New Year’s Day Convergence – 01.01.20 – “A Decade Under the Influence”

41 HIM shook off 2019 with a rousing start to 2020 that took them through the last decade.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Bagger Vance, Black Widow, Big Pharma, Boyband, Braddock, Cathy, Clickbait, CCR, D’Mish, Deep Dish, Delorean, Dookey, Drago, Dupree, Floppy Disk, Foxtrot-Talks-A-Lot, Grisham, Hans and Franz (Lex KY), Kingpin, Lump, Maytag, Mile High, Moneyshot, Moonpie (RVA), NSYNC (FNG), Ochocinco, OT, Pancreas, Porcelain, Pre-K, Red Skull, Shoota, Spicoli, T-Cell, Tiny Dancer, Tuna, Umbrella, Vegemite, Venus, Yard Sale


A brief disclaimer, wishes of Happy New Year, and it was off to the track and football field for the COP:

  • SSH x 20
  • LBAC x 20
  • Overhead Claps x 20
  • Hop Kicks x 20
  • Half-Groiners x 10

Line up along the 20, backpedal to the opposite 20, and run back. Repeat whilst YHC sets up the cue cards for today’s “in 10’s” escalating grinder, a reflection on the last decade.

From the 20, PAX run to the opposite 20 and perform 10 reps of prescribed exercise. Run back and perform 10 more + 11 of the next exercise. Run back to the other and perform the 10 + 11 + 12. Continue to build upon the “year” before, ending with 20 reps of the last exercise. Exercises were as follows.

  • 2010: Merkins
  • 2011: Alabama Prom Dates
  • 2012: Plank Jacks
  • 2013: Iron Mikes #crowdpleaser
  • 2014: Flutter Kicks
  • 2015: Mountain Climbers
  • 2016: Squats
  • 2017: SSH
  • 2018: Hillbillies
  • 2019: Big Boy Sit-Ups
  • 2020: Prison Cell Merkin Burpees #biggercrowdpleaser

Stallions who finished early were instructed to continue performing the escalator but dropping the first exercise. I don’t believe we had anybody who got to drop 2011 before our six finished.

All in, and it was over to the starting line for a “quick” mile time trial to set a personal standard for the year. So what if it’s a low baseline influenced by heavy fatigue? Positive psychology!  Makes me wonder what Mile High (5:15) would’ve thrown down when fresh.

Mosey back to the parking lot and circle up for various exercises to wait for six.



‘Twas a wonderful turnout with Franklin bringing a crew, a pair from Spring Hill (following a half-Murph, mind you), and even a couple from Lexington, KY and Richmond, VA joining the fray. The workout was not without a couple of hiccups (delayed start to the playlist, phone dying before the stopwatch could be utilized for the time trial, a giant soccer goal in the middle of the field), but spirits were high, and the mumblechatter was entertaining and plentiful without being excessive. Granted, I wasn’t on Foxtrot’s side of the field, so I could be wrong there.


Just one announcement today:

PA out.

A Letter to the PAX – 01.01.20

This morning’s F3 Nashville New Year’s Day convergence (our sixth) was bittersweet as it marked not only the beginning of what is sure to be a great 2020 but also the conclusion of my time as F3 Nashville’s Nantan (our second). As I reflect on the last 20 months since Bagger Vance passed the baton, I’m amazed by what has occurred in the F3 community in Middle Tennessee.

We have seen the launch and rapid growth of F3 Nolensville. We crossed the river into East Nashville – this time for good – under the leadership of Brother-at-Law and Hot Route, and we are up to 17 AOs in the region proper. We have empowered the likes of Tiny Dancer and Reveille to take F3 to their communities in Spring Hill and Lebanon, respectively. We have run two Ironclad challenges with a third on the way (yes, you read that right), organized a couple of CSAUPs like The Scorpion and TN CAN RUCK among others, and poured into each other through initiatives like the 12th Man and QSource groups. We even got to celebrate our 5th Anniversary with 90 HIM at the place where it all started back in September 2014.

Honestly, I had no clue what this would become on that first day, but I can say I’m extremely encouraged by and grateful for the growth not just with F3 but in myself and the brothers that surround me. I want to give a special thanks to my “cabinet” members and trusted advisors: T-Cell, Bagger Vance, Hi-Viz, Dupree, and Hambone. I also want to thank all of our AOQ’s. These are the guys doing the real work of leading from the ground up and bringing out the leaders in all of us. Thank them when you see them, and then encourage other men to come out and meet them, too.

I know there is still so much more to be done and many more lives to impact, but, having accomplished the goals I set for myself, I am obliged to let another HIM take the reins of F3 Nashville. Rest assured that the revival will continue – this one just might have a little more Creedence Clearwater flavor.

