4:13 Strong: Sinestro Had to Take Off His Jacket

It was hot this morning.  Yet there was Sinestro rocking a full sweat suit.  Hoodie.  Pants.  The works.  What a guy.  Here is what happened.

PAX: Porcelain, CAPSLOCK, Hot n’ Ready (incredible name), Venom, Sinestro, Night Crawler, Red Skull, Wolverine, Killmonger, Floppy D, Donuts/Dmish, CCR (CoQ), Brother-at-Law (CoQ).


CCR kicked us off with a mosey to the LF foul pole.  Killmonger took off like a bat out of hell.  After the workout Red Skull informed us that Killmonger was determined to kick ass this week after what he felt was a poor showing last week, thus the fast start.  We’ll get to how that turned out.

SSH (x20), GMs (x10), WMH (x10), LBAC (x12?), Reverse LBAC (x12), Overhead claps (x12), NAVY SEAL claps (x12).

Four corner workout.  Each station has 4 sets of 13 reps of the following:

1. Merkin variations

Broad jump to behind home plate

2. Squat jumps.  Sinestro led us by counting.  Killmonger faded after the third set and had splashed merlot by the time we lunged our way to the RF foul pole.  “Steve, that pork is coming up on me.”  I assume they all had pork for dinner last night.

3. Carolina Dry Docks.  Sinestro ditched the hoodie here.  Wise.

Backwards run to Center field.

4. Burpees.  People were struggling at this point, but everybody perservered.

Slowsey to LF foul pole, gather up, then Brother-at-law tags in for a slowsey to the basketball court.  We picked Killmonger back up in the parking lot.  He jumped right back in like a champ.  Love it.

11’s on the basketball court with jump lunges at one end broad jump to wide grip merkins, then jog back to jump lunges.  Many were hurting during this, but everybody kept at it.  Great attitude across the whole group this morning.

Everybody was pretty gassed so we slow rolled into Mary with some GMs and WMHs, then a bunch of Happy Jacks IC.

Mary was a simple flutter kick x20 IC and high plank shoulder taps x20.  Wrap it up with 10 GMs.

Porcelain delivered an excellent announcement to the group about taking responsibility for your own actions.  Porcelain will have the Q next week and will be splitting it with Wolverine, who asked to Q for the first time.  Awesome initiative shown on his part.  Let’s try to get as many guys out to support them.  Sinestro and Venom both offered up prayers that they keep on the right path and keep looking forward.  Killmonger and Red Skull discussed how to deal with negative thoughts towards others.  A great final five minutes and COT.

Unfortunately Shaq left 4:13 Strong on Sunday night.  Let’s pray for him and all the others that are sticking with it.


Titan 06-13-18

PAX: Trapper Keeper, Crab Legs, Hawkeye, Preacher Man, Third Person, Right Said, Hambone, Bagger Vance, Sand Lapper, T-cell, Hi Viz, Porcelain, Blue Mule, Crawfish (Q)

Conditions: couldn’t ask for much better

Short mosey to the ampitheater for warmorama: GM x 10IC, SSH x 10IC, WMH x 10IC, High Knees x 15IC, Butt kickers x 10IC, BAC f/r x 10IC

DIDs: 20 dips, 15 incline, 10 decline.

Mosey to playground for Hambone’s pullup special: 3 rounds AMRAP w/ 5 more partner assisted.

20 swerkins while partner holds peoples chair.

Mosey to Parthenon Ave hill for BLIMPS: 10 burpees, 15 Lt Dans, 20 IW, 25 merkins, 30 plankjacks, 35 smurfjacks. Run up to top of hill & back after each round.

Mosey to volleyball courts for partner sand sprint races x 5 rounds. Loser does 10 merkins each round.

Attempted assault on the HCA black miata at this point, but were quickly (and very politely) turned away by a female security guard.

Mosey back to Parthenon for mary: ABCs, LBCs x 20IC, J-Los x 20IC, 2 minute plank progression.

It’s been an honor to post with you men at Titan the past 3 years. This is the best AO in town. Keep it growing!

