

Round 3:

Team One: Man Makers with dumb bells and WW1’s

Team Two: Power cleans to squat to shoulder press w/ 60 lb bag and Ruck lunges

Round 4

Team One switched stations with Team 2 and rinsed and repeated

Soundtrack for evolution (select music released in 1969):

Spirit in the Sky – Norman Greenbaum, Honky Tonk Women – Rolling Stones, Dazed and Confused – Led Zeppelin, Voodoo Child (Slight Return) – Jimi Hendrix, Green River – CCR, Feelin Alright – Joe Cocker, Only the Strong Survive – Elvis Presley, Space Captain – Joe Cocker, Good Times Bad Times – Led Zeppelin, Foxy Lady – Jimi Hendrix, I Can’t Get Next to You – The Temptations

Ruck up and sand bag up, mosey to the creek

In honor of 7/20/1969 – date of moon landing:

7 ruck burpees, 20 ruck pushups, 69 flutter kicks

Ruck up for run through the back running path

– Equipment : 2 60lb bags, one 40lb (ish) bag/purse, rucks for each PAX

– Formation: Two three-man columns with sandbag carriers in the front

– Workout format: initially 1 min walk, 1:30 run, but Funyuns nutchecked me and changed it to 30 secs off and 1:30 on. After each run, bags would rotate clockwise.

– for 3 of the first 4 rounds, we stopped for workouts as follows:

1. 11 WW1’s, 11 ruck squats

2. 2 min overhead ruck hold

3. 2 mi  overhead ruck hold

Thereafter, we went 30 sec off and 1:30 on until 5:59

10 Toes to Bar to finish

Prayers: Boonesfarm, Spiccoli, Penny’s Loafer’s wife and all our M’s with health issues

Announcements: Nightpath = July 26th, F3 Nashville’s 5-year Anniversary on Sept 14th

PAX were reminded that we chose to go to the moon because it was hard, not easy. Likewise, we should not be afraid to undertake the meaningful, hard tasks in life…because there is no growth inside of the comfort zone.  Regarding our Christian life, remember that God calls us to take up our cross daily, and that redemption and heavenly rewards stem from our earthly sufferings in furtherance of the Kingdom.

Welcome, Savannah, who showed out like a Standard regular!

It was an absolute honor to lead the men who have inspired me out of my comfort zone and enhanced my character and fitness over the last 6 months. I tell everyone that posting at the Standard is a non-negotiable, that it’s my weekly rite of passage. There’s just something about surviving a Standard workout that is uniquely fulfilling and sustaining. I’m truly a better man and Christian from spending my Thursdays with you. Here’s to many more.

Tiny Dentist out.


BUFF-Burpee Ultimate Football Federation

Sunny and 80F.  Plenty of sweat to be had.

QIC: Porcelain.  Pax: Right Said, CCR, PA, Crab Legs, Dfrost, Black Lung, Reveille, brother-at-law, hi-viz, Twin Peaks, pop-a-lock, cumquat WL, Draago.

YHC had to make quickly sure that the football was not deflated before placing cones in the field prior to startex.  Moseyed up to kick it off at 530 with a quick disclaimer and mosey for 2 sets of 10 burpees prior to COP.  30-SSH, 20-WMH, 10-GMs, 10-low slow squats.

The thang: Burpee Ultimate Football Federation game.  counted off 1s, 2s to form teams.  15 burpees for everyone on team when they get scored on.  1 burpee for everyone on a team when they turn the ball over.  2s volun-told with QIC to be skins.  Had some rule clarification necessary beyond the ultimate frisbee comparison.  One became declaring slaps of someone holding the ball illegal as it was slippery enough already.  1s ended up winning 7-3, 2s had the high score for burpees.

Rushed Mary: 30-four count flutter kicks.

COT- pushthe12.  Right Said has hired two employees and is now a supervisor.  PA’s son Anders is getting a recurring medical problem fixed.  Dfrost’s wife, Martha is being induced to deliver their first baby Friday.  Sign up for meal train here https://mealtrain.com/0y8989

libeery on 23d on digital minimalism.  Cookout with Ms and 2.0s at Porcelain casa 20th at 6pm.

