Westeros – 01.27.20 – “Remembering Mamba”

12 PAX took the metaphorical court at Westeros for  a tribute to Kobe Bryant chock full of reps, mumblechatter, and pain.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Black Lung, BnB, Cowbell, Crablegs, Crawlspace, Drago, Harvey Updyke, Michelin Man, Pop-A-Lock, Porcelain, Vector


Medium mosey to WEMS steps for a COP, all IC:

  • SSH x 24
  • SnL Squats x 24
  • Merkins x 24
  • Mountain Climbers x 24
  • LBAC F/R x 12/12

Quick mosey to the circle to huddle up under the awning and explain today’s main course: a five-round circuit (in honor of Kobe’s five rings) building up to 8 reps of each exercise in each complex.

Complex 1: Perform one Merkin followed by one Ab Thruster. Two Merkins followed by two Ab Thrusters. Repeat ascending up to eight Merkins followed by eight Ab Thrusters.

Complex 2: Perform one Lunge each leg followed by one Jump Squats. Two Lunges each leg followed by two Jump Squats. Repeat ascending up to eight Lunges each leg followed by eight Jump Squats.

Take a lap around the driveway and RnR x 4.

Those who finished all five rounds did Mary of their choice until time was called. Most had begun round five by this point, but it was time to mosey back to the flag for COT/BOM.


This one was a real grinder. 180 reps each of all exercises, and the legs were on fire. Tclaps to all the guys for pushing it all the way to the end.


T&P for the Fogartys, Bad Boy, Hipster, Siri, and Michelin Woman.

PA out.

Ironclad Challenge 2020 is here!


The Ironclad Challenge is back! For the uninitiated, the Ironclad Challenge is an opportunity to ensure we hold each other accountable during these climatically trying months and continue to engage in the mission of invigorating male community leadership in Nashville and beyond. Should you accept the challenge, you will participate in all three aspects of F3: Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith.

The challenge will run until 3/31/2020, and new to this year’s challenge is the introduction of the Challenger, Pro, and Elite levels. Below are the minimum standards to be met, and each achievement will contribute one point to your total score. On the sheet, you will find the tiers and their associated score ranges.

 1st F – The Magnet – Improve your Fitness

  • Post 26 times, three of which must be in temps below 32 degrees.
  • Post at five “AwayOs” (workouts you don’t normally attend)
  • Q two times

2nd F – The Glue – Strengthen your Fellowship

  • Attend at least two 2nd F events (lunches, happy hours, etc.)
  • Attend eight coffeeterias (or stick around in the case of tailgate coffeeteria)
  • Bring one FNG or Kotter (>six months since last post)

3rd F – The Dynamite - Make an Impact

  • Participate in one 3rd F opportunity. This can be a study of religious text, going through Q Source, community service, or some other opportunity that involves thinking outside of your own interests.
  • Read one book on leadership (>200 pages) or Freed to Lead.

Additionally, you must complete one CSAUP in the 13-week period. This can be a 5K, triathlon, Spartan race, GORUCK challenge, etc.


For successful completion of all requirements of the 2020 Ironclad, you will be eligible to purchase a custom Ironclad shirt* to show off at your next workout. Should you achieve a higher tier, you will have the opportunity to purchase the corresponding shirt color.

*Subject to minimum order requirement of 12. Price will be in the range of $24-27 and likely coincide with a spring F3 Nashville shirt order if you want to combine shipping with other items


Put your name on this sheet and get to tracking!


  • This challenge will be on the honor system, and you are responsible for updating your standings on the “2020 F3 Nashville Ironclad Sheet.” I would encourage you all as grown men to use your best judgement if you have questions about what does and doesn’t count.
  • Though we are already at 1/5/2020, you may retroactively apply any achievements from 1/1/2020 and later.
  • Solo Q’s for the Willy Lomans among us count toward your overall post total but do not count toward your AwayO total. Posting at other regions’ AOs do count toward AwayO total.
  • You may count up to 10 “Off the Books” workouts (organized runs, rucks, etc. that are not regularly scheduled) toward your post total.  However, rucking or running before a regular workout does not count as an additional post.
  • Please share your 3rd F book choice with the group! It’s always good and helpful to know what others are reading.
  • Lastly, please use this opportunity to take initiative and arrange your own events for the PAX.

