1600 Pennsylvania Ave. – 17 Feb 2020 @ Westeros

Westeros – 17 Feb 2020. Presidential.

13 PAX took on the beautiful holiday  morning with vigor and without the ability to count or follow directions.

QIC: Crablegs

PAX: Black Lung, Vector, Bicentennial Man, Cowbell (wearing sneakers!), Drago, Michelin Man, Defrost, Blue Mule, Pumpkin Spice, T Cell, Crawlspace, Ahab


  • Mosey on over to the Crab trap for some SSH, WMH, Squats, & walkers


PAX approached the oval office – aka Circular hill by the gym that we frequent and prepared for 45 reps of the following with a trip around the hill (clockwise) after each:

Windshield Wipers

High Knees (4ct?)

Impeccable (Impeachable?) Merkins

Teddy Roosevelt Twists, aka American Hammers – 2-4ct

Extenders -some count.

Speedy PAX waited with Capitol Hillbillies for the 6 then round 2.

House-y Crunch Frogs

Obama (Bear crawl up the hill with 4 merkins every 4 hand moves – west side delight)

Urkell (Czech for Original) – Washington Walkers (imperial)


Extra Squats (recount!)

Fun was had by all and we finished right on the number.


Beautiful morning – always a pleasure to lead


T&P for the Fogartys, Bad Boy, Hipster, Siri, and all of our other walking wounded.


Honoring the Day We Lost Waylon 2.13.20

Honoring the the day we lost Waylon Jennings in 2003 – 2/13/20
PAX @Covenant Eyes @Crablegs @defrost @Toothless @Bareback @CowBell

Gloom Factor: Misty and 45F

Disclaimer was said – PAX mosied around the side loop of the park reaching the back parking lot destination

Warm up:
SSHs x 20 IC
Baby Arm Circles
Willy Maze Haze(y) x 15 IC
Good Mornings x 10

PAX lunged in a straight fashion while listening to “only daddy that will walk the line”
moving on to a suicide style sprint to the tune of “Ramblin Man”
Mosey to the Pizza Hut:
Commenced “are you sure Hank done it this way” Merkins
an ironical “rainy day woman” ad lib exercise/
Pax became “Highway Men” as the song played cruising along the water highway
Performed OYO reps on the swings for pull-ups for “luchenBACK texas”
continued rambling back up to the pizza hut for “DIPS of Hazard theme song” performed on the benches
PAX took down “MAMAS don’t let you BURPEES grow up to be cowboys” burpee apocalypse with class
some “are you ready for the country” crunches

PAX performed a non Waylon related experimental game of pick an exercise zummie zummie in the circle with a ring of fire suggested by @Covenant Eyes to finish strong

thanks for the patience on the VQ

2.13.20 – BOMBSandwich! @The Stronghold

Thursday February 13th 2020

Image result for shit sandwich meme

Gloom: not raining and 42°

PAX:  BrotherAtLaw, RedSkull, MichelanMan, BabyJoker, TitanMan, PawPatrol, DaBaby, Juice, Revielle, PopaLock, Danasaur, Dada, BenjaminButton, Goldilocks, TinCan, BaggerVance

QIC: Crawlspace

Warm up: (Bread) quick jog to the parking lot, set of 20 side straddle hops, Willie Mays Hayes, slownlow squats, slow merkins, lil baby arm circles, air presses, reverse lil baby arm circles etc…

Work: (The meat) B.O.M.B.S. with cinder blocks
Each PAX grabbed a partner and a cinder block then headed to the basketball court. Each individual does 60 of each letter of the acronym while trading jogs to the other end of the court with their partner. Cinder blocks were incorporated where possible (Overhead presses with cinder blocks, squats with cinder block etc.)

Bread: we wrapped up with a game of bean bag tag with a 10 merkin penalty if tagged or pelted. After 3 victims the bean bag is passed on. Just about everyone got some extra sprints and merkins in.

COT: We all want to continue lifting up Charlie and his family with prayers, thoughts and support, as well as TinCan’s mother. We closed out the workout with a brief prayer and continue to sharpen each other’s iron and move up the mountain together. Good work everyone!


