Round Three for PFT Prep.., a Swingin’ Good Time

PAX: Tiny Dancer, Offshore, Umbrella, Boone’s Farm, Olan Mills, Penny Loafers,  Black Widow, Toga (QIC)

Conditions: Sunny and 70

A lucky 8 showed up to put in a little PFT prep in the gloom.  Here’s how it went down:

Quick disclaimer then mosey to GWP, warmup COP: SSH, cotton pickers, Don Quixote, squat thrusts, T-ups, scorpion stretch

Mosey to playground for PFT Prep Round 3= Partner up with P1 executing an exercise while P2 executes a different exercise.  Quick switch every 30 secs for 3 rounds then move to next station.  Stations=

  1. Pull-ups and atomic pushups
  2. Curls and Atomic oblique merkins
  3. Rows and suspended crunches
  4. power pulls and suspended oblique crunches
  5. One round attempted of Suspended Spiderman merkins and suspended pikes

Indigenous People’s Run back to flag and Mary.


  • No workout next week.  Go to the convergence!
  • New AO in Spring Hill, see Tiny Dancer
  • Prayers for those awaiting test results and in need of healing

Stay Classy,


Field Trip for some Lieutenant Dan ManMaking Bear Crawls

Pax: T-Cell, Moneyshot, Foxtrot Talks a Lot, Hipster and En Fuego

QIC: En Fuego

Conditions: 50 degrees – a perfect May gloom

0530 arrives, we disclaim and we mosey on a field trip to higher education, namely the soon-to-be enjoyed by all recently aerated David Lipscomb soccer field. YHC orders 10 merkins for every car that passes us along the mosey, 80 merkins later we arrive to the fields for some WOR. Wrap WOR up with YHC’s favorite scorpion stretch, then commence the…


  1. Start off with 11s at the bleacher stairwell; Imperial storm squats at the bottom and power merkins at the top.  Verified the stairs are steep, got the heart rate up, and completed the 11s.  Mosey to the dugout, where we partner up for…
  2. Partner DIDs:
    • Partner 1 sprints from dugout back to stairwell and performs 15 jump squats, sprints back, while Partner 2 is performing a round of 10-20-30s of DIDs. Upon Partner 2 arrival, flapjack and R&R x2. Upon completion, YHC introduces round 3 of exercises in what shall affectionately be known as…
  3. The Lieutenant Dan Manmaking Bear Crawls
    • It is what it sounds like. PAX line up at dugout facing the bleachers. Perform sequence of Lieutenant Dan, drop into ManMakers, transition from ManMaker into 4 count Bear Crawl. Execute Lieutenant Dan Manmaking Bear Crawl sequence along width of soccer field – taking in all that the recently fertilized and finely aerated lawn had to offer. Upon completion, Foxtrot throws himself into some face-down snow angels, apparently wanting more of said lawn.

At this point, field trip is over and time to head back to the friendly confines of the AO. Mosey back, with PAX stopping about quarter mile out to give it an AYG effort from there in. Close it out with COT – prayers for Bicentennial Man and Ludwig, and their families.

Job well done by all – PAX put in the work. Honor to have led and appreciative to live out the gloom with each of you.

En Fuego

Picking up D’Mish’s Slack

PAX: Blackwidow, Floppy Disk, Lumbergh, Master Splinter, PSL, Big Perm, Boyband, Black Lung, Movin on Up, Toga (QIC), Reefer

Conditions: Sunny and 70 (really was this time)

11 redwoods posted up to get a little better this morning, and it went something like this:

Warmup Mosey around the West side of the school and back to the lot for warmup COP: SSH, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, cotton pickers, T-Ups, scorpion stretch

Mosey back to West side of school for ye ol’ Triple Check v1: P1 people’s chair, P2 merkins, P3 run to base of hill and back.  All players rotate through all three stations 3 times.  Triple Check v2: P1 wall walkers, P2 WWII, P3 run down grassy hillside and bear crawl back up.  All three players rotate through all three stations three times.

Mosey to playground and partner up for 3 sets of 10 pull-ups, 3 sets of 20 PLT, and 2 sets of jerkins.

Mosey to parking lot for Mary.


  • Still open spots for lawn help for Ludwig, see Floppy
  • See Bagger’s post re Memorial Day convergence
  • See Tiny Dancer’s post re Spring Hill launch tomorrow.  It’s shaping up to be a big crowd!

NMM:  Strong work by the PAX today.  YHC really had no idea what we were going to do, but it seemed to come together fairly well as there seemed to be a decent number of folks gasping.  Today was also YHC’s 45th (don’t feel a day under 50), and special thanks to the Nashville PAX keeping me moving!

