Purple Cow 7-23-18

Temps were a comfortable 70 degrees as 7 PAX started the week off the right way at Purple Cow this morning.

PAX: Life Champ, Olan Mills, Backlash, Boone’s Farm, Toga, Offshore, Black Widow (Q)

Disclaimer and then 5:30am we head out of the BMS parking lot to GWP and circled up in the main parking lot for WOR.

SSH x 20

GM x 10

WMH x 10

IW x 10

Merkins x 10

MC x 10


Decided to pull out an old favorite and introduce some of the newer PAX to BLIMPS on the soccer field. Lined up on one side of the soccer field where each PAX would perform the exercise below, and then run the short length of the field and back before moving to the next exercise.

Burpees x 15

Lunges x 20 each leg

Imperial Walkers x 25 each leg

Merkins x 30

Plank Jacks x 35

Squats x 40

SSH while we wait for the 6. All in, and head to the basketball court. Partner up for Partner Wheelbarrow work.

P1 – In wheelbarrow position with P2 holding feet, start at the baseline of the court and begin moving forward. At first FT Line, perform 5 merkins, Mid Court 5 merkins, next FT Line 5 merkins, and final Baseline 5 merkins. Flap Jack for return. All in, Rinse & Repeat.

Head over to the playground for 3 rounds of the following. Plank and wait between rounds so all can begin together.

Pull Ups x 10 (Partner Support if Needed)

Swerkins x 15

Dips x 20

Line up for an IR back to BMS.


J-Lo x 20

LBC x 20

WW1 x 25

American Hammers x 20

Good Morning x 10


Really good work this morning by everyone. Thanks for allowing me the opportunity to lead. Remember your school supplies as you post the next couple of weeks.

Black Widow


Detention – 6/23/18

70 degrees and lower humidity made for a nice weather respite as 19 PAX posted to start their week off properly.

PAX: Grease Trap, Edible Arrangements, Big Perm, Vegemite, Dilly Dilly, PSL, Yard Sale, CCR, Donuts, Accounts Receivable, Too Tall, CAPSLOCK, Frugal MacDoogal, Dupree, Yumi, Calf Killer, Skid Mark, Dine ‘n Dash, Ludwig van Oshkosh (Q)

Capri lap around the parking lot and circled up for WOR:

20 SSH

10 WMH

10 Good Mornings

10 Seal Claps

10 Air Presses

10 Butt Kickers

10 Squats (Slow ‘n Low)


We started off with wheelbarrow 11s to set the tone. (Hat tip to Funyuns for this gem from a while back)

We partnered up and each partner performs 10 merkins on one end, then P1 wheelbarrows about 10 yards and both partners perform one Carolina Dry Dock on the other end. Flapjack the wheelbarrow on the way back, then each partner does 9 merkins, etc.

Now that the upper body was worked, time to work the legs. Moseyed over to the Crievewood parking lot at the bottom of the hill.

Round 1 – Lunge to the top of the hill and perform 20 deep squats at the top. Jog back down to the bottom and SSH for the 6.

Round 2 – Broad jump to the top of the hill and perform 20 deep squats at the top. Jog back down to the bottom and SSH for the 6. Yard Sale made it to the top when the rest of the PAX were only about halfway up. (more on this later)

Round 3 – Reverse lunge to the top of the hill and perform 20 deep squats at the top. Jog back down to the bottom and SSH for the 6.

Legs are feeling it, so time to mosey to the playground for some more upper body work.

3 sets each of: 15 swerkins, 15 rows and 15 dips.

Still plenty of time left, so lets mosey down to the bottom of the bus loop. Bear Crawl to the top, perform 10 merkins. Glutes were really feeling it at this point. On the way up Donuts started doing a Wide Bear Crawl, aka the Megan Barry Crawl. I think we need to add that to the lexicon.

Head back to the parking lot for Mary.