Let’s warm up!

PA out.

New Year’s Day Convergence – 01.01.20 – “A Decade Under the Influence”

41 HIM shook off 2019 with a rousing start to 2020 that took them through the last decade.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Bagger Vance, Black Widow, Big Pharma, Boyband, Braddock, Cathy, Clickbait, CCR, D’Mish, Deep Dish, Delorean, Dookey, Drago, Dupree, Floppy Disk, Foxtrot-Talks-A-Lot, Grisham, Hans and Franz (Lex KY), Kingpin, Lump, Maytag, Mile High, Moneyshot, Moonpie (RVA), NSYNC (FNG), Ochocinco, OT, Pancreas, Porcelain, Pre-K, Red Skull, Shoota, Spicoli, T-Cell, Tiny Dancer, Tuna, Umbrella, Vegemite, Venus, Yard Sale


A brief disclaimer, wishes of Happy New Year, and it was off to the track and football field for the COP:

  • SSH x 20
  • LBAC x 20
  • Overhead Claps x 20
  • Hop Kicks x 20
  • Half-Groiners x 10

Line up along the 20, backpedal to the opposite 20, and run back. Repeat whilst YHC sets up the cue cards for today’s “in 10’s” escalating grinder, a reflection on the last decade.

From the 20, PAX run to the opposite 20 and perform 10 reps of prescribed exercise. Run back and perform 10 more + 11 of the next exercise. Run back to the other and perform the 10 + 11 + 12. Continue to build upon the “year” before, ending with 20 reps of the last exercise. Exercises were as follows.

  • 2010: Merkins
  • 2011: Alabama Prom Dates
  • 2012: Plank Jacks
  • 2013: Iron Mikes #crowdpleaser
  • 2014: Flutter Kicks
  • 2015: Mountain Climbers
  • 2016: Squats
  • 2017: SSH
  • 2018: Hillbillies
  • 2019: Big Boy Sit-Ups
  • 2020: Prison Cell Merkin Burpees #biggercrowdpleaser

Stallions who finished early were instructed to continue performing the escalator but dropping the first exercise. I don’t believe we had anybody who got to drop 2011 before our six finished.

All in, and it was over to the starting line for a “quick” mile time trial to set a personal standard for the year. So what if it’s a low baseline influenced by heavy fatigue? Positive psychology!  Makes me wonder what Mile High (5:15) would’ve thrown down when fresh.

Mosey back to the parking lot and circle up for various exercises to wait for six.



‘Twas a wonderful turnout with Franklin bringing a crew, a pair from Spring Hill (following a half-Murph, mind you), and even a couple from Lexington, KY and Richmond, VA joining the fray. The workout was not without a couple of hiccups (delayed start to the playlist, phone dying before the stopwatch could be utilized for the time trial, a giant soccer goal in the middle of the field), but spirits were high, and the mumblechatter was entertaining and plentiful without being excessive. Granted, I wasn’t on Foxtrot’s side of the field, so I could be wrong there.


Just one announcement today:

PA out.

A Letter to the PAX – 01.01.20

This morning’s F3 Nashville New Year’s Day convergence (our sixth) was bittersweet as it marked not only the beginning of what is sure to be a great 2020 but also the conclusion of my time as F3 Nashville’s Nantan (our second). As I reflect on the last 20 months since Bagger Vance passed the baton, I’m amazed by what has occurred in the F3 community in Middle Tennessee.