Bullhorn: Brew Ruck and Warpath July 21, Farewell beers for Third Person, Mickey Mouse and YHC at Edleys in Sylvan Park on 6/19 @ 8pm.



The Racetrack Summer tribute

Summer Tribute

6.13.18 -The racetrack – conditions 73 degrees and clear.

PAX of 8: Olan Mills, Big Bang, Ebola, Twinkle, Canary, Blackwiddow, Tinder (FNG via Offshore & Canary) and Offshore (QIC).

The PAX took a quick mosey up the hill to the parking garage for some warm ups after the disclaimer is given. SSHx10, goodmornings x10, willie mays x10, baby arm circles both ways x 10, 10 merkins, squats x10 all in cadence.

The PAX then paid tribute to the Summer through a convergence of cardio and strength highlighting the 6 story parking garage as a venue. Each set began by running six flights and checking out of stairwell with 5 burpies to then run the parking deck and down the adjacent stairwell and back. To then enter the stairwell each PAX completed an exercise to then enter back into the stairwell and dog days of summer.

S – squats x 25

U- carolina dry docs x 20

M – merkins x 20

M – diamond merkins x 20

E – lunges x 20 (each leg)

R – sprints 75 yards x 4

A quick mosey back to the race track provided the PAX the opportunity to get 2 sets of 10 pull ups before heading back to the parking lot to finish with some Mary.

Mary – AIC flutter kicks x 30, alabama prom dates x 10, alternating shoulder taps x 10 each arm, low plan for 30 seconds, 10 merkins, and American Hammers x 30.

1200s on the track

PAX: Floppy Disk, Jacques


Only two of us for the track workout SmokeBoots option. EPO came up with the workout and Jacques and I executed. The workout was 4×1200 w/2:00 jog between, then finish with 2×400 fast with 1:00 recovery between. It was a tough day. YHC struggled mightily, due to the conditions, and likely also in part to Funyuns smoker yesterday. Jacques pushed the pace the whole time. That guy is a machine. Big Stick was nowhere to be found.

Smokeboots 6/13

PAX: Reveille, Afib, Skid Mark, Black Lung, Edible Arrangements, Too Tall, Frogger, Donuts/D’Mish, Dilly Dilly, Ludwig (Q)

A record 10 PAX (at least a record since I started posting two years ago) posted at smokeboots this morning for a nice muggy run through the shire. Apparently Reveille was unaware this was a running only workout. No matter.

During the first mile Donuts shared a great story about pranking his future sister-in-law at her bachelorette party. After the big hill 4 PAX continued on the 4.4 mile route, and the other 6 ventured off onto the 3.1 mile route.

We all eventually ended up back at CHE for COT/BOM.

Good work by all.

FORMal Beatdown

6/12/18- Sir E- 72* and clear

PAX: Bagger Vance, Donuts, Too Tall, Venus, Big Stick, FTTAL, Big Bang, Bloodclot, Dr. Smart, Skid Mark, Cinderella, Floppy Disk, Dilly Dilly, Vegemite, Umbrella, BrotherAtLaw, Red Bag, Black Lung, Spider Bite, SlugsNBugs, Pocahontas (F3 Greensboro), Funyuns (QIC)

22 PAX decided to get better this AM at Sir E. 5:30 AM- mosey from CUMC up Manley and back to north parking lot of CUMC. Side shuffles, politicians, butt kickers thrown in during the mosey. Circle up for COP.

COP: SSHsx20IC, GMsx12IC, BACs(f)x5IC, BACs(r)x5IC, APsx5IC, SCsx5IC, Tempo merkinsx10IC, ASTsx20IC, Scorpionsx10IC, Supremansx10IC

The Thang:

During the F3Heavy 006, Cadre Danny (F3 Linus) instructed the PAX on the importance of proper form during exercises. He has posted at different  AOs all over the country and noticed poor form consistently across the board. He said we are cheating ourselves and not getting better when we choose the half-ass our exercises. With that in mind, YHC wanted the PAX to focus  on proper form. We partnered up for accountability. Oh yeah, form always tends to break when tired, so we did a lot of burpees in between sets. It looked something like this:

