Hold On

AO: bomber
Q: Firefox
PAX: Papa Bear, DintyMoore, CubCadet, hambone
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Light mosey up to the clubhouse

THE THANG: With a balky knee, YHC put together a workout devoid of jumping, lunges, and running (except for a couple short moseys between locations), incorporating a lot of static holds and hanging exercises to a playlist featuring songs with “Hold” in the title.

Thang 1: Plank to the Alabama Shakes “Hold On”

Thank 2: PAX partnered up. 1 PAX held a static hold position while the other performed 10 reps of an exercise and then alternated. Partners performed each exercise 3x.

1. Hold: Table Top (or high bridge); Exercise: Table Top alternating toe touches (10x each side)
2. Hold: Superman; Exercise: Hand Release Merkins
3. Hold: Hollow Body Hold; Exercise: WWIs
4. Hold: Reverse Plank; Exercise: Reverse Plank leg raises (10x each side)
5. Hold: High Plank; Exercise: Plank with leg raises (10x each side)

Thang 3: Mosey down to the playground, then OYO:

1. 10x Hanging Leg Lifts, 20x Merkins, 30x Plank Jacks – 3 total circuits
2. 10x Hanging Knee Crunches, 20x Dips, 30x Mountain Climbers (each side is 1/2) – 2 total circuits
3. 10x Pull-Ups, 20x Candlesticks/Butt-Ups, 30x Buzzsaw Planks – 1 circuit

Mary: Dealer’s Choice
– Freddie Mercury’s
– LBCs
– Flutter Kicks
– Heel Touches

– Hunger Games
– Hendersonville Launch
– Paintrain
– Symphony tickets
– All the things (check the calendar)

COT: Everyone shared a moment of gratitude or reflection

Always an honor and joy to lead. Also, apologies that the Respect : No-Respect ratio was not in favor of the Respect cohort, CubCadet.