New Year’s Day 2022 Convergence – “I’m Feeling 22” – 01.01.22

36 PAX (+1 Runner) from across Middle Tennessee descended on Stonewall for an NYD convergence manwich as can only be concocted and delivered by the dynamic duo of Foxtrot Talks A Lot and Princess Aurora (YHC).

Conditions: Positively sublime.

QIC: Foxtrot Talks A Lot & Princess Aurora

PAX: Bad Boy, Bagger Vance, Black Widow, Carebear, Cinderella, Cocoon, Cowboy, Crablegs, Cross Stitch, DFrost, Dinty Moore, Hambone, Hi-Viz, House Arrest, Margot, Michelin Man, Moneyshot, Oregon Trail, Ponzi, Pumpkin Spice (PP), Red Skull, Rug Doctor, Shocker, Sooner, T-Cell, Toolbit, Toolman, Tuna, Vector, Vespa, Waterboy, Whoopie, Winger, Works For A Guy, Yard Sale


PA Bread Bottom Slice

Upon issuing a Happy New Year welcome and standard disclaimer, PAX set off on a medium mosey up and around Sunnyside Mansion as we made our way to the basketball court for a raucous COP mostly backed by Blondie’s “Call Me.” The extra challenge to stay on beat was much appreciated.

  • SSH x 22
  • Squats x 22 (went from double count to single count pretty quickly)
  • LBAC F x 11 (Hold for bridge)
  • LBAC R x 11

Quick yog to the tennis court for 11s from alley to alley. Jump Squats and 4ct Mountain Climbers with a wall sit for the six. We also had a visit from a nearby neighbor who complained to Michelin Man about how Prince’s “Nothing Compares 2 U” stirs up too much emotion in her and is making her NYE hangover worse so could you turn it down please?

Handoff to FTTAL for Meat and Cheese

Team Building Exercises:

Four teams, four stations, four minutes of work with a minute to rest and rotate. Tally up all of your reps with a special prize going to the winning team!

Station 1: Leap Frog from playground to path around mansion. Odd man Broad Jumps. Each rep counts as 1.

Station 2: Pull-ups on Jungle Gym

Station 3: Merkins in parking lot

Station 4: 100m Sled Push

RnR with 2:00 stations and sled resistance set to zero (or was it only never zero for our group???)

Handoff back to PA for the Top Slice of Bread

How do you get to 22? With two 11s of course! Circle up in the parking lot for Stationary 11s with Clerkins and Big Boy Sit-Ups. Plank for six.

Time called and the winner is….everybody and nobody!

COT/BOM and ice baths for a select few.


From Foxtrot:

Happy New Year F3 Men!!

Having 36 willing participants for Stonewall’s first post of the year was definitely a treat. As I sit here nestled on my couch, the pain of yesterdays tenuously choreographed 60 minute workout symphony rings in my ears (and my lower leg parts).

MVP was Princess Aurora. From the beginning stretches, the circuit audible, the Mary intensity, the closing prayer and his brave “I’ll go first” ice plunge.
Honorable mention goes to my wing man Yard Sale. Set up and break down of the ice chamber and tiki torch ensemble was much appreciated. Not to mention the ice contribution!!!

Highlight of the workout goes to DFrost. His smile when hearing all the 80’s throwback music was beautiful. And him unfurling his love sword when getting into the ice bath was truly priceless.

The ‘until next time’ award goes to the Franklin crew. Their unwillingness to try their first ice bath post F3 workout was understandable. We will bring it again next year!!


TAPS for the families of the sick and those we lost this year.

Please continue to pray for Spicoli’s family. There will be a celebration of his life on January 8 at City Church Franklin.

Also please pray for Franklin’s Snoop as he is battling serious complications from COVID right now. You can also support his family here.

May you be courageous in your goal-setting and tenacious in your pursuit!

PA out.



New Year’s Day Convergence – 01.01.20 – “A Decade Under the Influence”

41 HIM shook off 2019 with a rousing start to 2020 that took them through the last decade.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Bagger Vance, Black Widow, Big Pharma, Boyband, Braddock, Cathy, Clickbait, CCR, D’Mish, Deep Dish, Delorean, Dookey, Drago, Dupree, Floppy Disk, Foxtrot-Talks-A-Lot, Grisham, Hans and Franz (Lex KY), Kingpin, Lump, Maytag, Mile High, Moneyshot, Moonpie (RVA), NSYNC (FNG), Ochocinco, OT, Pancreas, Porcelain, Pre-K, Red Skull, Shoota, Spicoli, T-Cell, Tiny Dancer, Tuna, Umbrella, Vegemite, Venus, Yard Sale


A brief disclaimer, wishes of Happy New Year, and it was off to the track and football field for the COP:

  • SSH x 20
  • LBAC x 20
  • Overhead Claps x 20
  • Hop Kicks x 20
  • Half-Groiners x 10

Line up along the 20, backpedal to the opposite 20, and run back. Repeat whilst YHC sets up the cue cards for today’s “in 10’s” escalating grinder, a reflection on the last decade.