CCR, it’s all yours.

PA out.


III Pillars – 12.31.19 – “B.A.L.L.S. dropped”

6 PAX turned up for their final workout of 2019 at III Pillars. Considering most would likely be asleep before the ball dropped, the plan was to do a little drop of our own.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Covenant Eyes, Crablegs, Moneyshot, Pumpkin Spice (LIFO), Trapper Keeper


After rolling in HOT and delivering a disclaimer before the car door was even closed, the PAX were off to the track for a little COP at midfield.

  • SSH x 20
  • SnL Squats x 20
  • LBAC x 20
  • Overhead Clap x 20
  • RLBAC x 20
  • WMH x 20

Mosey to the back of the east end zone and explain the meat of today’s celebratory workout: a descending ladder of the circuit below:

  • Burpees
  • Air Squats
  • Lunges
  • Leg Raises

PAX performed 10 reps of each exercise and completed one 200m lap. SSH  for the six and repeat again with 9, 8, 7,…1. Pumpkin had to peace out before 5 to go doctor some people, but the rest finished the countdown and ran the last lap together.

Quick skip over to the playground for some push-pull action. Each PAX was to perform 40 (20+20) pull-ups, and rest/wait for bar vacancy with Merkins. Most were busting out sets of 3-4 by the end. Lactic acid burns so good!

All in and it was back to the parking lot for dealer’s choice Mary:

  • Hello Dollies x 20
  • American Hammers x 20
  • Happy Crunchy Frogs x 20
  • LBCs x 20
  • WWIs x 20 OYO



Appreciated Pumpkin Spice and Moneyshot for pushing the pace on the 200s, and big props to Crablegs for his dedication to full reps on the pull-ups. It’ll pay off. Covenant Eyes, Crablegs, and YHC took a field trip to the OG III Pillars coffeeteria: Starbucks at the Green Hills Mall. Conversation was delightful with topics including podcasts, specialists vs. generalists, and Crablegs’s love of the villain.


Prayers for a New Year of focus and follow-through.

  • 1/1/20 – New Year’s Day convergence at FRA
  • 1/16/20 – Gentlemen’s Dinner at Jimmy Kelly’s. Spots MIGHT be available, so see Reveille.

All for now. Go Tigers!

PA out.

Farewell 2019

2019’s Come To An End

Temp: Cold 39
Gloom Factor: High

PAX: Burrito, Floppy Disk, Red Skull, Yard Sale, Boy Band, Black Lung, Too Tall, Pedialyte, Bagger Vance


0530 Disclaimer

Take off up Marchant to Big Lot

IW X 19 IC
HB X 20 IC
Willy x 10 IC

A tour of the highlights of Sir E throughout the years. We’ve had some memorable and some laughable Qs at this site. YHC intended to relive some of those and to get a good run in as well. So we are off to:

Procurement Building –
20 Merkins
19 Squats

Barn Shuffle –
20 Diamonds
19 Plank Jax

Cul2vate –
20 AST
19 Squat Jumps

Big Stick Hill –
20 Atomics
19 Walking Lunges

Aunt Bea’s 11s Mud Hill –
20 Curls
19 Razors

Randon TWRA Building –
19 Curb Hops

Three Way –
20 Burpees
19” Sprint

Calf Killer Ultimate/ “I hate running FNG’s path” –
20 Larry Craigs
19 Squats

Three Way –
20 Burpees
19” Sprint

Random Amphitheater –
20 Inc Merks
19 Bulgarian SS

Mansion Loop –
20 Power Merks
19 Jump Lunges

Sprint Entrance to Entrance up Marchant

5 Merks
F Kix x 19 IC


Great way to finish w a 20 rep 19 rep string of pearls theme.

Black Lung found us in record time.

Burrito from Chatty was silenced by stop #3.

We hit all the major stopping points along the Sir E AO trail w a nod to some of the famous/infamous Qs.

Hard to believe this AO has been around since 2015. It’s come a long way from meeting at the Iris parking lot. Believe it or not some of the Redwoods were Binary, Bad Boy, Grisham and Rooster. Keep up the fire men, Boy Band continues to lead it well.

Prayers up for Rooms 2 Go’s wife Katie and the loss of her Mother this week. Please pray/think/meditate for them as they go through this time of mourning.
Also Burrito from Chatty is her for his cousins funeral, K Mosley. She leaves behind a husband and two grown children and a loving extended family.

Honor to lead and to close out 2019 with a small but hearty crew.


