Q: DintyMoore
PAX: hambone, CubCadet, Vector, Chunks, Crawlspace, Puzzlah, Pep, Michelin Man, Papa Bear, Poppa Lock, Salami
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Near perfection
WARMUP: mosey to south green tee box
10 Merkins
Arm and Leg warmup routine
10 Merkins
The HIMs of greenmachine completed this Q last week- it was only slightly modified for Bomber lot incorporate the #merkinmadness since no one posted at GM. The goal was to test the animal prowess of the two PAX.
Animal Movements
Animal 1 and 2
Inchworm :worm:
Crab walk :crab:
10 merkins
Animal 3 and 4
Frog Jumps :frog:
Leaping Lizard :lizard:
10 merkins
Animal 5 and 6
Duck walk :duck:
Donkey Jumps 🫏
10 merkins
Animal 7 and 8
Kangaroos :kangaroo:
Coyote :wolf:
10 merkins
Bear Crawl :bear:
T. rex :t-rex:
10 Merkins
Mosey back to start X for Mary – pit stop for extra merkins and dips.
Be a positive light to someone in your world today. Lots of pain and hurt (outside our workouts) in the world and people need that one caring friend.
NightMoves next Thursday
New 4:13 cohort starts next week
COT: Always a pleasure to lead, SYITG