Stay Classy,


III Pillars – 04.30.19 – “Super Dora”

6 PAX hit the beautiful blue track at III Pillars for a heroic edition of Dora 1-2-3. Conditions were super.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Boone’s Farm, Deuce (WL-Jackson), En Fuego, R/eddit, Tampa Libra


Disclaimer with a quick interruption by En Fuego to punish the PAX for failing to complete his challenge of serving our wives with one random act of kindness. 12 8ct Body Builders later, we took a mosey around the lot and up to the track for a COP:

  • SSH
  • SnL Squats
  • WMH
  • LBAC F/R
  • Merkins

Partner up and mosey over to the playground for a Jump/Pull superset, a staple in any superhero’s training program. P1 performs SSH x 75 while P2 performs pull-ups AMRAP. Flapjack. RnR x2 with every person having one opportunity to sub the SSH with the heavy rope jumps.

Keeping same partners, mosey back to the track for Super Dora. P1 runs a lap around the track while P2 performs the exercises, tagging out after each lap until all reps are complete.

  • Peter Parkers x 50 (each side)
  • Iron (Man) Mikes x 75 (each side)
  • Captain Thors (1 BBS+4 American Hammers) x 100

Time for a blind buddy run in honor of Vision. P1 closes his eyes and runs the track while P2 verbally and physically guides them. Flapjack.

Back to the parking lot for a little Mary and COT/BOM.


Great to have R/eddit back out and Deuce joining us from Jackson, MS. Many collisions were narrowly avoided during the blind runs, but I believe all fully trusted their partner and never opened their eyes. It’s possible that Boone’s Farm ingested some Super Soldier Serum as he seemed to be the most fit and agile. Tailgate coffeeteria was especially enjoyable.


  • Nolensville killed it with 28 at the inaugural CSAUP,  The Gauntlet. Look out for these guys!
  • 5/27 – Memorial Day Murphocalypse at Concord YMCA – 0500 – Come for the Murph, power through the WOD, and stay for the Speed Ruck
  • Redesigned Scorpion shirts should finally be coming!

PA out.

07 May 19 Riley Howell

Temp: 50s
Gloom Factor: Moderate

PAX: Renegade, Black Lung, CAPSLOCK, Yard Sale, Foxtrot Talks a Lot, Big Stick, PSL, Brother @ Law, Razorback, Dr Smartt, Boy Band, Too Tall, Dilly Dilly, Floppy Disk, Bagger Vance

Today’s workout is in honor of Riley Howell. All reps will have something to do with his DOB, age and DOD.

21 Pull Ups to Start


Date of Birth 12/13/1997
12 Imperial Walkers IC
13 Hillbillies IC
97 second high plank


Partner Up
Age at Death 21
21 Hill Ascents AYG
ODDS 21 Squats
EVENS 21 Merkins

Date of Death 04/30/19
Flutter Kicks 30 IC
Plank Jax 19 IC
Hello Dollies 30 IC
Supermans x 19 IC
Flutter Kicks x 30 IC
Mountain Climbers x 19 IC
Hello Dollies x 19 IC
High Plank x 30 sec


NMM: Felt an overwhelming desire to honor the late Riley Howell after reading several articles highlighting his heroics. A selfless young man in an age of selfies. There is an opportunity we all have to die to ourselves, everyday we can choose our needs or put the needs of others first. Thankfully, most of us will never have to make the decision to lay our life down so that others can live but if so, let us do it boldly and without fear. More than likely, we will be called to give up what we want for the well being of our wife, our children, work or our community…let us do so with the same courage that Riley did.

Prayers up for Kate and her brain tumor removal. Meal Train, yard work and kids days calendar to help Ludwig to follow.
Prayers for Barbara, CAPSLOCKs M in Law and her surgery recovery.
Prayers for Adam and Margaret in CA, victims of a theft and mugging that they are healed and come to know the Lord through all this.
Prayers for me and Leslie as we travel to Italy from 8 May to 18 May. Safety for us and for our children as they stay here w inlaws and sitters.
Concord Road YMCA BACK LOT
0500 Murph
0700 Speed Ruck
Come for all or come for one.


