First cast the beam out of thine own eye

PAX: Big Stick (ofc), Dmish incognito as Bagger, PSL, Yardsale, AR, BoyBand, Locust, Venus, Pedialyte, Dupree, Movin’ On Up, yours Qly.

WOR: Good mornings for my boy Donuts, SSHx15, FIN.

THANG: Mosey down an unexpected and unfamiliar path through the Shire to a brief but very memorable lane called Brevity.

Partner up, grab a BAB (big ass beam), and lets roll.
Partner 1: Walk 300 paces holding beam in zercher position
Partner 2: 30 4-count flutters, sprint to catch up, perform 10 burpees before switching.
– RR

Partner 1: Walk 200 paces holding beam in back squat position
Partner 2: Walk alongside, 10 burpees (cant start until 150 paces are complete)
– RR

Partner 1: Walk 150 paces holding beam in overhead press position
Partner 2: Same, walk alongside, 10 burpees (cant start until 150 paces are complete)

Gather under pavilion: Both partners hold beam on right shoulder, Lt. Dan down. Turn around, flip to left shoulder, Lt. Dan back to start.

Partner 1: Suicide sprints
Partner 2: Irkins on (2) beams
– RR

Partner 1: Sucide sprints
Partner 2: Dirkins on (2) beams
– RR

Grab your wood, Indian Run the bus loop, and return to startex.

MARY: Dmish called for Megan Barry, Big Stick called for Alabama Prom Dates, YHC added single leg APDs, and we finished her off with Razer Blades™
by Venus.

COT: Be intentional

America runs on Dmish. Best coffee I’ve ever had, thanks.

Slow and Low

It’s been said the slow and low playlist is the greatest collection of artists since the We Are The World collaboration.  YHC led the PAX through a beautiful medley of lower body, low to the ground, slow, and intentional movements to get the freakin’ weekend started off right.


CCR, Floppy, Vegemite, Brother At Law, YGR, White Cloud, Hot Route, Reba, Hipster, Pocket Chicken, and yours Qly Tampa Libra.

Mosey, with 3 tampons (Tampa’s coupons) to the pavilion, alternate coupon carrier every 30 seconds or so.

Group: 10 bulgarians each leg, 20 hand-release merkins, 10 box jumps, 20 captain thors.

3 PAX in the middle do 50 tampon curls in low squat position.

Repeat until all PAX complete curls.

Rinse and repeat all of the above with 5 block merkins where one side is on the block, the other on the ground, switch sides for another 5.

YHC timed us at 3 minutes for completion. Rinse and repeat with 10 each side, with the goal of beating the 3-minute mark. PAX hit time right on the dot and was rewarded with 5 8-count bodybuilders.

Mosey to the path. Line up in rows of 3 and perform 20 strict bear crawl steps followed by 5 under-the-fence merkins. Roughly every-other set the first wave drops to the back. This went on for 15-20 minutes.

Mosey to the lot for MARY:
Alabama Prom Dates to match the sensual song selection followed by a round-robin of core-callouts.

New bEAST SIDE AO launching on Mondays in two weeks. Prayers for intention in all we do.

Don’t forget the post-coitus callout, please. It was an honor to lead you all this morning, tell your significant others I said you’re welcome. Tampa out.

Hide and Seek

PAX: Tampa (co-Q), JK, Black Lung, Frugal, Cowboy, Bagger Vance, Floppy Disk, Venus, Slim Jim, Ocho Cinco. QIC Rosemary


Floppy Disk and JK took off for a track workout while the rest of the PAX mosied to the field for a warmup: SSH, Smurf Jacks, WMH, Good Mornings, Merkins

Part 1: Field suicides with 1 burpee at the 10, 2 at the 20, 3 at the 30…50. Bernie Sanders back after each burpee set with burpees every time you passed each 10-yard marker.

Part 2: YHC led the group to the gym and lost Rosemary along the way. Rosemary, gassed from sprinting up and down every hall, eventually found PAX in the weight room and proceeded to put on a beatdown. No running in the halls dude, that’s like a basic rule of school.

2 minute rounds: 50lb farmer carries up/down the gym steps, wall balls, man-makers with ~20lb db’s. I believe we did 4 rounds.

Mosey to lot for COT.

Prayers: Frugal’s co-working dealing with constant pain and related depression, Floppys grandparent diagnosed with Lymphoma, Venus’ friend lost a parent – good reminder to call our friends and check-in on them.

Good work, men. Great Q Rosemary – hope to see more of that!

Salacious Supersets for Sweater Season

People always ask me, “Tampa, you always look so good in a sweater, what can I do to fill out my cable-knit?”

