Purging Fires of Burpees

AO: atlantis
Q: Salpal
PAX: Bareback, sooner, Pep
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Optimal for the purging fires of burpees.

WARMUP: Quick mosey, WMH, Good Mornings, Squats and Merkins

THE THANG: Big Boy Burpee Blackjack. 2 stations. Alternate between increasing sets at station 1 of BB Situps starting at 1, and decreasing sets of burpees at station 2 starting at 20. Mosey between stations. 210 total burpees, 210 total BB Situps.

MARY: Did some back stretches instead.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Some yo momma jokes. Octoburpee well underway.

@Bareback and his father=in-law.
@sooner for work
all other unspoken intentions

Coupons and Futbol

AO: titan
Q: Detective Pikachu
PAX: Freakonomics, preacherman, Sherlock, Right Said, Chunks, Pep, Tim the Toolman
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Almost Autumn

WARMUP: Standard Items (Imperial Walkers, Cherry Pickers, Baby Arm Circles)

THE THANG: 4-station circuit hitting Upper Body, Lower Body, Core, and Cardio
Round 1: bench press, squats, flutter kicks, block mosey
Round 2: curls for the gurls, deadlifts, crunches, farmer’s carry
Round 3: overhead press, weighted Alabama Prom Dates, mosey
Finished with a great, quick game of association football

ANNOUNCEMENTS: lots of 2nd F coming up. Stay tuned to Slack for deets

Elden Ring George RR Martin Tribute

AO: westeros
Q: Natural Ice
PAX: Spinal Tap, Chunks, DintyMoore, Detective Pikachu, Supernova, Black Lung, Pep, Hayes Carll – Solo Cup, hambone, Salpal, Tim the Toolman, Natural Ice
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Pax skipped through the initial warm up tutorial and proceeded as Leeroy Jenkins straight to Stormviel Castle. In route Pax encountered ravenous rats, after a 10 burpee battle that resulted in our death and respawn at the Startdex.

THE THANG: Over 2 miles of running to the top of love circle and 110 burpies. We laughed, we cried, we did some pull ups, squats and dips, a dragon killed us with a meteorite. A typical day in the Lands Between.

Rannis Rise and Glintstone Dragon Adula were conquered. Pax gained the Moonveil Katana.
The journey to become Elden Lord is far from complete.


MARY: 3 minutes of straight WW1s

I am always honored for the opportunity to lead

Onward and Upwards

III Pillars – 09.26.23 – “Come Together”

AO: iiipillars
Q: princessaurora
PAX: Go Fish, Black Lung, grisham, wardas1, Two Face, Harbaugh, Baguette, Pep, Grape, Ben Cook, Zelenskyy
FNGs: None
The Beatles’ 11th studio album Abbey Road was released 54 years ago today. This workout was inspired by and soundtracked by this wonderful album.

“Come Together” -> “Something”
Mosey to field for COP
SSH x 11
WMH x 11
LBAC F x 11
OH Clap x 11
T-Raise x 11
LBAC R x 11

Jungle Gym
“Maxwell’s Silver Hammer” -> “Oh! Darling”
Captain Thor – starting at 1 Big Boy Sit-Up:4 American Hammers (2ct) up to 7:28
Jack Webb – 1 Merkin:2OH Press up to 9:18

“Octopus’s Garden” -> “I Want You (She’s So Heavy)”
AMRAP of 8 reps each

“Here Comes the Sun” -> “You Never Give Me Your Money”
11s – Jump Squats/Alabama Prom Dates with Bernie up the hill

“Sun King” -> “Carry That Weight”
6 Rounds in Ring
    Squat Hold

“The End” -> “Her Majesty”
Mosey back to Startex and Good Morning through the end

– Octoburpee Challenge starts Sunday!
– iiiP gear pre-order is live! See post above for link.

– Prayers for Pep’s cert, Zelenskyy’s mission trip to Brazil, Formica’s talent search, and Grape’s ear malady.

Go Tigers.
PA out.

Runnin’ and Burpin’

AO: titan
Q: Michelin Man
PAX: DintyMoore, Right Said, Chunks, Natural Ice, Spinal Tap, Tim the Toolman, Michelin Man, Blue Mule, Pep, Firefox, Preacher Man, Bad Boy, Solo Cup, SalPal, Bham DR Pax, Charlotte DR Pax
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Still too hot

WARMUP: YHC was two minutes late so we went right into it!

THE THANG: Easy. Last man to the front run around the great lawn. Burpee apocalypse along the way at opposite corners. When we finished the burpee apocalypse we split into two groups and did the same thing again.

MARY: 4 burpees to get YHC to 100.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Many announcements. Check f3nashville.com/calendar/ for details.

COT: Its my birthday! Also, I’m grateful for all of you.

