
AO: atlantis
Q: Grape , Oatmeal, sooner, Tea Party, Pole Dancer
PAX: Oatmeal, sooner, Tea Party, Pole Dancer
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Indigenous peoples run with a disc

THE THANG: Ultimate, 3v2, Pole Dancer and Tea Party traded off being full time offense

MOLESKINE: there were some amazing catches, lots of diving, some questionable rules (always), and tons of fun. Oatmeal and sooner won, and they both had Pole Dancer and Tea Party on their team at some point, so I was the only true loser. To add insult to injury, YHC lost his car keys in the big field, and is typing this BB from the back of an Uber. Live and learn.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 9/11 and 9/14

COT: prayers for God to be in control