YHC Crawlspace

Racetrack 2/12/20 – Saint Valentine’s Day Massacre

PAX: Ochocinco, Tampa Libra, Blackwidow, Toga

QIC: Boone’s Farm


  • SSH x20
  • WMH x10
  • LBAC x10 F/R


Run up stairs, across 5th level, down other stairs, back across bottom of deck

Mosey to bottom of 1st level ramp.  After every 2 exercises backpedal up ramp, run straight away to next level.  RnR to level 5, run down stairs, RnR thru exercises, each exercise x14

  • S – Storm Squats
  • A – AL Prom Dates
  • I – Iron Mikes
  • N – Never Cross Dolly (Hello Dolly’s with Iron Cross)
  • T – Tempo Merkins IC
  • V – V-Ups
  • A – Alternating Shoulder Taps
  • L – LBCs
  • E – Elevated Leg Kicks (Flutters) IC
  • N – Nolan Ryan’s
  • T – Tempo Merkins IC
  • I – Iron Mikes
  • N – Never Cross Dolly
  • E – Elevated Leg Kicks IC
  • S – Spiderman Merkins (Peter Parkers)
  • D – Diamond Merkins
  • A – AL Prom Dates
  • Y – Yurpee (Clerkin with 2 jump tucks)
  • M – Mountain Climbers
  • A – Apolo Ohno
  • S – Squats
  • S – SSH
  • A – American Hammers
  • C – Carolina DD
  • R – Reverse Crunch
  • E – Elevated Leg Kicks IC

Completed last round up ramps with each of the 4 Pax choosing exercise and heading back to bottom of deck to finish.

Great work by all. Remember those who are sick and need of healing, continue to lift one another up to be more engaged and impactful in relationships with wives, kids, co-workers, employees, churches

Always an honor,


7 for Fun and Games at Titan 2/12/20

Gloom: Medium (slight rain, cool but no wind)


Ahab (FNG)
Pop a lock
Crawl space

Right Said


Warmup in the parking lot for Johnny-Come-Latelies


Good Mornings

Looong mosey around the perimeter of the park with 10 Merkin “speed bumps” along the way.

Circle up at end of Parthenon. Finish warm up exercises.

Don Quixotes





100 Merkins

200 LBCs

300 Squats

Partner runs starts to Parthenon doors and back.


Fun and Games:

Crawlspace led PAX in game of “hacky sack run and ride.”

2 PAX with hacky sacks. Remaining PAX try to avoid being tagged with hacky sack, but must stay under the roof of the Parthenon. 10 Merkin penalty for being tagged. There was much running and many unsuccessful attempts to hide behind columns. Fun was had by all.

Welcome FNG Ahab (EH of Black Lung). Ahab provided a plethora of nameworthy stories from his past. Notable name candidates were Big Tuna and Junior Asparagus.

Coffeteria afterwards. Good discussion about what the Q-Source is and isn’t.


Westeros – 01.27.20 – “Remembering Mamba”

12 PAX took the metaphorical court at Westeros for  a tribute to Kobe Bryant chock full of reps, mumblechatter, and pain.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Black Lung, BnB, Cowbell, Crablegs, Crawlspace, Drago, Harvey Updyke, Michelin Man, Pop-A-Lock, Porcelain, Vector


Medium mosey to WEMS steps for a COP, all IC:

  • SSH x 24
  • SnL Squats x 24
  • Merkins x 24
  • Mountain Climbers x 24
  • LBAC F/R x 12/12

Quick mosey to the circle to huddle up under the awning and explain today’s main course: a five-round circuit (in honor of Kobe’s five rings) building up to 8 reps of each exercise in each complex.

Complex 1: Perform one Merkin followed by one Ab Thruster. Two Merkins followed by two Ab Thrusters. Repeat ascending up to eight Merkins followed by eight Ab Thrusters.

Complex 2: Perform one Lunge each leg followed by one Jump Squats. Two Lunges each leg followed by two Jump Squats. Repeat ascending up to eight Lunges each leg followed by eight Jump Squats.

Take a lap around the driveway and RnR x 4.

Those who finished all five rounds did Mary of their choice until time was called. Most had begun round five by this point, but it was time to mosey back to the flag for COT/BOM.


