7/31/19 – Titan – Crab Walk Toe Taps

July 31st, 2019

Gloom: hot and humid

PAX: Hi Viz, PreacherMan, Porcelain, Cyclops , Pumpkin Spice, RightSaid, Gritty, Crablegs, Cunning Linguist, Hipster, Rent-A-Swag(FNG), Siri, Vector, Mini Pearl

QIC: Crawlspace

Warm up: quick jog around the park, side straddle hops, Willie Mays Hayes, squats, lil baby arm circles, air presses, reverse lil baby arm circles etc…

Work: teams of 2 alternating Lieutenant Dans to building & Bear Crawls back to set of:

  • 100 burpees
  • 100 merkins
  • 100 pull ups
  • 75 Dips beforehand

Then sprint to the thunder dome for reindeer games…

Game: Crab Walk Toe Taps: While Crab Walking the entire game and staying within 10 ft of other crabs the object is to tap 5 different crabs on the toes. When you get tapped stop and do 10 merkins each time. After you have tapped 5 crabs on the toes (or been tapped 5 times) retire to the track surrounding the game to jog it off.

After reindeer games we jogged to the statue for Mary.

Mary: Hello Dolly around the circle till 6:14

COT: we closed out the morning with a quick recap

Always my pleasure to lead such a great group of men and I am looking forward to the next one!


YHC Crawlspace

Titan 6/19/19 “Bear Crawl Shoulder Taps”

June 19th, 2019

Gloom: hot and humid

PAX: Bartman, BicentennialMan, Blacklung, Bluemule, CrabLegs, Crawlspace(Q), Defrost, Hipster, HiViz, HotRoute, Proton, PumpkinSpice, Reveille, Siri, Vector

QIC: Crawlspace

Warm up: quick jog around the volleyball courts, side straddle hops, Willie Mays Hayes, squats, lil baby arm circles, air presses, reverse lil baby arm circles etc…

Work: teams of 2 alternating a lap around the playground building or set of:

  • 100 burpees
  • 100 jump squats
  • 100 merkins
  • 100 pull ups

Then sprint to the thunder dome for reindeer games…

Game: Bear Crawl Shoulder Taps: While bear crawling the entire game and staying within 10 ft of other bears the object is to tap 5 different bears on the shoulder. When you get tapped stop and do 10 merkins each time. After you have tapped 5 bears on the shoulder (or been tapped 5 times) retire to the track surrounding the game to jog it off.

After reindeer games we jogged to the statue for Mary.

Mary: various ab work in cadence around the circle till 6:14

COT: we closed out the morning with a quick recap including a 2nd F event at Fat Bottom brewery July 23rd.

Good work all around and I look forward to the next one!


YHC Crawlspace

Titan 6-5-2019: 2 Escalators

14 successfully navigated the early-morning set-up at Centennial Park for Carrie Underwood’s upcoming one-song concert.

Gloom Factor: Nil. 60 degrees. Light wind.

PAX: Harvey Updyke, Hipster, Trapper Keeper, Cub Cadet, Right Said, Porcelain, Crawlspace, Blue Mule, Snapshot, Siri, Defrost, Pumpkin Spice, Black Lung

QIC: Hi-Viz

Mosey to south lawn. SSH X 15 IC, Monkey Humpers X 10 IC, Air Presses X 10 IC, LBAC X 10 IC, Reverse LBAC X 10 IC, Good Mornings X 10 IC.

Mosey to the Big Hill for a four-exercise, 25-Rep Escalator: Prisoner Squats, Merkins, Jump Squats, Burpees.

Mosey to the Elipse for a second, 50-Rep Escalator: SSH, Jane Fondas (25 Each Side), Hi-Knees, Flutter Kicks.

Mosey to the cars for Dealer’s Choice Mary.


COT/BOM: Strong work all around. Excellent effort and solid attention to form across the board. Kotters to Snapshot and welcome to the Hipster, who made the trek from the East side.

Don’t forget Vector’s Leadership Lunch on 6/21 at Thistle Farms. Details on Slack.

NMM: Remember: F3 is more than a workout and there are plenty of guys out there who need this, and we need them. This is the perfect time of year to circle back on friends/family you’ve been meaning to EH, with plenty of light at 5:30 and ideal temps. Let’s keep up the momentum.

The Sandlot

Gloom Factor: Nil

QIC: TheJeweler

PAX: Porcelin, Bad Boy, Vector, Black Lung, Crawlspace, Crablegs, Siri,

The disclaimer was given.

