This is 30

PAX: Blackwater, Dr. Smart, Red Skull Bones, D’Mish, Cinderella, Edible Arrangement, Accounts Receivable, Bagger Vance, Walter White, Calf Killer, Floppy Disk, PSL, Dine n Dash, Black Widow, Yard Sale, TSwizz, The Jeweler


Muggy and 72 met YHC and 17 other red-pillers on the momentous day I entered my 30s.  After some MC re: YHCs Wal-Mart watch’s inability to keep time, the following ensued:

WOR: Mosey down Hogan to the entrance to Sir E. BV with some MC re: YHC’s brisk pace and mixing of Qs.  Qs and YHC’s brisk pace were not mixed, and did not last long.  Hit the bottom of the hill , disclaimer given, and circle up for some

SSH x 20 IC

Willie Mays Hayes x 10 IC

GM x 10 IC

LBACs x 10 front IC

LBAC x 10 backwards IC


Pax makes it way back to original AO beginning with 30 monkey humpers followed by 30 Lt. Dans.  Normal mosey to the bottom of the bus loop, plank and wait for the 6.

Once 6 is in, commence man-maker/squat 7s.  One squat at the bottom of the hill, 6 man-makers at the top until numbers are flipped.  Finish squats at the top.

60 seconds of people’s chair once 6 is in from 7s.  Commence another round of 30 monkey humpers, 30 Lt. Dans enroute to the Pavillion.

Once at pavilion, circle up into groups of 3, then line up picnic tables approx 18 inches apart.  Each group  to complete 300 abyss merkins, AMRAP each person until hit 300 reps.  Other pax doing combo American Hammers, shoulder press, SSH, WWI.  In for the 6.

Mosey up and grab a coupon.  30 Overhead presses OYO. 15 dead lifts OYO, 15 squats OYO. Mosey back for some


30 flutter kicks IC, 15 Freddy Merks IC, 15 more deep squats IC.



Moleskin: Couldn’t be prouder to be entering my 30s with this group and others.  Made for a truly wonderful start to my day and week, as it always does.





Iditarod 1yr F3 Anniversary Q

QIC: Iditarod

PAX: Scraps, Schnitizel, Yosef, Aristotle, NPR, Black Lung, Mr. Roboto, G-String, Wood Shed, CDL, Sea Gull

A dirty dozen gathered this AM to celebrate 1 Year anniversary of YHC’s first post.  We paid homage to Polaroid from F3 Raleigh.

APB: Where’s Papa Juan, Long Relief, Godfather, Nadal, Ace, Alfonso, Anchor, Air Wolf, Wall Street, Big Worm and Pharoah.  I’m sure I forgot some.  A couple I know where you are.


Obligatory 2 Laps around the courthouse

GMs x 12 IC

WMH + BAC x 10 IC

WMH + BAC-Reverse x 10 IC

Imperial Walkers x 12 IC

Mountain Climbers x 10 IC

COP for Musical tribute to Polaroid who is planning a return trip to the Boro in November-To Wyclef Jean’s-Gone till November-Squats during verses-During the Chorus  Merkins for every November sang by Mr. Jean himself

YHC asked the PAX to Partner up

P-Patty Cake Merkins-Partners start in opposite directions around the courthouse Evrey time they meet 10-Patty cake merkins.  Merkin and when in high plank position exchange high five- 4 Sets of 10. Mosey to future site of Green House Ministries.

O-Ollie Norths-Fireman’s carry partner length of future site.

L-Lt Dan’s the entire length of the current Greenhouse Ministries Parking lot.

A-Awesome-A reprise of the Everything is Awesome Burpee challenge-Overhead arm claps and one Burpee for every Awesome sang.  Everything is Awesome-Tegan and Sara from the Lego  Movie.

R-Randorama-20 Monkey humpers IC, 20 Dips OYO, 20 Irkins OYO, 20  Bulgarian Splits Sqauats IC

O-One legged Burpees-6 One legged Burpees-(YHC started to notice the  time dwindling fast here.)

I-Indian Bear Crawl-Pax formed line head to to in plank position from the 6 Pax Bear crawls to front until all have participated.

D-Drying Cockroaches-10 OYO

Mosey Back to the Square


YHC Shared extreme gratitude for relationship with Polaroid when he was in the Boro acknowledging that even though Polaroid sought YHC as a Elder/Mentor YHC gained just as much from the relationship.  Prayed for Polaroid prayed for Pax to develop relationships where the y could give away what they know and help other men.


Bullhorn-Hit up Air Wolf if you want to help with oil changes at the Greenhouse Ministries on Saturday.  He needs to know something by Thursday I believe.