I’m glad you asked.

Warmup, partner up, mosey the bus loop and back around to the weight room:

8-10 db chest press (Rx: 65lbs) // 20 bench irkins
8-10 single-arm db rows (RX: 70lbs)  // 15 incline bb rows
8-10 hammer curls (RX: 35lbs) // iso chin-up
8-10 skull crushers (RX: 35lbs)  // 20 bench dips
8-10 single-arm db shoulder press (RX:45lbs)  // 20 HR merkins

Round 1: Partner 1 does a set 1 (ex: chest press) while Partner 2 does db farmer-carries (RX: 50-65lb)  down the stairs and back up. Swap, repeat next set.

Round 2: Repeat but replace farmer-carry with Lt. Dan down the hall and Bear Crawl back.

Mosey to the lot with quick Mary

PAX: Frugal, Grease Trap, Money Shot, High Flyer, Red Skull, Big Stick, Prevac, JK, Too Tall, Venus, and your Qly.

Prayers: Grease Trap gettin’ the ole snip today.

Wall of Truth

16 beauts for chest day.

PAX: Bag of Ants, Cathy from Korea Town, Retainer,  Master Splinter, Big Stick, PSL, Yard Sale,  Big Perm, Dupree, AR, Movin On Up, Dine N’ Dash, Mayhem, Fantastic Dmish, FTTA, yours Q’ly.

– Partner 1 holds a coupon in a wall sit while Partner 2 does 25 Bulgarian split-squats on one side
– Switch and repeat until each partner has done 50 on each leg

– Partner 1 holds a coupon in a wall sit while Partner 2 does 25 derkins
– Switch and repeat until each partner has done 50 total derkins

– Jump back into Bulgarians until each partner has done 100 total each leg. Eventually stopped for time but each group should have finished at least 75 each side

– Partner 1 does 10 skater squats (5 each leg)
– Partner 2 does 10 runner squats (5 each leg)
– Switch and repeat x2

1 person in the middle doing max curls with 45lb bb. Minimum 20 reps. Rest of the group on MARY. Mix of:

      • Seated flutter
      • Captain Thor
      • Steel blades
      • Superman
      • Big Boys
      • Plank
      • Shoulder tap high plan
      • J-Lo
      • Scorpian

COT: White Russians dad has recovered. Ocho Cinco lost his mom this week to cancer. Prevac’s son diagnosed with Crohn’s, Bagger’s friend also diagnosed with Crohn’s, DND’s bride about to have kid #3. YHC encouraged PAX to commit to confessing sin to each other, praying for each other, and making this community about more than working out. YHC confessed he hasn’t been the best example of patience in his home this week. I pray we can be leaders in our homes as much as we try to be at work, in church, and in our communities.

Mumble Chatter:
Artsy Fartsy murals, recycling, trump straws, playing basketball over the age of 30, global warming, and dmish likes it rough.


11 to put the race in racetrack this morning.

Flying Tomato, Black Widow, Atlas, Backlash, Old Hickory, CAPSLOCK, Bedpan, Egg Bowl, Red Skull, Umbrella, Tampa Libra (QIC)

SSH x30
Slow-and-low AirDrama x20
Lbac / reverse x15
Shoulder press x50
Spider lunge x10


    • Split into 2 groups
    • Each group grabs a 25lb coupon
    • Indian Run to the parking lot

Group 1:
20 merkins / 1 PAX low plank with coupon on back
wait for the  6 in a low merkin hold
Sprint to the opposite end of the lot

Group 2
20 WWI  / 1 PAX hollow hold with coupon on back
wait for the 6 in a hollow hold
Sprint to the opposite end of the lot

Following the same pattern: Group 1 does 19 WWI / Group 2 does 19 merkin’s and so forth down to 1.

Indian Run to the field with coupon

  • Each group lined up shoulder-to-should and on their 6.
  • 3-count American Hammer with coupon, pass to the left and then back down. Repeat.
  • 3-count American Hammer x2 with coupon, pass to the left and then back down. Repeat
  • High plank position. Keeping hips steady, pull the coupon through to the next PAX, all the way down and back. Repeat.
  • Sprint the loop
  • Repeat the above x2

Mosey to the lot for some quick mobility work, WMH, Good Mornings, and we’re done.

Announcements: PennyLoafers Bride had her procedure yesterday and all went well. Hoping for release today but it’s likely tomorrow.

Umbrella is starting a book club, likely 2 Fridays a month. Time and location TBD.

Jaden and Will

2 of Nashville’s most handsome and bearded PAX showed out for a variety of ruck exercises.

