Field Trip – Bomber – 08.30.19

Conditions: A perfect 68º with relatively low humidity

QIC: Toothless

20 PAX: Cub Cadet, Tiny Dancer, River Dawg, Pumpkin Spice, Princess Aurora, Black Lung, Lemon, Firefox, Hi-Viz, Denty Moore, Right Said, Shadow, Porcelain, Lunch Lady, T-Cell, Crab Legs, Vector, Hambone, Cooties (FNG)


  • 20 x Side-Straddle Hops
  • 10 x Willy Mays Hays
  • 10 x Windmills
  • 20 x Merkins
  • 20 x Little Baby Crunches
  • 20 x Squats

Main Event: Field Trip

PAX took off on an a mosey with an approachable pace down the greenway to the West. Upon reaching an access path to 51st, PAX held a plank and wait to group up.

The Q explained that the next leg would be a modified Indian Run down 51st where the back PAX would drop and complete 3 plank-jack burpees before running to the front of the line, tapping the new back PAX on his way up as a signal to drop for the burpees. After a short while the Q broke up the one line into two to allow for more participation. At a stop sign about a quarter mile down the road, all PAX dropped for 10 plank-jack burpees. PAX reconvened into on line for a brisk mosey to stop in front of Porcelain’s house.

The Q asked that everyone take a knee and pause the workout to offer thoughts or prayers for Porcelain and his M with the arrival of their new 2.0. This is one way the Q felt would speak to the fact that F3 is much more than a workout.

After that, the Q called recover and led another brisk mosey to Richland Park. There the PAX were instructed to complete a set of 7’s:

Hand Release Merkins – Lt. Dans (modified to Traveling Lunges) both ways – Prisoner Squats

There was a decent amount of disgruntled mumble chatter, and the HIP (High Impact PAX) found themselves a little red in the face after the running and additional leg work. After a plank and wait with arm raises to let the PAX finish, the Q started off on a mosey back down 48th. At a stop sign half-way back, the Q called for 10 plank-jack burpees for all PAX, who were remarkably spread out at that point in the mosey and needed some assistance grouping up. Credit to Tiny Dancer and Hambone who made a Kodak moment running side by side leading the mosey.

Post burpees, there was a slight incline to keep everyone’s heart rate up. Turns out the Q was pushing himself a bit and ended up with a Q splash at the last stop sign where the PAX graciously planked and waited. Q called a mosey to the post after he was “all out”.


Captain Thor until time – CT is an increasing ratio of 1:4 WWI’s to American Hammers, i.e. 1:4 > 2:8 > 3:12 > 4:16 and on

COT + Announcements:

  • Iron PAX 2019 is in full swing, catch the workouts on Mondays across F3 Nashville or other days if they’re offered – if you’re the Q on another day and have PAX who typically don’t post on Monday’s consider leading PAX through the Iron PAX challenge for the week
  • F3 Nashville 5 year anniversary is coming up on September 14, sign up form is a yes and no kind of RSVP so even if you’ll be DR, sign up and say you won’t be joining so the count is more accurate
  • There were a couple more announcements, but the Q did a bad thing and procrastinated this back blast leading to some gaps in memory. I’ll be better next time!

I was proud to be out there with such a fine group of HIM this morning. As always, it was an honor to lead!


The 40 Gifts That Keep On Giving

25 HIM converged to celebrate YHC impending birthday. Much to the chagrin of those from the Shire who made the trek that the official day wasn’t until Monday, I assure you that today was the day we celebrated.

Conditions: Lil muggy, but overall great.

Q: T-Cell

PAX: Vector, Trapper Keeper, Firefox, Hambone, Dinty Moore, Crablegs, Sal Pal, Duplex, BnB, High Viz, Pumpkin Spice, Bad Boy, RiverDawg, Toothless, Boyband, Floppy Disk, Black Lung, CCR, DMish, Covenant Eyes, CAPSLOCK, Juan Valdez, Princess Aurora, and FNG Hurl Mary.

The Thang:

COP at top of the hill. 40 SSH, 10 Good Mornings, 25 Little Baby Arm Circles, 10 Willie Mays Hays while holding arms out, and then 20 Merkins.

