8 PAX Indian Runs, Overhead Arm Claps, and Squats @ Westeros 19 February 2019

8 PAX Indian Runs, Overhead Arm Claps, and Squats @ Westeros 19 February 2019

PAX:  Blue Mule (Q), Porcelain, Right Said, Crawlspace, Vector, Pumpkin Spice, Bicentennial Man, Harvey

Conditions:  Wet.  Cold.  Gloomy.  Yuck.

Indian Run:  From start through park to Lover’s Circle.  Short warm ups at the beginning.  Approximate distance = 1 mile.  That’s a lot of elevation.

Calisthenics:  Squats and overhead arm claps in cadence.  Start with one, increase by one each set until reaching 10.  Then overhead arm claps for several minutes.  Then hold a squat for 90 seconds.

More Indian Run:  From Lover’s Circle to start.  Approximate distance = 1 mile.

Life Lesson:  Reaching the top is tough.  It requires a ton of grit, a ton of cardio, and a ton of determination.  Bit when you’re at the top, it’s slippery, and it’s easy to wash down the side to the bottom.  Don’t.  When you work hard and reach the top, stay there — it’s worth the view.

Pleasure leading you gentlemen.

See you in the gloom.

  • Blue Mule OUT.

2/18/19 – Tag Team Murph

PAX: Dmish, Floppy Disk, PSL, Ludwig, Dr. Smart, Movin On Up, Dine N Dash, CCR, Too Tall, Holla Back, Old Hickory, Yard Sale, Drone Zone, Lumberg


Mosey around buss loop.

Warm up:

20 IC Side Straddle Hops
15 IC Imperial Walkers
15 IC Squats
10 IC Merkins


Partner up 1s and 2s.
Partner 1 get coupon. Meet at swings.
Tag team Murph:
100 pull ups
200 merkins
300 weighted squats with the coupon
While one partner does AMRAP (starting with pull ups), partner 2 runs a suicide….then switch off. Collectively each team does the totals above.

Flutter kick for the 6.

1 round of 20 rows
1 round of 10 rows
(not easy after all those pull ups)

Return coupons and mosey to parking lot
Line up for sprints:
1 Sprint then 10 atomic merkins
1 Sprint then 10 regular merkins
1 Sprint then 15 cherry pickers
1 Sprint then 10 burpies

20 little baby crunches
15 good mornings


No anouncements today.

Nice work gents,


Buffet of Burpees @ Broken Wheel 2/19/19

Weather: 31 degrees and overcast

PAX: Scrooge, Nimbus, Stats, Altidore, Snowball, Kermit, Creeper, Barney Fievel, Typo+, Hot & Ready, & Show Me

QIC: Sterno

Pre-Party: Altidore

10 Merkins
9 Iron Mikes
8 Pull-Ups
7 Merkins
6 Iron Mikes
5 Pull-Ups
4 Merkins
3 Iron Mikes
2 Pull-Ups
1 Merkin

Started with a Capri Lap to get the blood flowing.


15 IC Side Straddle Hops
15 IC Overhead Shoulder Presses
15 IC Forward Little Baby Arm Circles
15 IC Backward Little Baby Arm Circles
15 IC Seal Jacks
5 OYO Good Mornings

Thang 1:

10 Burpees a minute for 10 Minutes (100 Total)

Thang 2:

Partner up. Partner 1 does Merkins while Partner 2 Bear Crawls to light pole and Crawl Bears back to Partner 1. Partner 2 picks up where Partner 1 left off on Merkins while Partner 1 Bear Crawls to light pole and Crawl Bears back to starting line. Continue until each group of partners completed 100 Merkins

Thang 3:

Same Partners. Partner 1 does Little Baby Crunches while Partner 2 Duck Walks to light pole and jogs back to Partner 1. Partner 2 picks up where Partner 1 left off on Little Baby Crunches while Partner 1 Duck Walks to light pole and jogs back to starting line. Continue until each group of partners completed 200 Little Baby Crunches.

Thang 4:

Same Partners. Partner 1 does Squats while Partner 2 Lunge Walks to light pole and jogs back to Partner 1. Partner 2 picks up where Partner 1 left off on Squats while Partner 1 Lunge Walks to light pole and jogs back to starting line. Continue until each group of partners completes 200 Squats.

Thang 5:

Everyone Circles up to perform Pyramid Burpees. Todays pyramid was 10 stories high. Time to get to work!

