Leg Day

29 of Crieve Hall’s best for a perfect morning in the gloom.

PAX: Dupree, Prevac, CCR, PSL, FloppyD, FTTA, Big Perm, Movin On Up, Yardsale, Boy Band, J/K, Atlas, OchoCinco, Faulkner, Bueller, Venus, The Bell, DillyD, AR, Brother At Law, Edibles, Too Tall, Grizz, FNG Laettner, Adios, School Girl, White Russian, Sandman, and yours Q-ly TampaLibra.

Q had to quickly modify the entire workout for 29 PAX, should have known though given the recent headcount. Grab a coupon and mosey to the hill for the Thang:

Part I: 7’s with squats at the bottom and burpee pullups at the top. Backpedal up the hill.

Flutters, APD’s, Hammers and planks for the 6.

Part II: 10min AMRAP
10 Bulgarians Split Squats (each leg) with coupon, 10 box jumps, with a 10 4-count flutter speed bump coming back.

BoyBand with the commentary that today’s workout was heavy on the legs.

Part III: Partner up. 5 Swing Set knee to chest, 5 pikes, RR while partner runs the baseball loop. Flop.

Mary: flutter, heel touch, around the world, and a bit of mobility work with fire hydrant variations. MC turned to grunts after the 2nd round of fire hydrants.

Finish up with 20 jump squats and COT.

The Bell requested prayers for his mother who has fallen several times in the past 24hrs.

Prevac’s 2.0 has been diagnosed with Crohn’s.

Prayers for all the wives dealing with health issues.

Sept 14 – 5yr anny. Goal: 200 PAX.

Welcome FNG Laettner. Go Cats.