Mosey down to the main parking lot where we cranked The King (George Strait) and started opening gifts.  A PAX was able to open one gift. Below is not the order we pulled, but here is what was completed:

2 Trips Up Hill – Weekend at Bernies
4 Sprints
6 X10 plank hold
7 Sevens – Squats/Merkins
8 Eight Count Body Builers IC
10 Manmakers
14 Decline Merkins
16 Parking Lot Spaces Crab Walk
18 Caroline Dry Docks
19 Lt. Dans
20 Burpees
21 Crunchy Frogs
23 Flutter Kicks
24 Big Boy Situps
25 Side Straddle Hops
29 Dips
32 Plank Jacks
35 Crunches
37 Calf Raises
39 Side Straddle Hops
40 Merkins

Great leading you guys this morning. You’ve made trips 35-40 around the sun very special. Grateful for each of you. And in case you were wondering, below is what we didn’t get to. Will save them for 41.

Unfinished Business: 

1 Crawl Bear Up Hill
3 Laps around the Community Center
5 Bear Crawl trips around roundabout
8 Eight Count Body Builers IC
9 Swerkins
11 Bobby Hurley’s (squat, slap, shot)
12 Wide Arm Merkins
13 Diamond Merkins
15 Pull-Ups (plank when waiting on bar)
17 Box Jumps
26 Lunges
22 V-Ups
27 Hello Dolly’s
28 Squats
30 Bulgarian Split Squats
31 Gorilla Humpers
32 Plank Jacks
34 Little Baby Crunches
36 Mountain Climbers




Bomber 8-2-2019: I Want My MTV

Last year, one of my early Qs focused on a moment in popular music history, the Death of Disco.  Supported by a disco-themed playlist that revealed T-cell’s hidden love of the genre, it seemed to be enjoyed by the PAX.  So today, “Lessons in Popular Music, Volume 2” was unleashed on 14 HIM as they braved the mildly moist yet perfect gloom to get better.

PAX:  Vector (QIC), Hi-Viz, Harvey Updyke, Cub Cadet, Crablegs, Pumpkin Spice (as has become the norm this summer, Chippendale right out the gate), River Dawg, Toothless, Firefox, Dewey, T-cell, Crawlspace, Porcelain, Duplex.

Conditions:   Moist with a slice of early 80s cheese.

F3 Mission stated. Disclaimer given. Mosey to cul-de-sac for the

Warm-o-rama:  LBAC x 15, Seal Claps x 12, RLBAC x 15, WMH x 12, Good Mornings x 10, SSH x 15.

Mosey to Parking Lot to start the lesson:

August 1, 1981, MTV launched.  Before that time, music videos were not seen on TV.  As was the format, every hour on the hour, a short clip of the moon landing with an edited MTV flag was played along with the MTV theme song:

Round 1:  

As the theme song played, all PAX not born when MTV launched had to buy-in with 5 burpees (noted by some as the “old man’s revenge”).

Round 2:

As Hi-Viz correctly noted, the first video ever played on MTV was the appropriately named “Video Killed the Radio Star” by the Buggles.  To honor that song, the PAX performed squats as it played (all 3:21 of the radio edit — could have been longer, boys, but I am nice). When the title words were sung, drop to a burpee.


“I Want My MTV” — once MTV launched, many cable providers didn’t include it.  So the network launched ads with famous rock stars screaming “I want my MTV!”

PAX counted off 1-2.  Partners each got their “MTV” with one performing exercise while other runs around Rec Center:
M:   Mountain Climbers x 200 (each PAX)
T:     Toe Taps x 200
V:     V-ups x 50

Playlist:  Songs from classic music videos, many of which were much bigger hits because of the new music channel: 
Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) – Eurythmics
Billie Jean – Michael Jackson
Hungry Like the Wolf – Duran Duran
I Ran – A Flock of Seagulls
The Safety Dance – Men Without Hats
Dancing with Myself – Billy Idol
Sledgehammer – Peter Gabriel [Fun Fact: Most Played Video in MTV History]

Take On Me – a-ha

Round 3:  
M:   Monkey Humpers x 200 [modified to 150 as Q realized he was insane]
T:     The Merkin x 100
V:     Vertical Pull-Ups x 50

Mosey to Start.