11 PAX @ Westeros sprint, burpee, and pull-up

Monday 08 July 2019 @ Westeros

PAX:   Blue Mule (QIC), Pumpkin Spice, Porcelain, Harvey, Ivan, Crablegs, BadBoy, CrawlSpace, RightSaid, TK

Gloom:  Basically zero.  Sunny and warm.

Very simple, but very effective.   I love to get back to basics.  And I love each and every one of you.

Warm-O-Rama:  Mosey, arm circles, squats, all the basic stuff.

First Thang:  Army Pull Ups:  Pair up.  Each PAX owes 100 pull ups where your knees touch your elbows.  One PAX does 10 while other partner does situps.   Flapjack until all PAX reach 100.

Second Thang:  Sprints/Burpees:  Sprint across parking lot, about 40 meters, then do 5 burpees.  Rinse and repeat 10 times.

Sprint back to shovel flag — about a quarter of a mile!

Mary:  Flutterkicks and Jane Fondas, then sprint back to the shovel flag again, about 40 more yards.

Spirited COT where all PAX commented on the amazing things we have to be thankful for.  Extra points for Porcelain and

Gentlemen, it was my absolute pleasure to lead you.



11 PAX at Titan for Wet Socks

10 PAX gathered this morning in the warm, humid morning to breathe hard and sweat to better themselves. It was a “wet socks” kind of workout. (2.5 miles ran in the humidity)


Pumpkin Spice pre-partied his way from Atlantis to Titan.



Pumpkin Spice
Crab legs
Bad boy
FNG Drogo
Hot route
Blue Mule
Black Lung
Right Said


Warm-o-rama: Long mosey around the lake ending at the other side of the Parhtenon. We had a short-lived Flying EH, but Kyle decided to continue his run (he missed out).





Air presses


Thang 1:

DIDS with lap around ellipse x 3

Mosey over to hill


Thang 2:

7s with Merkins at bottom of hill and squats at the top


Just for Fun:

Mosey back to the far side of the Parthenon

Doomsday Clock with Merkins (Everyone forms a circle and holds high plank. PAX go around the circle clockwise performing one Merkin and incrementing the count by one.) I had to cut it off at 325 Merkins with 3 PAX still going.


6-Minute Abs:

Dealer’s choice ab exercise – rapid fire


Welcome to FNG Drago (Flying EH)


Triumphs (acknowledging and celebrating successes in the lives of PAX):

Black Lung completed 13 years of medical training

Crab legs started a new position and is loving it



Pray for those who are ill, those who are in the job search



Libeery (read Digital Minimalism)

July 4th Convergence at Bicentennial Park



The Buffalo – 06.28.2019

It was another dank day in the Bottoms for 7 East Nashville Hard Bodies.  Nothing better.

PAX: Hot Route (co-QIC); Pocket Chicken; Small Things; Ed Hoculis; Skill Craft (FNG); White Cloud; Brother at Law (co-QIC)

Disclaimer and WOR by Brother at Law

Mosey around the block.  Ed Hoculis pulls in late.  Big smile on his face knowing he missed Mosey.  Classic.

WOR: SSH x20; GM x10; WMH x10; Imperial Walkers x10; Warrior flow with LBAC and RLBAC x10.


Round 1 by Hot Route

7 cardio exercises.  30 seconds each exercise.  No breaks between sets except when we ran down into the bottoms between the second and third ones.  Supposed to get more intense each one.  Lots of self-regulation here.

  1. Jog in place
  2. SSH
  3. Heisman
  4. Heisman w/ shuffle
  5. High knees
  6. Butt kickers
  7. Mummy dance (not the Phish song Moma Dance, but close)

Brother at Law tags in for SLAD Sets, our newest lunge super sets.  EMOM: 5 reps static lunge; 5 reps lunge to knee raise; 5 reps stork lunge; 5 reps half step lunge; 5 reps curtsy lunge.  Switch legs every minute.  10 minutes total.  Legs were a wee bit jelly after this.

Run up the hill back to Community Center for some high plank and merkins OYO as we wait for the six.

Hot Route took us out with some MARY: high planks, ski jumpers; hip raise/hollow outs; american hammers.