This one was a real grinder. 180 reps each of all exercises, and the legs were on fire. Tclaps to all the guys for pushing it all the way to the end.


T&P for the Fogartys, Bad Boy, Hipster, Siri, and Michelin Woman.

PA out.

2/4/20: CHIEFS

Location: III Pillars

Conditions: 50s and wet

QIC: Pumpkin Spice

PAX: Cowboy, Crablegs, Crawlspace, En Fuego, High Flyer, Money Shot, Right Said, Toothless


Warmorama :

We made our way up to the track, did a single loop, then circled up for some WOR:

  • SSH x 54
  • WMH x 10
  • LBAC x 10
  • rLBAC x 10
  • Mahomes Night Clubs x 10
  • Chinook x 10

After getting sufficiently warm, the PAX received instructions for the Main Event, in honor of the recent Kansas City Chiefs victory in Super Bowl 54. I don’t know about you, but I for one think Andy Reid deserved the heck out of a Super Bowl win.

Main Event

The PAX would perform 50 of each CHIEFS exercise, followed by 4 labs around the track:

  • Clerkins
  • High Knees (each leg 1/2)
  • Imperial Walkers (each leg 1/2)
  • Extenders
  • Freddie Mercuries (each leg 1/2)
  • Squats

After completing the first round, the PAX moved on to a second round with different symbolic numbers. The Chiefs had to come from behind, or what some might call, an incline. Moreover, they ultimately went on to defeat the 49ers, so the PAX did 40 of each of the following exercises each, followed by 9 labs around the track — Chiefs Indian Run style:

  • incline Clerkins
  • incline High Knees
  • incline Imperial Walkers
  • Extenders
  • Freddie Mercuries
  • Squats

After the two rounds of exercises and over 1.5 miles of running, the PAX moved over to the jungle gym to each complete 5+4 perfect Pull-ups.

We then moseyed back to the Shovelflag and that was it!


  • T-claps to Crablegs for the idea to incorporate the Indian Run into the 9 labs of the second round. I should have known I could count on the King of Puns to facilitate such an appropriate improvement to the workout.
  • Side Strattle Hops last night may have proven too much for one PAX. The last lap of the Indian Run nearly caused a Pilsner Puke (or perhaps it did, there were no witnesses, so who could ever know??)
  • Coffeteria included some fascinating ideas surrounding an impending Fi-beery, as the merits of passive and active investing were discussed — materialization of this event TBD.


  • Libeery coming up on March 10th at Fat Bottom Brewery. The book is “Essentialism”. Time TBD, but likely 7pm-ish
  • We continue to pray for Siri, Bad Boy, and Hipster as they recover from injuries/surgeries

– Pumpkin Spice

1/30/20: KOBe

Location: Atlantis

Conditions: Cold and Gloomy, 10 degrees off from Ironclad Credit

QIC: Pumpkin Spice

PAX: Covenant Eyes, Crablegs, Cub Cadet, Porcelain, TK, Toothless


Warmorama :

We went for the customary loop around the field, then back to the imaginary shovelflag for some WOR:

  • SSH x 24
  • WMH x 8
  • LBAC x 8
  • rLBAC x 8
  • MNC x 8
  • Chinook x 8
  • rChinook x 8
  • Seal Claps x 8
  • High Knees x 24

After getting sufficiently warm, the PAX received instructions for the Main Event, in honor of the late Kobe Bryant. A criminal at worst and adulterous at best, none of us are perfect. Just because he was imperfect like us doesn’t mean we can’t celebrate all the good things he did as a person and an athlete.

Main Event

The PAX would make their way across the parking lot by doing one “KOBe” in each parking space (total of 15), which consists of:

  • Knee-bender (Squat)
  • Overhead clap
  • BurpEe

Once at the end of the parking lot, the PAX then had to bear crawl around the other side back to the start (~35m). Once back at the start, the PAX then rinsed and repeated with the KOBe exercises, except they progressed walking backwards and doing Crawlbears on the way back.

