The Final Stretch of Leanpax

AO: titan
Q: Firefox
PAX: preacherman, Crawlspace, Right Said, Tim the Toolman, Spinal Tap, Papa Bear, CubCadet, Young and Restless, Sherlock, Pep, Good Morning America, Wolfpack, Swap, Zinfandel, Toucan
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Barely a mosey to the Parthenon entrance and 20SSHs

To push us toward the finish line of leanpax, YHC prepared a playlist of songs about all the foods I miss (although, most of them I do not currently crave).

Thang 1:
PAX partnered up. One PAX stayed at the benches and did an exercise while the other ran the loop (which reminded me of a donut…), then swap. 2 rounds for each exercise
– Dips
– Bench flutters (on your six facing the bench, hover one foot above the bench, one foot below, then alternate)
– Bulgarian split squats

Thang 2:
Mosey over to the walkway closer to the playground. Staying in pairs, 1 PAX did a travel exercise, the other did a stationary exercise, run back and then swap. 2 times through per pairing of exercises.
– Murder bunnies & Imperial Hoppers (aerobic imperial walkers with a hop as your knee comes up to your elbow).
– Bear crawl & shoulder tap plank jacks
– Broad jump burpees & WW1s
– Crawl bear & Buzzsaw planks

Mosey back to Startex, 10 WW1s and a Hollow Body Hold till time.

MOLESKINE: Awesome support from the PAX picking up the 6. Those murder bunnies were brutal. Leanpax is hard, but worth it. Kudos to all the PAX participating.

– Game night!

– Vector and his family
– Gratitude for Papa Bear’s family gathering for 3.0’s baptism

Quiet Thinking While Working Out

AO: the-knoll
Q: Ex-Pat
PAX: Ex-Pat, Malibu, Half Lyfe, Sooie, El Capitan, Wolfpack, Stubs, Papa Bear, Pebbles, FLO, Samwise (2.0), Iowa (2.0)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Misty – did I sweat or is that rain? Not so sure.

– Little baby arm circles
– Back backs
– Don quixotes
– Lazy imperial walkers
– 3 min Mozy

Quote: Alchemist- When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.
? What is one thing you want to make better?

1 – 5 minutes of work, 5 minutes of running
– Merkins – 10
– Squats – 10
– WWII – 20
– Run

Quote: Thomas Merton – You do not need to know precisely what is happening, or exactly where it is all going. What you need is to recognize the possibilities and challenges offered by the present moment, and to embrace them with courage, faith and hope.
? What is the challenge in your present and what is one tool you need to move into it?

– Dips – 20
– Calf raises – 20
– Mountain climbers – 20
– 5 min run

Quote: MLKjr – But the end is reconciliation; the end is redemption; the end is the creation of the beloved community. It is this type of spirit and this type of love that can transform opposers into friends
? Who do you need to be reconciled with – a person, a group? What is a step that you can move into relationship and community

– Shoulder taps – 30
– Step ups – 30
– Crunches – 30
– 5 min run

We need accountability- tell your answers to at least one person you trust this week. Thinking about the quiet and sitting in the questions. Leave room for contemplation and see what happens.

March 1 – Loveless Run, Game Night Soon (I forgot the date and time and place).


Rain, Rain, Go Awayy

AO: bomber
Q: Grape
PAX: CubCadet, Papa Bear, Jordan OpLibertas, Tim the Toolman, Pep, doge, Michelin Man, Firefox, Right Said
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: rainy, but it went away

WARMUP: mosey to the clubhouse

THE THANG: partner up
One partner runs around the clubhouse while the other does a set then flapjacks

Regular squats
Apollo Ohnos
Imperial walkers
Normal merkins

Regular dips
Air presses
Iron mikes
Normal merkins

Gorilla humpers
O squats

Alabama prom dates
American hammers
Yellowjacket run to startex

COT: loved everyone sharing one thing they are grateful for. Prayers for Vector’s mom, for our nations leadership, for health of friends and family, for airplane crash victims


4-Stop Neighborhood Burn

AO: the-knoll
Q: El Capitan
PAX: Siri, El Capitan, Malibu, Sooie, Stubs, Wolfpack, Papa Bear, Sparrow, Pebbles, Pitmaster, @FLO, @AAA, @Iowa (2.0)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Just cold enough


SSH x25
Bacs & BacBacs
Yes, No, Maybes
Willie Mays Hays
Down Dog
Runners stretch
Back Stretches
Butterfly with deep breathing exercise


Part 1

Neighborhood Mosey with work at four stopping points.

At each stop: 10 burpees, 15 overhead presses, 20 crunches, 25 squats

Rest :60 after each burn + share the 5 core principles of F3 + mission & credo

Final stop: plank crawl along curb as a group from one lit lamppost to another

Part 2: Cooldown

>From curb, as a group, slow lunge up the hill.

We played three rounds of Bear Crawl Battle Royale (Iowa was the juggernaut!)

Round of MARY


My family has been out with the flu the last week & a half and my wife, unfortunately, has had the worst round of it. It has been humbling as a father & a dad to take care of her and my girls while she’s been sick. I’ve felt incompetent and clueless at times but it’s also been a good experience to grow. I’ve enjoyed the increased time spent with my girls as we’ve recovered together. Embrace those moments of incompetence & grow from them! It’s a good reminder of how much teamwork parenting & running a house requires. :pray:


Joy & thanksgiving for Sparrow’s new little one and for his wife’s healthy delivery!

Mystery V-Q on Thursday!! :party_parrot: :olive:


Nameorama, Countorama, and coffeteria enjoyed.

Grateful for y’all!