Always a pleasure to lead and be lead with you guys.  Might be a real light crowd next week.  Please tell your friends.

Offered up intentions.  Listened to some nature.  Closed with Matthew 25: “I was a stranger and you invited me in.”

Bomber 6-28-2019: A Birthday “Party” for Firefox

[As Firefox does not yet have access to this site, YHC, Vector, has added his own blend of commentary to this BB]

15 PAX: Defrost, Duplex, Hi-Viz, T-Cell, Ride Along, Porcelain, Crablegs, Vector, Bad Boy, Lemon, Harvey Updyke, En Fuego, Crawlspace, Toothless, Firefox [who wants it on record that he was on time] on Q

Intro: Ride Along is back! [Hooray!] Not as humid as yesterday. Nice brisk mosey around McCabe up to parking lot and back down to the handicap parking area behind McCabe.

40 x SSH [You could see the concern on the faces of the PAX after we flew past 25 reps and kept on going. We queried if this was a birthday Q upon hitting 40 – answer was a resounding yes. We prayed that all future exercises weren’t going to 40 . . . ]
10 x WMH
10 x Good Mornings
10 x LABCs
10 x rLABCs
10 x Air Presses
10 count arm hold

No dice, no relays (maybe next time).

3 stations (playground, handicap parking lot, picnic benches). 3 groups. Each group rotates through the 3 stations and finishes up with a bear crawl around the traffic circle behind McCabe. Other complicated rules that ultimately boiled down to the following:

Round 1: 20 Squats, 20 Merkins, 20 Lunges/side, Bear Crawl
Round 2: 20 Jump Squats, 30 Merkins, 20 Dips, Bear Crawl
Round 3: 15 Pull-Ups, 10 Burpees, 30 Dips, Bear Crawl
Round 4: 10 Pull-Ups with Leg Raises [I mean, seriously?], 15 Burpees, 15 Derkins, Bear Crawl
Round 5: 15 Pull-Ups, 20 Merkins, 20 Derkins, Bear Crawl

20 Bulgarian Split Squats/side to finish up. [As if we weren’t already gassed . . . ]

20 x LBCs
15 x V-Ups [At this point Hi-Viz laid out the F-bomb to express his excitement about the proposed exercise]
15 x Flutter Kicks
20 count Hollow Body Hold

Lots of groaning, disgruntled mumblechatter, which is… good?
[Some examples:  “Worst. Birthday. Party. Ever,” “What, no cake?” and “Where’s my gift bag?”]


Swift and smooth recovery and rehab for Shadow after ACL surgery
Strength and perseverance for Ride Along through challenging times at work
Always a pleasure and honor to lead the Bomber crew for a morning!

Firefox (as transcribed by humble servant Vector)

The Buffalo – 6/21/19

Better late than never…..

A rousing Friday morning at The Buffalo is the best way to start off the weekend.  And this running of The Buffalo was no different.  Here is how things went down.

PAX: Hot Route; Small Things; Locusts and Honey; Dial Up; Hipster; and Brother at Law (QIC)

WOR: Jog around the block.  Get some good stretching in.  SPECIAL: Today was international yoga day.  So we did some downward facing dog and warrior flows to set the mood.  It was real nice.

THANG: Mosey down to the Pavilion for some bench work.  20 seconds on, 10 seconds off: Bulgarian Split Squat; Reverse that; dip; box jump.  Rinse and Repeat for four total super sets.

Mosey to the big hill.  Partner off.  P1 runs the hill up and back while P2 does some absolution plank work at the bottom: high plank, thruster (in), thruster out); one elbow down; second elbow down; plank jack; recover.  8 count.  Each partner runs the hill four times.

Mosey up to tennis courts for some Deck of Death.  Hearts are burpees; diamonds are mt. climbers; clubs are squats; spades are suicides (each leg of a suicide counts as one).  There was a wildly disproportionate number of spades drawn in the 12 or so minutes that we did this.  Lots and lots of suicide sprints.  Sorry!

Mosey to parking lot for the first performance of Bruce Springsteen’s “I’m Going Down”.  Everybody loved it and hated it all at once.  That’ll make another appearance for sure.

