Monkey Bars, Relay Races & Crab Hunting – Honoring the Life of Levi Hughes

PAX: Foggy Pirate, Princess Aurora, En Fuego

QIC: En Fuego

3 PAX partake in a kid-friendly workout, honoring the life of Levi Hughes, the son of a buddy of mine who went to be with his Father following an all too quick but overly abundant 3 years of life on this earth spent with family and friends who absolutely loved and adored him.

Warm up with quick mosey around the parking lot, stop at separate speed bumps for 3, 13 and 15 merkins (Levi’s birthday of 3.13.15)

COP: SSH x 13; WMH x 13, Scorpion Stretch x 13 (totaling the 39 months Levi was able to bless those family and friends in their time together).  GMs oyo while YHC explained the motivation behind today’s workout.

Like friends on a playground, we head to the monkey bars, whereby YHC instructs the PAX we’ll be keeping the friend theme together this morning, as most of what we do we do in unison or in collective counts together.


L – Lateral pull-downs, aka pull-ups.  117 together as a team (approx. 39 per person).  Upon completion, head to track for relay race – 1 PAX completes a lap while remaining PAX hold high plank; flapjack until all PAX completed a lap.  Head to:

E – Escalator utilizing BLIMPs (because what kid doesn’t love things that fly).  Collective counts of 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 with respective BLIMP of Bodybuilders, Lieutenant Dangers, Imperial Storm Squats (exhaustion setting in), Merkins and PlankJacks; back to track for repeat of relay race, this time PAX hold low plank

V – It’s time for some wheelbarrow play-time, in the form of Vacuum Cleaners.  Two PAX hop in wheelbarrow position; wheelbarrow to sideline (approx 15 yards away), perform 5 derkins, reverse wheelbarrow to starting line.  Flapjack until all PAX have completed, with third PAX performing exercise in unison doing bear crawl.  Back to track, repeat relay race, PAX alternate between high and low plank.

I – Indian Crab Walk.  Apparently Levi was all about some crab hunting at the beach, and in fact his last t-shirt worn was his favorite crab hunting shirt.  PAX lined up on their six, PAX in the back crabwalks to the front, then next guy, etc.  Guys on six alternate doing WWIs, LBCs and American Hammers.  Approx. 60 yards of crab walking – here’s hoping the little man was smiling as he was watching.

2 minutes left on the clock, we give an AYG shuttle run on the field – 1/3, half, 2/3, full.  Time called and we mosey back for COT.

PAX – Honor to be able to lead you this morning in celebrating Levi and appreciate you showing up and doing your part in it.

For all of us men, Levi’s mom mentioned in the eulogy that Levi came to her at 11:00 that night and asked her to come sleep with him.  Whereas normally she might think twice at such a request, she this time hopped out of bed and unbeknownst to her spent her final night with him cuddled up in a bunk bed together.  How special is that.  Reminder to us all the preciousness of this life and our time together.  Fathers (and YHC is speaking to himself here), be quicker to listen and slower to raise your voice, spend that extra five minutes rubbing their backs at night, get off the couch and down on the floor with them – and most of all, keep reminding those littles how loved they are.

En Fuego

One Reply to “Monkey Bars, Relay Races & Crab Hunting – Honoring the Life of Levi Hughes”

  1. Honored to participate in this with you. It was emotional to think about this morning, but the exercises were distracting enough. Teared up reading that last paragraph just now, though. Thank you for that, and please let the Hughes family know we’re praying for them.

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