1 Burpee, then 2 Burpees, then 3 Burpees, then 4 Burpees, then 5 Burpees, then 6 Burpees, then 7 Burpees, then 8 Burpees, then 9 Burpees, then 10 Burpees. The view up here is great but time is running out so we need to make our way back down the pyramid. 9 Burpees, then 8 Burpees, then 7 Burpees, then 6 Burpees, then 5 Burpees, then 4 Burpees, then 3 Burpees, then 2 Burpees, and finally 1 Burpee.


Announcements/ Prayer Requests/ Praises

Prayer Request: Typo+ mom is having surgery today.

Prayer Request: MBarneyFievel is in the process of transitioning to become a stay at home mom.

Prayer Request: Continue to keep SoccerMom in your prayers.

Praise: Snowballs father just finished his last round of treatment.

Announcement: There’s still time to donate to the refugee kids that need our help at Tusculum Elementary. We’ll make a Costco/Sams run to get supplies the first weekend of March. If you feel led to give you can donate some cash to Altidore’s Venom account @jered-parks

Post-Party: Nimbus 1500, Altidore, Stats, Barney Fievel, Show Me, & Sterno

Same as the pre-party only more foggy.

Great work today gentlemen!


19 February Coffey Hero Workout

Gloom Factor: Moderate
Temp: 31 and holding

PAX: Floppy Disk, PreVac, Black Widow, PSL, Too Tall, Dilly Dilly, Big Stick, D’Mish, Boy Band, Brother At Law, Reefer, Dupree, Red Skull, Toga, Bagger Vance

Mosey to upper Ag Center lot for what YHC missed while on the phone w neighbor sorting out a domestic disturbance in the hood. When YHC arrived the PAX were engaged in some calisthenics mixed in w some Merkins.

Partner up in 1s and 2s.
PAX mosey for designated period of time and then perform designated work sets as RX’d.
Today’s Q in honor of Cpl Coffey, USMC, KIA 24 May 2012, Helmund Province, Afghanistan.

• 800 meter Run
• 50 Prisoner Squats
• 50 Merkins
• 800 meter Run
• 35 Detainee Squats
• 35 Merkins
• 800 meter Run
• 20 Grisham Squat
• 20 Merkins
• 800 meter Run

We finished w enough time to try out a new spin on a couple of classics. Mosey over to Cochran for some Imperial Dans. Combination of Imperial Walker and Lt Dan performed light pole to light pole.

Head back to StartEx for

Flutter Kix x 20
Merkins Lt leg up x 5
Flutter Kix x 20
Merkins Rt leg up x 5
Flutter Kix x 20
Burpees until time called

Some MC today about Black Lung being published in NEJM, not one of his BackBlasts but an actual growed up study on some intubation theory and such.
Brought up Faulkner’s classic Titan post from a few years back which I will try to find and repost.
B@Law’s brother and wife having 2nd child soon. Pray for health and peace.
Bad Boy and his M w their 2nd child coming in 3 weeks.
Pray and surround the men of 413 as they close in on finishing the program and getting jobs.

Today’s thought: How can I die to myself today and be a better servant leader to those around me?

Bagger Vance

President’s Day – Purple Cow Edition

7 PAX got better this morning in the cold, but thankfully rain free, gloom this morning.

PAX: Boone’s Farm, Backlash, Offshore, Leatherneck, Black Widow, Life Champ, Umbrella

QIC: Umbrella

In honor of President’s Day and the 45 Presidents we have had in this great country, a theme of 45 was present throughout the morning.

Long mosey from BMS through Granny White Park to settle at the tennis courts. Circle up for:
45 x SSH
45 x Shoulder work (15 BAC forward, 15 air press, 15 BAC reverse)
45 x Squat

Evolution 1:
PAX lined up on sideline of tennis courts for 3 rounds of:

Rd 1: 15 count shoulder taps, 15 count WWI’s, 15 count monkey humper – then shuffle (side, forward, side, forward)each line on both tennis courts.
Rd 2: 15 count merkin, 15 count LBC, 15 count people’s chair – shufffle the courts
Rd 3: 15 count diamond merkins, 15 count WWII’s, 15 count 1-leg squats – shuffle courts

Evolution 2:
Burpees Mile – 45 burpees performed throughout mile loop+ around Granny White Park.  Asked the men to run with different PAX after each set of burpees throughout mile to get some QT in with each one.  Lot of good chatter had when they could utter words.

