Partners, Coupons and Whatnot

PAX: Prevac, Yard Sale, CAPS LOCK, Tinder, Dupree, Brother-at-Law, Black Widow, A Fib, Captain Flatline, Ludwig von Oshkosh, Vegemite, PSL, Big Stick, Reefer, Tiny Dancer, Swamp Fox, Accounts Receivable, Floppy Disk

QIC: Floppy Disk

Cooler than normal temps for this week met the 18 that posted at CH this morning, dutifully taking their red pill. Big Stick Q was originally on the menu, but he phoned in a favor last night so YHC picked up the reigns. We commenced with the obligatory bus hill warmup mosey discussing 20 year reunions and Canada. Circle up in the parking lot for some COP.

WoR (all IC)
SSH x20
Imperial Walkers x15
High Knees x10
Butt Kickers x10
Guten Morgens x10
Willie Mays x10
BACs F x10
BACs R x10
Air Press x10
Squats x10

Partner up and send one pardsy to pick up a landscaping coupon. Meet back up at the incredibly necessary sidewalk rails for some coupon rows and merks. 3 sets of:

15x weighted rows while partner holds legs
15x weighted merks

Grab those coupons and head to the pavilion. Partner 1 does amrap block exercise while partner 2 does some playground work with merkin variation. Flapjack. 3 total sets.

Block Exercises: Thrusters (with bicep curls), KB swings, Dead lifts
Playground Exercises: 10x Pullups, 15x Diamonds/Swerkins/Atomics, 30x bench dips (or 15x bar dips)

Return the blocks and head back to the parking lot. Partner 1 runs the front loop while Partner 2 does amrap Burpees. Flapjack. 2 rounds of Burpees then 1 round of Squats.

20x Flutter Kix (IC)
20x Freddie Mercuries (IC)
10x WW1s (OYO)

2nd/3rd F tomorrow, 6/23, at Crievewood Baptist hosted by our own Dupree. 4pm. Bring yo kids and yo wife. Don’t hide them. Continue to lift up our brothers Spicoli and El Maestro.

Floppy Disk

Logging In….

Hot and humid but a little bit of rain at beginning to cool us off.  Wolverine of the current 4:13 strong class stepped up to VQ with YHC.

Pax: Wolverine co-vq, Porcelain co-q, red skull, bagger Vance, PA, casual friday(FNG), kingpin aka snoopy(lifo?), reveille, toga, skid mark, pop-a-lock, sinestro, night crawler, venom, killmonger, hot and ready, vegemite, umbrella, donuts, dilly dilly

Warmarama: Wolverine led us off with a swift mosey down and up the stairs then to the softball field.  Disclaimer administered by Porcelain.  Wolverine cycled us through good mornings, merkins, squats, and a final round of good mornings.

The thang: Wolverine took charge in setting up the first exercise by calling for everyone to buddy up.  Set up a Dora variation with partner sprints to the outfield fence and back to the dugout bench where the exercises were 100 merkins, 100 step-ups (both legs = one rep, and 100 sit-ups.

Porcelain picked up a mosey back back to the basketball courts then established a last man up Indian run out and back.  It was a setup for log training.  Broke into a short and tall groups with 4:13 pax in charge.  Demonstrated lift with tall team on the first log aka telephone pole.  The team managed to get up to hip simply enough but struggled with 10 pax to shoulder so YHC called the short team on the log as well and repeated 8 reps of shoulder to overhead as a full workout before carefully crushing but not breaking toes on the down.  Foregoing further pain on the log for safety’s sake.

YHC set up 11’s on the basketball court with 10 burpees on the far end followed by 1 jump squat on the near end and continuing OYO.  Called 11’s short around 2/3’s through to keep time for Mary as I wanted to give more of the 4:13 pax time to lead.

Mary: Around the circle for 20 reps of abs decided on and cadence called by the 4:13 pax.  Wolverine led off with sit-ups.  Peter Parker’s were called by night crawler.  We all were feeling a little fog of war at that point so all was well with Venom finishing it off with squats.

Welcome Ed aka Casual Friday that is helping out our brothers in the evenings with a support group.

A little tailgate coffeeteria was had with PA, toga, red skull, pop-a-lock, venom, Wolverine, skid mark, vegemite, umbrella, and porcelain.

Reveille on Q next week for the last stronghold workout before this class graduates to take on different jobs around town many involving construction.  Come by to give them a great send off.  If you have never been in on a Reveille workout get ready for some pain.