 Mary:   Cobra x 20, Flutter Kicks x 15, Hello Dolly x 15, LBC x 20.


  • Prayers for our injured and recovering PAX (Boone’s Farm, Lunch Lady, TK, Bad Boy) and friends with illness.
  • F3 Nashville 5th Year Anniversary Convergence:  9/14/2019 — Make plans to be there — goal is 100 PAX

Was an honor as always to lead you men this morning.  Next Up, Lessons in Popular Music, Vol 3 – ? Grunge, ? Early Hip Hop, ? Cringeworthy Rap Songs (a la Vanilla Ice).  You’ll have to wait and see . . . 


7/19: Birthday Spice

Location: Bomber

Conditions: 77 and muggy

QIC: Pumpkin Spice

PAX: Bad Boy, Bagger Vance, Bareback, Black Lung, Bicentennial Man, Big Pharm, Crablegs, Crawlspace, Cub Cadet, Dewey, Firefox, Hambone, Harvey Updike, Hi Viz, Lunch Lady, Porcelain, Right Said, Tiny Dancer, Toothless, Trapper Keeper, Vector

YHC delivered a disclaimer, with the additional component that I recently injured my heel and, as such, we would not be running or jumping for the workout — celebrations were present and short-lived.


The PAX circled up at the shovelflag for some WOR.

Warmorama :

  • LBAC x 15
  • rLBAC x 15
  • Moroccan Night Clubs x 15
  • WMH x 15

The PAX then moseyed the few feet over to the base of the hill leading towards the stop sign. We ruminated on the best means to reach the top of the hill, and we unanimously decided that the Crawlbear (AKA The Backwards Bearcrawl, AKA The Gemini) was our best option. PAX did flutter kick and wait for the Six at the top of the hill. We then Lieutenant Dan’ed our way down the hill to the entrance.

PAX paired up as we walked over to the playground for the main event. As this marks the start of my final year of “HATE” in the COT, this was a HATE-themed workout. Each PAX would individually do 100 pull-ups, focusing on proper form. The main event worked as follows:

  • One PAX does a set of 12 pull-ups while the other does a core exercise until their partner finishes their set of 12
  • The PAX flapjack and continue to flapjack until 8 sets of 12 pull-ups are completed by each, finishing with a set of 4 done together
  • The core exercises done while partners are doing pull-ups are as follows
    • H – Happy Crunchy Frogs
    • A – American Hammers
    • T – Two-count Flutter Kicks
    • E – Extenders (basically the leg portion of a Happy Crunch Frog)
    • The HATE exercises were cycled through twice to account for the eight sets of pull-ups

After completing the main event, the PAX did some walking side squats back to the shovelflag for some additional Mary.


  • High Plank Jack x 1 minute
  • Helly Dolly x 1 minute
  • Mountain Climbers x 1 minute
  • 6-inch hold x 1 minute
  • 5 Burpee buy out


  • The initial excitement for no running was quickly expunged by the ensuing lengthy uphill crawlbear. Debates were had regarding who can bear crawl the fastest — is it Lunch Lady? Crablegs? Dilly Dilly? It sounds like there may need to be a special event to know for sure
  • As is my habit, I repeatedly emphasized the importance of proper form with exercises. It is OK to modify as needed if you physically cannot do something — it is not OK to do something halfway just because you are tired and want to cut a corner. If you are finishing first and not doing the full reps/exercise, then your modification should be more difficult.