Buddy Murph

Conditions: perfect
18 PAX: Ludwig, Vegamite, Blacklung, Floppydisk, DillyDilly, Dmish, TooTall, MasterSplinter, Reefer, Flugtag, BigPerm, MovinOnUp, CCR, BoyBand, EdibleArrangment, PSL, BrotherAtLaw, AccountsReceivable
Intro / Disclaimer
Warm Up:
5 burpees
Jog around bus loop
20 side straddle hops
15 imperial walkers
10 bac forward 10 backward
Indian run around neighborhood loop
(struggled with maintaining a consistant pace. 😉 )
Partner up (Partner Murph)
100 pull-ups
200 pushups
300 squats
1 partner does AMRAP (through one exercise at a time) while other partner
runs suicide (back pedal to starting line)
Each pair combines reps to hit totals.
30 sec body saw (low plank)
20 ww1
20 plank jacks
10 good mornings
10 windmills
10 Goodmornings
20 Alabama prom dates
20 Alternating shoulder taps
Circle up for prayer and java.

The Girls at 413

Beautiful morning at The Stronghold this am with the HIM of F3 Nashville and the HIM in training of 413 Strong.  There was a bit of sadness hanging in the air as we found out that since our last post 4 of the 413ers had made the easy decision and left the program.  That’s how life goes sometimes.

Temp: 68
Gloom Factor: Nil

Play Station, Khakis, Black Widow, Sir Topham Hat, D’Mish, Hot Route, Danosaur,  CAPSLOCK, Reveille, Paw Patrol, Legally Blonde, Red Skull, Mitch, Jersey Money, Big Cat (F3 Chapel Hill), Dubs, Toga, Shaq, Lil Jon, Baby, Bagger Vance


Grab some Coupons and return to the circle for Disclaimer.  Oops, someone wasn’t listening…Burpees while we wait.

Mosey to the STEM Building lot with Coupons passing them between partners who held them in various positions…Regular, Hallelujah, Middle School Prom.

Fall out for WOR:

SSH x 13 IC, WMH, x 13 IC, IW x 13 IC, HB x 13 IC



To the rails for Fran

21, 15, 9 Pull Ups (Rows) and Thrusters.

Had to sub out for Merkins not Rows R1 due to poor recon from the Q.  Good news is we found some other railing options by the cafeteria where we continued R2& R3.

One girl, Fran, down and two more to go…


Barbara 5 Rounds

20 Pull Ups (Rows)

30 Merkins

40 LBCs

50 Squats

Rest 3 Minutes…except we ran and planked for the 6 for our rest.

All in, good mosey back to StartEx for our third and final sweetheart of the day…

Mary –

Flutter Kix x 13 IC

4 Merkins

Ola Binary x 13 IC

4 Merkins

FKix x 13 IC

4 Merkins

Ola Binary x 13 IC

4 Merkins

Hold Plank final :30


NMM: Well done this AM men.  Shaq, that one was for you…Red Skull I am sorry for NOTHING.

Today marks a rap on our Third class or is it Fourth with 413? Regardless, it was a lot of fun.  Praying for each of you to go do great things and live out the role only YOU can play in God’s Larger Story.


The Buffalo stampedes tomorrow at Shelby Park Community Center 0530.

The Gauntlet on Saturday 0500 Nolensville HS.

Memorial Day “Embrace the Suck” CSAUP is only 25 Days away.  Get ready for the Mayhem…

0500 Murph


0700 5 Mile Speed Ruck


Bagger Vance

Hang in there!

PAX: Black Widow, Umbrella, Offshore, Toga (QIC), Backlash, Leatherneck, Boone’s Farm, Olan Mills

Eight redwoods showed up to get better this morning.., and maybe stretch their arms out a little bit.  Here’s how it went down:

Circle up for quick disclaimer and mosey to park for warmup COP… the usual stuff.  Head to playground for Day 2 of Marine PFT HIT Workout:

Complete 30 secs of each duo of exercises for three rounds then 45 sec rest before switching stations:

Station 1: Pull-ups, hanging knee raises

Station 2: Pullover, Hanging windmills

Station 3:  Rows, hanging flutter kicks

Station 4: Pushups, Hanging leg lowers

Station 5: Curls, hanging leg raises

Mosey back to parking lot for 4×100 yard sprints

COT with YHC taking us out


4:13 class finishing this week!  Good luck to the class on interviews!

0545 Sat. ruck with breakfast at First Watch on Franklin Rd to follow

NMM:  It turns out that hanging leg raises, windmills and flutter kicks all pretty much look like the same thing after a couple of rounds.  YHC’s posture looks much better after being racked for 18 rounds hanging on some monkey bars.  That said, the PAX got after it, and it was a pleasure to lead.

Stay Classy,


Perfect 7 for Lucky 13

Temp: 50
Gloom Factor: Nil
PAX: Bad Boy, Foxtrot Talks A Lot, Deep Dish, Pop A Lock, Vegemite, Hambone, Bagger Vance

0600: Disclaimer

Long Mosey to the playground across from Third Person’s old hooch.