I can’t describe enough what F3 has meant to me and why I want to see it grow in the Boro.  Over the past year I have seen men ask for prayer for their marriages, families, sick loved ones.  I have been picked up when I was struggling early on by fellow PAX like Blue Mule.  I have been challenged to lead by the likes of Funyuns, Bagger, and CCR.  So many more of the F3 Nashville crew especially in the Shire have challenged and pushed me in some way and desire to see that happen in the Boro and to see it affect other men.  Not to mention my Dr. the last time I had a check up asked what are you doing differently because he noticed improvement in overall health that he wasn’t sure I’d ever achieve because of genetics.  Keep challenging each other Physically, Mentally, Spiritually. Always be head locking. ISI

Thankful for the PAX and thankful to lead,


The Real Superhero

THE PAX: Yard Sale, Black Widow, Foggy Pirate, Frugal McDugal, Torch, Tortoise, Sanctions, CCR, Bad Boy, T Cell, Dr. Smartt, Loveboat, HVAC, Leatherneck, Crawfish, Big Bang, Floppy Disk, Spicoli, Edible Arrangements, Grease Trap, Grisham, CAPSLOCK, Iron Lung, Accounts Receivable, Third Degree, D’Mish, Princess Aurora, Col Flo Dotty, PSL, T Swizz, Blood Clot, Big Stick, Dine n Dash, Sterno, Funyuns, Blackwater, Hi Viz, Olan Mills, Cinderella, En Feugo, Lump, Walter White, Dupree, Bartman, Tidy Cats, Lewd Wig

QIC: Bagger Vance

47 HIM were present this AM at Detention to honor the life of Job Kemp and to support Grease Trap and Katie Kemp and their family.  Cobains to the 4 who posted at The Skunk, poor comz on my part.

0529 – one minute call

0530 – mosey down Hogan, side shuffle right then left on Trousdale, BearCrawl speed bump 1-2, crawl bear 2-3, deep lunge 3-4, Politician length of portables.  Finish w 5 HSPU and circle up

With 47 HIM, there was a bit of a lag so we SSH’d for the 6.


SSH x 13 IC


Willie Mays Hayes x 10 IC

High Knees x 13 IC

Butt Kickers x 13 IC

Hillbillies x 13 IC

Deep Squats x 13 IC

Imperial Walkers x 13 IC

Ok Mornings x 13 IC

High Plank and Count 1-5…Funyuns, Floppy Disk, D’Mish and CCR to the center to help with


In groups of 5 (Job’s age) we break out and perform the following:

B urpees

A tomic Merkins

T oe Touches

M ountain Climber Merkins

A lternating Shoulder Taps

N olan Ryans

Batman is Job’s favorite superhero.  We did all exercises in reps of 29 (Grease Trap’s age) and mosey’d a loop at the end.  We AMRAP’d BATMAN until 0610.

Circle Up back at the Main Lot

Flutter Kicks for the 6


Heels to Heaven x 20 IC

Yoga of some sort x 10 IC

Mariah Careys x 10 IC R then L

Scorpions x 10 IC

Flutter Kicks x 20 IC



The theme of the day is to honor Job and The Kemp family.  Over a few texts last evening, we decided to break into groups of 5 and disperse over the Detention campus and perform the BATMAN sequence.  As per normal, YHC left out Floppy Disk and had to download w him on the fly.  Also as per normal, FD did an excellent job.

D’Mish delivered a great heartfelt prayer in BOM.  Thank you for reminding us all how much Grease Trap has been a beacon of hope and a glaring example of faithfulness and grace.  May the Lord’s mercy rest upon him, Katie, Penny, Zeke and their entire family.  Thank you GT for the humility and dignity you have displayed during this emotional experience.  Thank you for letting us be near to yall and be engaged with yall.  Thank you for not shutting us out and for drawing us into your family.

Funyuns sent me a text after the Q that this was a great reminder to him and to me about what is different and special about F3.

Thank you for allowing me to lead yall and thank you for being such good leaders in and of yourselves.  This is not mine and it’s not yours, we have a responsibility and duty to give F3 away to others.

For the sake of the next story that will come up in the lives of those of us F3ers in Nashville and Franklin, please reach out to someone and invite them to come see what F3 is all about…and make sure you let them know, it ain’t about you!


Bagger Vance

It’s Not About You

Why do we post Back Blasts?
As my dad would have said to me when I was a kid, “Because I told you to!” Obviously, that didn’t work for me then and it doesn’t work for us now as GAM, grown ass men.
I have been thinking a lot lately about the importance of the Back Blast coming off the Memphis launch, a host of new and reworked AOs and a great Nantaan call recently.
As I understand them, the Back Blast is the following:
  • A recap of the workout
  • A place to recognize those who posted
  • A way to track numbers and growth
  • A way to commemorate a break through
  • A way to commemorate someone splashing merlot for posterity
  • A way to make announcements
  • A way to document new and different exicon from the PAX
  • You’re a leader and part of Qing a workout is writing the BB
I’m sure there’s more on that from DREDD & OBT in Freed to Lead but I can’t get my hands on it right now.
All the above is great and I wholeheartedly agree with #1-8 and with the Nantaan of the Nation and the Great Weasel Shaker at WWHQ in their excellently penned Freed to Lead (which I still can’t find). But to me, the real reason we post the BB I realized today when I got a text from country code +44. At first glance I thought it was spam. Upon further inspection, it was from the one and only Scribe of F3Nashville Faulkner. So, without blabbing on, here’s what he wrote (I edited the very end)
“Been doing three F3 workouts a week by following the backblasts. Off days I run 4 miles. Miss the camaraderie and spiritual support. Tell everyone I said hey. Praying for those mentioned in backblasts, particularly the Kemps. Glad to see how F3 is growing … In this pic, I just finished Edible Arrangement’s latest Qed workout. The park I work out in mainly behind me. Hope you’re well.”