From the 20, PAX run to the opposite 20 and perform 10 reps of prescribed exercise. Run back and perform 10 more + 11 of the next exercise. Run back to the other and perform the 10 + 11 + 12. Continue to build upon the “year” before, ending with 20 reps of the last exercise. Exercises were as follows.

  • 2010: Merkins
  • 2011: Alabama Prom Dates
  • 2012: Plank Jacks
  • 2013: Iron Mikes #crowdpleaser
  • 2014: Flutter Kicks
  • 2015: Mountain Climbers
  • 2016: Squats
  • 2017: SSH
  • 2018: Hillbillies
  • 2019: Big Boy Sit-Ups
  • 2020: Prison Cell Merkin Burpees #biggercrowdpleaser

Stallions who finished early were instructed to continue performing the escalator but dropping the first exercise. I don’t believe we had anybody who got to drop 2011 before our six finished.

All in, and it was over to the starting line for a “quick” mile time trial to set a personal standard for the year. So what if it’s a low baseline influenced by heavy fatigue? Positive psychology!  Makes me wonder what Mile High (5:15) would’ve thrown down when fresh.

Mosey back to the parking lot and circle up for various exercises to wait for six.



‘Twas a wonderful turnout with Franklin bringing a crew, a pair from Spring Hill (following a half-Murph, mind you), and even a couple from Lexington, KY and Richmond, VA joining the fray. The workout was not without a couple of hiccups (delayed start to the playlist, phone dying before the stopwatch could be utilized for the time trial, a giant soccer goal in the middle of the field), but spirits were high, and the mumblechatter was entertaining and plentiful without being excessive. Granted, I wasn’t on Foxtrot’s side of the field, so I could be wrong there.


Just one announcement today:

PA out.

Convergence – 07.04.19 – “Our Independence Day”

39 PAX kicked off America’s 243rd birthday at Bicentennial Mall this morning and prepped their bodies for a day of grilled delights, cold beverages, and unbridled patriotism.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Bad Boy, Bicentennial Man, Big Country, Big Stick, Big Pharm, Black Lung, Blue Mule, Brother-at-law, Care Bear, Cinderella, Crablegs, Dick Whitman, Drago, En Fuego, Harvey Updyke, Hi-Viz, Hot ‘N’ Ready, Keep the Change, Life Champ, Lockbox, Mofomite, Notes, Oregon Trail, Pop-A-Lock, Porcelain, Red Skull, Scud Row, Slater (FNG), Stirrups, T-Cell, Tampa Libra, The Jeweler, Tidballs (FNG), Tiny Dancer, Tool Time, Vector, Waterboy, White Cloud


After YHC issued a director’s cut of a welcome and disclaimer, PAX took off on a mosey consisting of a head fake south toward Capitol Hill and back toward the main lawn north of the amphitheater to circle up for warmorama:

  • SSH x 15
  • SnL Squats x 10
  • WMH x 10
  • LBAC F/R x 10


Count off 1-4 into four groups and mosey over to Porcelain’s car to gather some coupons: 6 to 8 ft railroad ties that would serve as team weights. Mosey back over to the lawn with coupons in tow and line up for an Independence Day relay. The alien mothership’s shield has been deactivated, and Earth’s forces have organized a counter-attack. With the firing control mechanism on the four remaining aircraft malfunctioning, the PAX have no choice but to manually deliver the payload to the Court of 3 Stars carillon bells.

In single file, each team must move their coupon overhead in an Indian Run fashion. Once the last man has pushed the tie forward, he runs to the front to receive it and keep moving it along, repeat this process to the midway point. Once at the midway point, the team switches to a position straddling the coupon facing the other direction and pulling it through their legs in the same fashion until they’ve reached the bells. SSH for six, and mission: complete.

Move the coupons back toward the start point and offload to move toward the next phase of the workout.