6 burpees every 30s for 5 minutes

P1 AMRAP merkins (elbows locked at top, break parallel at bottom, head up) for 1 minute while P2 checks form. Flap jack

6 burpees every 30s for 2 1/2 minutes

P1 AMRAP WWIIs (hands locked behind head, shoulders touch ground, chest to knees) for 1 min, P2 checks form. Flap jack

6 burpees every 30s for 2 1/2 minutes

P1 AMRAP squats (DILLY DILLY with proper form example, legs break parallel at bottom, legs locked at top), P2 checks form. Flap jack

6 burpees every 30s for 1 minute. Mosey to playground

P1 AMRAP pull-ups (hand down arms extended, pull up with chin above bar) for 1 minute, P2 checks form. Flap jack

6 burpees every 30s for 1 minute

P1 AMRAP 4 ct. flutter kicks (BV with demonstation, toes pointed up, legs straight, 6 inches above ground), P2 checks form. Flap jack

Mosey back to parking lot

6 burpees every 30s for 1 minute

Laney Lou for 1 minute


NM: We need to do things the right and honest way all the time. Yes, we will slip and fail at times. That is why it is so important to have a brother or brothers to hold us accountable in all aspects of life. Let’s continue to sharpen each other physically as well as mentally and spiritually!




Friendly Friday at Cruel Hall

Bagger Vance, Floppy Disk, Donuts, PSL, Brother-at-Law, Accounts Receivable, Yard Sale, Frogger, Landshark, Sharks with “Lazers”, Black Lung, Skid Mark, Vegemite, Third Degree, NumbTucks, Barney Fievel, Foxtrot Talks A lot, Ludwig van Osh Kosh, Reefer, Offshore, Cinderella, Edible Arrangement, Why Guy, Life Champ, Olan Mills, Hollowback Girl, Swamp Fox, Slugs n’ Bugs, Dupree, CAPSLOCK (Coffeteria and donut delivery), Nick Papagiorgio (FNG), Jake Brake (FNG), CCR (QIC)

Slamburry PAX for Coffeteria: Greasetrap, Dr. Smartt, Tampalibra,

A large group came out in the soup to get the scoop on the 2nd running of Friendly Friday at Cruel Hall.  YHC realized the group was larger than expected, made some slight modifications and asked the PAX to bang out 5 merkins before embarking on a slow mosey down Trousdale to the bus loop for some lunges, toy soldiers (aka hop kick warm ups), backpedal and just a regular old mosey back to the parking lot for some WOR.

SSH x20 IC

Imperial Walkers x20 IC

Hillbillies x20 IC

Hop Kicks x10 IC ( I think this is the max reps)

Slow and Low Merks x10 IC


Partner up…Partner 1 grab a coupon and everyone circle up in the pavilion.



20 seconds of high intensity exercise with 10 seconds of rest. 8 total sets.

Broad jumps/Fast Feet for the first 4 sets and Merkins for sets 5-8.

Bagger mistakenly identifies Young the Giant as punk rock…he got his punk on Monday


Partner 1 runs down to the holler, touches a sign and runs back up the hill to relieve Partner 2

Partner 2 performs AMRAP of the called exercise

Plank and wait for the 6 – 10 merkins IC between each round.


We did Thrusters, sumo squats and full body work (thruster with a curl and skull crusher mixed in)


Parking lot…1s in front shoulder to shoulder, 2s pole to their partner’s hole

1s 50% to Vegemite’s ride and 100% to the end of the lot

Drop down for merkins while down there, repeat on way back.

Meanwhile, 2s perform various exercises with their coupon.

Flapjack. We did this sequence 3 times total


1s in front, 2s behind – Broad Jump to 1st speed bump, 10 jump squats

Lunge to 2nd speed bump, 20 merkins

Backpedal to 3rd speed bump, 10 jump squats

If you are up for it, run to grab a coupon and return. If not, mosey to parking lot and circle up for some…


Flutter Kicks x31 IC

Megan Barry’s x10 IC

J-Los x20 IC

Mariah Carey’s x10 IC

One-Armed Mariah Carey’s x2 IC

High plank for 1 minute

Done? Nope…still have 5 more minutes.  Those without a watch were snookered into thinking that was it.