Evolution 3:
30 dips/15 picnic table step-ups
25 dips/20 picnic table step-ups

Mosey back to parking lot for COT.  3 miles and a lot of effort put in this morning.

Bullhorn – QIC spoke on George Washington’s leadership lessons taken from the book by Eric Metaxes ‘7 Men: And The Secret of Their Greatness’.

It is always a pleasure to lead this fine group of men.



Split Q @ Stonewall 16 FEB 2019

Split Q @ Stonewall 16 FEB 2019

PAX:  Blue Mule (Q), Bad Boy (Q), Big Stick, Bagger Vance, Shadow, Deep Dish, Hambone, Pop a Lock, Ride Along, Bootlegger, Boy Band

Conditions:  Cold and slightly humid buy quite comfortable.

Situation:  Many PAX told Bad Boy he was Qing.  YHC Blue Mule was signed up on the sheet.  Solution:  Bad Boy takes first half, I take second half.  Execute.  YHC Blue Mule handles backblast.

Warm Up:  Qed by Bad Boy:  Mosey, several usual suspect warm up exercises.

Manmakers, Squats, and Running:  Qed by Bad Boy:  30 squats, 1/4 mile mosey with 40 yard bearcrawl speedbump, 10 manmakers, mosey back the 1/4 mile with same speedbump.  Rinse and repeat twice.

Arm Situation:  Qed by Blue Mule:  Four count overhead arm clap, one pushup chest to ground.  Perform sets at 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1.  That’s 100 reps.  Hambone mumblechatter:  “That’s the first time ever my bicep has cramped.”

Coupon Mosey:  10 PAX.  5 coupons 25 – 30 pounds.  Mosey around park – ~1 mile.  3 pitstops.

Pit Stop One:  Coupon Duckwalk Suicides:    Hold the coupon.  Duckwalk suicide the basketball court — free throw, half court, other free throw, full court.  That should make you want to hurl just reading it.

Pit Stop Two:  Abs:  50 in cadence leg raises, 30 in cadence flutter kicks.

Pit Stop Three:  Burpees:  1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1.  That’s 25 for you math whizzes out there.

Mary:  60 second plank.

Life Lesson from Bad Boy:  You *never* know who is watching.  Maybe it is your coworker, your child, your spouse, your parent, your neighbor.  Always represent yourself and everything you stand for.  You have been given an unthinkable awesome gift — cherish it.

Pleasure leading you gentlemen.  See you in the gloom.

Blue Mule and Bad Boy OUT

Life Lessons and Burpee Broadjumps @ Detention 15 FEB 2019

Life Lessons and Burpee Broadjumps @ Detention 15 FEB 2019

PAX:  Blue Mule (Q), CCR, Black Lung, Moving On Up, DMish, PSL, Reefer, Black Widow, Yard Sale, Big Stick, Prevac, Floppy Disk, Thrombo, Accounts Receivable, CAPSLOCK, Danielson, Centipete, Dronezone, Blue Mule

Conditions:  Humid and chili and gloomy.

Warm Up:  5 minutes of mosey.  Arm circles, seal claps, squats, Willie Mayes Hayes.

The Thang:  100 Burpee Broad Jumps:  All PAX pair up.  One PAX does stationary exercise, other PAX does 10 burpee broad jumps.  Round complete when each PAX does 20 burpee broad jumps.  Stationary exercises were squats, overhead arm claps, flutter kicks, merkins, and burpees.  Thang complete when all PAX complete 100 burpee broad jumps.

False Ending….

The Next Thang:  Same concept, but substitute burpees for 1/8 mile run around parking lot.

Life Lesson Challenge:  All February Qs involve life lesson.  Life lesson today is false ending.  The Thang wasn’t over when the broad jumps were completed — we still had a challenge ahead of us.  When life gives you a pausing point, do not relent.  Push through all the way to the complete finish.

Pleasure leading you gentlemen.  See you in the gloom.

Blue Mule OUT

Thangs Ladies Love at The Forge

It’s two days post Valentine’s Day and the F3 men of Nolensville gathered at The Forge for an after-VDay support group to learn a little something about romance and the things ladies love.

3rd Degree with an intimate preparty: Numbtucks & 3rd Degree went out for a pre-date doing 10 burpees on the minute for 10 minutes. Precious.