We have seen the launch and rapid growth of F3 Nolensville. We crossed the river into East Nashville – this time for good – under the leadership of Brother-at-Law and Hot Route, and we are up to 17 AOs in the region proper. We have empowered the likes of Tiny Dancer and Reveille to take F3 to their communities in Spring Hill and Lebanon, respectively. We have run two Ironclad challenges with a third on the way (yes, you read that right), organized a couple of CSAUPs like The Scorpion and TN CAN RUCK among others, and poured into each other through initiatives like the 12th Man and QSource groups. We even got to celebrate our 5th Anniversary with 90 HIM at the place where it all started back in September 2014.

Honestly, I had no clue what this would become on that first day, but I can say I’m extremely encouraged by and grateful for the growth not just with F3 but in myself and the brothers that surround me. I want to give a special thanks to my “cabinet” members and trusted advisors: T-Cell, Bagger Vance, Hi-Viz, Dupree, and Hambone. I also want to thank all of our AOQ’s. These are the guys doing the real work of leading from the ground up and bringing out the leaders in all of us. Thank them when you see them, and then encourage other men to come out and meet them, too.

I know there is still so much more to be done and many more lives to impact, but, having accomplished the goals I set for myself, I am obliged to let another HIM take the reins of F3 Nashville. Rest assured that the revival will continue – this one just might have a little more Creedence Clearwater flavor.

CCR, it’s all yours.

PA out.


III Pillars – 12.31.19 – “B.A.L.L.S. dropped”

6 PAX turned up for their final workout of 2019 at III Pillars. Considering most would likely be asleep before the ball dropped, the plan was to do a little drop of our own.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Covenant Eyes, Crablegs, Moneyshot, Pumpkin Spice (LIFO), Trapper Keeper


After rolling in HOT and delivering a disclaimer before the car door was even closed, the PAX were off to the track for a little COP at midfield.

  • SSH x 20
  • SnL Squats x 20
  • LBAC x 20
  • Overhead Clap x 20
  • RLBAC x 20
  • WMH x 20

Mosey to the back of the east end zone and explain the meat of today’s celebratory workout: a descending ladder of the circuit below:

  • Burpees
  • Air Squats
  • Lunges
  • Leg Raises

PAX performed 10 reps of each exercise and completed one 200m lap. SSH  for the six and repeat again with 9, 8, 7,…1. Pumpkin had to peace out before 5 to go doctor some people, but the rest finished the countdown and ran the last lap together.

Quick skip over to the playground for some push-pull action. Each PAX was to perform 40 (20+20) pull-ups, and rest/wait for bar vacancy with Merkins. Most were busting out sets of 3-4 by the end. Lactic acid burns so good!

All in and it was back to the parking lot for dealer’s choice Mary:

  • Hello Dollies x 20
  • American Hammers x 20
  • Happy Crunchy Frogs x 20
  • LBCs x 20
  • WWIs x 20 OYO



Appreciated Pumpkin Spice and Moneyshot for pushing the pace on the 200s, and big props to Crablegs for his dedication to full reps on the pull-ups. It’ll pay off. Covenant Eyes, Crablegs, and YHC took a field trip to the OG III Pillars coffeeteria: Starbucks at the Green Hills Mall. Conversation was delightful with topics including podcasts, specialists vs. generalists, and Crablegs’s love of the villain.


Prayers for a New Year of focus and follow-through.

  • 1/1/20 – New Year’s Day convergence at FRA
  • 1/16/20 – Gentlemen’s Dinner at Jimmy Kelly’s. Spots MIGHT be available, so see Reveille.

All for now. Go Tigers!

PA out.

Bomber – 12.13.19 – “Casino!”