New Year, New You

AO: titan
Q: Grape
PAX: bluemule, Natural Ice – CBO, Right Said, Pep, Vector, The Merchant, hambone, Canned Heat, sooner, Spinal Tap, Shingles (F3 Wichita), Esposa, Tim the Toolman, Papa Bear, DintyMoore
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: perfect for new beginnings

20 L&S Merkins
20 L&S Squats

THE THANG: slow mosey around the park, stopping every so often to do merkins until we had completed 2025 (ish) as a group

Partner up, one partner runs the walking trail as a timer as the other partner completes one set of:

Navy seal burpees
Elevated merkins (incline)
Elevated merkins (decline)
Ab thrusters
Regular squats

Mosey to the ellipse

Change partners, timer is running lap around the ellipse

Navy seal burpees
Elevated merkins (incline)
Original burpees
Ulgarian split squats

Back to startex to do like 3 more merkins each to make sure we hit our number

MOLESKINE: Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end


COT: sooner’s dog
Vector’s brother
Natural Ice – CBO’s courage
Pep’s project
Spinal Tap in his new role as AOQ of titan


Memory Game 2024

AO: the-knoll
Q: El Capitan
PAX: Half Lyfe, Papa Bear, Stubs, AAA, El Capitan, @TheJudge (2.0)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Low 40s & overcast


– Pilates flow stretches
– Run to tree line & back (25%, 50%, 100%)


18 pairs of cards, each with a workout written on them.

PAX will circle around cards & take turns drawing.

If the cards drawn don’t match, all PAX will perform both card’s exercises 5x

If cards do match, no exercise is performed & the drawer can draw again.

Repeat until all cards are matched

We ended with 4 minutes to spare so waved goodbye to 2024 with 24 pull-ups.


As we begin the new year, who in your life could you reach out to that’s lonely or “broken”? The memory game caused me to remember those in my family that struggle with mental issues or are sick and spend a lot of time alone or only with a caregiver. If every person is an Image-bearer, then every person is worthy of respect & your compassion. Who can you spend more time with in the New Year that could use a friend?


LeanPax begins 01/01. Q schedule for the-knoll is open for January!


Countorama, Nameorama, and closed with a prayer of thanksgiving + supplication for the sick.

Thank you Half Lyfe for bringing the coffee!

Grateful for y’all.


Adaptive TABATA

AO: bomber
Q: DintyMoore
PAX: Tim the Toolman, CubCadet, Papa Bear, Vector, Bottle Cap (F3 Cincinnati), Swivel Hips (new to Nashville)
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Mosey to clubhouse, SSHs, Toe Touches, Cherry Pickers, Inchworm Merkins

TABATA – 45 work / 15 rest
45/15 @ 5 rounds
Reverse Burpees
Surfer Lunges
Kickstand Deads
Bear squat merkins
Burpees over Blocks

Mosey to Start X
Seated Jump Squats
Julgarian Split Squat Jumps
Single Leg Side Hops

MOLESKINE: Welcome 2025 – it’s time to start making some new connections and bringing them into F3.

Convergence NYD at #titan from tel:0600-0700

leanpax starts on 1/6

JuiceDay – 1/7

COT: keep an eye on slack for our fellow pax members Hedwig and Pop-A-Lock who will become new dads this week.


AO: the-knoll
Q: El Capitan
PAX: morning stār, Sparrow, Stubs, El Capitan, FLO, Half Lyfe, Papa Bear, Pebbles, Pitmaster, Sooie, @Bumblebee (2.0)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: damp & foggy; mid-50s


10 minutes of Pilates Warrior Flow with speed cardio mixed in (mountain climbers, scissor kicks)


Part 1: Held a 90-30-Run around the Flood Table

Workouts included:
1. Elevated merkins
2. dips
3. Step-ups
4. Elevated shoulder taps
5. Elevated crunches

Work for 90 seconds, rest for 30 seconds, run to backstop & back as a group.

Discussed the F3 Mission Statement, Credo, and what F3 means to us as men during the rest breaks.

Part 2: Light Battle

Split into two teams / three light-up cones per side

Object of game is to change color of all three lights of other team first by hitting the (hard-to-push) buttons.

If you are tagged (two hand touch) by a defender, you must return to your side’s end zone & perform 5 Lt. Dan’s before returning to game.


December is an extremely busy month. I’m grateful for the opportunity to simplify with a straight-forward workout & focus on stretching (something I haven’t had time to do in weeks!). I encouraged the Pax to remember the Advent season with the word “Immanuel” (God with us). The birth of Jesus & His Presence with us through the Holy Spirit is a great comfort in the chaos.


LeanPax starts in January. Enjoy those treats while you can. 😀

COT: Countorama, Nameorama, and ended with Mountain Mojo + Mochas.

I’m grateful for y’all! :el-capitan:

The Standard is the Standard

AO: titan
Q: Chunks
PAX: bluemule, Right Said, Natural Ice – CBO, Spinal Tap, Firefox, Papa Bear, Black Lung, Puzzlah, Sherlock, Pep, Young and Restless, Tim the Toolman, CubCadet, DintyMoore
FNGs: None

The Mission of F3 is to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men, for the invigoration of male community leadership.

Right Said served as the standard monitor for cadence and workout understanding.

SSH in cadence starting and stopping till we were all in cadence

Almost 1 Mile Run down Natchez Trace


Partnered up for Cocaine Bear Crawls relay 5 lines at a time to the end of the parking lot.

Ran out of time and had to head back to Startex

Mosey back to Startex

Made back in time for 5 mins of Mary


Encouraged the HIMs to incorporate the Mission of F3 into their workouts when they Q. Let’s not forget why we are doing this. The Standard is the Standard.

Check Slack
Prayed out.