The New Cooper

Conditions: Swimming Pool, 70ish degrees

PAX: Funyuns, Floppy, Too Tall, Big stick, Pope, Fttal, CCR Donuts, Dilly dilly, Umbrella, Caps lock, Dupree, Tiny dancer, Psl, Prevac, Venus, YHC

Warmorama: Who Cares

Thang: The New Cooper

Start: 50 Burpies

Famous Hill Lap

50 WWIIs

Famous Hill Lap

40 Burpies

Famous Hill Lap

40 WWIIs

Famous Hill Lap


Floppy was on the round of 10 and then YHC called time.

Head over to the hill by the Gazebo,  Crawl Bear to the Top

Head home for MARY:

Mary: 2 minute plank

COP: Pray for your Brothers in F3 and the daily struggle that is life.

Moleskin: Great work dun by all, even though the delay tactics in asking all sorts of stupid questions did work.

3rd F: Keep a lookout for Duprees slack message

Lots going on this summer: TN Can Ruck, Warpath 8, 4th of July Convergence, and Ironclad to do lists.


Sparty ON and SYITG,


The Hills Were Alive

11 Pax treated themselves to an early morning beatdown with a new FNG “Von Trapp” and the hills were alive with the sound of music…well actually with sounds of pain, but that is the official F3 music anyways.

QIC: Creeper
Co-Q: NumbTucks
PAX: 3rd Degree, Ragdoll, Netfilx, Hushpuppy, Barney Fievel, MRSE (FNG), Von Trapp (FNG), Sterno (F3 Franklin), Shocker (F3 Franklin)

SSH x 20; Imperial Walkers x15; Merkins Slow and Low x 10; Good Mornings x 10; Willies x 10

THANG 1: Creeper took over to introduce us to some good pain
1 lap around the track (.35 miles) then 10 double pump burpees all together
1 more lap then 15 Merkins
1 more lap and then 20 Copenhagens
1 more lap and then 25 squats
1 last lap

Partner up
1 bear crawls around pavilion and 1 lunges around pavilion then 20 diamond merkins
switch mode of transportation around pavilion and then 20 merkins
switch modes again and then 20 squats?
switch one last time and then 20 reps of your choice

Good Mornings – 10
Willies – 10
Cherry Pickers – 10
High Plank  – 1 min

Great job Creeper for first Q! Remember that this Saturday we are testing out Nolensville High School at 6am-7am for a potential new AO. Come on out to support and be punished.

Thr Four Corners of Brentwood

PAX: Umbrella, Vegemite, Big Bang, Cathy, Razor DBA Venus, Tinder, Olan Mills, Proton (F3 Knoxville), Canary


10 got better, or at least sweated like it at the Racetrack this morning.  It went like this:

Capri lap around the parking lot and back for


SSH x 15

GM x 10

Willie Mays Hayes x 10

Cotton Pickers x 10

LBAC forward x 10

LBAC reverse x 10

OH Presses x 10

Big baby arm circles forward x 10

Big baby arm circles reverse x 10


Mosey across Maryland Way to the corner for an explanation of today’s workout. YHC took a gander at Google Maps yesterday to formulate the Four Corners of Brentwood Escalator:

1st Corner: 10 squats and mosey up sidewalk to OHB for

2nd Corner: 10 squats and 20 merkins.  Mosey just below OHB past O’Charleys to Walgreens at corner of OHB and Franklin Road for

3rd Corner: 10 squats, 20 merkins, 30 lunges (15 each leg). Mosey down Franklin Road to LBMC/Hill Center at Maryland Way for

4th Corner: 10 squats, 20 merkins, 30 lunges and 40 OH claps. Mosey back to 1st Corner

Since we’ve reached the top of the escalator, we’ve got to get back down. 1st corner 10 squats, 20 merkins, 30 lunges, 40 OH claps and mosey on same route as before. Repeato each corner subtracting one exercise each time ie., 2nd Corner was 10 squats, 20 merkins, 30 lunges.

All corners completed and back to the parking lot for some


Flutter kicks x 20

Remain on 6 and hamstring stretch each leg 25 seconds x 2. Finish with 25 second stretch in middle.


Moleskin: 3rd F Opportunity at Crievewood Baptist this Saturday about 4 to benefit the Oasis Center. See Slack for details and AO Q is Dupree.

Great work this morning.  I had never run that route and wasn’t certain we were going to finish, but made it with 3m to go.  Each lap is about 1.8 miles, so put yourselves down for approx. 3.6 miles with some decent elevation change and some exercises mixed in.  Great to have Proton join us from F3 Knoxville.  Come back any time!