18 gambled away their Friday morning at the Bomber Casino and still managed to walk away winners. Conditions were oh-so-nice.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Bicentennial Man, Crablegs, Crawlspace, Cub Cadet, Cunning Linguist, DFrost, Hambone, Hi-Viz, Michelin Man, Panhandle (WL-Cherokee), Pop-A-Lock, Porcelain, Pumpkin Spice, Reveille, T-Cell, Vector, Wilbur (WL-Wilderness Road)


Quick disclaimer and a medium mosey taking the long way to the upper lot for a little COP featuring:

  • SSH x 13
  • SnL Squats x 13
  • Merkins x 13
  • Plank Jacks x 13
  • LBAC F/R x 13

Mosey back down to flag for our first tango with Lady Luck. PAX played a bit of Craps: F3 Edition. Utilizing the exercise progression of B.O.M.B.S. (because that’s what my craps usually are) and a single 20-sided die, PAX bet on the roll to determine their reps. PAX had two choices: play the odds and do 13 no matter the roll or take your chances hoping the shooter rolls something less. Most played it smart and played the odds while a brave few risked it all most of the game and did a lot of 13-rep sets.

Thoroughly crapped out, it was time to hit up the Black Jack (Webb) table in the upper lot for a 1 to 3 Merkin to Air Press ratio all the way to 7 (and 21!). Black Jack!

All that standing still meant it was time to get moving with a little Roulette Run. PAX formed a single file line and ran a designated lap around the upper lot acting as the roulette wheel. The first PAX in line then assumed the role of the ball and sprinted the opposite direction until catching back up to the new line leader to tag out and rejoin the back of the line. Round and round we went until all PAX had rolled.

What would a trip to the casino be without a little visit to the slot machines to work on our pulling muscles? In groups of six, find your spot on the monkey bars and crank out sets of 7 pull-ups until you reach 35 total, and then hold People’s Chair for the six.

After some dirty looks from the Pit Boss, it was time to stop pressing our luck and make our break for the door with our winnings still in tact. AYG to the flag!



PA is bad luck. You heard it here first. YHC was almost always on the wrong side of the Craps rolls, especially T-Cell’s double or nothing 39-rep shot. The bright side is more #gainz. T-claps to Vector for the “lucky/unlucky” playlist. Heard he’s available for parties now!



  • Vector’s friend’s son suffering from anxiety
  • Pop-A-Lock’s friends experiencing close loss
  • Praises for the diagnosis and prayers for Wilbur’s mother’s treatment for C. diff
  • Speedy recoveries for Bad Boy and Hipster post-knee surgery


  • 16 are confirmed for the Inaugural Gentleman’s Dinner on 01.16.20 at Jimmy Kelly’s. Reveille reserved it for 20, so see him for your second chance if you missed out the first time.
  • 5th Annual NYD workout at The Hill on 01.01.20. Guaranteed to be special as together F3 Nashville starts anew!

Westeros – 11.18.19 – “Woooow”

13 PAX kicked the week off with a short but sweet Owen Wilson birthday tribute and not so short hardcourt throttling.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Black Lung, Crablegs, Crawlspace, Drago, Harvey Updyke, Hi-Viz, Pumpkin Spice, Right Said, Siri, T-Cell, Vector


Mosey over to the WEMS circle drive for a little COP:

  • Overhead Claps
  • Werkins
  • E2K
  • Newton’s Cradle
  • Werkins
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Lunges
  • SSH
  • Overhead Press
  • Newton’s Cradle

Happy birthday, Owen Wilson. Now let’s mosey over to the tennis courts for 4-line suicides across both courts. RnR x 3. With the last one complete in 55 seconds, the PAX were challenged to complete one more in 45 seconds or less or else do it again. First try was a success!

Still on the tennis courts, PAX lined up for some 11s with Prisoner Squats and Hand Release Merkins traveling by Broad Jump out and Crawl Bear and back. (For the sake of time, once 8 HRMs were completed, running was subbed for the Crawl Bear)

All in and the PAX split into two groups to head over to they playground for some Pull-ups. Each team would complete 150 Pull-Ups while the other did Flutter Kicks.

Mosey back to the parking lot for some Mary:

  • LBCs
  • Alabama Prom Dates
  • Single Leg APDs
  • American Hammers
  • Long Slow Flutters



Not much to report other than Crablegs not catching on to the Owen Wilson COP until the very end of the workout. I like to this he’s focusing his mental energy on doctor things.