In the amphitheater, PAX are instructed to find a spot along the lowest level to prepare for a hybrid “escaladder” of pain. Utilizing the Hand-Release Burpee Box Jump (HRBBJ), PAX perform one rep corresponding to the seating level they are on followed by Squats x 4 after the final rep. For each round, you must move back to the first level and complete all previous reps before moving to the next level. Confusing at first, but the PAX are sharp and figure out that the rounds go a little something like this:

  1. Level One: HRBBJ x 1 + Squats x 4
  2. Same as above + Level Two: HRBBJ x 2 + Squats x 4
  3. Same as above + Level Three: HRBBJ x 3 + Squats x 4
  4. Same as above + Level Four: HRBBJ x 4 + Squats x 4
  5. Same as above + Level Five: HRBBJ x 5 + Squats x 4
  6. Same as above + Level Six: HRBBJ x 6 + Squats x 4
  7. Same as above + Level Seven: HRBBJ x 7 + Squats x 4

That’s 84 HRBBJ if you’re keeping score, and the shouts, groans, and mumblechatter were evidence that PAX felt each and every one of them. Sweaty, grassy, and thoroughly warm, it was finally time for some fun on the Hill.


At the base of the hill, each of the four teams line up single file for Indian Broad Jumps to the top. Nothing fancy here. Last man broad jumps to the front of the line and all PAX advance in this manner up to the wall. Congrats to team 3 on getting to the top first and just under the time limit imposed by YHC. Grace was extended to allow all teams to reach the wall before the charge back down the hill and to the launch point.

PAX circled back up on the granite map to close it out with A-Mary-Ca. YHC fumbled around with the soundtrack of “America, F*** Yeah” to bring it home, but PAX were finally able to execute a 2ct American Hammer Ring of Fire up to 76.



It was a really great turnout with all areas of Nashville represented as well as Franklin and Nolensville. Even had the honor of welcoming two FNGs, Slater and Tidballs.  YHC was honestly taken by surprise given the “Slack forecast” put the numbers closer to the high teens. A pleasant surprise to be sure, and a good taste of what’s to come as F3 Nashville celebrates its 5th Anniversary in September.  100 PAX, baby!


  • TAPs
    • Big Country and other 4:13 guys as they visit friends and family this weekend. Prayers for safety, good decisions, and a return back to the program.
    • Safety for all traveling PAX and healing for the injured.
  • Announcements
    • July 20 – Potluck Cookout hosted by Porcelain
    • July 23 – Libeery at Fat Bottom Brewing- Crablegs will be leading the discussion on Cal Newport’s Digital Minimalism. Reading is not a prerequisite for attendance
    • July 27 – Nightpath – Night ruck CSAUP at Percy Warner.
    • August 17 – Yuck Ruck – Social Ruck/Community Service. Trash pickup followed by beer and fellowship at a local watering hole.
    • September 14 – F3 Nashville 5th Anniversary at Sevier Park – where it all began. Special guests from F3 Nation will be in town, so you don’t want to miss it. Mark your calendars as the goal is 100+ PAX in attendance. Be a part of F3 Nashville history!
    • October 19 – TNCANRUCK 002 – Social Ruck/Community Service. Ruck across Nashville stopping at select breweries and bars to pick up canned good donations and deliver them to Second Harvest. Last year’s event ended with 700 lbs of donations. This year’s goal is 1,000 lbs.

Pleasure to lead you all. Enjoy your holiday and time with friends and family.

PA out.


Nolensville/Franklin Convergence #2 – The Forge – 6/1/19

PAX (30, including 6 FNGs): Stirrups, Macaroni, Stats, Little Miss Piggy, Maytag, Pope, Hot N Ready, Cheese Whiz, Torch, Beeker (FNG), Shoota, Oregon Trail, Old Hickory, Creeper, 3rd Degree, Staples, Waterboy, Double Bird (FNG), Smokey (FNG), Show Me, SexEd, Pocahontas, Topper (FNG), Chubbs (FNG), Reboot (FNG), Hoser, Cowbell, Nimbus, Gig ’em, Tebow

We’ll have to run it by our attorneys to see if Franklin can take credit for all six FNGs for #Franklin150 – decision pending.