Smokeboots 6/20/18

75 degrees and 1,000% humidity greeted the 6 PAX who posted for a 4.4 mile run this morning. Ideal conditions for endurance.

PAX: Floppy Disk, Edible Arrangements, Skid Mark, Too Tall, Donuts/D’Mish, Ludwig

Pace was roughly 7:40 a mile, but it felt like 7:15 in the heat and humidity.

Good work by all.

Battle Brothers @ Titan

14 PAX Present at the inspiring Parthenon for a Brother-themed Q by YHC today.

PAX: Third Person, Porcelain, Bicentennial Man, Princess Aurora, Mickey Mouse, Reveille, Right Said, Hi-Viz, Smokey (Willy Loman from NC), Doubtfire (F3Knoxville PAX), the Bandit (F3Knoxville?), Blue Mule, Trapper Keeper, 3rd Degree (QiC)

Quick mosey to East side of Parthenon for WoR: SSH, SJ, Tempo Squats, IW, LBAC F and BaCs F

7s: Double shot of Jack-ees at bottom (Burpee with plank jack after merkin and SSH instead of jump at end), Piggy-Back Carry Partner up stairs, Lt. Dans at Top (Plank and wait for Partner PRN) Bear Crawl down stairs, Continue 7s alternating carrying-partner each time (Mickey really liked this one…Bicentennial Man almost got runover twice)
Mosey to John Thomas Statue on SW side of Parthenon
Speed Bump of Partner Leg Throws x20 each
Mosey to the Pain-ground
 One Partner High-Planks until other Partner performs 5 pull-ups, 10 Merkins and 15 squats
x5 rounds each partner
Mosey to Parking lot North of Parthenon:
Perform Mary exercise until Q yells GO! and then sprint to other end of parking lot
Alternating High and Low planks
Twisting WWIs
Flutter Kicks
Back to Statue for 3:6:10 of DIDs
Dips, Irkins and Dirkins (3 of each, 6 of each, etc)
LBCs x25 IC
Freddie Mercuries x25 IC
Supermen x 10 IC (Hold up on 1-3, down on 4)
American Hammers x15IC
CoT, Countorama, NameoRama
F3Franklin Hosts Warpath8 7-21-18 5am @ Battleground launch. 4 hours of Fun (~14 miles, with 10 short AOs interspersed. JUST SAY YES!)
BrewRuck that same afternoon (DoubleDip!)
F3Dads camp 8-10 through 8-12 coming up. Sign up by 8-1.
Ecclesiastes 4:9–12
Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! Again, if two lie together, they keep warm, but how can one keep warm alone? And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken. (ESV)

Monkey Bars, Relay Races & Crab Hunting – Honoring the Life of Levi Hughes

PAX: Foggy Pirate, Princess Aurora, En Fuego

QIC: En Fuego

3 PAX partake in a kid-friendly workout, honoring the life of Levi Hughes, the son of a buddy of mine who went to be with his Father following an all too quick but overly abundant 3 years of life on this earth spent with family and friends who absolutely loved and adored him.

Warm up with quick mosey around the parking lot, stop at separate speed bumps for 3, 13 and 15 merkins (Levi’s birthday of 3.13.15)

COP: SSH x 13; WMH x 13, Scorpion Stretch x 13 (totaling the 39 months Levi was able to bless those family and friends in their time together).  GMs oyo while YHC explained the motivation behind today’s workout.

Like friends on a playground, we head to the monkey bars, whereby YHC instructs the PAX we’ll be keeping the friend theme together this morning, as most of what we do we do in unison or in collective counts together.


L – Lateral pull-downs, aka pull-ups.  117 together as a team (approx. 39 per person).  Upon completion, head to track for relay race – 1 PAX completes a lap while remaining PAX hold high plank; flapjack until all PAX completed a lap.  Head to:

E – Escalator utilizing BLIMPs (because what kid doesn’t love things that fly).  Collective counts of 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 with respective BLIMP of Bodybuilders, Lieutenant Dangers, Imperial Storm Squats (exhaustion setting in), Merkins and PlankJacks; back to track for repeat of relay race, this time PAX hold low plank

V – It’s time for some wheelbarrow play-time, in the form of Vacuum Cleaners.  Two PAX hop in wheelbarrow position; wheelbarrow to sideline (approx 15 yards away), perform 5 derkins, reverse wheelbarrow to starting line.  Flapjack until all PAX have completed, with third PAX performing exercise in unison doing bear crawl.  Back to track, repeat relay race, PAX alternate between high and low plank.

