Total Body AMRAP

AO: pain-train
Q: Wolfpack
PAX: Puzzlah, Half Lyfe, Wolfpack, FLO, Pole Dancer, Lady Liberty, Siri, Stubs, G-string, Cheeks
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Love when 27 feels warm.

WARMUP: Mosey to pick up coupons, mosey to the playground. 10 SlowSquats. 10 Slow Merkins.


3 rounds of 10 minute AMRAP.
10 reps of 3 exercises.
Run around inner path at 5 minute mark.
5 reps of each exercise for remaining time.

Round 1:
Goblet Squats w/ coupon
Bavarian Deadlifts w/ coupon

Round 2:
Iron Mikes
Big Boy Sit-ups w/ coupon
Blockees (Burpee w/ coupon press)

Round 3:
Monkey humpers
Alternating V-ups
Coupon curls

MOLESKINE: Solid mumble chatter throughout as usual here at PT! Unintentional Guitar Hero playlist slaps.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: leanpax, Spartan race, biscuit run, check the slack!

COT: Patience. I’m struggling with it with the kids at the moment. Constantly reminding myself to take a breathe, give some grace, and take a little longer to connect before responding. Encouragement to Pax to do the same. Where can you find patience with yourself and those around you through the day?