  • Pray for Boone’s Farm, who was hospitalized after he suddenly passed out. He is now home and recovering
  • Pray for D Frost, his M, and their first 2.0 welcomed into the world just a week ago
  • Many great events coming up, including Libeery, Yuck Ruck, 5-year Nashville F3-aversary, Picnic at Porcelain’s, and more — see the various Slack channels for details

– Pumpkin Spice

Bomber 6-28-2019: A Birthday “Party” for Firefox

[As Firefox does not yet have access to this site, YHC, Vector, has added his own blend of commentary to this BB]

15 PAX: Defrost, Duplex, Hi-Viz, T-Cell, Ride Along, Porcelain, Crablegs, Vector, Bad Boy, Lemon, Harvey Updyke, En Fuego, Crawlspace, Toothless, Firefox [who wants it on record that he was on time] on Q

Intro: Ride Along is back! [Hooray!] Not as humid as yesterday. Nice brisk mosey around McCabe up to parking lot and back down to the handicap parking area behind McCabe.

40 x SSH [You could see the concern on the faces of the PAX after we flew past 25 reps and kept on going. We queried if this was a birthday Q upon hitting 40 – answer was a resounding yes. We prayed that all future exercises weren’t going to 40 . . . ]
10 x WMH
10 x Good Mornings
10 x LABCs
10 x rLABCs
10 x Air Presses
10 count arm hold

No dice, no relays (maybe next time).

3 stations (playground, handicap parking lot, picnic benches). 3 groups. Each group rotates through the 3 stations and finishes up with a bear crawl around the traffic circle behind McCabe. Other complicated rules that ultimately boiled down to the following:

Round 1: 20 Squats, 20 Merkins, 20 Lunges/side, Bear Crawl
Round 2: 20 Jump Squats, 30 Merkins, 20 Dips, Bear Crawl
Round 3: 15 Pull-Ups, 10 Burpees, 30 Dips, Bear Crawl
Round 4: 10 Pull-Ups with Leg Raises [I mean, seriously?], 15 Burpees, 15 Derkins, Bear Crawl
Round 5: 15 Pull-Ups, 20 Merkins, 20 Derkins, Bear Crawl

20 Bulgarian Split Squats/side to finish up. [As if we weren’t already gassed . . . ]

20 x LBCs
15 x V-Ups [At this point Hi-Viz laid out the F-bomb to express his excitement about the proposed exercise]
15 x Flutter Kicks
20 count Hollow Body Hold

Lots of groaning, disgruntled mumblechatter, which is… good?
[Some examples:  “Worst. Birthday. Party. Ever,” “What, no cake?” and “Where’s my gift bag?”]


Swift and smooth recovery and rehab for Shadow after ACL surgery
Strength and perseverance for Ride Along through challenging times at work
Always a pleasure and honor to lead the Bomber crew for a morning!

Firefox (as transcribed by humble servant Vector)

Bomber – 06.14.19 – “Q-Tips”

16 PAX braved a nasty 55 degrees and clear skies to heed a bit of instruction from YHC and work up a little sweat while they were at it.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Black Lung, Blue Mule, Crablegs, Crawlspace, Cub Cadet, Dewey, Duplex, Hambone, Harvey Updyke, Jam Newton, Porcelain, Pumpkin Spice, Tiny Dancer, T-Cell, Trapper Keeper


Following a comprehensive disclaimer, YHC took the pax on a light mosey down the driveway in hopes of peeping the situation with all the blue lights seen on the way in, but alas, they had gone. Mosey continued up to the upper lot for COP:

Q-Tip: When calling exercises and counting cadence, remember to keep it PC. There are Preparatory Commands for each command, and a pause in between to allow for understanding. The preparatory command describes and specifies what is required. All preparatory commands are given with rising voice inflection. The command of execution calls into action what has been prescribed. The interval between the two commands should be long enough to permit the pax to understand the first one before the second one is given. 

“Starting position *pause* Move!”

“In cadence *pause* Exercise!”

  • SSH x 15
  • Squats x 10
  • Imperial Walkers x 10
  • Merkins x 10

Somewhere in the middle of this, another mini-Q-tip was given: praise individuals, critique en masse.

Q-Tip: Never underestimate the power of simplicity. 

Pax are instructed to perform 10 Hand-release Merkins (Modify to Merkins if necessary) and 10 Jump Squats (Modify to Squats if necessary), and repeat that sequence until time is called. What felt like 10 minutes was really only 4. Mission accomplished.