Little bit of Mary for good measure and we called it a day.

Prayers were offered up.  Announcements were made.  Hipster had the coffee.  It was a joy.  Thanks as always for turning out.

21 June 2019 — Coupons and Burpees @ Bomber

21 June 2019 — Coupons and Burpees @ Bomber


Conditions: Very little gloom factor, mild in temp, but very humid.



-Fireballs: Blue Mule (QIC), King P, Toothless, Firefox, Pumpkin Spice

-Bulldogs AKA Pitbulls: Hi-Viz, Vector, Cub Cadet, Defrost, Bareback


Warm-Up: Mosey with circle up with usual suspects – baby arm circles, squats, merkins, good mornings.


The Thang: Coupon Carries and Burpee Box Jumps

-Divide into two teams – the fireballs and the bulldogs

-One team moseys around the center and the parking lot carrying 2x ~25 lb coupons. Other team does burpee box jumps at the parking lot. When moseying team completes a lap, teams switch roles. Round completed when each team moseys and burpees.

-That’s ~15 minutes of burpee boxjumps. Pace yourself and modify as needed, but maintain intensity.

-Three rounds, each round taking just shy of 10 minutes.



-Relocate to playground. Stay as two teams.

-One team calls out an ab exercises and does a short run there and back. Rinse and repeat until all PAX get to pick an exercise.

-All done – just 10 seconds left – all out sprint back to shovel flag.


Announcements, 6th man, and COT. Simple, effective, and straightforward.


Announcements, 6th man, and COT.  Simple, effective, and straightforward.


Pleasure to lead you men.  SYITG!


Blue Mule OUT

Wednesday Bloody Wednesday – Racetrack 6.19.19

13 PAX (initially) posted for a mosey and some humid garage work. ’twas an interesting first 10 minutes…

PAX: Offshore, Red Skull (paramedic #1), Double Check, Penny Loafers (paramedic #2), Dr. Smartt, Bedpan, Hot Pockets, Umbrella, Black Widow, Boone’s Farm, Calf Killer, Greasetrap (patient), Razorback (Q).

Conditions: Not as muggy as expected….until we reached the depths of the parking garage. Lesson learned: for the balance of the summer any garage work will be featured on the top deck where the air actually moves.

WOR: Mosey around MW park loop and circle up for SSH, GM, WMH, cotton pickers, OH and seal claps, squats, merkins, spidermans and hillbillies.

THANG: Extended mosey from MW park to parking garage. Q took the time to drive the route this morning and confirm sidewalk availability for PAX safety. Q failed to evaluate the number and placement of light poles, not thinking that would be a relevant impediment to PAX running in a straight line. As Q was approaching intersection of East Park and OHB, I hear a loud “dooong” noise, akin to running past a street sign and slapping it. Turns out, that noise was the product of Greasetrap’s forehead making direct, full-speed contact with a light pole (he turned to speak to Red Skull, looked up and the light pole was upon him). As Slack pictures show, the result was a doozie of a cut on his dome – thankfully Red Skull and Penny Loafers jumped in to serve as his care team, got him home safely and Andy Wicke was at the ready to stitch him up. Harry Potter has been submitted as a potential new name for Chase – based on placement and size of scar to come, this idea has promise.

Bloody excitement behind us, we continued our circuitous mosey for about 1.25+/- miles to the garage for the following.

Bottom of each ramp:

  • 5x burpees
  • 10x Peter Parkers (5x each side)
  • 15x Carolina dry docks
  • 20x merkins
  • 25x air presses
  • Backward run up the ramp
  • Walking lunge the flat section to next ramp

After first two rounds, Q realized the above exercises all work the same muscles, and modified to 5/10/10/10/15. Last round was just 50 air presses to finish in time.


Surgery is scheduled for Penny Loafers wife in mid-July. Continue to pray for the family and let’s be thinking about ways to serve them next month.

Calf Killer’s cousin Ryan was in a bad climbing accident recently and is recovering from some very serious injuries. More procedures to come so pray for full recovery.

Pleasure to be with you men this morning. Let’s try to limit injuries from running in straight lines in the future. 