7 burpees, then 7 Mountain Climbers

6 burpees, then 6 Mountain Climbers

5 burpess, then 5 Mountain Climbers

20 LBCs

30 Flutter Kicks


Good work today by all. Good reports about TN CAN RUCK. And apparently WARPATH was especially great, since no one posted for it. Yard Sale commented that was an easy workout, compared to ones I’ve led in the past. I’d say if you do actual broad jumps by squatting down and jumping as far as you can, rather than doing bunny hopskips up the hill, you might’ve had a different opinion.

Bagger is heading up a school supply drive over the next two weeks. Feel free to bring any supplies to any workout, and they’ll be collected and donated.





PT test results

Surprise Army PT Test, unless you were warned on Tuesday. 2 minutes, all you got Merkins, WWII situps, and 2 mile run for time.

Here are the results and notes, just like my XC coach used to do.


Nobel Virus: 46/61/16:10 = 67/77/69 = 213 and PR’s in all metrics!  Last Test:40p/40s/17:01 = 61/55/59=175

Papa Juan: 85/54/18:36 = 100/82/61 = 243. You missed having Scraps to pace you on the 2 mile, previous was 17:04

Schnitzel: 51/40/16:03 = 75/58/75 = 208. Previous score is 169 from Chad’s records, but I don’t have the splits for each exercise.

Grohl: 55/51/22:27 88/79/27=194.  PR’s on pushups and run, including an over 1 minute improvement on the run! 51/63/23:17 last time around.

Yosef: 71/86/13:53 94/100/94=288. Down from 77p and 95 situps, but improvement from 14:30

Omaha: 42/42/28:54 63/57/0=120 First time out was a surprise PT test, now you’ve got a starting place

Iditarod: 80/64/16:33 100/87/74 = 261 Big PR on Merkins, consistent on situps, slight slide on run previous 48/41/18:19

CDL: 53/73/12:49 79/97/100=276 Huge PR’s!: 53/40/18:19 last time

Smokeboots – 7/11/18

75 degrees and muggy greeted the 4 PAX who posted this am.

It was unanimously agreed that eating poorly leads to irritable bowel syndrome when you run.

PAX: Donuts, Bagger Vance, Black Lung, Ludwig

World Cup Westeros 7/2/2018

Apologies for the late backblast.

PAX: Third Person, Right Said, Vector, Crab Legs, Hi -Viz ,TCell, Hambone Voucher, En Fuego, Baptist, Rocket League (FNG)

QIC: Pop-A-Lock

Met at the new overhang/awning for a oddly-shaped circle warmup. It’s World Cup season, setting a theme for a wet and wooly Westeros.


Stuff. There were BAC, Seal claps, and other festivities.


Mosey to the field.

Forward, Reverse, Side shuffle, and Criss-cross halfway across the field. 3 burpees when you get there, 3 when you get back.

Quick mosey to recover.

4 full on sprints, one burpee at each end.

Mosey around the big field to recover.

Now that we’ve warmed up, time for soccer. Heavily modified Indian run – pax space out. Man in back dribbles the ball in between each pax. When he passes you, do three squats. Otherwise do SSH. Got through the line once before it was time to move on.

Next we move to the grinder portion. PAX count off, then partners do 15 Death-by-froggers. This entails PAX 1 in high plank, PAX 2 jumps over, crawls back underneath, does 5 merkins, then flapjack. Did in sets of 5. Total body crushing exercise.

Another modified Indian run – pax in back dribbles ball to front then leaves it for the back. Do around the field a couple of times.

Circle of love. All PAX in high plank. Pass soccer ball between pax. Every pass you do one merkin. If you miss you do 3 burpees. Halfway through switch to crab position. Pass with the feet. Every pass do 3 Alabama prom dates.


Props to Hambone for the very appropriate Rocket League moniker for our new, fast FNG.


Round of 16

PAX: Bowflex (Willy Loman), Tiny Dancer, Prevac, Dilly Dilly, Hambone, Cowboy, Blue Mule, PSL, Big Stick, Brother-at-Law, CCR, Donuts, Dupree, Venus, Edible Arrangements, Big Bang (Ruck), Funyuns (Ruck), Bagger Vance (Ruck)

QIC: Floppy Disk

A pleasant 70 degrees met the 16, err… 19 determined redpillers this am at Sir E. It looked like it might be a smaller group, but 5 rolled in hot just before we started our mosey. BV, BB, and Funyuns were there, but they were doing their own Ruck workout this morning. Figure 8 (almost) mosey around the church, then circle up for some warmup.