  • 11/23 – The FitTest Challenge at Nolensville High – 0600
  • 12/1 – 3rd F opp with Crievewood Baptist and Room at the Inn – details and sign up here
  • 1/16 – Gentleman’s Dinner at Jimmy Kelly’s – 1800 – HC here

Pleasure as always, gentlemen.

PA out.

III Pillars – 11.05.19 – For Fawkes Sake


QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Bareback, Crablegs, Deuce (WL – Jackson, MS), En Fuego, Moneyshot, Silver Medal, Toothless

“Remember, remember the fifth of November, gunpowder, treason, and plot. I know of no reason why gunpowder treason should ever be forgot.”

After coming in on two wheels, YHC delivered the above quote, frustrations with Amazon failing to deliver on time, and a disclaimer, and it was showtime!

The Thang:

Following an easy breezy mosey ending in the middle of the football field, the PAX circled up for a rousing warm up involving:

  • SSH
  • LBAC
  • Overhead Claps
  • Reverse LBAC
  • Good Mornings
  • SnL Squats
  • WMH

YHC explained that on this day, the fifth of November, the PAX would commemorate the infamous Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot with a little routine dubbed “For FAWKES sake!” The PAX wo

  • Flutter Kicks (2ct) x 23
  • Atomic Merkins x 23
  • Windshield Wipers x 12 ea
  • Knee Jumps x 23 #crowdpleaser
  • E2K x 12 ea
  • Smurf Jacks x 23

Take a lap. Plank and wait for the six. RnR x 2 for three total rounds, 69 reps per exercise, or 414 total reps, the number of years since Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the House of Lords. #math

Keeping with the theme of blowing things up, PAX paired up for some mini-B.O.M.B.S.  While P1 performs reps of first exercise, P2 runs 30-yard repeats until reps are complete and switches. Repeat for each exercise until both partners have completed all reps. Al Gore for six.

  • Burpees x 10
  • Overhead Claps x 15
  • Merkins x 20
  • BBSU x 25
  • Squats x 30

Wouldn’t be a Guy Fawkes tribute without a V for Vendetta reference in the form of V-Ups x 11! Our co-conspirators await, so mosey back to the rendezvous point — uh-oh! looks like the search party is onto us — pick up the pace and give it all you got to the finish!

But alas, just as with Fawkes, the plan was foiled, and the PAX were found guilty of treason  and sentenced to 15 Burpees.


Always a pleasure to lead the men of III Pillars, and the new regulars of which the group is comprised. Great job by En Fuego (and Crablegs) on reinvigorating AO attendance via the Swaggy P games, and I’m confident the momentum will carry over into the frosty months ahead. Glad to have Deuce join the crew once again, especially since I talked him out of posting at Sir E. Sorry, Boyband!


  • TAP for Toothless’s MIL’s upcoming eye procedure
  • Tclaps to the PAX who participated in the Star Course Saturday: En Fuego, Leatherneck, and Umbrella as a 26.2 team, and Big Bang and Tortoise for the 50-miler. Shake their hand next time you see them!
  • Less than three weeks until The Fittest. Who will be our six? Vote on Slack!

PA out.

The Buffalo – 07.05.19 – “Wimbledon’t”

4 PAX shook off the firework haze to get served up a little bit of Wimbledon in some soupy conditions.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Brother-at-law, Magellan (FNG), Pocket Chicken (LIFO)


Brief mosey around the community center and into “The Cage” for a COP in the service box.

  • SSH x 15
  • SnL Squats x 10
  • WMH x 10
  • LBAC F x 10
  • Randys x 10
  • Overhead Presses x 10
  • LBAC R x 10

Nice and warm, it was time to bust out the McEnroe, a combination of the Daisy Chain and R.O.S.E.  Beginning at the net, PAX lateral shuffle to the baseline, jog forward to center service line, shuffle back to the net, jog forward to doubles sideline, shuffle to baseline, cross over to the next court, and repeat pattern on court 2, then on the other side of the net.

