1500 Meter Swim

AO: atlantis
Q: SalPal
PAX: Pole Dancer, Toothless, Puzzlah, Three Stooges, Cable News, Schnauzer, Wolfpack, Tea Party
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: F*cking swampy as sh*t

WARMUP: Assorted delays to make sure we had all HCs

THE THANG: 1 Mile swim to Frothy Monkey with playing in traffic, DORA @ Frothy Monkey (51 burpees, 51 diamond merkins, 51 jump squats), swim back, DC mary.

MOLESKINE: Really grateful for the way this group has come together. I always enjoy my Ramblin’ Joes with my F3 bros.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Pikachu Move, Gulliver, September events.

COT: Parents and families navigating adoption & fostering.