Q-Tip: Mix it up! There are muscles in our backs and posterior chain that desperately need our love, and it’s too easy to call Merkins and Burpees sometimes.

Having moseyed down to the jungle gym and divided into three groups, it’s time for some circuit training. Group 1 runs a lap around the community center while Group 2 performs Lunges AMRAP and Group 3 performs Pull-ups/Rows AMRAP.  Upon running group’s return, rotate. RnR for two rounds total.

Q-Tip: A good hill is hard to find. Use it if you’ve got it.

Pax line up at the base of the hill at Bomber and travel up to the stop sign using various modes of transportation followed by a mosey back to the line to plank and wait for six. Rounds are as follows:

  1. Broad Jump
  2. Reverse Duck Walk (Nae Nae was a suggested Exicon addition for this)
  3. Bernie Sanders

Q-Tip: Acronyms are your friend. They help you remember your plan when the Qdrenaline is spiking, and they help the pax make sense of the routine.

In honor of Bomber, partner up for some B.O.M.B.S. That’s

  • Burpees x 50
  • Overhead Press x 100
  • Merkins x 150
  • Big Boys Sit-ups x 200
  • Squats x 250

Most made it at least to the Big Boy Sit-ups and there were even some squatters when YHC had to issue another…

Q-Tip: ‘Tis better to plan too much than too little.

With under 3 minutes left, it was obvious the B.O.M.B.S. would run over, so it was time for Mary.

  • Crunchy Frogs x 15
  • Boxcutters x 7



This was a fun workout to Q as the Q-Tips really kept me in line but also allowed for a lot of variety. Hopefully the PAX felt the same. Hambone was designated mumblechatterer per usual and was especially loose with the tongue this morning. Smiles, laughter, cursing, hands on knees, attempted muscle-ups, Pumpkin Spice name ideas. It had all the best parts of a classic F3 Nashville workout. You’re welcome.

On a more serious note, I took the opportunity to remind the pax that F3 is not a workout group; it’s a leadership group. Leading is not about being the loudest, the fastest, or the strongest. It’s using your strengths to inspire and build up the strengths of others. Q-ing a workout doesn’t come easy for everybody, but I believe that through Q-ing, each man has an opportunity to share the strengths they do have. One might be awful at counting cadence but blows everybody away with creative exercises and routines. One might dread the thought of standing in front of a bunch of grown men telling them what to do, but Qs a very effective (read: painful) workout.

Setting aside insecurities, fears, and pride for the sake of sharing the gifts you have to offer inspires and instills a confidence in those around you. It makes them say, “hey, I have something to share, too, and I think these guys need it.”

And you know what? We do.


  • TAP:
    • M’s of Ludwig and Penny Loafers
    • Bad Boy’s travels
    • Conflicts amongst 4:13 classmates
    • Praises for Pop-A-Lock’s PhD!
  • Upcoming events:
      • 6/21 – Leadership Lunch at Thistle Farms cafe brought to you by Vector. The topic will be dealing with difficult people. Get your RSVP to Vector or T-Cell by 6/17.
      • 7/4 – 4th of July Convergence at Bicentennial Mall. 0530-0630
      • 7/26 – Nightpath at Percy Warner. 1900. Ruck 12 miles in 6 hours and do some other hard things along the way.
      • 8/17 – Yuck Ruck – more details to come
      • 9/14 – F3 Nashville 5th Anniversary Spectacular at Stonewall. Looking for at least 100 HIM of Nashville to post. As of press time, you have exactly three whole months to EH!
      • 10/19 – TNCANRUCK 002 – more details to come

Pleasure once again to lead you all.

PA out.


Wet Bomber


Cub cadet, Nanny, Crawspace, Porcelain, Hi viz, Tiny dancer, Bicentennial Man, Vector, Pumpkin spice, T cell, PA, Bad boy (QIC)

Temp: 70 Degrees, and rain…lots of it. LOTS OF IT.