PAX: Tebow, Sterno, Typo+, Show Me, NimbusFifteenHundredSyllables, Barney Fievel, Netflix, Aunt Bea on a scooter, Stats, 3rd Degree, MURSA, Dr. Little Miss Piggy, TV Guide, Old Hickory, Kermit, CheezWhiz, Numbtucks, and RagDoll (QiC).


  • 10 Side Straddle Hops
  • Toy Soldiers (high leg kicks) on your own
  • Butt Kicks on your own

Thang 1 that Ladies Love: Chick-Fil-A Parking Lot

If there’s one thing ladies love, it’s Chick-Fil-A.  Any day, show up at Chick-Fil-A between lunch and dinner and it’s slammed with preschoolers and yoga-pants.

So you wanna take your family out to Chick-Fil-A you say? Your lady will love it, but good luck finding a parking spot amidst 900 minivans. For Thang 1 we’re gonna practice parking at Chick-Fil-A … here’s how it works:

  • On one long aisle of a parking lot there are 6 parking spaces marked with cones. In each spot there is an exercise named: 30 Imperial Squat Walkers, 20 Yurpees, 25 Mountain Climber Merkins, 30 Roly-Poly’s, 50 Jump Squats, 20 War Hammers.
  • PAX mosey up the aisle looking for an open parking spot with a cone. If it’s open, one jumps in and does the named exercise.
  • The rest of the PAX continue around the parking lot and go down the next aisle where a mode of transportation is marked: Mosey, Duck Walk, Sprint, Crawl Bear.
  • PAX continue around and around the parking lot, alternating into open parking spots as available, and paying attention to the continuously changing mode of transportation down aisle #2. No double parking!

We do this for about 25 minutes until Meat Loaf is done singing “Out of the Frying Pan.” Everyone did great here and I think all found a parking spot. You’re set to take your family to Chick-Fil-A any day!

Except Sunday of course.

Thang 2 that Ladies Love: Sparking Joy with Marie Kondo

Oh yes, ladies love to organize their house like Marie Kondo. Who’s Marie Kondo you ask, you uncultured neanderthal? Well, ask your significant other – she knows. But for the uninitiated it’s something like this:

  • First you take all your crap out of your closets and dump it on your living room floor.
  • Then you go through each item and decide if it “sparks joy” for you. If it sparks joy, you keep it. If it doesn’t, you throw it out.

Simple, right? See, tuning into your feminine side is not hard gentlemen. Let’s practice.

We line up at one end of the parking lot and Q has a random PAX call out an exercise. We perform a number of them, and then Q has another PAX decide if the exercise sparked joy for them or not. If it sparked joy, we do more. If it did not, we sprint to the other end of the parking lot and still do more. We did things like…

  • Iron Mikes (they sparked joy)
  • Suzanne Somers (she did not spark joy)
  • Lieutenant Dan’s
  • Burpees
  • Merkins
  • Good mornings (thanks Netflix)

Thang 3 that Ladies Love: Remembering Important Dates

Ladies love it when you remember important dates, like their birthday! To practice we’re going to spell out the word BIRTHDAY with exercises.

We go around the circle to celebrate the significant others of our F3 men by remembering their birthday.  For example, I think Tebow’s wife was born on the 26th of some month, so we did 26 Burpees…

  • Burpees
  • Iron Mikes
  • Ranger Merkins
  • Tony Hawk Burpees
  • Hydraulic Squats
  • Duck Walks
  • American Hammers
  • Yurpees

Now, I don’t know why, but you all hooked up with ladies who were born in the 2nd half of the month. We did lots of things. But good for you – you got stronger.


Stoked to have my first FNG naming opportunity this morning as we welcomed Andrew “Scrooge” into our fold. Thanks for coming out brother – well done and hope to have you back soon.  MURSA with the 9th Man – good to have you back friend.


Boy you were all chatty this morning. Let’s see if I can remember this…

  • Typo+ will be organizing a 2nd F lunch next Thursday. Details to come on Slack.
  • Stats is organizing a 2nd F outing to the Pistol Range on March 23rd @ 10:00am. Stay tuned for more info.
  • Sterno and Co. are helping us organize donations for refugee students at Tusculum Elementary. They’ll make a 3rd F Costco run for supplies soon – you can participate by sending money via Venmo to @jered-parks (that’s Altidore).
  • F3 Nolensville & F3 Franklin will be hosting a Convergence at Pinkerton Park in Franklin on Saturday, March 9th, 6:00-7:30.  That means no Forge that morning, but let’s all represent Nolensville and skedaddle down to Franklin to meet some other F3 brothers.
  • And MURSA has more gloves than he has hands, so hit him up if you need gloves.