Mosey to football field for disclaimer & Warm up:
SSH, IW, Merks, Squats, 30s stretch oyo, Burpees
(the free stretch may have thrown some PAX – “what is this?” “what do I do?” – comfort zones abandoned already)

THANG 1 (Tebow QIC):

1.1) Side Shuffle Suicides: from goal line, shuffle 5-yd increments and back, ending at the 50 yd line – 1 burpee every direction change (fyi, this was a lot of shuffling; not mad about it)

1.2) Triplet under the bleachers:
10-1 reps of
steel beam pull ups, low plank MC, iron mikes
(merlot spotted shortly after)

1.3) With partner at midfield for Dora style work:
Partner 1 exercises (MC merkins x 50 / AH x 100 / jump squats x 150)
Partner 2 runs to the fence (approx. 80 yds) for 2 burpees over the fence (“Trump burpees” as suggested by PAX, has a nice ring) and back, switch (scale: burpee + 2 tuck jumps x2)
Then, one final trip to the fence all together

THANG 2 (Gig ‘Em QIC):

After jumping many fences Tebow passed the baton to Gig’em. Pax were grateful.

2nd warmup: Mosey around track. Bearcrawl bleacher section. Rinse and repeat.

2.1) Partner up. One partner planks for 60 seconds. Other partner amraps burpee side jumps over planking Partner. Switch. Rinse and repeat. This was rough. Pax pressed through.
2.2) Mosey around track. Crabwalk bleacher section (approx 80 yards). Karaoke across field to underneath bleachers.
2.3) Partner up: Pull-up holds for 20 seconds. Other partner does 7 hand release Merkins. Switch. 5 sets each. 10 HRM on set five. Last pull-up hold is to failure. Excellent effort by all. Mosey to field.
2.4) Stay with partner: in style of Dora, one partner does big boy sit-ups while the other partner canary hops for 20 yards. Does five burps. Crawl bears back to goal line. Switch. Repeat 3 times. Mosey to other side of track.
2.5) 200 yard sprint. Shoota references track experience and suggests we stagger lanes to make fair. Suggestion box was closed. Maybe next time. To the sled.
2.6) 5 pax at a time took turns & unleashed fury on the Nolensville Knights blocking sled.
Intensity was off the charts. Great seeing men getting after it. Nice finisher.

Grateful for the opportunity to lead you men. What a great AO. See you in September boys. Keep stretching because there is no growth in the comfort zone.


Memorial Day Meltdown

Temp: Summer
Gloom Factor: Nil

PAX: The Jeweler, Floppy Disk, Toga, Frugal McDugal, Pope, Offshore, Olan Mills, Foxtrot Talks a Lot, Blue Mule, Tiny Dancer, Tebow, Bagger Vance (Murph) … Bad Boy, Boone’s Farm, Red Skull, Big Pharm, Vegemite, Yard Sale (Bert) … Tampa Libra (Ruck)

1 Mile Run
100 Pull Ups
200 Merkins
300 Squats
1 Mile Run

Floppy and Jeweler led the way to no one’s surprise. YHC played the role of flesh anchor. Overall, great effort by all PAX and a nice turnout. Good to see Tebow back from Nole & Pope doing his shirtless Pope thing reppin Franklin.

After Murph, we lost a few PAX and picked up a few others for
50 Burpees
Run 400M
100 Merkins
Run 400M
150 Walking Lunges
Run 400M
200 Squats
Run 400M
150 Walking Lunges
Run 400M
100 Merkins
Run 400M
50 Burpees

Wow, those last everything were tough. Pope pulled us all through on the last 20 Burpees. Apparently, he had a thing w some horses and a cattle round up to catch. While that workout is meant to be done for time, I always like the idea of a battle buddy pushing you through. All PAX performed all reps save a little help from his brothers towards the end of a rep count (Thank you TD).

Now we moved into the Rucking portion of the am. Supposed to make it 5 miles but due to YHC lolly gagging at the start we had to cut off the last .75 in order to make it on time. Most of the PAX had dropped out by this time but we still had Blue Mule, Tiny Dancer, Vegemite, Boone’s Farm, Tampa Libra and YHC. A little slow on the first two miles also held us back from the 5 miler. All in all, we had some good livin.

So here’s how we Posted in terms of the workouts:
Murph – Foxtrot, Tiny Dancer, Blue Mule, Olan Mills, Tebow, Offshore, Pope, Leatherneck, Floppy Disk, The Jeweler, Toga, Frugal McDugal, Bagger Vance

Bert – Yard Sale, Blue Mule, Olan Mills, Vegemite, Big Pharm, Bad Boy, Pope, Red Skull, Leatherneck, Tiny Dancer, Boone’s Farm, Bagger Vance

Ruck – Tiny Dancer, Blue Mule, Vegemite, Tampa Libra, Boone’s Farm, Bagger Vance

NMM: Pretty awesome hang this am HIM.