3 for 26 Dec 2019

3’s Company
Temp: 51
Gloom Factor: Moderate

PAX: Too Tall, Money Shot, Bagger Vance
QIC: See above

Long, slow mosey down the entry loop in front of old sanctuary to main entrance then back up behind elementary school. We looked for any stragglers including but not limited to Drs and our Q, Big Stick. No one availed themselves so we made our way up to the West EZ for

IW X 13 IC


EVO I : Dirty McDuece (BV)
12 Merks
12 Squat Jumps
12 V Ups
12 Burpees
12 Walking Lunges (ea leg)
12 WWI
12 Carolina Dry Docks
12 Quarter Lunges
12 Flutter Kicks IC
4 Merks, 4 Burps, 4 CDD
12 Squats
12 Am Ham (2ct)

Evo II : 4 Corners (Money Shot)

30 Dips at 50’
Bear Crawl to EZ
30 Box Jumps
Monkey Hump/Gorilla Walk to Sideline
30 Dirkins
Indian Run to 50’
30 Dips
Indian Run to EZ
30 WWI
Crawl bear to sideline
30 Peter Parkers
Karaoke to 25’ switch sides to 50’
30 Dips

EVO III : Sprints (Too Tall)
4×40’ Sprints (aka puke train)

Mosey to StartEx

Mary –
Plank :30
Ola Dolly x 13 IC
AL Prom Date x 13 IC
F Kix x 26 IC


Duffy family, Lanz in hospital
Jeweler’s MIL cancer surgery


12 More Days

PAX: Black Widow, Toga (QIC), Umbrella, Boone’s Farm, Leatherneck, Wish List (FNG Connor)

Gloom Factor: Sunny and 70

Six redwoods posted on Christmas Eve Eve to conduct one more version of the Twelve Days of Christmas, and John Denver and Muppets kicked us off.  It went something like this…

Mosey to foot of steps behind BHS STEM building to complete the following in escalating order:

  • One Bear Crawl Up and Down the Stairs
  • Two block curls with halos ea. direction
  • Three block tricep extensions
  • Four block squats
  • Five block merkins
  • Six times up and down the stairs
  • Seven block swings
  • Eight lawn mower pulls ea. arm
  • Nine block presses
  • Ten jump tucks
  • Eleven block sit-ups
  • Twelve block burpees

Mosey the blocks back to Leatherneck’s sled and COT.

NMM:  TClaps to Boone’s who able to EH Wish List into coming out this fine morning, and we wish him the best as he prepares for his OCS boards in the Spring.  Hopefully F3 Chattanooga can help him along the way.

Stay Classy and remember that Santa is watching!


Bomber – 12.13.19 – “Casino!”

18 gambled away their Friday morning at the Bomber Casino and still managed to walk away winners. Conditions were oh-so-nice.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Bicentennial Man, Crablegs, Crawlspace, Cub Cadet, Cunning Linguist, DFrost, Hambone, Hi-Viz, Michelin Man, Panhandle (WL-Cherokee), Pop-A-Lock, Porcelain, Pumpkin Spice, Reveille, T-Cell, Vector, Wilbur (WL-Wilderness Road)


Quick disclaimer and a medium mosey taking the long way to the upper lot for a little COP featuring:

  • SSH x 13
  • SnL Squats x 13
  • Merkins x 13
  • Plank Jacks x 13
  • LBAC F/R x 13

Mosey back down to flag for our first tango with Lady Luck. PAX played a bit of Craps: F3 Edition. Utilizing the exercise progression of B.O.M.B.S. (because that’s what my craps usually are) and a single 20-sided die, PAX bet on the roll to determine their reps. PAX had two choices: play the odds and do 13 no matter the roll or take your chances hoping the shooter rolls something less. Most played it smart and played the odds while a brave few risked it all most of the game and did a lot of 13-rep sets.

Thoroughly crapped out, it was time to hit up the Black Jack (Webb) table in the upper lot for a 1 to 3 Merkin to Air Press ratio all the way to 7 (and 21!). Black Jack!

All that standing still meant it was time to get moving with a little Roulette Run. PAX formed a single file line and ran a designated lap around the upper lot acting as the roulette wheel. The first PAX in line then assumed the role of the ball and sprinted the opposite direction until catching back up to the new line leader to tag out and rejoin the back of the line. Round and round we went until all PAX had rolled.

What would a trip to the casino be without a little visit to the slot machines to work on our pulling muscles? In groups of six, find your spot on the monkey bars and crank out sets of 7 pull-ups until you reach 35 total, and then hold People’s Chair for the six.

After some dirty looks from the Pit Boss, it was time to stop pressing our luck and make our break for the door with our winnings still in tact. AYG to the flag!



