Filipino Fthursday

AO: atlantis
Q: Firefox
PAX: Pole Dancer, CubCadet, Toothless
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Practically tropical

WARMUP: Mosey around the parking lot, each PAX carrying a 25lb bag of rice.
15 x SSHs
15 x LBAC
15 x RLBAC
15 x Air Press + Calf Raises
OYO WMHs and GMs

THE THANG: Continuing on from Filipino Friday at Bomber, we listened to a playlist of Filipino/Filipino-American/Half-Filipino artists and made good use of our rice bag coupons.

Thang 1: Partner exercises.
Partners faced each other on opposite sides of a picnic bench (short dimension) and did step-ups at the same time, passing a rice bag at the top of their step-up. Approx 3 min to The Little Ones “Argonauts”

Partners were on their six, toe-to-toe and did sit-ups, passing the rice bag at the top of the sit-up. Approx 3:50 min to Bruno Mars’s “Locked Out of Heaven”.

Partners faced each other standing and did squats, passing the rice bag when standing. Approx 3:30 min to Enrique Iglesias’s “Bailamos”.

Thang 2: Filipino Trivia. PAX did reps of an exercise based on various Filipino-related stats.
– 120x (each) Mountain Climbers for the over 120 languages spoken in the Philippines
– 333x (collective) Plank Jacks for the number of years of Spanish colonial rule
– 48x (each) V-ups for the number of years of American colonial rule
– 330x (collective) Freddie Mercurys for the number of pounds of rice consumed by the average Filipino in a year (Americans eat ~27 lbs per year)
– 78x (each) LBCs for the percentage of Roman Catholics in the Philippines
– 16x (each) Decline Merkins for the number of Filipino presidents (there were actually 17, 1 before their official independence)
– 58x (each) Merkins for the number of pesos to a US dollar (plus 10 penalty burpees)
– 16x (each) Burpees for the number of million metric tons of rice consumed in the Philippines per year (plus 10 penalty burpees)
– 50x Fire Hydrants (each, per leg) because I ran out of prepared stats
– 1 minute Hollow Body Hold because.

MOLESKINE: Rice bags really hold up as coupons.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Check Slack/Calendar

– A round of gratitude
– Health and safety for Toothless’s mother-in-law, CubCadet’s father-in-law, Pole Dancer’s friend’s M
– Congrats to Toothless on new beginnings!