Bill of Rights

AO: westeros
Q: Grape
PAX: Chunks, Tim the Toolman, Red Skull, DintyMoore, Sherlock, Michelin Man, Natural Ice, CubCadet, Hayes Carll – Solo Cup, Pep, Black Lung, bluemule, Salpal, Vector, Samoa, Purple Haze, Just Work Out
FNGs: 2 Purple Haze, Just Work Out
THEME: The bill of rights was passed in congress 234 years ago, so we celebrated some of our rights and freedoms with an Americana playlist and an American BD

CONDITIONS: just right

WARMUP: long mosey (saw some nice houses) and some shoulder warmup

THE THANG: Right to assemble: Dora 234 (234 years ago)
234 squats
234 LBC’s
234 Jane fonda’s (117 each side)

Right to bear arms: ring of fire merkins, if out then hold high plank/squat/SSH

Mosey to bottom of hill

Right to a speedy trial: sprints on the hill

Mosey to startex


ANNOUNCEMENTS: Octoburpee is almost here

COT: prayers for Purple Haze’s partner
Prayers for @salpal boss
Prayers for guys who haven’t come around in awhile


AO: titan
Q: greyalbum
PAX: DintyMoore, Tim the Toolman, Right Said, Black Lung, Supernova, Detective Pikachu, Chunks, Pep, Freakonomics, bluemule, @truffle
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Clear skies, some turbulence, wind 5mph out of the SE

Mosey Down and back
Good mornings
Seal Claps
World’s Greatest Stretch
Air Press

40 French Press w/ coupon
35 LBC
30 Imperial Walkers
25 Goblet Squats w/ coupon
20 Hand Release Merkins
15 Taps

400m Run

40 Freddy Mercury
35 Lt. Dans
30 Incline Merkin
25 Goblet Squats w/ coupon
20 Hammers (American)
15 Taps

400m Run

Burpee Circle/Air Squared(Al Gore w/ overhead clap)
10/10, 9/9, 8/8
PAX do burpees at same time with one HIM calling out the reps, “10 burpees”
When finished with those 10 burpees go into Al Gore and do 10 overhead claps together while in Al Gore then recover
Waterfall reps down to 1

In honor of today being the anniversary of Wilbur Wright’s first circular flight lasting 1 minute 16 second flight 1 minute 16 seconds of Superman, Plank, R/L Side Plank

20 Squat Jump
15 Merkin

Octoburpee Challenge beginning 10/1 see @blacklung for deets
#thestronghold returns tomorrow 9/21

COT: Licensing, 2.0 sleep, pet stomach issues, et.al.

PLAYLIST: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6WKf6nNzQLUj7CdLpg1PCz?si=817060d9821b4146

III Pillars – 09.05.23 – “Fumble”

AO: iiipillars
Q: princessaurora
PAX: batter, Bad Boy, Cowboy, Harbaugh, Pep, Zelenskyy, wardas1, moneyshot, monster biscuit, Grape, Go Fish, Pencil Pusher, Young Pawn, It’sJUSTLunch, Focker, Betty Ford, Will Norton, Haggis, Swiffer, 0
FNGs: 1 0

After a brief disclaimer and admission to being a Clemson Tiger, YHC informed the PAX I would be attempting to make them experience the hurt and confusion I felt watching our season get off to a rocky start at Duke. While I’m not sure if I accomplished the hurt, confusion abounded throughout the workout!

Mosey to track for 4 laps/.5 miles at medium pace and followed with COP:
– SSH x 28
– LBAC F/R x 7
– SnL Squats x 28
– Merkins x 14


Head over to the jungle gyms and swingset to grab some bar for pull-ups. Max reps followed by equal number of seconds rest. Rinse and repeat until you can only get one rep.

Mosey back over to the short hill off the track. This is where I really laid on the confusion. Re-living the two fumbles and dropped passes, we dropped the B.A.L.L. as well. PAX continuously run down hill and back up stopping EMOM to perform 7 reps of exercises below. After going through entire circuit in the first round, I adjusted the game plan to be one exercise at each minute mark.
B – Burpees
A – Ab thrusters
L – Lunges (2ct)
L – Leg Raises

After one (or two) cycle(s) through, PAX were instructed to run the hill 16 more times, still stopping for exercise EMOM. Once all laps were done, PAX could rest for remainder of minute.

It was all as confusing it looks, but rest assured, it was very on brand for the Clemson offense.

Mosey back to startex for…

– APDs x 10
– Merkins x 15
– Jane Fondas L/R x 10

– 9/9 – @Cowboy on Q for a 9/11 workout at 0600 at Percy Warner Stairs.
– 9/13 – F3 Nashville’s 9th Anniversary workout at #titan. 0500 preamble led by YHC. 0530 main event with @DintyMoore
– 10/1 – Octoburpee Challenge begins. See @Black_Lung for details
– Prayers for @batter’s cousin’s marriage and @two_face’s next step in his career

Go Tigers.
PA out.

Labor Day gains

AO: westeros
Q: DintyMoore
PAX: Chunks, DintyMoore, hambone, Pep, Salpal, Spinal Tap, Tim the Toolman, Vector
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Clear and pleasant

WARMUP: 10 burpee buy-in, 25 SSHs, 25 Small Arm Circles, 25 Large Arm Circles, 20 LownSlow Squats

Mosey to back of school for Progressive 11s
Burpees and Lt. Dans with travel including Broad Jumps, Bear Crawls, and Skips and extending one parking space for each exercise

Mosey to The Hill for Jacob’s Ladder x 7
– sprint to top of hill for a burpee, add a burpee on each trip

Mosey to StartEx with three burpees at each speed bump and three at the flag

MARY: Each PAX contributed one exercise for a full circle Mary

ANNOUNCEMENTS: #TheKnoll Launches tomorrow in Bellevue, Convergence for 9/11 on 9/9 at PW steps, Nashville 9th Anniversary Convergence at Titan on 9/13.

COT: Playlist – https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3aCkIvOaHydcaP80vWyfW6?si=7tBFAMr7RJ-OH3LGxtdTAw