Sevens – Merkins / Jump Squats.  Now we’re done.


Welcome FNGs Jake Brake (Bill Pickup) and Nick Papagiorgio (Lucas McIntosh). Great to have you out…see you back out again soon.


YHC challenged the PAX to think of one personal relationship that they have not been attentive to. The idea is to identify that one relationship and reach out to them TODAY.  I am personally trying to do that at least once a week and encourage you all to do the same.  My boy PSL closed us out in prayer and then it was coffee and donut time thanks to Donuts (for the coffee) and Capslock (for the Donuts). It was a pleasure always.

Until next time,


Back to the Future in The Boro

It’s October 25, 1985, 1:21am at the Twin Pines Mall in Hill Valley, CA. You are Marty McFly.
QIC: Aristotle (in his Flux Capacitor t-shirt)
PAX: CDL, Yosef, Grohl, Papa Juan, Noble Virus, Aristotle (multiple excused absences for the Churchmen attending SBC in Dallas this week)
Quick lap around Courthouse (or if you prefer, the ‘Clock Tower’)
SSH x 15 IC
WMH w/BAC x 10 IC
Imperial Walkers x 15 IC
Mtn Climbers x 15 IC
Bridge and stretch your core (back and abs)
“It’s the Libyans! Run for your life Marty!”
Brisk mosey away from the Clock Tower to well-lit City Hall courtyard……travelling back to November 5, 1955 in the process!!!
How do we get back to 1985? We need Doc Brown’s elements for what makes time travel possible:
1) Flux Capacitor  (Bear-muda Triangle, meeting at a point in the middle)
First bear-lap:
Merkins x10
WW1 x20
Burpee x10
Second bear-lap:
Merkins x20
LBC x55
Burpee x10
(Supposed to do a third lap, but recognizing PAX Bear Crawl fatigue, we modified)
2) 1.21 Giga-SQUATS
Partner up, do alternating squats until you add up to 121
Lap around the courtyard
Second round: one partner does 20 LBC, other one holds Treehugger. Do 120 combined LBC, and do the final LBC together for 121
Mosey down stairs to bottom of parking deck
3) 88 MPH – “When this baby hits 88 MPH, you’re gonna see some serious…..stuff”
Long sprint to the far end of the parking deck (probably around 88 yards of road, but where we’re going we don’t need….roads.)
Catch breath, then SSH x19
Long sprint back to starting position
Didn’t quite make 88 MPH, try a different way
Circle of MARY: Each PAX picks one ab exercise x15 reps (adds up to 90, which puts us past the required 88 and activates the time circuits to engage the Flux Capacitor and send us back…..TO THE FUTURE!)
CDL: Rosalitas
Grohl: Flutter Kicks
Papa Juan: Scissor Kicks
Yosef: Crunchy Frogs
Noble Virus: Freddie Mercury
Aristotle: WW1
AYG sprint to shorter side of parking deck
Slow mosey back to the Clock Tower
Circle of Merkins up to 5, holding plank
Finish with Merkins x10
We have returned to October 26, 1985!
COT: Sometimes we want to travel back in time to fix or change something, because we messed up or it didn’t go how we wanted it to. God is in control, there is a plan, and if we were to go back in time, we would mess it up even more anyway (even if we had a magic Delorean).

Broken Wheel: Saved by the Bell


Soupy start to Tuesday for 10 F3Nolensville Pax this morning.