PAX: T-CELL & Tampa Libra

Ruck mosey to the track

Partner 1: Wall sit with repeated ruck front raises
Partner 2: Sprint the track 1 loop sans ruck
Switch and repeat

Partner 1: Hollow hold
Partner 2: Farmer carry two rucks length of the field and back
Switch and repeat
Rinse and repeat for 3 rounds

Partner 1: Plank of choice w/ruck
Partner 2: 10 merkins w/ruck
Switch and repeat
Reverse ladder 10-1

Partner 1: Low plank w ruck pull through
Partner 2: Lt. Dan half the field and back
Switch and repeat

Partner 1: High pull w/ruck
Partner 2: Double time ruck 1 loop

Finished off with a single arm alternating ruck curl ladder 1-5 then 5-1.

Both PAX going through the adoption process. We prayed for our families and for the children God has planned to add to them.


Tardy Party

Turbo, Play, Lockbox, Popalock, Red Skull, Frugal, Prevac, Boy Band, Black Lung, Venus, Razorback, Floppy Disk, Too tall, Tampa Libra

QIC did not sleep well, wasn’t feeling 100%, and forgot his gloves making him a few minutes late. YHC apologized for being tardy and jumped into the beatdown. Modified for time and my personal energy level but I think it was still an effective full body scorcher.

After a quick trip to the weight room, we mosied to the field with barbells in tow. Floppy and Boy Band suggested it would be funny to arrive at the field with barbells just to immediately return them back to the weight room, repeating with various weight room equipment. Alas, that was not the plan.

– 20 curls + row
– 20-yard lieutenant dan’s. Barbell in back squat, front squat, or overhead form all acceptable.
– Sprint the remaining length of the field
– 15 merkins

– 15 upright row + lateral raise
– 20-yard lieutenant dan’s.
– Sprint the remaining length of the field
– 15 merkins

– 10 single leg RDL (each leg)
– 20-yard lieutenant dan’s.
– Sprint the remaining length of the field
– 15 merkins

– 20 skull crushers. Rinse and repeat.
– 20-yard lieutenant dan’s.
– Sprint the remaining length of the field
– 15 merkins

Quick loop on the bleachers, up twice down twice.

Circle up for Mary pt. 1
– 10 windshield wipers each way (holding barbell overhead)
– 10 overhead barbell situps
– Roughly 45-second hollow hold (again, with barbell overhead)

Quickly return bars to the weight room and circle up for 20 IC American Hammers and 15 IC Flutters.

It was a beautiful morning, cold, but the skies were clear and it was nice to see the city from #thehill. My prayer is that we can encourage, push, and make each other better as men this week the same way we do when we workout. Ask the Spirit to put each other on our hearts and when that happens I challenge you to reach out with a text or Slack message just to say what’s up and let your brothers know you’re thinking about them.

In the words of the American poet Khaled Mohamed Khaled – Bless Up!

Welcome to Miami

14 of F3’s finest came out for a glorious 55-degree morning in the Hall.  CCR regaled us with tales of Miami, Predators, and airplane wardrobe changes. Walter White edged out PSL in a foot race. And someone released some heinous anus on the basketball courts. So yeah, you could say it was a glorious morning.

CCR, Dilly Dilly, Hollowback Girl, Too Tall, Vegemite, CAPSLOCK, PSL, Accounts Receivable,  Razorback, Frank and Beans, Black Lung, Walter White, YHC Tampa Libra

Warmup: Mosey the loop then circle up for SSHx9, WMHx9, Good Morningsx9 Hillbilliesx15, Squatsx15, Air Pressesx30, CDDx9.

10-minute AMRAP – 15 swing set leg curls, 9 inverted rows, 15 hand-release pushups, run the loop

10-minute AMRAP – 9 box jumps, 5 pullups, 9 swing set arm curls, run the loop

Swing set arm curl to failure

Mosey to the lot and split into two groups for sprints. Second person in line holds in pushup position, rest of the line air squats, first person sprints and tags #2 who does a pushup before taking off.

Started off Mary with a little mobility work, heard lots of mumble chatter about yoga and jazzercise but it seems to die down as the pain set it.

Finished with 50 heel touches each side and a 10,8,6,4,2 ladder of around the worlds.

Announcements: CCR put out a plug for 4:13 Strong

Prayers: Hollowback Girl’s mother-in-law has been in the hospital for a spell (2 weeks?), praise for Black Lung’s dad leaving the hospital today. Prayers for our city. Over 400 churches of various faiths and backgrounds are joining together to devote the month of February to prayer and fasting for our city.

Tampa, out.