The title of this post is from the people at GoRuck.  I was constantly reminded of this over the past weekend in the 9-11 Memorial Ruck.  Ultimately, the BB isn’t about us being too busy, too lazy or too indifferent because it’s not about us and how we feel about posting the BB…it’s what someone else gets out of it.
So if not for #1-8 and for F2L, do it for the Faulkner’s, the Rooms2Go and others that find themselves DR for an extended period of time and that miss y’all, that miss F3Nashville and miss the 15 Burpess every minute for 10 minutes from that jerk Funyuns!

Century Club 2.0 at DETENTION

D’Mish, Black Widow, Yard Sale, Grease Trap, Edible Arrangement, Faulkner, Cinderella, Dupree, Ludwig Von Osh Kosh, Boudin, Dine n’ Dash, T-Swizzle, Calfkiller, Yoder, Tidy Cats, Venus (the female razor), Too Tall, Blackwater and CCR (YHC)

After we made it through Sunday evening with the Detention Q slot still open, I decided it was time for the next installment of the Century Club. I have no idea the temp or humidity, but I do know that I started sweating like a pig 2 minutes in.

Mosey around the back of the school to the pavilion. Apologies to my man Cinderella for the rolled ankle…gotta watch out for those sink holes back there.  Circle up under the pavilion for some SSH, WMH, GM, Hop Kicks and slow and low merkins.  All in cadence…all 10 reps.  Mosey to the parking lot for the main event.

Century Club 2.0
At the last minute, I decided to change things up a bit. Rather than the more regimented Century Club 1.0, I decided to make this a little more free-flowing.  It took Calfkiller and Yard Sale a little while to warm up to it, but I think they were good by the end.

Here is how it went. Perform 100 reps of 10 different exercises (listed below).  The only rule is that you cannot rest in place.  Once a PAX was ready for a break, they were to run across the parking lot to the opposite arrows and resume their reps until they reached 100.  PAX were free to break it up however they saw fit.  Seeing that almost all PAX had deferred their Burpees until the very end, we switched to mandatory burpees when the clock struck 6:11am.  Three minutes of burpees, 1 minute of mary and we were done.

A couple thoughts on this. First, NO ONE finished.  Not even close.  I learned that Mountain Merkins (new exercise) are terrible and quite possibly worse than atomic merkins (introduced during Century Club 1.0).  100 of them took up a good chunk of the morning.  With a few tweaks, I think this modified version will be back.

After a few announcements, prayers for Cinderella’s daughter during her surgery, Kemp family, etc… Faulkner asked if he could close us out in prayer.  He probably in the middle of his relocation to London as we speak.  He had some great words for the group and will certainly be missed.  Open invite to crash his pad if anyone is passing through downtown London.

A pleasure as always…be sure to sign up to Q to avoid the Century Club coming back anytime soon. F3 does not work without everyone doing their part to lead.  I am always game to co-Q or assist in any way I can with a VQ.  I know many others feel the same way.

Until next time,


Floppy’s Title Here

*Detention – 7/31/17*
*QIC*: Floppy Disk

*PAX*: Yard Sale, D’Mish, Ludwig von Oshkosh, En Fuego, Red Bag, Grisham, Due Process, Leatherneck, Accounts Receivable, T-Swizz, Tidy Cats, Bagger Vance, Edible Arrangement, Too Tall, Dupree, Spring Break on Ricki Lake, Foggy Pirate, Dine ‘N Dash, Wet Noodle, Dry Rub – FNG, Boudain – FNG, Venus – FNG, Vegemite, D-List, Floppy Disk

*Warm-O-Rama* (all IC)
SSH x20
Windmills x15
Good Mornings x15
Butt Kickers x15
High Knees x15
BACs F x10
BACs R x10


Rihanna – This Is What You Came For – Plank Jax and Mtn Climbers for duration of song. Every time she says “You” do a merkin and Plank Jack.

PAX fall in to two lines. Indian Run from CH parking lot to corner of Hogan and Marchant. Various exercises while waiting for the six.

Backpedal up Hogan hill approximately 100 yards, resume regular mosey to Crievewood Baptist parking lot. Various exercises while waiting for the six.

7’s – All Burpees! Run up/down parking lot hill between.

Mosey back to CH playground for 3 sets of:

10x Pullups
20x various Merkins (regular, Irkins, Derkins)
10x big boy dips or 20x bench dips

Mosey back to start, circle up for a little bit too much Mary.

Ola Dollies x20 (IC)
Crunchy Frogs x20 (IC)
J-Lo’s x20 (IC)
10x Hand-release Merkins (OYO)
20x Bridge-style Mariah’s alternating regular, right leg on left knee, left leg on right knee (IC)
Alternating Shoulder Taps x20 (IC)

Welcome FNG’s Dry Rub, Boudain and Venus!