I – Indian Crab Walk.  Apparently Levi was all about some crab hunting at the beach, and in fact his last t-shirt worn was his favorite crab hunting shirt.  PAX lined up on their six, PAX in the back crabwalks to the front, then next guy, etc.  Guys on six alternate doing WWIs, LBCs and American Hammers.  Approx. 60 yards of crab walking – here’s hoping the little man was smiling as he was watching.

2 minutes left on the clock, we give an AYG shuttle run on the field – 1/3, half, 2/3, full.  Time called and we mosey back for COT.

PAX – Honor to be able to lead you this morning in celebrating Levi and appreciate you showing up and doing your part in it.

For all of us men, Levi’s mom mentioned in the eulogy that Levi came to her at 11:00 that night and asked her to come sleep with him.  Whereas normally she might think twice at such a request, she this time hopped out of bed and unbeknownst to her spent her final night with him cuddled up in a bunk bed together.  How special is that.  Reminder to us all the preciousness of this life and our time together.  Fathers (and YHC is speaking to himself here), be quicker to listen and slower to raise your voice, spend that extra five minutes rubbing their backs at night, get off the couch and down on the floor with them – and most of all, keep reminding those littles how loved they are.

En Fuego

World Cup Conditioning

PAX: Funyuns, Skid Mark, Trojan, Canary, A-Fib, Offshore, Black Widow, Umbrella, Olan Mills

9 post for a muggy 72° start for the official launch of the Purple Cow.

Drop for a quick 5 burpees before we mosey over to the park.

Circle up in the middle of the soccer field for disclaimer and getting the party started.

Q: Olan

  • SSH x20
  • Good Mornings x10
  • Willie Mays Hays x10
  • Baby Arm Circle x10
  • Rev Baby Arm Circles x10
  • Merkins x10

Q: Umbrella

11’s – Single leg squats each leg + Burpees running the length of the soccer field. My guesstimate is that field is a long’ish 75yds… enough to hurt.

Q: Black Widow

Mosey to picnic tables for dips, arkins, Derkins (20/15/10) rinse and repeat

Mosey to basketball court for some 4 corners bear crawling the length and crawl bearing the width with merkins x10 at each corner.

Q: Offshore

Mosey to swings for swirkins x10 & rows x10 rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat.

Mosey to monkey bars for a few sets of pull-ups x5.

Q: Olan

Mosey back to the parking lot incorporating some side shuffle and backpedaling.

Flutter kick for the six. Wrapped up with some Alabama Prom Dates, J-Lo’s, WWI’s, High plank with some alternating arms and finally some Good Mornings.

Great launch guys. Looking to get some more b’wood dudes out there.

Brentwood Baptist has an upcoming adoption picnic if anyone is interested.


PAX:  Blue mule, En frego, Hi viz, Crab legs,  Vector,  T cell,  PA,  RIGHT SAID,  Bad boy, Porcelain, Trapper Keeper, Bicentennial Man, Revelry

13 PAX learn a lot more about Fatherhood this morning. Strength, Patience, and Endurance was all tested.

Temp: Cool 73 degrees with 80% humidy.

Warm up with a quick mosey around the neighborhood. New homes going up if anyone is interested. Medium price ~$800k…

COP: SSH x 30 IC, High Knees x 30 IC, Merkins x 15 IC, Mountain Climbers x 20 IC, Willy Mays x 15 IC Each Leg, Good Mornings x 15 OYO.

Each exercise represented a point in a fathers life where he would feel such pain or exhaustion in a muscle group. After each exercise, PAX completed a sprint up the hill with a mosey back down to complete the next exercise.

F – Fast sprints x 3
A – Air presses  x 60
T – Single Leg Thrusters x 30
H – Monkey Humpers x 30
E – Elbow plank progression
R – Reverse Lunges length of hill
H – American Hammers x 30
O – Overhead Claps x 60
O – Overhead squats x 30
D – Dips x 50

MARY: Fludder Kicks x 30 IC, LBC x 30 IC, Nolan Ryans x 15 IC Each arm


This Tuesday, June 19th, Send off for Crawfish, Third Person, and Mickey Mouse at Edley’s in Sylvain Park @ 8pm.

Tin Can Ruck – See PA’s announcement on Slack.  ~6 hours or running starting mid-Saturday morning, July 21st.

It was awesome to lead you men this morning!