Warm Up: Jog around the Parthenon and zig-zag around the poles.  Circle up.  25 SSH, 10 GM, 16 WMA, 15 Air Presses, 10 FBAC, 10 BBAC, 10 Hill Billies, 10 Imperial Walkers, 20m High Knees, 20m Butt Kicks, 2x 20m Karaoke, 20m A-Skip, 20m B-Skip.

Thang 1: Mosey up the stairs and partner up at the main entrance to the Parthenon.  Exercise on the short sides of the building and sprint on the long sides and goes like this… first column 1, second 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 reps.  Burpees on one side, and split jump squats on the other.  Your partner does Alabama Prom Dates and LBCs while they wait to get tagged in.  One lap was completed.

With the PAX warmed up good, we immediately sprinted 300m to the volleyball court.  Now that we’re winded a bit, we did a 20 sec count down.

Thang 2: PAX lined up on one side of the court and on Q’s call, PAX sprinted to the other side.  10 sec rest & sprint back with a forward roll at the halfway pt across the court.  REPEAT 15 times.

Thang 3: Circle up in the sand.  6 split squat burpees, 4 Burpee Jacks, 6 Walmart (roll back) burpees.  10 windshield washer merkins, 10 dolphin kick merkins.  5 ppl didn’t recover correctly.

Sprint 300m back to the starting point for Mary

First PAX did 25 additional penalty merkins for not recovering correctly… the last 5 were slow holds in high plank position.

MARY: Alt. high and low plank, right arm left arm up.  20 American hammers, 10 WW1s with a 45 degree hold on #10.  25 LBCs


Announcements & Prayer Request: Continued prayer and meal train sign up for Ludwig.  Bad Boy’s friend (Andrew) still in the hospital after injury.  Cunning’s new baby.

4 for Coffeeteria!

YHC TheJeweler Out!

A Good One – Titan 05.01.2019

PAX: CCR (COQIC); Brother at Law (COQIC); Pumpkin Spice; Crablegs; Right Said Fred; Hi Viz; Hambone; TK; WL from Lexington whose name escapes me…

I think I got the PAX right.  Sorry… waited too long to write this!

CCR took part 1.  Brother at Law (YHC) took part 2.

WOR: Jog up and around the train, back down the hill driveway.  Circle up for classic WOR led by CCR.  Capped off with some excellent Hop Kix by all.

THANG: A CCR Titan classic: 11’s on the big driveway hill.  Mountain Climber merkins at the top.  Split squats (both legs) at the bottom.  Two burpees at ever road/sidewalk/concrete on the way up and back down.  An absolute smoker.  After every 2 legs something got chopped off because it was becoming clear that it wasn’t getting finished in a split Q, but everybody was hurting when we wrapped it up about 6 or 7 reps in.

BAL tags in.  Up to the Parthenon for some AMRAP 30 second exercises.  30 seconds on, 10 seconds off of: Split squats; decline merkins; box jumps; dips.  Rinse and repeat.

Mosey to playground for 8 minutes of Cindy: 5 pull ups; 10 merkins; 15 squats.  Go until I call time.  Good mumblechatter and focus on form by all.

Mary: Grab bag of American Hammers; High Plants; AL Prom Dates.  Time.

Announcements: Great workout this morning and always an honor to lead.  Prayers offered up especially for Ludwig and his family and the 4:13 Strong Guys as they were preparing to take the next steps in the program and their lives.  Walk for Williams Syndrome this Saturday (5/11) at Centennial.  See Slack for details.

Good work.

Twin Peaks meets Star Twins

Great job today.
The temp was almost perfect, the sunrise almost perfect and the 14 men that met near the Parthenon…..well we can say they made themselves better by showing up.
Guest Gemini from Pittsburgh took the humble Q and after a disclaimer of sorts warmed up the group. Batwing 10 IC
Lateral lunge jumps-10 IC. Copperhead squats-10 IC and a most to a grassy hill.
Gemini then professed his love for backward bear crawls on hills evidence by their use at Columbus Ohio convergence last year and GrowRuck 14. The task was to honor a 110 year old three legged foot race with a three legged backward bear crawl up the hill. Following was some short running, planking and dirty dogs and leg lifts from plank to make sure the right muscles were warm. The second effort was an emom with 10 toe taps on the curb followed by a burpee and a 10 yard sprint and back. Each minute you added a burpee and had less rest time. When you failed to complete in time you did 24 of any exercise during the next minute round. A good solid group made it to the 15 burpees round completing 120 burpees. One person started the 16 round but it was not completed.
The pax moseyed back to the shovel flag for one minute of side hops, 35 flutter kicks IC and 25 bicycle crunches IC to end at 0615 on the dot.

bullhorn: August grow ruck just outside of Atlanta.  East side buffalo launch shifted to 3 May.