Circle Up for WOR:

SSH x 13 IC
Willy x 10 IC
GMA x 10 IC
IW x 10 IC


Lucky 13 (Modified due to lack of coupons)

Three Rounds x 13 Reps
Knees to Elbows/Box Jumps
KB Swings
Push Press
Walking Lunges
Mtn Climbers
Supine Thrusters
Pull Ups/ Rows

After R1 we did a quick lap around the park and started w R2.

After R2 we knocked out 6 8 ct Body Builders at Deep Dish’s request. Actually DD wanted more burpees but Pop thought 8CBB were better.

As we headed back to startex, Indian Run called out. When we completed R1, YHC threw curveball, PAX IRing would loop around the other PAX and then return to the front again. We alternated between Regular and the Double back home.

PAX planked out as YHC grabbed football for what reason YHC still can’t say…

PAX finished out R3 w some mods but all exercises and reps accounted for.


First things first, never partner up w Pop A Lock when Bro Rowing that is unless you enjoy getting T bagged. Ask Deep Dish for details.
YHC failed on starting Garmin until about 5 minutes in so our mileage was a bit off. Cobains.
Also, some Qonfusion on IC, OYO and some of the exercises but all PAX seemed sufficiently smoked.

Vegemite’s wife going back to work Mon after a long recovery from ankle surgery.
Pop finishing up grad school.
Bad Boy and M adjusting to baby girl.
Keep me in your TAP, supposed to meet with George on Tuesday to develop a strategy on our partnership, terms, etc.


Memorial Day – Concord Rd Y

0500 Murph

0600 Main Event

0700 Speed Ruck

Triple Down if you’re Hard Enough

Bagger Vance

Another 8,760 Hours of Pure Marital Bliss

PAX: Silver Medal, Boone’s Farm, Pop-A-Lock, Trapper Keeper, Lumbergh, Left Turn (Willy Loman from F3 Houston) and En Fuego 

QIC: En Fuego

This time last year, YHC and several PAX gathered at Westeros to celebrate YHC’s 11-year wedding anniversary.  8,760 hours later, it was time to do it again, celebrating 12 years, or for those keeping count, 105,120 total hours of pure marital bliss.

0530 arrives, we disclaim and then mosey throughout the parking lot up to the field, stopping at four different points to perform a set of 10, 5, 1 and 20 diamond merkins – celebrating the 105,120 hours with some diamonds.

Huddle up for some WOR – where we knock out 12 each of the following:



I – Imperial Walkers


S – the blissful Scorpion Stretch

YHC then informs the PAX of the 12 years, 144 months celebration and off we go for the…


Any successful marriage begins with finding the right partner, so that’s what we do.  Then, 3 rounds of exercises focusing on the numbers 12 (years) and 144 (months).

Round 1:  Start at bottom of Bernie Hill; Partner 1 begins to knock out 144 burpees while Partner 2 Bernie Sanders to top of Bernie Hill; perform 12 hand-release merkins at top and then back to bottom.  Flap-jack until Partner 1 and 2 have collectively knocked out 144 burpees, and pause along the way during the hand-release to take in a beautiful IIIP sunrise.

Round 2: Mosey to playground.  Partner 1 begins to knock out 144 Steve Irwins, Partner 2 runs down the stairs to the roundabout and performs 12 dips.  Flap-jack until collective 144 Steve Irwins reached.

Round 3: Mosey to far end zone on the field.  Partner 1 bear crawls to the 20 yard line, performs 12 iron mikes.  Crawl bear back the 20 yards.  Partner 2 is knocking out jump squats.  Flap-jack until collective 144 jump squats performed.

Five minutes on the clock.  We line up for rounds of 60 yard sprints with a set of Mary in-between sprints.

Time called and anniversary party officially over.  PAX put in the work, knocking out the above exercises while traversing 1.65 miles worth of AO.

During COT, YHC issued an AO challenge that each of the fine PAX boldly accepted.  We discussed Ephesians 5:25 -> “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and give himself up for her.”  There is no more selfless, no more sacrificial love than Christ’s love for the Church.  Further, this verse in and of itself is not an ask that we love our wives in a similar, selfless manner, but rather a mandate.  So, our challenge, and certainly for YHC during anniversary week, is we must a) perform one completely random, selfless act of service / kindness to our wives this week and b) report about it on Slack – to keep us encouraged and accountable.  And of course for each PAX that doesn’t complete the above, there may or may not be an AO penalty to kick the gloom off next Tuesday.

Honor to have led and appreciative to live out the gloom with each of you

En Fuego