Christmas Q

AO: middle-tooth
Q: Rocket Mortgage
PAX: moneyshot, Cowboy, sooner, Oatmeal, Topanga, TheShield, Esposa
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 24 Degrees. Beards were icy

WARMUP: The usual. Mosey’d to tennis courts for some additional butt kickers, high knees, skips, and karaoke. It was hard not to be merry.

THE THANG: 11s on the tennis court. 1st set: Merry Thrusters and Bethlehem Star Jumps. 2nd set: WW2s and burpees.

Ran a lap around the circle and stopped at bleachers for 50 step ups, 40 dips, and 20 decline merkins.

COT: Prayers for traveling families and those lonely during the holidays. ✌🏼

A Very Grateful Q

AO: middle-tooth
Q: Pole Dancer
PAX: Oatmeal, Subway, Young Pawn, Toothless, Cowboy, Topanga, Betty Ford, moneyshot, Bad Boy, Rocket Mortgage, TheShield, sooner, monster biscuit
FNGs: None
Clear, Crisp 29

Static warmups with good mornings, willie mays, and cherry pickers. Comfortable mosey around the school/field, followed by active warmups of hammy scoops, A-skips, b-skips, skips for height, and quad stretches.

Set of 20 exercises, followed by lunges from sidewalk to sidewalk. I swear they lengthened the soccer field since my last Q. Completed three reps- kicked off with burpees, mountain climbers, and dips respectively.

Mosey back to the parking lot for Ring of Fire set to a short rendition of Truckin’ (5 mins).

Like Jerry Garcia and Merl Saunders, there was a Legion of Mary.

Upcoming convergence, boxing day workout, New Years Q from @toothless, and Brewsday next week if I remember correctly

Prayers for various relatives, friends, and PAX recovering from illnesses and ailments right before Xmas, and for gratitude and strength to help those in need.


The Official End of Octoburpee

AO: detention
Q: ccr
PAX: ccr, Deep State, Donkey Hammer, Esposa, EZ-Go, Focker, Michelin Man, Movin On Up, Pedialyte, t-cell, Topanga, Winona, Works for a Guy
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS:. Gloomiest day in awhile. Steady rain, steady sweat

WARMUP: some stretching, some quick yoga and some arm circles forward and back. Also 10 slow and low merkins for good measure

THE THANG: well, everyone thought yesterday was the end of the octoburpee challenge. Today was a bonus day. We started with a sequence of 3 burpees, high plank and then another exercise. We did 10 total rounds mixing in merkins, dry docks, thrusters and low plank. 33 burpees.

Next was some ole fashioned 11s. Burpees and jump squats. 55 more burpees for a total of 88.

Last was some tabata work featuring atomics, sumo squats, 8 count body builders, WWI, low plank-high plank, lt. dans, BURPEES, heel touches and sprints. 16 more (for me) burpees for a total of 104 for the morning.

MARY: a quick Mary a ding in a few good mornings closed us out.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Not a ton of announcements from corporate or the AO, but @movinonup gave us a scouting report on Will Levi’s. He was good.

COT: prayers for the Tursi family in Des Moines and Rachel’s uncle Burl. Shared a quote A heard in a song and realized later was from proverbs. “God promises a safe landing, not a smooth journey”. This struck me last week as I was pondering some sad events and reminded me to keep my eyes farther down the road and know that we will all weather the ups and downs.

Great to be back fellas, Deep State, appreciate the invite as always.


The Start of Something New

AO: greenmachine
Q: Focker
PAX: FeelTheBerns, Focker, NFT, Topanga, Betty Ford, t-cell, Bad Boy, Deep State, Rocket Mortgage, Esposa, monster biscuit, Sherlock, Cowboy, moneyshot, Works for a Guy, Batman (F3 Hampton Roads), Haggis, FNG Alex (SlappingDaBass)
FNGs: 1 FNG Alex (SlappingDaBass)

WARMUP: the Usual

THE THANG: Long Mosey through Burning Man Mud and to pull up bars for one round of max pull ups. 10 burpees followed
Mosey to sideline of field to perform main thing. Multiply max pull ups x 10 and do that many reps of each exercise:
Monkey Humpers
Drop Squats
Leg Raises
Run to opposite sideline and back every 1.5 minutes
Those who sandbagged on their pull-ups and got done early got to do 5 burpees every 5 yards

We all went to goal line for 7s of Hindu push ups and Hindu squats running to 50 and back

MARY: 2 quick exercises

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 9/11 convergence on 9/9 led by @cowboy. 9/13 workout for 9th anniversary at #titan.

COT: @batman’s prayer request was a great reminder to us all that these workouts serve as a way to strengthen more than just our bodies. May we do well to remember that as we serve the people in our lives.
The lack of coffeeteria (my bad everyone)  motivated everyone to rush home and be more present there so you’re welcome.