Grateful for all the men and women in the military as well as our first responders for protecting us here and taking it to the enemy abroad.

Having all the PAX show up like they did was pretty awesome for YHC on this Memorial Day weekend…let’s male it a tradition.

Prayers up for the Hunter family out of New Orleans, a co-worker of Bad Boy who’s son is in the ICU trauma unit in Atlanta.
Ludwig’s wife, Kate, is still in recovery from her recent surgery to remove a brain tumor.
Loafer’s wife had a biopsy last week, results to come this week.

Bagger Vance

The Girls at 413

Beautiful morning at The Stronghold this am with the HIM of F3 Nashville and the HIM in training of 413 Strong.  There was a bit of sadness hanging in the air as we found out that since our last post 4 of the 413ers had made the easy decision and left the program.  That’s how life goes sometimes.

Temp: 68
Gloom Factor: Nil

Play Station, Khakis, Black Widow, Sir Topham Hat, D’Mish, Hot Route, Danosaur,  CAPSLOCK, Reveille, Paw Patrol, Legally Blonde, Red Skull, Mitch, Jersey Money, Big Cat (F3 Chapel Hill), Dubs, Toga, Shaq, Lil Jon, Baby, Bagger Vance


Grab some Coupons and return to the circle for Disclaimer.  Oops, someone wasn’t listening…Burpees while we wait.

Mosey to the STEM Building lot with Coupons passing them between partners who held them in various positions…Regular, Hallelujah, Middle School Prom.

Fall out for WOR:

SSH x 13 IC, WMH, x 13 IC, IW x 13 IC, HB x 13 IC



To the rails for Fran

21, 15, 9 Pull Ups (Rows) and Thrusters.

Had to sub out for Merkins not Rows R1 due to poor recon from the Q.  Good news is we found some other railing options by the cafeteria where we continued R2& R3.

One girl, Fran, down and two more to go…


Barbara 5 Rounds

20 Pull Ups (Rows)

30 Merkins

40 LBCs

50 Squats

Rest 3 Minutes…except we ran and planked for the 6 for our rest.

All in, good mosey back to StartEx for our third and final sweetheart of the day…

Mary –

Flutter Kix x 13 IC

4 Merkins

Ola Binary x 13 IC

4 Merkins

FKix x 13 IC

4 Merkins

Ola Binary x 13 IC

4 Merkins

Hold Plank final :30


NMM: Well done this AM men.  Shaq, that one was for you…Red Skull I am sorry for NOTHING.

Today marks a rap on our Third class or is it Fourth with 413? Regardless, it was a lot of fun.  Praying for each of you to go do great things and live out the role only YOU can play in God’s Larger Story.


The Buffalo stampedes tomorrow at Shelby Park Community Center 0530.

The Gauntlet on Saturday 0500 Nolensville HS.

Memorial Day “Embrace the Suck” CSAUP is only 25 Days away.  Get ready for the Mayhem…

0500 Murph


0700 5 Mile Speed Ruck


Bagger Vance

Undercover “The Departed” Q @ F3 Nolensville Broken Wheel

Pre-Party 4 PAX for a round of all you got pull ups, ascent of the “Dancing Bear” (Merkins followed by air presses in increasing reps 1,2,3 etc to 10) round of all you got pull ups, Dancing Bear descent 10-1, round of all you got pull ups.

This was the first post since spring forward so the gloom had returned in full effect. PAX: Show Me, TV Guide, 3rd Degree, Snowball, Altidore, Stats, Sterno (QIC???), Scrooge, Nimbus, Creeper, Kermit, Barney Fievel, Staples.

It all started out as an average Tuesday at Broken Wheel with Sterno on the Q however things escalated quickly and we knew something a bit off….

Capri Lap a.k.a. “Show Me” lap around the parking lot.




….and then the pain began….

Thang(s) 1

Alternating Shoulder Taps IC X 20

Tempo Merkins IC X 15

Fast as you can Merkins OYO X 15

Mountain Climbers IC X 20

Short Mosey to the Pavilion by the pain ground…

Copenhagens OYO X 40

Derkins IC X 10

Back to the lot…

60 Yard Sprints back to back X 4

Round of Contra Burpees 1-10

Q then proceeded to hand the reins off to Altidore (Undercover/Mole Q #1) which led to more pain of the lower body variety.