PA is bad luck. You heard it here first. YHC was almost always on the wrong side of the Craps rolls, especially T-Cell’s double or nothing 39-rep shot. The bright side is more #gainz. T-claps to Vector for the “lucky/unlucky” playlist. Heard he’s available for parties now!



  • Vector’s friend’s son suffering from anxiety
  • Pop-A-Lock’s friends experiencing close loss
  • Praises for the diagnosis and prayers for Wilbur’s mother’s treatment for C. diff
  • Speedy recoveries for Bad Boy and Hipster post-knee surgery


  • 16 are confirmed for the Inaugural Gentleman’s Dinner on 01.16.20 at Jimmy Kelly’s. Reveille reserved it for 20, so see him for your second chance if you missed out the first time.
  • 5th Annual NYD workout at The Hill on 01.01.20. Guaranteed to be special as together F3 Nashville starts anew!


13 on the 13th

Temp: 45
Gloom Factor: Low

PAX: CCR, D’Mish, PSL, Yard Sale, High Flyer, Dupree (6th Man), Prevac, Ludwig, Ocho Cinco, Pedialyte, Too Tall, School Girl, Bagger Vance

Mosey short loop and circle up for WOR:

All IC X 13
Nipple Rippers

Run 1 Mile
Grab blocks
13 Rounds –
5 Pull Ups
10 Merkins
15 Squats (Chest, Goblet, Sgl leg, OH)
Return Blocks
IR 1 Mile

Flutter Kix x 25 IC


Truncated Murph on the 13th.
Thank you to D’Mish o Nuts for allowing me to lead.

Praise for Carter Santos’ first day of first grade (CCR)
Prayers needed for School Girl’s EEs family w health issues


Super Coupon Monday

PAX:  Black Widow, Not a Sport, Leatherneck, Umbrella, Boone’s Farm, Offshore, TOGA (QIC)

Seven redwoods posted to get a bit stronger with coupons today, and it went something like this:

Mosey around to Murray Ln and then back for warmarama.., the usual stuff.  Next we grabbed coupons out of Leatherneck’s sled to commence a coupon fest that bared no resemblance to the running only workouts of the past two weeks.  The fun included: curls, squats, single leg squats, deadlifts, lawnmowers, goblet squats, various merkin configurations, and Umbrella’s favorite, the weighted sit-up.

COT with YHC taking us out.

Stay Classy,


5 December 2019 The Hill

CoQ at The Hill

TEMP: 36, perfect Ninja Ice weather
Gloom Factor: Low

PAX – Cowboy, Red Skull, Foxtrot Talks a Lot, Money Shot, Venus, Siri, Too Tall, Dilly Dilly, D’Mish o Nuts, Big Stick, Bagger Vance
QsIC – Big Stick, BV

Evo I – Big Stick

Partner Up –

Arm Lock Sprint 100 yds, 10 Burpees, Flap Jack RnR
Buddy Carry 100 yds, 10 Squats, Flap Jack RnR
P1 Bear Crawl 20 Yards both 5 Burpees, Flap Jack for 100yds
RnR switching Burpees for Atomics
Buddy Carry 100 yds, 20 Squats, Flap Jack

Q Swap

W Partner, Lunge walk at 10 yard intervals and perform the following Exercises in order according to the Yard Line :

Burpees x 10
OH Claps x 20
Merks x 30 (YHC partner, Dilly Dilly gives me multiple No Counts)
Big Boy Sit Ups x 40
Squats x 50

Reverse Lunge Walk and Step down Reps

Burpees x 40
OH Claps x 30
Merks x 20 (All YHC Reps counted here)
BBSU x 10
Squats on back Fence

First Inhabitants Run down main entrance to sidewalk up the stairs back to the lot.

Plank Progression
F Kix x 20 IC
Plank Progression
Megan Barrys x 20 IC
Merks x 10 IC
Flutter Kix x 20 IC


Always fun to riff off Big Stick knowing he’s more of an ad lib kinda guy and less of a plan kinda guy.

Venus 3/3 this week.
Cowboy dispensing wisdom to young Siri.
Dilly Dilly had a tough time w the O2 intake.
Money Shot as consistent as always, though a double digit PAX turnout pushes his limits.
Red Skull doing Red Skull things as he drug Foxtrot (who mentioned his Soaz no less than 100 times) around the gridiron.
Grateful to Too Tall for picking NSJ, err D’Mish up in the Solomon truck.

413 Give Back Supper tonight 1276 Foster Ave. Princes Hot Chix on menu.
First Friday Lunch tomorrow, check Slack for deets…likely be N Brentwood, Franklin Rd area.