High knees  x 20 IC
SSH x 20 IC
Seal claps x 20 IC
Willy Mays x 15 IC
Before mosey, wanted to get a slight burn.
1 Air press – 1 wide Merkin
2 Air press – 2 wide Merkin
3 Air press – 3 wide Merkin
etc…up to 10
The Thang:
Mosey to driving range poles:
Partner up – Rotating pole between partners.
PAX 1: Bar Craw to first pole while
PAX 2 Lieutenant Dan lunges to next pole
Alternate until completed.
Mosey to Playground:
Stay in partners –
Round 1:
50 pull ups
100 dips
Round 2:
100 merkins
200 squats
Extra credit:
Pull-ups till burn out while partner planks. Drop more than 5 seconds, you’re done.
Mosey back toward parking lot only to stop at the bottom of the hill.
PAX to sprint to top of hill and perform 5 burpees. Slow mosey back to bottom. Plank and wait.
Rinse and Repeat x 3



American Hammers x 30 x IC


  • Leadership luncheon is June 21st @ Cafe at Thistle Farms. How to deal with difficult people buy Dr. Jerry Hickson. Please RSVP to T-Cell by June 17th.
  • July 4th bicentennial mall. 1 hour
  • September 14th 5 year workout. #strivefor100

Prayer requests:

  • Gillian – Heart valve replacement complications.
  • Cub cadet friend named Alecia – Has breast cancer
  • Penny loafer wife has cancer, please pray for their family.

Gladiators – 05.31.19

With the Q headed to Italy for a few weeks of R&R, the PAX joined him for a “live re-enactment” of the Colosseum as gladiators themselves. It was a good battle.

Conditions: What every gladiator dreams of battling in

QIC: Toothless

PAX: Princess Aurora, Napster, Bicentennial Man, Steinbrenner (F3 Memphis), Bad Boy, Porcelain, Right Said, Vector, Firefox, Dewey, Hi-Viz, T-Cell, Lunch Lady, En Fuego, Cub Cadet, Crawlspace, Hambone


  • Slow run from post west, cross lot, back around McCabe center, up to upper lot
  • 15 x SSH
  • 15 x WMH
  • 15 x LBAC
  • 15 x RLBAC
  • 15 x Air Presses

Main Event: Gladiator Run

PAX pair off by counting in 4’s, and then split into pairs via 2’s and 4’s turning to right

Pairs from 4’s and 3’s form one group, 2’s and 1’s form another

Alternate between half of the group exercising while the other half runs around the upper lot.

PAX did everything in their pairs, with the option to share the total of the following individual exercise counts:

  • Set One
  • 30 x Squats
  • 10 x Burpees
  • Set Two
  • 25 x Merkins
  • 50 x LBC

The first group (1’s and 2’s, or 3’s and 4’s) to finish both sets wins that round and gets a breather until the other group finishes their exercises.

Example round: Run, Set One, Run, Set Two

Rinse & Repeat x 1

On the third set, if the running group completely passed all members of the other group with all of their members, it would count as a bonus win.


1’s and 2’s – 2 wins (almost caught passed in round 3)

3’s and 4’s – 1 win

Finished with 30 burpees minus the win count x 5, so 20 and 25 respectively

Mosey back to post for Mary


Rotating Mary called out by the Gladiators (PAX) down the line until time


  • Leadership Lunch coming up on June 21 – details and ability to sign up are here at this link, click it!
  • Spring Hill AO is being added to the Q signup sheet and is officially open, Tiny Dancer has more details


Every PAX put brought a solid effort this morning. I’m publishing this from my layover in Boston pre red eye flight to ??, so since I’ll be DR just know that I’ll miss y’all and will be counting on some help knocking off the pasta weight when I get back. As always, it was an honor to lead!

Bomber 5-24-2019: Guess the Playlist Theme

18 HIM came out to make themselves better by working their bodies and their minds via a playlist theme contest.

PAX:  Vector (QIC), PA, T-cell, Bad Boy, Toothless, DFrost, Cub Cadet, Lunch Lady, Crawlspace, Porcelain, Hambone, The Jeweler, Pumpkin Spice (FIFO), Dewey, Lemon, Blue Mule, Bicentennial Man, TK [Hambone, PA, and Pumpkin Spice for pre-party]

Conditions:   Light breeze, sunshine – perfect

For today’s workout, YHC created a themed playlist.  PAX were told that each person had 1 guess to get the theme.  First to guess the playlist theme wins breakfast at Dose and bragging rights as the smartest in all of Bomber.  Those paying attention should have caught clues all along the way . . .