With the PAX familiarized to the Daisy Chain route, PAX perform the R.O.S.E: 5 reps each of Reverse Crunches, Overhead Squats, SSH, and E2K (ea side). Follow that with one run of the Daisy Chain and plank for six to complete one McEnroe. Repeat two more rounds, adding 5 reps to each exercise each round.

Slowsy over to and down the big driveway to an acceptable point for a half-Dora: Merkins x 50, LBCs x 100, and Squats x 150 with a run up to the stone gates at the entrance.

Back over at the crowd of picnic tables, PAX set up for a round of DIDs at 15, 10, 5. RnR. Then over to the swingset for Underdogs x 15 x 2.

Quick step over to the lot for Mary consisting of Flutters x 10 and Alabama Prom Dates x 10.



This was definitely a post-4th hangover workout as evidenced by the low numbers and general groaning and moaning (maybe that was just me?) during a relatively moderate workout.

Welcome to FNG Magellan, a driving EH from the previous day’s convergence. Having heard about F3 through someone he was helping move, he sought us out at Bicentennial after he saw a bunch of (obviously fit) men ascending and descending Capitol Hill. An Uber driver, music enthusiast, and former HR dude with a few moves under his belt, this guy’s been all over the map like our boy, Magellan!


  • TAPs
    • Prayers for Magellan’s friend, Glenn, who is battling cancer.
    • Safety for all traveling PAX and healing for the injured.
  • Announcements
    • July 20 – Potluck Cookout hosted by Porcelain
    • July 23 – Libeery at Fat Bottom Brewing- Crablegs will be leading the discussion on Cal Newport’s Digital Minimalism. Reading is not a prerequisite for attendance
    • July 27 – Nightpath – Night ruck CSAUP at Percy Warner.
    • August 17 – Yuck Ruck – Social Ruck/Community Service. Trash pickup followed by beer and fellowship at a local watering hole.
    • September 14 – F3 Nashville 5th Anniversary at Sevier Park – where it all began. Special guests from F3 Nation will be in town, so you don’t want to miss it. Mark your calendars as the goal is 100+ PAX in attendance. Be a part of F3 Nashville history!
    • October 19 – TNCANRUCK 002 – Social Ruck/Community Service. Ruck across Nashville stopping at select breweries and bars to pick up canned good donations and deliver them to Second Harvest. Last year’s event ended with 700 lbs of donations. This year’s goal is 1,000 lbs.

PA out.

Convergence – 07.04.19 – “Our Independence Day”

39 PAX kicked off America’s 243rd birthday at Bicentennial Mall this morning and prepped their bodies for a day of grilled delights, cold beverages, and unbridled patriotism.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Bad Boy, Bicentennial Man, Big Country, Big Stick, Big Pharm, Black Lung, Blue Mule, Brother-at-law, Care Bear, Cinderella, Crablegs, Dick Whitman, Drago, En Fuego, Harvey Updyke, Hi-Viz, Hot ‘N’ Ready, Keep the Change, Life Champ, Lockbox, Mofomite, Notes, Oregon Trail, Pop-A-Lock, Porcelain, Red Skull, Scud Row, Slater (FNG), Stirrups, T-Cell, Tampa Libra, The Jeweler, Tidballs (FNG), Tiny Dancer, Tool Time, Vector, Waterboy, White Cloud


After YHC issued a director’s cut of a welcome and disclaimer, PAX took off on a mosey consisting of a head fake south toward Capitol Hill and back toward the main lawn north of the amphitheater to circle up for warmorama:

  • SSH x 15
  • SnL Squats x 10
  • WMH x 10
  • LBAC F/R x 10


Count off 1-4 into four groups and mosey over to Porcelain’s car to gather some coupons: 6 to 8 ft railroad ties that would serve as team weights. Mosey back over to the lawn with coupons in tow and line up for an Independence Day relay. The alien mothership’s shield has been deactivated, and Earth’s forces have organized a counter-attack. With the firing control mechanism on the four remaining aircraft malfunctioning, the PAX have no choice but to manually deliver the payload to the Court of 3 Stars carillon bells.