Pax in attendance:

Nimbus 2000 (Co-Q, VQ), 3rd Degree (Co-Q), RagDoll, Tebow, Creeper, SoccerMom, ShowMe, Barney Fievel, HushPuppy & welcome to Mr. Belding (FNG)

Mosey around lot for Creeper and HushPuppy (taking his sweet time rolling out of car and putting gloves on)

Circle up for Warm-o-rama and Disclaimer via 3D:

15x SSH IC, 10x Seal Jacks IC, 10x Tempo Merkins, 10x Tempo Squats, 10x Willy Mays Hays IC, 5x Good Mornings OYO

Nimbus VQ for the THANG:

“Indian BearCrawl”
Line up head to toe in high plank, PAX at the end bear crawls to the front, then the next guy etc. While waiting PAX are doing Elbow plank merkins (High-Plank to Low Plank and Flapjack AMRAP).
• To mid field
“Indian Crabwalk (AKA Crunchy Crab)”
While lined up on your six, the guy in the back crabwalks to the front, then next guy, etc. PAX on 6s are doing LBCCs (Little Baby Circle Crunches) while waiting.
• To mid field
Rinse and Repeat headed back towards starting position
“Catch me if you can”
Two partners. Partner 1 performs 5x Exercise called by Q, and then sprints to catch the Partner 2, who has been running backwards (AKA back-pedaling AKA Politician). When partner catches and tags Patner 2, reverse roles. Repeat until total below reached by team:
• 50 Knerkins
• 50 Scrquats
Nimbus2000 passed Q Torch to 3rd Degree who slow moseyed the PAX to the long bridge.
“Well, it’s kinda my thing…” The F3Nolensville Faithful knew what was coming…BearCrawl the bridge! PAX endured this with grit and determination. When all had reached the end, we crawl-beared back to FNG who was midway demonstrating the F3 Motto: “No man left behind, but leave no man where you found him” where we crawled with him and cheered him on to completion of the bridge. WELL DONE!
Slow Mosey back to the Parking lot for 6 Minutes of Mary as follows:
25x Flutter Kix IC
25x Freddie Mercuries IC
10x Supermans IC
And for Extra credit past 6:15 (Cobains for going over, I really need a watch)
10x WWIs OYO
COT, Count-o-rama, Name-o-rama, Christening of Mr. Belding (WELCOME!)
Praise for Barney’s Mom getting into own place, Prayers for Creeper as he officiates a funeral of previous youth member from church who recently passed away.
Other Announcements:
T-Claps to Nimbus2000 for stepping up and Co-Qing. Great job!
Don’t forget to check out F3Dads Camp coming up soon!

Friendly (playlist) Friday

It’s always perfect in Sylvan Park. No need for a weather update.

QIC– T-Cell

Pax– Princess Aurora, High Viz, Right Said, Porcelain, Third Person, Hawkeye, Trapper Keeper, Firefox, The Baptist, Lemon, Vector, Ebola, Bad Boy, Reveille, Crawlspace, Tiny Dancer (FNG), ABBA, (FNG) and Crab Legs (FNG).

Friendly Friday at Bomber last week. After Big Bang promising 20, we were so close, except we were missing one person, Big Bang. Sadly, after a visible mosey we circled by for some bricks.

COP – SSH, GM, Squats and some Merkins.

Mosey down to the bottom of the hill. Partner up for some friendliness. We had two circuits. One was leg heavy.

Box 1 were lunges or jump lunges for the pros.  Box 2 were squat or jump squats for the pros. Box 3 were calf raises and Box 4 were Bulgarian Split Squats. And then two runners half-way up the hill as timers.

Other sides was Box 1 merkins or burpees for the pros. Box 2 were Lat Raises with bricks, Box 3 were overhead press with a cement block and Box 4 were Bat Wings (20 front circles, 20 reverse, 20 seal claps, and 20 overhead claps. And then two runners half-way up as timers.

I tried to add a little music for the day but my Haim centric playlist was getting panned. Only hard rock for this crew apparently.

Each group went through twice and then we switched.

Lil mosey around the building and finish with some mosey.

Great to have another great crowd at Bomber. And great having 3 FNGs, way to go Right Said and Third Person for the recruits. And great to have Fernando from the Sylvan Park Fest out. The tent worked!

I had to bolt, but rumors of 13 for coffeteria. We might have to open our own coffeeshop.

#KBA #BlameBigBang