Thang(s) 2

PAX Partnered up for a Diego type routine which included about 40 yard light pole to light pole MOT.

Round One: 150 Jump Squats, MOT Duck Walk and Politician back

Round Two: 200 Iron Mikes, MOT Politician and Mosey back

Mosey back to the pavilion for 20 box jumps OYO.

Altidore handed the Q over to Stats, (Undercover/Mole Q #2) who noted that the best way to avoid the lactic acid build up in your legs is to Mosey, so Mosey we did.

Thang 3

Mosey around the short loop (appx .33 miles). While it is true you need good legs to run, thanks Altidore, the key to efficient running is core strength so as PAX finished the Lap we did War Hammers (as seen in Nolensville) until the 6 had time to do 10 reps.

Pax did another lap and then did 10 big boy sit-ups and 40 American Hammers.

Pax did a third lap finishing with an “all you have left sprint” at the last turn to the line.


Countorama/Nameorama/9th Man

Thanks for sharing Snowball


2nd F lunch next Thursday more info to come soon

2nd F on the 23rd (handgun range) Stones River Education Center 10 am

We prayed for:

3rd Degree’s 2.3

Cheese Whiz and Polar Express

Soccer Mom in Uganda

Apologies if any were not noted

Post Party –  All you got pull ups 1 set (Several Pax)


2019 NYD Convergence

It was an unseasonably warm morning to ring in the New Year with the 5th anniversary of the F3 Middle TN regions NYD Convergence; and, if you ask the 48 (47?) PAX who posted at The Hill, they’ll tell you as much.

Princess Aurora F3Nashville Nan’tan had led the first 4, but humbly handed the reigns over to a couple other Pax as he was DR today.

QIC: T-Cell, 3rd Degree

PAX: Bagger Vance, Big Bang, Bartman, Grisham, Hambone, Numbtucks, & BlueMule came early for a Pre-Ruck and were joined by RazorBack, TheJeweler, Porcelain, HiViz, Funyuns, TampaLibra, Lumberg, EnFuego, Ludwig, OldHickory, HarveyUpdyke, YardSale, Dupree, DillyDilly, FrugalMcDoogal, PumpkinSpice, DeepDish, Creeper, Staples, Stats, Altidore, Sterno, BarneyFievel, SoccerMom, Boyband aka Skidmark, RedSkull (Respect), FloppyDisk, BlackWidow, Umbrella, Brother-at-Law, Shootah, Waterboy, Lump, Braddock (Respect), Spicoli, Stirrups (FNG D’Mish Sponsor), D’mish, & Foxtrot Talks A Lot joined for COT & coffeeteria. 


After a perfectly executed disclaimer by T-Cell, he led the Mosey around the Baseball and lower football practice-field/track to a Warmorama at the center for a little COP. YHC forgot the speaker to be used for later and may or may not have tumbled down to fetch it…


  • SSH
  • SnL Squats
  • SnL Merkins
  • GM IC (Franklin was like…what???)
  • WMH IC (now it’s getting weird)
  • Supposedly 19 reps of each, but who’s counting?


Line up on football field goal line for the following circuit:
20 Hand Release Merkins
Suicide to 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 yard line sprinting to each yard marker and backpedaling to the goal line
19 Jump Squats = 1 round
SPOILER ALERT = T-Cell announcing we would do this 5 x in honor of the 5th year of convergence…
PAX start each round together and high-plank to wait for six.
Four Corners
Divide PAX into four teams and put one group at each corner of the football field where goal line pylons would be. Place marker in middle of field. Each team is responsible for 100 burpees. Once all burpees are completed, first pax bear crawls to marker and sprints back to tag next man. Non-crawling teammates are planking/Mary exercise until it’s their turn. Audible: OMAHA!!! 2-3 pax start bear-crawling together after about 3-4 individuals went for time’s sake
Participation trophy = advancing to round 3…
3D took over from here.
Bearway to Heaven
The song (Stairway to Heaven) is 8:20 (at least the Amazon Prime version by Led Zep Cover band LA Thunder…which was a subject of much MC) and you bear-crawl/crawl bear suicide from goal line to 10, 20, 30, 40 and half-field line markers with decreasing numbers of burpee variation (Q picked Yurpees, as these were invented in Nolensville 😉 )on your way…6,5,4,3,2 = 20 (recognize a pattern?)
Music is nice to take away the pain.
15 Attitude-Adjustment burpees were the buy out as far too many PAX had enough wind to MC the entire time during the song…
Hill Sprints
Mosey to the short hill b/w the Tennis courts and football field and sprint fence to fence 4 x. Then, crawl-bear the hill 1x. RnR the 4x Sprints (I was planning to do this until we reached 19, but alas, time waits for only one man, and He ain’t me)

Closed it out with 2MOM.