CoP (all IC)
SSH x20
Imperial Walkers x15
Good Mornings x10
Hop Kicks x11 (for CCR)
Willie Mays x10
Mountain Climbers x10
Plank Jax x10
BaC F x10
BaC R x10
Cherry Pickers x2 (for Big Stick)

Count off 1-4. 16 made for 4 round groups. Head to the playground.

Group 1: 10x Pullups
Group 2: 20x Merkins
Group 3: 20x Dips
Group 4: 20x Inverted Rows

Move to the next station once complete. We did 3 total sets varying the Merkins with Derkins and Diamonds. Plank/wait. All in. Head to the chains!

3 sets of: 20x single arm bicep curls, 20x single arm upright rows.

Head up the steep hill to the big lot for some 4 corners work. Bid adieu to Prevac. Each exercise done for roughly 90 seconds, then mosey to the next station until all stations completed.

Group 1: Burpees
Group 2: Jump Squats
Group 3: Carolina Dry docks
Group 4: Freddie Mercuries
Mosey back to the start, pick up BV, BB and Funyuns for a little Mary.

1:00 Low Plank
2:00 various stretches (a real crowd pleaser): Piriformis, Lower back, Hips
5x Burpees OYO


Twas a pleasure as always to lead this am.

Great to have Bowflex from Knoxville out with us. He offered a free beatdown in return for today’s workout in Knoxville. I’ll be there in a couple of weeks so I may take him up on it. Hopefully BV, BB and Funyuns got some good Ruck work in this am. They looked sweaty enough, but it’s possible they just walked to Tidy Cats house and used his hose.

Warpath and Tin Can ruck coming up on 7/21. Check Slack for deets. Think about signing up for the St. Jude Half-marathon/Marathon and joining/supporting the Kemp’s team, Team Job. Details here: http://fundraising.stjude.org/site/TR/Heroes/Heroes?pg=team&fr_id=88563&team_id=221922

Floppy Disk


When: 7/9/2018

QIC: Grisham

The PAX: 21 men started the week off right.  Pax included:  Brother-at-law, CCR, Skid Mark, Vegemite, Edible Arrangement, PSL, Juan Valdez, Accounts Receivable, Lewd Wig, Holler back girl, A-Fib, Floppy Disk, Dine ‘n Dash, Too Tall, Black Lung, Big Perm, Reefer, Dilly Dilly, Doughnutz, Bagger Vance, Grisham

Beautiful morning. Low 70’s and not nearly as muggy as it has been.

Warm Up:

  • Ginder PT (SSH / Squats / SLDL / Lunges / Shoulder Circuit / Car. DD / ‘Mericans / Supermans / Sit-ups / Car. DD


Part I – Strength Work:

  • Every 2 min for 4 rounds – 8 HSPU / 8 V-ups
  • Grab a coupon. Partner up.

Part II – Metcon – TABATA:

  •  For this TABATA we did 20 sec of work, 10 sec rest, then partners flap jack
  • (1) Row / sit ups with coupons
  • (2) Pull ups / clean thrusters w/ coupon
  • (3) Box jumps / burpees over coupon
  • (4) Toes to Bar / KB swing w/ coupon
  • (5) ‘Mericans / Supermans

REturn Coupons and mossey to circle – American Hammers X 15 & REv. Crunches X 15


Great work this morning. Hope everyone has a great week.


QIC: Noble Virus
PAX: Noble Virus, Iditarod, Schnitzel, CDL, Aristotle, Yosef, Woodshed
Warmup lap around the square with a Mozy, cherry pickers and politicians.
7 merkins- 4 sets in honor of July 4th
17 burpees and 76 LBCs in honor of 1776.
Mozy to the parking garage
Bear crawl up the incline with 17 burpees in the middle
17 Star planks (opposite arm/leg reach)
76 Side Straddle Hops
Mozy to the courtyard
17 burpees
17 box jumps
76 American Hammers
Mozy back to the square
17 burpees
Circle of Fire
Modified Indian run, PAX in the back dropped and did 8 burpees to complete the set of 76. Remaining PAX lunged, bear crawled, broad jumped instead of running.

