Field Trip for some Lieutenant Dan ManMaking Bear Crawls

Pax: T-Cell, Moneyshot, Foxtrot Talks a Lot, Hipster and En Fuego

QIC: En Fuego

Conditions: 50 degrees – a perfect May gloom

0530 arrives, we disclaim and we mosey on a field trip to higher education, namely the soon-to-be enjoyed by all recently aerated David Lipscomb soccer field. YHC orders 10 merkins for every car that passes us along the mosey, 80 merkins later we arrive to the fields for some WOR. Wrap WOR up with YHC’s favorite scorpion stretch, then commence the…


  1. Start off with 11s at the bleacher stairwell; Imperial storm squats at the bottom and power merkins at the top.  Verified the stairs are steep, got the heart rate up, and completed the 11s.  Mosey to the dugout, where we partner up for…
  2. Partner DIDs:
    • Partner 1 sprints from dugout back to stairwell and performs 15 jump squats, sprints back, while Partner 2 is performing a round of 10-20-30s of DIDs. Upon Partner 2 arrival, flapjack and R&R x2. Upon completion, YHC introduces round 3 of exercises in what shall affectionately be known as…
  3. The Lieutenant Dan Manmaking Bear Crawls
    • It is what it sounds like. PAX line up at dugout facing the bleachers. Perform sequence of Lieutenant Dan, drop into ManMakers, transition from ManMaker into 4 count Bear Crawl. Execute Lieutenant Dan Manmaking Bear Crawl sequence along width of soccer field – taking in all that the recently fertilized and finely aerated lawn had to offer. Upon completion, Foxtrot throws himself into some face-down snow angels, apparently wanting more of said lawn.

At this point, field trip is over and time to head back to the friendly confines of the AO. Mosey back, with PAX stopping about quarter mile out to give it an AYG effort from there in. Close it out with COT – prayers for Bicentennial Man and Ludwig, and their families.

Job well done by all – PAX put in the work. Honor to have led and appreciative to live out the gloom with each of you.

En Fuego