After completing the forward and reverse KOBes, the PAX went for a nice mosey around the Laker (AKA Water Tower) and back to the parking lot. There, we performed one minute each of KOBE Mary:

  • happy Krunchy frogs
  • O’merican hammers
  • Big boy situps
  • Extenders (reverse crunch)

Another Mosey around the Laker and then the PAX rinsed and repeated the whole workout again, with forward and reverse KOBes and more KOBE Mary.

That’s all she wrote!


  • TK and his wife finalized the adoption of their three kids they had been fostering for around two years. What a tremendous example to us all of selflessness and humility — TK is an inspiration to us all!


  • Libeery coming up on March 10th at Fat Bottom Brewery. The book is “Essentialism”. Time TBD, but likely 7pm-ish
  • CCR’s son Charlie was able to unexpectedly go home for a brief time before he will need to go back for more treatment for leukemia. Continue to keep Charlie the CCR family in your prayers!
  • We continue to pray for Siri, Bad Boy, and Hipster as they recover from injuries/surgeries

– Pumpkin Spice

The Buffalo celebrates 1995 and PUSA

PAX: Latin Grammy, Tool (Willy Loman – NOLA), THE Country Gentleman, Hot Route, Brother-at-Law, Vegemite, CCR, Quick Stik

QIC: Floppy Disk

An inspiring level of masculinity was represented by the 9 that posted at The Buffalo this morning. Recognizing music is of great import to our East Nash brethren, I knew that the playlist would need to be both inspiring and thought-provoking. In that vein, it seemed fitting to turn back the clock to 1995, and structure the entire workout around the genius of the Presidents of the United States of America’s self-titled album released that year. The album length is 37:54, just about perfect for an F3 workout, but I knew time would be tight. Accordingly, our warmup mosey and subsequent warm-o-rama was brief.

WoR (all IC)
SSH x15
Good morns x10
Windmills x10
Willie Mays x10
BaC F x10
BaC R x10

Partner up


Kitty: Caterpillar – 2 lines
Feather Pluckn: Catch me if you can – 5x atomics, then sprint to catch backpedaling partner. Flapjack
Lump: 7s with atomic speed bumps (jump squats, jump lunges, 3x atomic merks)
Stranger: Lt Danger
Boll Weevil: SSH verse and Mtn Climbers chorus
Peaches: Merkin on “peach” or “peaches”
Dune Buggy: Partner Leg Throws – 10x then switch
We’re not going to make it: Suicides
Kick out the Jams: Hop kicks
Body: 8ct Body Builders
Back Porch: Partner 1 low plank, Partner 2 jump over partner then 1 jump lung each leg. 5x then switch
Candy: 10x gorilla humpers, 5x squats
Naked and Famous: Pamela Anderson (burpee with nipple scraper merkin)

Good morns to tail end of Naked and Famous

Had a blast with this one! Always love going to see the Buffalo crew. Thanks for the opportunity to lead you studs.

Floppy D

Sharknado Redux


21 unsuspecting PAX got the privilege of YHC’s short shorts and Sharknado BV style.

Tiny Dancer, School Girl, SofServ, 85, Old Fashion, Offshore, PSL, D’Mish, Dupree, A/R, Faulkner, Pedialyte, PREVAC, Ludwig, Insync, (FNGs) Liberal Arts, Buster Bluth, Bogey, The Situation, Fr Rico, Bagger Vance (QIC)

Mosey Big Loop w Lunge Walk to Reverse Lunge Walk to Bear Crawl to


Sharknado –
15 Burpees, 20 Diamonds, 20 Squats, 20 CDD, 20 Flutter Kix (4 ct)
Run lower loop
RnR until 0609

Back to main lot for

Plank x 1’
AL Prom Date x 13 IC
5 Merkins
Ola Dolly x 13 IC
5 Ranger Merkins
Box Cutters x 13 IC
5 Atomic Merkins
Flutter Kix x 30 IC


5 FNGs on the last day of the month? Dang right, hit our quota already.
T Claps to 🕺🏿&🐮🧍🏻on the EH. Hope that yall come back next week.

Prayers up for sure for CCR, Char and the Fogarty family. Please consider supporting them by purchasing a Char t shirt at charliesfightclub at gmail dot com. They are taking pre-orders now.