Pumpkin spice
Ham bone
Brother at law
Hi viz
Right said
Blue mule -provided transport to guest Q
Crab legs
Twin peaks
And Q Gemini

Trust the Process

Clear skies and sixty something degrees.  11 pax took the daily red pill and trusted the process at Titan.  QIC: Porcelain.  Pax: Cub cadet, crab legs, bicentennial man, beano-WL, vector, hot route, Right Said, hambone, Crawl Space, pumpkin spice.

Warmup mosey to picnic table area 30 ssh, 20 Wmh, 10 good mornings, 10 merkins, 10 squats.

My hometown 76ers scored a record 51 points in the 3rd quarter of game 2 to win.  Many years of trusting the process is seeing pay off in the playoffs.  So the workout will trust the process for 51 reps each after breaking into a tall and short table groups. 

P-picnic table pickups ground to overhead in cadence (hip, shoulder, up, shoulder, hip, ground=count)  took a break at 26 to swap positions.

R-Rows bent with picnic table in cadence (up, down=count).

O-One leg (Bulgarian) split squats foot on table.  51 each leg oyo.

C-Carolina dry table.  Dry docks with feet on bench for a bit more stress on shoulders to build to more hand stand merkins.

E-Exaggerated leg raises.  Laying on table with legs off to hyperextend 51 reps oyo.

S-squat (box type) on to the bench.  51 oyo.

S-step ups on to the bench 51 total to keep time.

All waiting was planking.

Group had carried two medicine balls and cones to the area.  Revealed their purpose to be a game I called free Ballin.  1 small 8# ball and 1 large 20# ball to always keep moving.  Pax in circle facing each other.  Pitch and catch ball to another pax once you catch it.  If a pax drops a ball then it is a 5 burpee penalty for everyone and those holding the balls do the burpees with ball in hands.  Also, 5 burpee penalty if no throw before Q can say Boban Marjanovic (sixers backup center).  Only one drop for burpees over around 3 minutes of figuring out names while throwing.  Yea….no need for the cones.

Mosey back to statue for Mary.  Getting some open water swimming in lately for the Chattanooga half-Ironman so I had some old swimming dry land ab exercises in mind.  Circled up because the medicine balls will be used again.  The Mary thang: 51 four count flutter kicks; 20 breast stroke kicks (on back, start legs elevated 6 inches like flutter kick but cadence with drawing both knees back towards the head along the sides then return to starting position); lever degrees of leg raises varying down at 6 inches then ups varied for 25 degrees, 45 degrees, and 90 degrees for around 2 minutes; 20 j-los in cadence, ball circle-5 american hammers with the two medicine balls rotating clockwise(I started counter-oops) around group, those without balls did hollow holds legs and arms up, one full rotation.

Bullhorn: east side AO opens next Friday.  Clown car from Bomber.

COT: prayers of thanks for god giving us the strength the push each other to be better men.

moleskin: Boban had a good night tonight with 14 pts to cover a resting Embiid and still a sixers victory.

Baker’s Dozen @ TITAN

13 PAX Present at the inspiring Parthenon for a guest-Q by YHC today.

PAX: Porcelain, Cub Cadet, Vector, CrawlSpace, BadBoy, CrabLegs, Hi-Viz, Brother-at-Law, HarveyUpdyke, DFrost, Hot Route, CCR, & 3rdDegree (QiC)


Burpee Beast Mile: 1 mile jaunt around the park with interspersed bursts of 10 burpee speedbumps. 50 Burpees, 1 mile jog, ~10 minutes. Good start to the workout! Disclaimer given mid way…glad no one got hurt…yet!