  • Prayers for Typo+’s mom who is having some reconstructive surgery following breast cancer on Tuesday morning.  Let’s all lift her up this week.
  • Let’s celebrate the new life of 3rd Degree’s 2.4, Coulson! Congrats bro!
  • And Numbtucks is down for the count with a knarly knee. Nice to see some true 2nd F & 3rd F being performed by Dr. Little Miss Piggy on the patient this morning… and some 4th F being performed by the patient. Get better soon dude.

Postparty was a Stats & 3rd Degree 16 rep Sunrise Sampler. Tasty!!

Glad to have you all out this AM! You’re getting stronger, you’re getting faster… and you’re getting dizzier every time you do a Tony Hawk Burpee. Peace!

~ RagDoll

Valentine’s Day K.I.S.S at West Park

PAX: Crablegs, Porcelain, Cunning Linguist (QIC), Vector, Lunchlady, Crawlspace, Doctor Doodle (FNG), Mystery Machine (FNG)

Weather: A perfect 42 degrees

Arrival at 0527 saw Crablegs fetching the shovelflag (and YHC nearly ran him over with his ride – my apologies, good sir), and then running it back to the post location. Thank you, Crablegs – ’tis difficult to hold an F3 workout with the shovelflag! Also noticed Vector testing out his Bluetooth speaker but unable to get it to connect, but YHC only has so much power in this world…

At 0530, YHC offered up the Disclaimer and then led a mosey around West Park (which I am referring to as Waterworks until further notice). Mumblechatter revolved around exactly how 2 FNGs found out about this newest of new posting locations. Great questions all around.

Pull off ¾ of way around paved track for WOR (with a LOVE-influenced playlist, thanks to Vector):
14 x SSH
14 x LBAC
14 x rLBAC
14 x Slow and Low Squats
14 x WMH
Counted off 1s and 2s and then mosey to gazebo/playground area for

K = 100 Knerkins (aka Chuck Norris)
I = 200 Incline Merkins
S = 150 Step Ups
S = 150 Squats
1s run to pod/container/connex box and back, 2s start with Knerkins. Tag in, tag out until complete.

Since we had time left, we went to the lower parking area for two rounds of THANG 2: Bear Crawl Ring of Fire
PAX including YHC circled up and started bear crawl until YHC yelled STOP. Then PAX, one at a time, in order, began a set of 10 Merkins while the others held Plank.

Two rounds was enough before we had to mosey to starting point for 3MoM, followed by the CoT, (including the naming of 2 FNGs) and then a solid BoM.

• Another Q, another feeling of positivity afterward. So thankful to be able to lead such High Impact Men.
• This was the first time YHC has Q’d where there were FNGs. I am truly grateful to lead their first in-person exposure to F3. Let’s all welcome Doctor Doodle and Mystery Machine!
• Thanks again to Vector for the playlist. The music kept us all motivated to love one another.

• Let’s keep filling up the Q Sheet! Link is on Slack for those who don’t know where to find it.

CL Out. Peace.

Hotel workout style

PAX: Bagger Vance, Pumpkin Spice, Porcelin, TK, Hi-Viz, Crablegs, Boy band, Vector, Harvey updyke, FNG Big Pharm, Bad Boy.

Temp: 40 (ish) degrees.


SSH X 30

Running man x 10 (each leg)

Willy Mays Hayes x 15 IC

High Knees x 20

Little baby arm circles x 15 (Forward and Reverse)

The Thang:

Very short mosey the side of gym where instructions were given. Since I travel a lot, sometimes I have to get creative. Figured I would bring some pain

Workout stations (single and some partners based on number of PAX)

  1. Lunges with 25lb weights
  2. . Squats
  3. Merkins with rotating arms to the sky
  4. Shoulder raises with 15lb weights
  5. Jump squats
  6. Single arm kettle bells swings
  7. 30lb ruck plate shoulder raises

Timer: PAX not partaking in a station was bear crawling to the sidewalk (~20 yards), run up the sidewalk, bear craw down the other side of the hill. (THIS WAS A BEAST).

Complete one full round. Mosey back to the parking lot.

(Quick) MARY:

Flutter kicks x 30

Announcements: Welcome Big Pharm! Great EH, Bagger Vance.