Take a Load Off Fanny (The Weight)

AO: the-castle
Q: hambone
PAX: Chunks, Sunshine, Crawlspace
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: These were “teasing” conditions–thought it was gonna be warm, but it was actually still kinda chilly

WARMUP: 1/2 mile run

Walk the weights over

Go to the middle for some IST, SSH, and merkins.

THE THANG: run back and grab the weights (2x16kg kettlebell, 1x32kg kettlebell, 60lb sandbag, 2x15lb plates, 1 20lb ruck)

Round 1 (x2):
farmers’ carry with 2x16kg kettlebell
squat with sandbag
plate steer with weight plates
deadlift with 32kg bell
jog it out

Round 2(x2):
farmers’ carry with 1x32kg kettlebell
sandbag press
figure eights with 1 16kg kettlebell
swings with ruck
jog it out

Head back to start.

MOLESKINE: I played a little rinky dink and fooled the pax by thinking we were running back to the weights–we ran past them at one point and did some extra running. YOLO.

I always enjoy adding in some weighted work. After running and bootcamping quite often, it’s good to do a metcon that is disguised as strength work.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: May the 4th be with you, and may you be with us on the 4th as we launch Hendersonville F3.

COT: Prayers for surgeries, babies, wives, and another year of life.