Circle up around Nessy after our last round of suffragette burpees and the final mosey for:


  • SSH x 10 IC
  • SJ x 10 IC
  • IW x 10 IC
  • Demo and 3x of the following upcoming exercises:
  • Yurpees (Nolensville original), HRC (Hand-Release Clerkins (Clap-Merkins)) Aka Hilary Rodham Clintons, Floating Starfish

The Thang(s) 

Crawl-Bear 7s: Yurpees at bottom (Burpee with clap merkin and 2 tuck-jumps instead of jump at end), Crawl-Bear up 3 small sets of stairs to wide middle landing, Floating Starfish (each side = 1/2) at the top then mosey down stairs (Plank and wait for the 6 at the bottom when finished),  strong work men!
Mosey to the North side parking lot for:
Democratic National Convention! (exicon approval pending)
This is a routine consisting of HRCs, Obamas, Bernie Sanders (aka Politician BackPedal), Al Gore and, I made up on the spot, citizen-statesman sprint (forward, AYG sprints)
Meant to do this as a lap around the lot, but the 44th president killed that idea…We made it through Obama one end to the other after a 10x HRC start and a midterm Al Gore recovery speedbump. Ended with 2 Bernies and 2 Citizen-Statesmen
Mosey to John Thomas Statue on SW side of Parthenon for:
3 Minutes of Mary:
  • 30 seconds Al Gore
  • Flutter Kicks x 25 IC
  • Supermen x 15 IC
  • Freddie Mercuries x 25 IC
Mosey and circle up around Old Glory Shovel Flag for:
CoT, Countorama, NameoRama
  • F3Franklin Hosts WarpathXI this Saturday 4/13/19 5am @ “Armada” AO location (Pinkerton Park) launch site. 5.5 hours of Fun (~10 miles, with 7 AOs interspersed. JUST SAY YES!) Let Torch from F3Franklin know if you’re planning to come.
  • F3Nolensville Hosts our first CSAUP 5/4/19 “The Gauntlet” Starting and ending at The Forge AO (Nolensville High Football Field) launch at 5am. ~8 miles, 5 AOs ~2.5 hours. Come support this inaugural event!
  • F3Nashville to launch EastSide AO soon. BaL with more info.
  • Ended with BoM and reminder that we should be grateful for all the gifts we have: beautiful sunrise, Spring Weather, Brothers in Shield-Lock with us. Shout-Out to SkyQ for help in being the men we are called to be: men of conviction, character, servant-leaders in all the various roles we are in: father, husband, employer/ee, brother, son, friend. Let’s go!

HIMs gathered for coffeeteria @ 3 Bros for LDP led by Porcelain.

3D- out!

Dora 1,1,2,3

March 27, 2019

Gloom: crisp clear and above freezing

PAX: Badboy, Crablegs, Davinci, Harveyupdyke, Panhandle, Parksandrec, Porcelain, Princessaurora, Reveille, Vector

QIC: Crawlspace

Warm up: quick jog around/ through the park, good mornings, Willie Mays Hayes, squats, lil baby arm circles, air presses, etc…

Work: Dora 1,1,2,3: One PAX bear crawled/lunged to the community center then jogged back to swap with working PAX. Work:

      • 100 Pullups
      • 100 Merkins
      • 200 lil baby crunches
      • 300 Squats

Mary: After work we hit the soft mulch of the playground for Mary. Work included American hammers, heel tags, leg raises etc…

COT: We early wrapped for an important message led by Porcelain concerning the serious issues surrounding depression and the effects it has on us as men as well as the people we love and care for. Several brave PAX had the courage to share and open up on some personal experience with these challenges. It was a great opportunity to remind everyone that we are here for one another and to of course reach out to any one of us anytime.

I couldn’t be more impressed with you all and it is always my pleasure to lead you!


YHC Crawlspace

Cinder blocks and tennis balls…(Scorpion prep)

March 20, 2019

Gloom: crisp / low wind

PAX: Apgar, Badboy, Brotheratlaw, Ccr, Crablegs, Cunninglinguist, Floppydisk, Harveyupdyke, Hiviz, Princessaurora, Porcelain, Pumpkinspice, Reveille, Rightsaid, Rocketleague, Studio42, Trapperkeeper

QIC: Crawlspace

Warm up: quick jog around/ through the park – Willie Mays Hayes, circles, good mornings, side straddle hops, squats, etc…

Work: teams of 3 PAX each rotated taking turns between bearcrawl+throwing cinders blocks (while traveling towards Parthenon), burpees+lunges (next to block man) and running to the Parthenon and back to the block man. (all this from mid field parking lot)

FUN: tennis ball tag in the parking field  – three PAX were “it”, everyone else ran! 15 side straddle hops if you were tagged or hit with a tennis ball. If you threw and missed: 30 side straddle hops. After 3 tags you pass the ball.

Mary: After some fun we hit the dirt for some pass the buck ab work.

COT: Everyone is getting excited for the Scorpion this Saturday!