7/2/18 – The Purple Cow

Felt like a sauna as we got after it at The Purple Cow. 5 HIM got better in the heat and humidity this am.

PAX: Boone’s Farm, Ponzi, Offshore, FNG – Backlash (Jon Watson), Umbrella

QIC – Umbrella

Mosey to Granny White Park and to the tennis courts for:
SSH x 20
WMH x 10
GM x 10
BAC Forward x 10
O/H Press x 10
BAC Reverse x 10
Tempo Merkin x 10
Slow N Low Squat x 10


Mosey to pedestrian track around perimeter of Granny White Park. Mosey was continuous for two laps with stops for the following every ~200 – 400 meters:

Stop 1 – 5 burpees – continue mosey
Stop 2 – 5 burpees, 10 merkins, mosey
Stop 3 – 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 LBC’s, mosey
Stop 4 – 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 LBC’s, 20 CDD’s, mosey
Stop 5 – 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 LBC’s, 20 CDD’s, 25 squats, mosey
Stop 6 – 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 LBC’s, 20 CDD’s, 25 squats, 1 min high plank, mosey
Stop 7 – 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 LBC’s, 20 CDD’s, 25 squats, 1 min low plank, 35 American Hammers, mosey
Stop 8 – 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 LBC’s, 20 CDD’s, 25 squats, 1 min alternating arm planks, 35 hammers, 40 air presses, mosey back to parking lot at BMS for 10 Good Mornings to finish it off.

PAX performed valiantly. 2 laps of The Purple Cow completed exceeding 2.5 miles, T-Claps for FNG Backblast who was suffering from disk problems in back but toughed out the work for his first post.

Prior to closing out COT, we discussed a quote I keep on my desk that states the following:

“The finish line of comfort and the starting line of growth look an awful lot alike.” – Dan Klein

Whether we are looking to grow spiritually, in our marriage as husbands, as fathers, as leaders, or physically; we must push through discomfort to allow real growth and progress to take hold. The PAX of The Purple Cow got stronger today and pushed through the finish line of comfort. Challenge going forward was to determine what other area of our lives to we need to push through comfort to be the men God is calling us to be.

God Bless,


Poor Planning but Fun Times

  1. Nice sticky warm morning

PAX: 21 Pax: Nightcrawler, Sinestro, Kilmonger, Princess Aurora, Cowboy, Casual Friday, Blacklung, Donuts, Porcelain, Hambone, Bagger Vance, Brother-at-Law, Toga, Hot N Ready, Red Skull, Skid Mark, Pop-a-Lock, Dilly Dilly, Dr SmartT, Big Stick, and myself.

5:30 kickoff

Disclaimer given en route with a light mosey to some soft, padded, dewy grass.

Windmill x10, Good Morning x10, Imperial Walker x10, Willy Mays Hayes x10, LBAC x 10 each way, Merkins x10

Get After It:

Indian Run around the main building. PAX do 5 Merkins prior to beating feet to the front. Then stopped at the Ball Field for some Front, Back Go’s (Merkins, Flutter Kicks, Sprints on command), Tunnel of Love (low crawl under PAX), and Crowd Surfing. It was at this point Q realized he did not pace his exercises well enough and had 15 minutes to fill. Resorted to Plan B and pulled out the playing cards. Diamonds – Squats, Spades – Hillbilly Walkers, Hearts – Crab Legs, Clubs – Merkins, Ace – x35 dealer’s choice. Due to consistent shuffling of the deck, many many Merkins were performed.


413 last day. Wolverine and (Kingpin? Snoopy?) are already hard at work. Our remaining Marvel heroes begin work soon. Our pride, encouragement, and prayers will follow them. AO will be closed for a month. See Q signup sheet for future dates.

July 4th pig roast and fund raiser for Team Job on Smartt in The Shire…hit up slack for RSVPing

TN Can Ruck on 21 July