Cones and Toys

AO: atlantis
Q: Wolfpack
PAX: Toothless, CubCadet, Schnauzer, DintyMoore, Pole Dancer
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Fall… is that you???

WARMUP: Mosey around the park and back to the flag for some shoulder warm ups and OYO GMAs/WMHs

3 exercises. 4 sets each. 40 second work. 20 second rest.

Round 1
– Cindy Shoulder Presses
– Reverse Snow Angels
– Weighted Lunges

1 lap around parking lot

Round 2
– Merkins
– Palms Up Cable Pulls
– Single Leg Kickstand Deadlifts

Jog to baby Pizza Hut

Bonus round!
– Dips
– Mountain Summits (Gonna rename these to Everests)

Jog back to flag. ALL IN!

MOLESKINE: With school coming back the “Can you help me with my homework?” requests have begun. Really has made me start thinking again on how much our kids rely on us to help set routines and offer our support. So just a quick reminder that there are those that rely on us and it’s important to try and think ahead on what we can do for them, whether that’s our kids, significant others, co-workers, friends, and even ourselves.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Lots coming in September!

COT: Silent reflection for prayers both said and unsaid.