  • 10 twisting WWIs OYO
  • Flutter Kicks x 20 IC
  • American Hammers x19 IC

CoT/Numbers/Names/Christening of FNG


  • T-Cell has instituted a monthly program called The Twelfth Man. This month and rotating monthly, a PAX will own sharing leadership lessons and planning an opportunity to hear from local leaders. See T-Cell for more details. Jan. is BadBoy bringing some peeps from The Iron Curtain to share. Deets forthcoming. Check Slack.
  • Warpath X set for 5am Jan. 12 in F3Franklin. Brentwood YMCA on Concord is launch site.
  • That also happens to be where F3TheStandard AO is launching this Thursday. Ask BigBang and Funyuns said bring your sack. 4:45-6am. Ruck heavy.
  • 3D Exhorted the group that 2019 can be a year of breaking bad habits in order to form a new, better, lasting foundation and then build on it. Shared the story from the middle of Luke 8 of Jesus setting the man possessed by Legion free from inner chains even though at the time he was able to break physical chains. If interested to discuss more, find me sometime and lets get a coffee or beer. Throughout life, we are called as men to take the hard road, the less-traveled and difficult journey. Whether having to fight the siren-song of the fart-sack, or saying no to the helping of food or drink or show/website you know you should avoid, or having to get up one more time to serve your family, or turn in one more project at work you have no idea what it’s for, we are called to make NO PROVISION for the flesh. And we are already involved in a brotherhood where accountability and encouragement and correction allow us to sharpen one another. Let’s hit the trail and walk down the hard-path together.
  • Better, faster, stronger!

3D, out.

Stonewall – 09.29.18 – “Four-More-Years!”

Twas a beautiful morning to celebrate F3 Nashville’s 4th anniversary, and, if you ask the 33 PAX who posted at Stonewall, they’ll tell you as much.

On September 13, 2014, a Charlotte man named Uncle Q’d the first workout at Sevier Park and thus began something life-changing in Nashville. Over the next few months, many men posted, some for their first workout and others who hadn’t missed since day 1. To honor some of the guys there in the infancy of F3 Nashville, YHC put together a Q-list and some greatest hits to celebrate.

QIC: Hi-Viz, Probe, T-Cell, Torch (Blood Clot proxy), Princess Aurora, Bad Boy

PAX: Funyuns, Zoolander, Crablegs, Bagger Vance, Tortoise, Big Bang, Care Bear, Bartman, Harvey Updyke, Dupree, Third Degree, Electron, Boyband fka Skidmark, Cowboy, Right Said, Bicentennial Man, Foggy Pirate, Big Stick, Foxtrot Talks A Lot, Black Lung (LIFO), Grisham, Pop-A-Lock, Hambone, Umbrella, Shootah, Waterboy, Vector



After a perfectly executed disclaimer by YHC, Viz took the PAX off on a medium mosey over to the Community Center parking lot for a little COP:

  • SSH
  • SnL Squats
  • LBAC F/R
  • Merkins


Broke out a classic with the Merkin pyramid. PAX perform 1 Merkin on “down” count followed by 1 Air Press. 2 Merkins, 2 Air Presses…10 Merkins, 10 Air Presses, and all the way back down to 1. Let’s just say everybody’s merkin form deteriorated by the time we started going back down. A lot.

Mosey over to the soccer field for some sprint work. 50 Dan Jansens. Sprint goal to goal. 25 Squats. Sprint goal to goal. 50 Ski Jumps. Sprint goal to goal.


Mosey up to the tennis courts for Hell in a T-Cell. Line up across the sidelines for suicides. All PAX begin at the same time and keep repeating the pattern until time is called.

  • Round 1: Standard running
  • Round 2: Standard running
  • Round 3: Broad Jump out, backpedal in
  • Round 4: AYG Sprint to the last line and back


PAX braced themselves for the Blood Clot special they knew was coming. BURPEE APOCALYPSE. Burpees beginning at 10 and working all the way down to 1. This was followed by continuous SSH and dropping down for three Burpees each time down was called. 5ish rounds. Ended this session the only way we could: Double Shot of Jack x 12.

