Come Sail Away

AO: the-castle
Q: The Merchant
PAX: Chunks, Dilbert, hambone, Salami, Pep
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Cold as hell

WARMUP: SSHs, little baby crunches, BACs, BAC BACs

Each song on the playlist, we repeat one exercise the whole song, and do one harder exercise each time we hear the name of the song. 1m rest between songs.

Sail: SSH, burpee when you hear “sail”

Ain’t No Sunshine’: Hold plank, push up when you hear “no”

River: Sit ups, V up when you hear “river”

Some Nights: SSH, burpee when you hear “nights”

Beggin’: Hold plank, push up when you hear “beggin’”

Beat It: Sit ups, V up when you hear “beat it”

Human: Squats, burpee when you hear “human”

Jog to top of hill and back

I Don’t Care Anymore: Hold plank, push up when you hear “I don’t care”

American Woman: Sit ups, V up when you hear “woman”


Prayers for job searches and friends with sudden job changes