Mosey to Rec Center.  SSH x 11, WMH x 11, Good Mornings x 11, LBAC x 11, Seal Claps x 11, RLBAC x 11, and Imperial Walkers x 11 (that’s 77 total for those of you paying attention at home – hmm, a clue perhaps?)

Playlist: (First Half)  

Opportunities (Let’s Make Lot’s of Money) – Pet Shop Boys
Why Can’t I Be You? – The Cure
Don’t You Want Me? – Human League
Mama, Said Knock You Out – LL Cool J
I Touch Myself – The Divinyls

First Round:
Mosey over to side of Rec Center for 7s (hmm, another clue?):
Split squats and Irkins

Second Round:
Another set of 7s (clue):
No Surrenders and Squats

Third Round:
Mosey to wall.  25 reps each of:
Elbows to Hands
American Hammers

Fourth Round:
Another round of 25 reps of:
Lt. Dans

By now, the PAX had multiple way wrong guesses (“The songs to which you first had sex,” “Your med school study playlist,” “Revenge of the Nerds,”) and one protester who noted the songs were “too old” (cough, cough, Pumpkin Spice).  T-cell saved the day by correctly guessing the theme of 7 Deadly Sins – It helped that the current song playing on the playlist was It’s a Sin by the Pet Shop Boys.  YHC noted the clues of 7 and the first letters of all the exercises (S-I-N-S and D-E-A-D-L-Y) that were right there in plain view.  The first 5 songs represented Greed, Envy, Pride, Wrath, and Lust.

Playlist: (Second Half)  

#1 Crush – Garbage (Lust)
Come Out and Play – Offspring (Wrath)
Obsession – Animotion (Envy)
We are the Champions – Queen (Pride)

Celebratory Repeat Round:

25 reps each of the S-I-N-S exercises followed by 25 reps of the D-E-A-D exercises.

 Mary:   Exercises to represent the theme.  25 Alabama Prom Dates (Lust) followed by ones that represent Envy (because all will be envious of our awesome abs after this workout):  WWIs, Crunchy Happy Frogs, and some painful crunch that Blue Mule picked (brain was too hypoxic to recall name, but it was effective).


  • Prayers for Bad Boy’s colleague’s son who sustained head trauma after skateboarding and for those in my hometown of Jefferson City, MO after the tornado hit on Weds night.  Also prayers of thanksgiving for my son and Cub Cadet’s son, who graduated 8th grade last night (CC’s son was valedictorian).
  • Reminded the PAX that the 7 deadly sins of Greed, Lust, Sloth, Gluttony, Wrath, Envy, and Pride are all Jesters that can derail us on our course of acceleration to become HIM.  Thanks to all the PAX for helping us keep our eyes forward and away from these distractions in life.

Was an honor as always to lead you men this morning.


Hot n’ Sweaty “Birthday Sets”

May 3, 2019

Gloom: cloudy 65°

PAX:  BearBack, Bicentinial Man, Blue Mule, King Poopa(FNG), LunchLady, Porcelain, RightSaid, Tcell, Toothless, Trapper Keeper,

QIC: Crawlspace

Warm up: quick jog to the parking lot, set of 33 side straddle hops, Willie Mays Hayes, squats, lil baby arm circles, air presses, reverse lil baby arm circles etc…

Work: Indian run the greenway with interval “birthday sets”:

  • 33 merkins
  • 33 burpees
  • 33 jump squats
  • 33 side straddle hops
  • 33 second plank

Then sprint back to the flag for Mary!

Mary: leg raises, sit ups, hello dolly, world war 1’s, heel taps, lbc’s,

COT: Support Porcelain as he proudly represents F3 and raises money for the Iron Man foundation! Let’s get that F3 logo on his chest where it belongs.


YHC Crawlspace