Princess Aurora

Mosey over to the base of Sunnyside Hill for a modified F3 staple: Sevens. Run up to the path, Clerkins at the top, back to the start, Jump Squats. Simple, yet effective.

Bad Boy

Mosey to the parking lot to break in the brand new F3 Deck of Cards. My memory is getting a little hazy at this point, but I believe we drew the following:

  • 25 Burpees
  • 50 Squats
  • 25 Plank Jacks

Hi-Viz (pt 2)

Closed it out with 5MOM.

  • Flutter Kicks
  • Hello Dollies
  • LBCs
  • Plank progression
  • J-Lo’s



It’s truly an honor to be a part of this great brotherhood we call F3 and to have the opportunity to lead you. There were faces I’d never seen, faces I hadn’t seen in a while, and face I’ve been seeing consistently these last 4 years. I’m glad to know that each one of them belongs to a man who is committed to bettering himself for the sake of his community. The G-School that followed was a great opportunity to discuss how to more fully engage each one of you and reach those we’ve yet to reach, and I’m very confident that we’ll be seeing a lot more new faces this time next year. But hopefully not Blood Clot’s.


  • T-Cell has instituted a monthly program called The Twelfth Man. Starting this month and rotating monthly, a PAX will own sharing leadership lessons and planning an opportunity to hear from local leaders. See T-Cell for more details.
  • A couple of launches are forthcoming. The official launch of The Trident down at Seven Springs and The Pound coming later this month, Thursdays in Nolensville.
  • Please continue to pray for the family and community of Darth Visor and those down in F3 Alpha and Cherokee where he posted.
  • We are asking Q’s to always make sure there is a phone in the group in case of emergency, especially when you are away from the starting point. Additionally, Bagger has reached out to a few of our PAX in medicine to coordinate a sort of condensed version of the Basic Life Support class. The idea is that this will not be an official class for which you receive certification, but it will provide enough knowledge to be dangerous in the event of an emergency.
  • As always, and especially for Darth Visor, Go Tigers.

PA out.

Favorites Remixed @ BattleGround

12 Franklin and Nolensville PAX start the work-week off right this morning at F3 Franklin including:

HushPuppy, Barney Fievel, Lump, Torch, HackFace, TopSpin, Hoser, Shocker, Sanctions, BigBang, Copay and 3rd Degree (QiC)

A beautiful start to the morning weather-wise: low humidity, 60’s, just right!

Multiple PAX joined in on pre-party festivities of Murph as well as Burpees on the minute. (not sure on number count)

Warm up mosey to grass field midway through big loop.

Explain Tabata (20 seconds maximal effort of whatever is called, followed by 10 seconds rest) Outline: Sprint, rest, Exercise, rest, back to Sprinting toward the original side of the field, etc. Rinse and Repeat X 4 Songs until my portable speaker (woefully insufficient BTW, time for an upgrade!) RAN OUT OF JUICE in the middle of Nirvana’s Ode. Cobains to Cobain RIP.

We did: SSH, Merkins, Imperial Walkers & Squats to Tabata Songs Playlist played through BT speaker carried back and forth across the field with Q.

Playlist: UpTown Funk, Back in Black, Still Dre (No one guessed during the THANG, (no bonus points awarded), Smells like Teen Spirit (16 minutes total of Tabata)

I was kind of upset that no merlot was yet spilled, and was determined it not be me…

On to the Fully-Operational Deathstar with Speed Bump of 20 Olympic Sit-up (legs and upper body floating with hands over head and then raise upper body and bring legs in so that rump and low back are only parts touching ground throughout) OYO

Then up the horrible smelling stairway to the 6th floor for as many rounds as possible for Deck of Death: 4 suits, 4 exercises. Do the number of the card, all face cards are 10, Aces 11. Joker is 20 of Pax’s choice. For today: ❤️= jump-squats. ♠️= pull ups or Carolina dry docks to modify. ♣️= Burpees ♦️=toe taps or v-ups for modifications.

Sanctions just happened to pull out a Joker first and last…Hmmm, someone take him to Vegas.

Glad to get after it with you men. Thankful for the accountability and opportunity to lead.

Announcements: F3Dads sign up deadline is approaching, get it in!

Keep praying for Spicoli as he battles Cancer. Send him an encouraging text. Call him. Swing by, etc.

Hebrews 10:24-25 “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” That Day comes for all. Live this day, in light of that Day.