In single file, each team must move their coupon overhead in an Indian Run fashion. Once the last man has pushed the tie forward, he runs to the front to receive it and keep moving it along, repeat this process to the midway point. Once at the midway point, the team switches to a position straddling the coupon facing the other direction and pulling it through their legs in the same fashion until they’ve reached the bells. SSH for six, and mission: complete.

Move the coupons back toward the start point and offload to move toward the next phase of the workout.


In the amphitheater, PAX are instructed to find a spot along the lowest level to prepare for a hybrid “escaladder” of pain. Utilizing the Hand-Release Burpee Box Jump (HRBBJ), PAX perform one rep corresponding to the seating level they are on followed by Squats x 4 after the final rep. For each round, you must move back to the first level and complete all previous reps before moving to the next level. Confusing at first, but the PAX are sharp and figure out that the rounds go a little something like this:

  1. Level One: HRBBJ x 1 + Squats x 4
  2. Same as above + Level Two: HRBBJ x 2 + Squats x 4
  3. Same as above + Level Three: HRBBJ x 3 + Squats x 4
  4. Same as above + Level Four: HRBBJ x 4 + Squats x 4
  5. Same as above + Level Five: HRBBJ x 5 + Squats x 4
  6. Same as above + Level Six: HRBBJ x 6 + Squats x 4
  7. Same as above + Level Seven: HRBBJ x 7 + Squats x 4

That’s 84 HRBBJ if you’re keeping score, and the shouts, groans, and mumblechatter were evidence that PAX felt each and every one of them. Sweaty, grassy, and thoroughly warm, it was finally time for some fun on the Hill.


At the base of the hill, each of the four teams line up single file for Indian Broad Jumps to the top. Nothing fancy here. Last man broad jumps to the front of the line and all PAX advance in this manner up to the wall. Congrats to team 3 on getting to the top first and just under the time limit imposed by YHC. Grace was extended to allow all teams to reach the wall before the charge back down the hill and to the launch point.

PAX circled back up on the granite map to close it out with A-Mary-Ca. YHC fumbled around with the soundtrack of “America, F*** Yeah” to bring it home, but PAX were finally able to execute a 2ct American Hammer Ring of Fire up to 76.



It was a really great turnout with all areas of Nashville represented as well as Franklin and Nolensville. Even had the honor of welcoming two FNGs, Slater and Tidballs.  YHC was honestly taken by surprise given the “Slack forecast” put the numbers closer to the high teens. A pleasant surprise to be sure, and a good taste of what’s to come as F3 Nashville celebrates its 5th Anniversary in September.  100 PAX, baby!


  • TAPs
    • Big Country and other 4:13 guys as they visit friends and family this weekend. Prayers for safety, good decisions, and a return back to the program.
    • Safety for all traveling PAX and healing for the injured.
  • Announcements
    • July 20 – Potluck Cookout hosted by Porcelain
    • July 23 – Libeery at Fat Bottom Brewing- Crablegs will be leading the discussion on Cal Newport’s Digital Minimalism. Reading is not a prerequisite for attendance
    • July 27 – Nightpath – Night ruck CSAUP at Percy Warner.
    • August 17 – Yuck Ruck – Social Ruck/Community Service. Trash pickup followed by beer and fellowship at a local watering hole.
    • September 14 – F3 Nashville 5th Anniversary at Sevier Park – where it all began. Special guests from F3 Nation will be in town, so you don’t want to miss it. Mark your calendars as the goal is 100+ PAX in attendance. Be a part of F3 Nashville history!
    • October 19 – TNCANRUCK 002 – Social Ruck/Community Service. Ruck across Nashville stopping at select breweries and bars to pick up canned good donations and deliver them to Second Harvest. Last year’s event ended with 700 lbs of donations. This year’s goal is 1,000 lbs.

Pleasure to lead you all. Enjoy your holiday and time with friends and family.

PA out.